News from Sri Govardhan in Ekadasi

3 years, 8 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Gurudev,

Please accept our humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Here we are, still alive in the Iskcon family, struggling to practice Bhakti Yoga. 16R/4P ok.

Thank you so much for the virtual asincronic sanga, the nectar of our life!! Your siksa is priceless, an inconmensurable mercy, an answer to many lifetimes prayers!! Nama om Vishnu Padaya...

HpS - Thank you, but you can see that we cannot answer all these letters timely because we are hold, small and also some laziness in our character. Still old letters are like old Prasadam. 😊

I feel grateful for living amongst devotees. Whatever suffering I have to endure in this material life I want to experience it with them. Great opportunity for purification!!

My good wife Julieta is pregnant!!

HpS - Congratulations. Not an ordinary person.

We are so happy with this news!! We asked for your blessings in our annual report!! We didn't get an answer but we felt they arrived!! 

Krishna is so merciful!! 

We start to contemplate our service from a broad perspective!! We meditate on this everyday. We feel happy, although sometimes exhausted, angry or bored. But we see a clear path in our life. Of course death can arrive at every second, we take that in account!! Everyday is a preparation for that moment. 

Srila Prabhupada save us all!! I only want to contribute to his mission!!

I miss your vapuh association!! Probably we will visit you in Spain and then India.

Thank you Gurudev!! You push us forward!!

Immensely grateful,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - ASA --- Not an ordinary baby! How is the road??? Muddy?


Hare Krishna Gurudev,

 Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias,

 Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada,

 Aquí estamos, todavía vivos en la familia iskcon, luchando por practicar bhakti yoga. 16R4P bien.

 ¡¡Muchas gracias por la sanga virtual asincrónica, el néctar de nuestra vida !! ¡Su siksa no tiene precio, una misericordia inconmensurable, una respuesta a las oraciones de muchas vidas! Nama om Vishnu Padaya ...

 Me siento agradecido por vivir entre devotos. Cualquier sufrimiento que tenga que soportar en esta vida material, quiero experimentarlo con ellos. Gran oportunidad de purificación !!

 ¡¡Mi buena esposa Julieta está embarazada !! ¡¡Estamos muy contentos con esta noticia !! ¡¡Le pedimos sus bendiciones en nuestro informe anual !! No obtuvimos respuesta pero sentimos que llegaron !!

 ¡Krishna es tan misericordioso!

 ¡¡Empezamos a contemplar nuestro servicio desde una perspectiva amplia !! Meditamos en esto todos los días. Nos sentimos felices, aunque a veces agotados, enojados o aburridos. Pero vemos un camino claro en nuestra vida. Por supuesto que la muerte puede llegar a cada segundo, ¡¡lo tenemos en cuenta !! Cada día es una preparación para ese momento.

 ¡¡Srila Prabhupada nos salvó a todos !! ¡¡Solo quiero contribuir a su misión !!

 ¡¡Extraño su asociación vapuh !! Probablemente lo visitaremos en España y luego en India.

 ¡¡Gracias Gurudev !! ¡¡Usted nod empuja hacia adelante !!

 Inmensamente agradecido,

 Nikunja Bihari das.

Denounces Radha Carana Dasi (Rosa Evelyn Dominguez) from El Salvador/Panamá

3 years, 8 months ago by louise_jayasri in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - ASA - AgtSP. First let us apologize for not responding to your previous post and this post more quickly. We could edit any text that we thought was not correct for this Blog but we could not edit the photos. So, we had to ask our Blog manager to give us the facility to edit photos before publishing posts. Took some time and then glancing at the attached photos they really did seem inappropriate for this Blog.

First, I would like to clarify the importance of this report as a warning to the Vaishnava community and not as unfounded criticism. I have added to my text the experience that devotee Jagad Bandhu from Panama had with Radha Carana more than 6 years ago before she lived in India, which shows that there has not been much improvement since then as long as my experience dates from September 2019 to May 2021.

HpS - This then starts off with a function that this Blog is completely incapable of handling: Public, documented, denunciation of members of the community. This Blog is like the group of people who come up after a lecture to discuss in more detail some of the points presented to the general audience in the lecture.

If more personal discussions are needed then they can be arranged after the topics have been dealt with in the public forums and then small group forum like this Blog.

Mangalananda Das in BsAs. told us a few years ago that after like six years he had realized that I was his Diksa guru and not his psychologist.

Please bring up the topic in a general fashion if you want to write our incompetent selves again and then we can see in general how we can help.

An example of this is how we were able to deal with questions that devotees had about divorce:

Honestly, you seem like a very competent person, so if you persist in taking shelter of Srila Prabhupada in his Yoga and applying your intelligence to these challenges I think you will be not only capable of solving them but doing it in an exemplary manner.

ASA - Then we have deleted about 150-line document that follows without reading it but which seems to be very systematically presented.


In the Material Ocean

3 years, 8 months ago by sacinandan das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay

My husband and I (Marina) use the same email and therefore we also share the same account on the blog.

HpS-ASA - Maybe you were twins in your last lifetime?

I had previously written you a letter, but ended up deleting it because it didn't seem to me to say anything revealing, please excuse me for that.

ASA - 😎

I am currently 3:40 hours on the way from Sri Radha Madhan Gopal Temple. I perform a service a week of washing the last Saturday afternoon paraphernalia, entering at 6:30 and leaving at 9:15 PM. By the grace of Lord Nityananda I have permission to stay that night and the next day (Sunday) I get up a little earlier to sing a few rounds before mangala.

HpS - So, so, so nice. Like Santa Rosa of Lima or such.

I take darshan of the Lordships from him, sing and usually there is always mercy to cover some garland service for Gurus or Goura Nitay. I listen to the Caitanya Caritamrita class and after honoring Prasadam I return to the city of Cuautla Morelos.

HpS - With your pistol full of bullets of Lord Caitanya's mercy! Anyone just sees you they get benefit!

These months have been very difficult tests, and when I think that the storm has finally passed, giant waves arrive again.

HpS - Take the rope!!! (16x4) If you are chanting 16-rounds and following 4-principles under Srila Prabhupada's authority then you are connected to Krsna. Yes. The waves will come, but there is a big difference between being in the waves holding onto a rope connected to a good boat, or dry land, and tumbling in them without it.

Hold your breath and the waves will pass and you can come up for air.

Gasp! Gasp! Gasp!

Krsna keeps pulling us out of the water from His end and we keep moving up the rope from our end. As we get closer to the shore the waves get smaller.

My father, Gilberto Rendón Ortíz, left the body on February 19 of this year. You may remember him at a conference that took place in Mexico City at Krishna west. I approached him to introduce him to him and my dad began to talk about me unstoppable, like that from a very young age I did not want to eat chicken because chickens suffered. Anyway. The loss of my father was just the beginning of a series of unfortunate events that continue to haunt me to this day.

HpS - Why unfortunate?! Your dad had too much conditioning to become a full time devotee instantly, so Krsna took Him to Nabadvipa to live there! O.K.? You want him back here??

My family, my marriage, my friends. My rounds, those have improved. It is very paranormal how the holy name has an extraordinary FLAVOR when one takes the position of a helpless baby calling his mother.

I remember a lot how you at the airport made the comment to me that I should follow the example of Kunti Devi, she straightened her back and raised her head in a sober and elegant way. Now every time I have big problems I remember that scene a lot and I try to get up and give thanks because thanks to those problems the image of Krishna, Kunti, Radha Madhan Gopal, Prabhupada and You come to my mind. You are my strength and my only true refuge. Thanks.

HpS - We are just a mailman, and not perfect, but seems we are doing a ---little--- the real Guru who you are experiencing is Srila Prabhupada. Don't doubt that he directly experiences your efforts to be a hero in Kali yuga. A lot of people depend on you.

It takes me a bit of work to connect to the internet, because in order to do so I have to go out in the dark and do a little circus to get a good signal. The FMP is truly nectarean thank you very much!

Please I would like to ask you if it is important to have a fire ceremony for my dad? I have read in the book of samskaras that these fire ceremonies were highly effective in the past, because they were performed by true brahmins and also because it was the sacrifice of those ages. But now the only true sacrifice is the chanting of the Holy Name.

HpS - Fire sacrifice not necessary. Send his picture and little bio-data her so we can all think of him and chant and offer that music to him! That is very best.

Can you please tell me how can I help you?

HpS - You seem to be very much on the right path. I think it would be impossible unless you had been a devotee in a previous life. Maybe you were a monk in your last life and you've come to finish off your material desires in this life and got the mercy of Lord Caitanya's incarnation!

Thank you very much for your tolerance and patience.

Your always well-wisher and aspiring Marina Rendón.

ASA - 🐒



Particulas de servicio

3 years, 8 months ago by sacinandan das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Sankirtan movement.

Through this I would like to give renewed thanks to your wonderful person, for being a source of inspiration and blessing to such a conditioned soul (it takes a strong machine to drag with this heap of junk).

By Krishna's mercy we remain in the book distribution service in association with some great Sankirtaneros, Madhava Syam Das from Uruguay and Nrisimhananda Das from Chile.

We visit some provinces of Mexico in April and May, their association for me are incomparable opportunities in life.

The results of these two months of sankirtan were 870 pocket books and 8 Bhagavad Gitas, total that I beg you to accept at your lotus feet and please continue to give me the mercy to continue in this wonderful service.


HpS-ASA - Super, Wonderful!! The credit goes so much to Srila Prabhupada directly and also to all of us in our places in his ISKCON.

I humbly ask you to forgive my offenses and apologize for being disconnected from online programs, the sadhana of sankirtan is understood by very few and even some are confused. I pray at her feet as Jasmine for her forgiveness I will continue fighting "NETI NETI".

His eternal servant Sacinandan Das

HpS - I am not sure what your comments about the Sadhana of Sankirtan is understood by very few.... but so, so, so many times, and as equally manifest by GREAT Sankirtan devotees like Tripurari Swami, Vaisesika Das, we should learn how the regular Japa and 4-principles during Brahma muhurta and nice Mangala arati with Kirtan, reading SB etc. are the best way to improve our Sankirtan, no? Respects to your partners! I think you have another exciting letter... :>>>


Looking Forward

3 years, 8 months ago by [email protected] in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Sorry, I only now realized that my letter to you is now here in this blog. Thank you Maharaj for the reply.

Yes I grew up in Switzerland but with Ecuadorian roots.

Some years ago I was traveling and visiting friends in Mexico, Ecuador.... Actually I only wanted to stay for a few months. I ended up spending almost 4 years in Mexico and got stuck there :) . So as a vegetarian in a really meat culture country you are looking for good places to eat, friends told me: Hey, you as a vegetarian, go check out the food at the Krishna Temple!

So that was the beginning. Now when I think back I realize how powerful Prasadam is. Unconsciously I have stopped bad habits like drinking alcohol and smoking at this time.

Prasadam. ki jaiii!

Thank you for the nice lectures and Mangala Aratis in GoToMeeting. I will try to be there as best I can, just sometimes a bit difficult because of the different time zones

Answers to the A,B,C questions

HpS - This is from guru-tattva.txt in our website?

A: Yes i agree this is a good poin,t finish this duties, chant 16 rounds , follow the 4 principles and then get personal instructions.


B: 1- I agree with all the points mentioned

  a: Yes i chant more than 1 year 16 rounds of course it is an up and down with the mind during chapa , i try my best to chant sincerely.

   b: Yes , i was also following the four regulative principles strictly

   c: Yes, during my stay in the temple, I was able to keep that. Outside the temple i get up before 5am and chant my 16 rounds and read prabhupada's books. Now i decidet to go back again to live in the Temple.

   d: Krishna Premarupa Prabhu


  e: Dear Srila Prabhupada,

 please accept my humble obeisances

Your mercy is so infinite that you have come to preach Krishna consciousness to the world. After so many meaningless lives, seeking happiness in senseless things, now i have this opportunity to practice devotional service. Please accept me as your humble eternal servant and forgive me for all the offenses I have committed in my ignorance.


C: Some of this points we had in the guru-disciple course and have been informed. I also agree that the GBC is the Ultimate Administrative Authority in ISKCON.

We have to try to be an example and give our best.

with kind regards

your humble servant Bh.Dave

HpS - So, do you want to become an initiated student of Srila Prabhupada and his movement?


Seeking Blessings for Marriage

3 years, 8 months ago by gauragadadhara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.

HpS - ASA -- Agt The Assembled Devotees. So nice to hear from you after such a long time. AYou still a Dhama-vasi! Is that the result of all your years of austerity?

Greetings from Sridham Mayapur. I hope you and everyone are in good health.

Guru Maharaj, As conveyed by Laxmana-agra-ja Prabhu to you, The auspicious date for Yajna for my marriage to Vira Gopal Prabhu has been confirmed by the astrologer for 22nd of August 2021.

HpS/ASA - Jaya! (at 31-minutes)

I humbly seek your permission and blessings of all the Vaishnava's and God siblings for the same.

My future husband, who is a disciple of H. H. Krsna Kshetra Swami, is also desirous to introduce himself to you , please advise If that's o. k., and how he may establish communication.

Your humble servant

Gaura Gadadhara Dasi

HpS - Jaya! Yes, of course. We are very happy to talk with Prabhuji by What'sapp. Laksmana. a. Das has our contact number.

Of course, he will have to shoot the eye of the fish suspended from the ceiling to win such a valuable daughter in marriage, no?
