Lalita Madhava Das

4 years, 1 month ago by LalitaMadhavadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Jay Sita-Ram, Laksman, Hanuman

Please accept my safe obeisances dear guruji

Thank you very much for reading my words

We are in good health, still saved from the virus

Together with manjulali DD we have been distributing prasadam door to door since March due to Covid. (maybe that's why ISKCON doesn't want us in their ranks)

Since March, neither the previous nor the current administration has communicated with us to find out if we are fired or not allowed to continue serving the restaurant.

HpS - ASA -- ! 😮 !

We still cannot legally formalize our relationship. because of the difficult hours for marriage here in the country.

HpS - Krsna knows your committment.

Sad days and hopeful days, without doing service to the deities in the temple, but all our sacrifice is for you and Krishna.

HpS - All we can do is to try to pass it on to Krsna. He is certainly a good general who does not wast the efforts of any soldiers.

We still want to be good devotees ☺️

The music, preparing a second recording, a meera Bhai bhajan (instrumental with video).

HpS - Yadunandana Swami organized a colloquia with one Professor friend for the students while we were teaching in Radha desa, Belgium He was pretty good expert, maybe 55 years. He said that many more Bhajans were written by Mira bhai after se died than when she was alive. Ha! Ha! People used her name. As we know, Srila Prabhupada liked her, but little hard to present her rigidly yet as entertainment and to reach certain people seems O.K.

Studying carnatic (southern Indian) music on the mandolin, an instrument designed in Chennai to play Indian music.

Waiting I still considered myself his student

At your safe service

Lalita Madhava Das 

HpS - So very nice to hear from you! I have to quote from Bhima after he killed Dhusasana, ripped open his chest and 'drank his blood' and then them covered his corpse with a cloth with Draupadi and said, "Farewell cousin, we were not born to be happy!".

Yet we can be happy under the shelter of Krsna if we realize the purpose of this world!

More News!! Kapi Dhvaja SUnday.

Why human being feels puzzled most often?

4 years, 1 month ago by diptamurti.das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Pamho, agtsp.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

I am disciple of HH Bhakti charu Guru maharaj.

I needed to take enough guidance as a part of my spiritual life. So thought to write this letter.

Maharaj fear has been a integral part of my life. So internally I am not progressing or may be I am little puzzled. From childhood still today, I have been survived our of abuse, threat and surrounding taught me many lesson.

In 2015 year we took some hurried decision that for we are repenting now. How I would tolerate and convince my mind to tolerate? We purchased a flat for thinking that we can have our material shelter to protect my wife, who is from a Vaishnav background. My parents threatened her. We were not allowed to go home without paying and expending a lot for a party. Worst was they thought to give us in police custody. I could not tolerate and took that decision to purchase a housing in loan EMI. We have tolerated each single day pain for achieving this. But we could not stay here due to my transferable job.

We are requesting our brother to stay freely and take care, he is not agreed, though he is wasting parents and my earning money staying in Bhubaneswar rented house with friends. Due to not staying there in flat, it is being infected by termites and many problems. We are hopeless how we can compensate if not how we can convince ourself to tolerate.

Each time this representation is killing me.

Plz suggest something for my affirmation, which I can carry forward to obey.

Yours servant,

Diptamurti Das

HpS - Hare Krsna! Very nice to meet you Diptamurti Das. I am not giving suggestion that I have not tried again and again in very painful situations!!! Risked my lie following this solution. Of course it is declaration of Sastra also: Chant Hare Krsna, and Krsns will give you intelligence how to deal with the world. He did not give Arjuna and special weapons. He gave him transcendental intelligence.

Yes, Abhimanyu had to die early in the battle, but there was a reason behind it. Especially if you are approaching Srila Prabhupada, Bh. Caru Swami et al, then you have some sincere consciousness and you should know that Krsna is watching you and as things happen look to them as arrangement by Krsna for you. If He wants you to leave this body like M. Pariksit, then it is time to go and He will protect you.

For any detailed advice you have to talk with people who know you and your situation in detail.

Thank you.

See you soon.

New steep! 1728+++,sankirtan?

4 years, 1 month ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Dear Guru Maharaja ♥ ️ ♥ ️😍

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Thank you very much for this incredible devotional life that You has given me, full of challenges and progress in different aspects of my life.

HpS - I hope we have been able to help in the gift but real giver is Srila Prabhupada and your Sankirtan Gurus like Maha-visnu Swami, no??

Now I am in Vrndavan, (the external aspect), yesterday I married my wife at the house of Mukunda Datta das and was HH Bhakti Dhira Dhamodar Swami, and several disciples of Srila Prabhupada, it was a small but very significant ceremony.

HpS - Super! Next Ashrama. How many kids do you have? It has already been four days!!! Get to work you lazy devil! Are they in University? Got PhD in micro-biology?? 😁

My GBC Guru Prasadh (Prasada) Swami gave me the blessings after all that I have gone through to try to establish myself in the ashram (it was not easy 3, very difficult years). Mahatma Prabhu was not in agreement but we spoke with the GBC and reached an agreement. a crazy but very enriching story. 

HpS - The tele-novela of VKD and his bride! Maybe it will be in the next Bhagavatam.

Now we are planning to do the sankirtan December marathon with my wife soon in Delhi with the blessings of Gopal Krsna Maharaja who is going to provide us with apartments to the Flourma sankirtan group that we have here in Vrndavan.

HpS - Very nice! What is your esteemed wife's name?

 I got back up to Mangalaratik and I have never stopped my rounds, my principles have become strong, Vrndavan is a very heavy Guru, he makes me pay for everything very hard, so I feel good about this great opportunity.

HpS - Prabhodananda Sarasvati, Vrndavana Dhama Mahimamrta: I know many books, I know many teacher, but as far as I am concerned, I know no teacher like Vrndavana Dhama!!!

 Gurudeva I am in family activities, growing economically, and I am not clear when I can move from Vrndavan, for now, it suffers but it is enjoyed,

thank you for your time and support, beloved Gurudeva. 

Dear Gurudeva, our Home had no deities, and we felt very empty, so we asked the blessings of HH BDD Maharaja and Mukunda Datta Prabhu who recommended us not to buy them, but to pray for it to manifest, in our marriage some devotees from Harinama They brought this Giriraj to serve her (photo attached), Mukunda Datta told us that we could worship Him as Radha Giridhari, dear Gurudeva please give us your blessings to serve Him and make some progress in our relationship with the Supreme Personality of God and his servants.

HpS - Awk! If you are not strict in your Brahminical life, Giriraja my kill you or your wife or your kids, in college or... He is tough guy. Better to get Gaura-Nitai to start!! They LOVE Kirtana and Bhoga!!

Dear Gurudeva please bless me for keep day by day Focused in Krsna Conciesnes in our Devotional service

His servant Vrajendra Kumara das

HpS - Thank you!!!!!! Go ahead. Steady, useful sankirtan service. Kids.

Report to gurudeva

4 years, 1 month ago by nicintya1 in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Pravupad.

All Glories to Sripada Maharaj.

All Glories to Guru Maharaj Dear Guru Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet.

HpS - Jaya, but we have lettuce feet! Still trying to reawaken our lotus feet, and you? Are you Kanishta, Madhyama or Uttama Adhikari?

I am Nicintya nityai DD from Imphal.

Could not write to you regularly, my apologies to you.

HpS - Well, we thank you very much for your apologies but.... it only takes away part of the pain in our heart not to hear from you regularly. Krsna must feel this also when we do not chant regularly!!

Hope you are good, I am also doing well.

HpS - Hmmm! We have been doing well and not well. We have had very, very, very elevated Pitta, fire, in our body for a few days, and now it seems to be going down a little. Really death is staring us in the face (but He is smiling with a some challenge].

Because of pandemic, this year has been difficult to go to the temple and attend SB class or go for nagar kirtan ,also missed the association of the devotees but i am performing morning and evening pujah at home and chanting regularly.

HpS - Super. Every obstacle that we encounter in our devotional service is a chance from Krsna to advance. Learn how to be a Temple community through communication rather than sticks and stones. The more you chant, do puja, the more inspiration Krsna will give you to become a devotee on the level of Narada Muni!! It is guaranteed.

Dear Guru Maharaj , as your B'day is near i wish you get closer to the the Lord Krishna. Your fallen servant Nicintya nityai devi dasi.

HpS - Thank you.. More news regularly.