Pranams from New Govinda dham

3 years, 8 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

all glories to HH Grace Hanumatpresaka

all glories to his Divine grace a.c. Bhaktivedanta swami Prabhupada.

Glories to Jaya Sri Sri Radha Giridhari.

As your instructions, you wanted me to keep you informed of my sadhana at the San Diego temple.

I'm getting so much support from an ever expanding community and feel that I'm learning the most important knowledge that there is.

Hopefully I can download some pics and you'll get an idea how vital the temple is to ones advancement

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 7:15 Pm is Bhagavad Gita classes.
  • And daily Srimad Bhagavatam classes.
  • Thursday's are for farm Seva
  • Friday's are shopping days for bhoga and sometimes prasadum and book distribution
  • Saturdays are Mridanga lessons and Harinam at the board walk at Pacific beach.also so fortunate to do deity back-up my favorite service.
  • And since the temple has reopened more, the Sunday program is popular along with the Bhaki Lounge on Thursday evenings.

It's wonderful to see the temple full of activities and everyone happy to see each other again after such a long time of isolation.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Paoho. We made it to Houston and the Temple is open for the morning program but with face masks. It is a challenge to us as we are very sensitive to Carbon Dioxide poisoning. As a child we passed out in church when surrounded big ladies. (Nice ladies).

So, so, many programs.

Adapting to new habits.

Many new advantages and deficiencies.

Sorry mail response little slow but looks like we, you-me, can make it to the next station!!

I feel vary happy and am surprised that they are able to tolerate this fool.

You're time is most important with all that you're handling.

And everyone tells me how their life has changed after being in service to Guru and Krsna.

I can't imagine how I'd go about serving Guru but am able to take instructions.

You're plans for the future are ambitious, if there's any thing I can help with please let me know.

Your aspiring 🐕 Mike jarvis

HpS - You correspondences are super useful. Serving Guru means serving Srila Prabhupada and his disciples in proper perspective. Ultimately, 'trnad api sahisnuna', it means seeing that all living entities are our Gurus. Of course, that is an advanced stage of purification, but we can make rapid progress.

How is the Dayanidhi Das et al?

Avesa rupa Das Deja Cuerpo.

3 years, 8 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

AgtSP. Paoho. Acabamos de recibir una foto de Jayanta Das del cuerpo más reciente de Avesa Rupa Das, titulada: Se ha ido tranquilo.

Esperamos tener la asociación de Prabhu en el futuro. ¡Es una persona inspiradora de Sankirtan!

jagannath swami nayana patha gami bhavatu me

3 years, 8 months ago by jambavati dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Nitay Goura premanande!!

Querido y siempre recordado Gurudev, por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias,

Todas las Glorias a SRILA PRABHUPADA!!!

Recuperando poco a poco la movilidad de mi mano derecha, y también agradeciendo infinitamente su misericordia sin causa,

hacia esta inútil sirvienta suya, pues gracias a una gotita de su misericordia pude recibir el amparo y protección del Señor Jaganath!!

... hace casi 2 meses cuando mi padre se estaba quedando unos días en casa de mi hermana, se les escapó de la casa, cómo resultado mi padre se infectó de Covid, contagiando a toda la familia, ... me lo tuve que llevar de regreso al cuarto que se le alquila para su cuarentena ... fué una temporada muy desoladora pues quedé sola atendiendo a mi padre con una sola mano, limpiarlo, darle de comer,

mi padre perdía la lucidez no sabía dónde se encontraba, al punto que yo tenia que llevarlo al baño, perdió el apetito y la tos no lo dejaba ni de día ni de noche,

.. pasé muchas noches sin dormir por cuidarlo, cocinando los alimentos, llevándolo al centro médico .... estaba muy estresada, muy cansada, el tumor que cargo en la garganta me estaba causando muchos problemas,

.... de pronto en mi mente se empezó a manifestar el rostro de loto del señor Jaganath de las Deidades del templo de México, lo veía a cada momento,

. . . mientras descansaba en las escaleras del pasadizo, me retire la mascarilla y empezé a Órale al Señor Jaganath,

.. le dije que ya no podía más, que necesitaba mucho de su ayuda, "mi hermoso señor de la nariz respingona, y dulce sonrisa, te quiero pedir perdón porque no aprendí a hacerte el tubante, apesar de que tú misericordiosa mente me permitias vestirte y decorarte,,

también te agradezco mucho que me permitiste cuidarte cuando estabas enfermo, y formar parte de esos hermosos pasatiempos que bondadosamente sumerges a todos tus devotos, en el Ratha Yatra,

te pido por favor que me ayudes,

.. pongo en tus manos la salud de mi padre y, que se haga tu voluntad "

.... a los pocos días la doctora dijo que la oxigenación de la sangre estaba normal, y, sus pulmones estaban bien, que mi padre ya no tenía Covid, la tos se le retiró ...Jay!! Jaganath!! ..

Al parecer las Secuelas del virus le afectó la memoria, la visión, y también el sistema nervioso,.. . acaba de recibir las vacunas, ..poco a poco sigue mejorando, ... También, estás circunstancias que pasaron han hecho que mi familia se vuelva más sensible con mi padre, ahora están más al pendiente de él, .. cómo se dice no hay mal que por bien no venga, ... por mi parte sólo puedo darle infinitas gracias Gurudev que toda misericordia puede ocurrir porque ud. ésta orando por nosotros sus hijos, Jay! Gurudev!!

HpS - Reverencias a Vd. Tengo su altar de carton in mi altar, Mono cito y Puerquito. Siempre recordando Vd y su ejemplo de Sankirtan. Leer el libro Krsna a su papa?

Siempre tenemos que recordar qu e Krsna es mejor amigo de todos, su papa.

Si, Krsna quiere el va a nuevo cuerpo, entonces mu bien.

Por que detener en esta cuerpo.

Ayuda Krsna como el quiere.

Hare Krsna.

Hare Krsna!!!!!!!

Muchas gracias su asociacion.

Compartir su misericordia con nosotros como puede.

Life of an B'cari from Bharata

3 years, 8 months ago by purushottam in Personal Sadhana Reports


Respected Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeiscances

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am very grateful for taking out time to reply me.

Currently I am at Darbhanga, Bihar. I sometimes go to Patna ISKCON. Currently there is lockdown over here. Not much movement or preaching. Just doing personal Sadhana and little course works in Sanskrit. I am pursuing it from IGNOU- Indira Gandhi National Open University.

HpS-ASA - !!!

I overheard that for developing the COVID Vaccine, there is use of some ingredient that comes from killing of live human/animal fetus. A similar question was put to you by a devotee in

Where a link with similar claims has been put.

You had replied that you are unable to view the video.

There are many different claims in the video, few of these are-

  1. that it involves tremendous cruelty on human and animals fetus for making the vaccine
  2. there is something called mRNA put in this vaccine which was never done before. This will change the human DNA forever.
  3. There are some nano chips in vaccine which will be utilized to gather information and apply control over human being by Bill Gates and their company- -
  4. Pandemic is more like a hoax with pre planned goal of reducing population and controlling population.

I have heard of involvement of Bill Gates with purpose of reducing population and controlling human being like machines from various other sources. Also there is talk about ILLUMINATI group - I hope you know about them.

I wanted to know- if the Vaccine involves so much violence and cruelty- specially on human and cow fetus, should we go for it? (My heart never allows).

HpS - I think the "nano-chip" claim would be completely absurd, but not looking at the videos. There is so much free access to conspiracy theory in USA [et al] that any real complaints would be supported by accepted medical people. In 'local village' there are:

  • Dr. Ravi P. Singh (NG Das)
  • Viveka narayana (Visnu carana Das)
  • Amit Singh, my primary health care doctor, parents devotees, Gurukula in Canada
  • Dr. Kiran Desai's son, first class heart surgeon from, Atlanta, USA.

None of them are giving any concern about taking vaccine for themselves or relatives in USA or India.

So seems correct to take it.

This time appears to be a time of mishaps- HG Pankajanghri Prabhu leaving us, Fire accident at Radha Govinda temple, Kolkata on 26th April- all deity dress dress and paraphernalia got burnt up and also many other known people passing away ...

Here, I feel little alone, lectures of Srila Prabhupada and Gurudeva are giving some strength. I need your blessings to be in humble state so that I can chant the holy names without offenses.

HpS - Sorry little slow to respond. Honestly your association and pushing Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON in Bharata is very, very, big service to us.

If you chant Krsna will give you chance even like Vibhisana in Lanka!!

Waiting for next report. 🙂 Advice.

Please let me know if I could do any small service for you.

Your aspiring servant,

Purushottam Keshav Das


3 years, 8 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO:

Thank you all so much for your presentation today in Mayapur Español. I couldn't join by zoom but I was listening on Facebook.

I am going to read Carl Jung Kundalini and the Chakras. This will help me in my therapies. I want to preach and help my patients with the service that I give.

HpS - Read it with you psychologist-sister, no??

For me it is really important to understand why sometimes I feel discouraged for no reason. So I found some answers studying Jyotish. I have always found these topics fascinating.

Nevertheless, I do not want to get distracted in my spiritual practices. I guess I should keep a balance.

Any further advice?

Thank you all so much Gurudeva 🌝🐒🙏

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - Yes, do not think that your professional work is material. BG, Arjuna, learned so much 'material' knowledge. Become famous professionally. Happy lady. Very happy lady.

URGENT. HG Radhacharan Das leaves physical body

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Guru Maharaj, H. H. Hanumat Presaka Swami.

Please accept our humble obeisances ay your sweet lotus feet .

HpS - Can you see them? We are still looking for them through the fog! Dog, frog, bee feet?? !

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

I feel numb. Our Temple President HG Radhacharan Das Prabhuji just left his mortal body few hours back. Last week at the ICU, we took Maha-garland prasad, some Ekadasi prasad, Charana-amrita and Charan tulsi.

Prabhuji's condition had not deteriorated severely that time. Few days later CT was taken and Prabhuji developed COVID pneumonia. Yesterday , Prabhuji was given muscle relaxants and was kept on high flow oxygen therapy at ICU .

We lost Prabhuji today, he loved us so much , so compassionate and so gentle. I still treasure the set of masks he gave last year as a gift. How can I ever forget such an exalted Vaishnava?

HpS - Why should we? Did Krsna leave the Brijavasis or give them opportunity for even more real, intense association??

HG Banamali Prabhu and some devotees are going to the residence of Radhacharan Das Prabhuji for Harinam Sankirtan .

Last week we lost our head cook HG Narotama Das Prabhuji to COVID. The second wave here is terrifying. We beg for your mercy Guru Maharaj.

HpS - We already heard from Sriman Yamunesvara Das!! We had so much affection for Narottama Das. We'll they've taken the ship to Peru to do some work, but there will be telegrams, and we will meet again, to satisfy our heart's demands.

We are not attending temple Arti anymore. Everyday we offer Mangal arti to our Sri Gaura Nityai at home. Reading SB , Papa well trolling. Am at 4th canto Sati quits body. ...chapter 4. Attending zoom sessions every Saturday with a group of devotees.

HpS - ASA-Bharata, Mangala-arati Teleconference group? We do it Daily. About 40-devotees daily.

Forgive me Guru Maharaj....took a long time to write to you.....and the news is sad.

It is so difficult to bear....losing Pankajanghri Prabhu....and devotees here. Am too human....we know Krishna has better plans....and devotees will have better service in the spiritual world....but the heart is broken.....

HpS - Will you be one of the maids, childhood girl friends, of Subhadra in your next life and hear of the death of Abhimanyu?? ! Bigger heart-brakes are yet to come, but there is great success in Krsna's arrangements!

We pray to Sri Nrshimha Dev to always protect you dear Guru Maharaj

Your insignificant servant,

Sarad Gaurangi DD

HpS - Our altar attached.

We would like to visit ISKCON Manipur...