Jayanta Madrid (KD-CP)

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada y sus seguidores fieles.

Espero que se encuentre animado cuando lea esta carta.

Seguimos su sankirtan a través del blog. Interesante. En mayor o menor grado solemos tener todos los mismos desafíos.

Lo mas sobresaliente de mi informe es, que después de conocer a Prabhupada a través de sus libros hace 38 años aún sigo apreciando cada vez mas su personalidad. También es resaltante que mi deseo de ser un buen devoto sigue intacto. Y no menos importante es que sigo identificándome con ISKCON, a pesar de las diferencias de criterio que tengo con el GBC.

En el plano interno estoy apreciando sinceramente la pureza de intenciones de los devotos en dos aspectos:

a) La intención de volverse devotos.

b) La intención de ayudar a otros a que se hagan devotos.

Hemos estado de vacaciones en el sur del pais, visitando a la familia y a los devotos en Málaga y es muy gratificante estar en sadhu sanga. Despues hemos estado en Santander con Jara Mara, Tirtha Kirti y otros; también muy bien. De Santander a NVM, donde hay un ambiente muy bueno y donde se estan haciendo cosas muy interesantes.

Despues de la partida de Avesa Rupa hemos decidido dejar el proyecto de Navalakunda. La propiedad la hemos donado a la Fundación Abhay (creada para gestionar las propiedades de ISKCON España). Hemos donado 3160 euros a ISKCON Tenerife, que han comprado el local donde tenían el Templo. La furgoneta de sankirtan la hemos donado a ISKCON Madrid y a Nueva Vrajamandala le hemos donado libros, parafernalia, etc y 100.000 euros en efectivo.

Ahora estoy centrado en el Sat Sanga de la Sierra de Guadarrama y Purnamasi en actividades con los niños.

No le ocupo mas tiempo y, espero que nos veamos de nuevo con estos viejo cuerpos.

Sin mas

su sirviente

Jayanta das

PD. - Esta carta es de hace varios meses, y la verdad es que es una carta irrelevante, escrita con la única intención de mantener la relación con el gurú y sus asociados. Me sorprende que las cartas que no lleven el CP pierdan su interés. Creo que es una medida algo exagerada. Cuando una carta lleva un tiempo razonable sin ser atendida pasa a ser prioritaria de forma automática. Por supuesto que respeto su criterio pero creo que de ese modo siempre estamos escuchando las opiniones de los mismos y parece que hay una escasez de críticos evidente y necesaria.


Dear Gurudev: Pamho. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and his faithful followers.

I hope he is encouraged when he reads this letter.

ASA/TB-BW - We also!

We follow his sankirtan through the blog. Interesting. To a greater or lesser degree we tend to have all the same challenges.

The highlight of my report is that after meeting Prabhupada through his books 38 years ago I still appreciate his personality more and more. It is also remarkable that my desire to be a good devotee is still intact. And no less important is that I continue to identify with ISKCON, despite the differences of opinion that I have with the GBC.

HpS - GBC is ultimate managing authority in ISKCON. Having disputes is guaranteed part of management, no? If everybody agrees on management work then it is very, very, very suspicious. Probably somebody is lying, plotting. 😎

Internally I am sincerely appreciating the purity of intentions of the devotees in two respects:

a) The intention to become devotees.

b) The intention of helping others to become devotees.

We have been on vacation in the south of the country, visiting family and devotees in Malaga and it is very gratifying to be in sadhu sanga. Later we have been in Santander with Jara Mara, Tirtha Kirti and others; also very well. From Santander to NVM, where there is a very good atmosphere and where very interesting things are being done.

After Avesa Rupa's departure we have decided to leave the Navalakunda project. We have donated the property to the Abhay Foundation (created to manage the properties of ISKCON Spain). We have donated 3,160 euros to ISKCON Tenerife, who have bought the place where they had the Temple. We have donated the sankirtan van to ISKCON Madrid and to Nueva Vrajamandala we have donated books, paraphernalia, etc. and 100,000 euros in cash.

HpS/ASA - 😮 We hope you prayed a lot about the decision and consulted with many nice people. devotees. Seems like B I G decisions, but can also be fantastic preaching. Thank you for all the effort.

We plan to visit Spain from like middle of July to first week in October. We want to come after the heat is a little lower and leave with everyone possible to got the India for Kartika.

What do you think?

Best dates?

We would probably just stay in NVM where people could visit us and you know the kind of work we are doing: Consolidating all the Sankirtan efforts.

Now I am focused on the Sat Sanga of the Sierra de Guadarrama and Purnamasi in activities with the children.

I don't take up any more time and, I hope we meet again with these old bodies.

No more

his servant

Jayanta das

asa[e] - Uncle Gismo, Information Management Science

P.S. -This letter is from several months ago, and the truth is that it is an irrelevant letter, written with the sole intention of maintaining the relationship with the guru and his associates. It surprises me that the letters that do not have the CP lose the interest of him. I think it is a somewhat exaggerated measure. When a letter has not been attended for a reasonable time, it automatically takes priority. Of course I respect their criteria but I think that in this way we are always listening to their opinions and it seems that there is an evident and necessary shortage of critics.

HpS - Thank you for your comments on this topic. It is very important. Before the Blof we were getting 400-500 letters a month! 90% had the same basic three questions:

  1. Where are you?
  2. How is your health?
  3. What are you doing?

We tried, but we just could not answer so many letters. Then with the Blog many sincere devotees began to read the answers to question by others and did not have to ask the three basic questions above, nor ask the other more general questions such as:

  1. Can I take initiation from you?
  2. What is the relationship with family and Temple?
  3. How can I control my mind?

Even the more specific questions about SB, BG, etc. Were answered for those who read the responses to others, so our letters dropped to 150/month.

With the Letter Types listed above, the work load decreased even more eg. I will tag this letter Calendar Development and Category B which means that we can start filtering it for devotees who are interested in the European ASA Calendar Development, and that it includes things, Letters to the Editor, that should go for permanent reference in the ASA-Encyclopedia.

Yet, even 150/month can be heavy load as our eyes become more week. You can see how many letters we have answered so far. You can see that we sent a basic report in the DTC before we started and now our eyes are strained. We will push it a little and probably cause a little permanent damage, but that's life. We are all going to die, so why not die for something eternal.

Also, a lot of the letters involve mental work, as opposed to sensual and intellectual work, so we get headaches after a certain number.

Please send us your thoughts!

! ! !

One immediate response is, you should get a secretary. Bonk. We have tried it. We will continue to try it. Has advantages and drawbacks.

Thank you.

Writing to you like this is very, nice. We remember your Ashrama, everything.


(KD-PC = Tulasi Likes Baths) Solicitando su misericordia

3 years, 1 month ago by ariasrestha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a usted mi muy querido Gurumaharaja 

Por favor acepté mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias 

Querido Gurumaharaja disculpe por favor mis faltas , tengo mucho que contarle , resumiré un poco y escribiré más frecuentemente 

Seguimos 4 principios

16 no tan buenas rondas pero seguimos esforzándonos , siguimos su instrucción de 3 días por lo menos de servicio en el templo actualmente 5 días a la semana entre cocina , compra de bhoga y flores apoyamos lo mas que podemos en los festivales y el templo en general , pienso que mi vida material es un total fracaso sin embargo la asociación de sri krsna y sus devotos hacen que está vida valga la pena , por ahora tenemos mucha asociación con los devotos y eh tenido la oportunidad de acercarme a más devotos y los eh tratado de servir lo mejor posible ,  en tiempos de cuarentena me fui a refugiar al templo por 4 meses y apoyamos en lo que nos pedían por ahora solo me dedico a trabajar, al servicio devocional y poco estudio de la sastra 

Gurudeva disculpe mi atrevimiento no se si recuerde que en su última visita a México en ese entonces prabhu jamuna presidente del templo me recomendó para tomar segunda iniciación ahora las autoridades del templo me pidieron que le escribiera para pedirle su misericordia y poder tomar segunda iniciación , eh preguntado a 5 buenos brahmanas a discípulos de Srila Prabhupada y algunos devotos mayores y me animaron a escribirle a usted yo sé que me falta mucho camino por recorrer pero ahora estoy seguro que quiero morir en manos de sri krsna y no de mayadevi 

Siempre trato de recordarlo por lo menos tres veces al día , por su misericordia es que estoy tratando de poner un pequeño granito de arena a la mision de Srila Prabhupada y tratando de complacerlo a usted , por la mañana oró al señor nrisimha deva para que siga resguardando a iskcon y por las tardes le pido que por favor lo cuide a usted mi quiero Gurudeva 

Disculpe que casi no me conecte a sus programas de predica con el trabajo y servicio terminó algo cansado , asisto por lo menos dos días a la semana al programa matutino y vespertino por lo pronto es todo Gurudeva disculpe mis ofensas y por favor acepte mis mas sinceras y respetuosas reverencias 

Vande gurú sri caranaravinda 

Vande gurú sri caranaravinda

Si aspirante a sirviente Arya-srestha das 


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you my very dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances

Dear Gurumaharaja please excuse my faults, I have a lot to tell you, I will summarize a little and write more frequently

We follow 4 principles

16 not so good rounds but we keep trying, we follow his instruction of at least 3 days of temple service currently 5 days a week between cooking, buying bhoga and flowers we support as much as we can at festivals and the temple in general.

I think that my material life is a total failure,

HpS - If we are chanting 16-rounds and following four principles as initiated devotees we do not have Material Lives, no? You "material life" is one aspect of your service. Maybe it is not so good. O.K. That means better 16/4. Better Karma/Bhakti yoga. Use your personal psycho/physical resources to do better Karma/Bhakti yoga for Krsna. Follow the example of Arjuna.

....however the association of Sri Krishna and his devotees make this life worthwhile, for now we have a lot of association with the devotees and I have had the opportunity to get closer to more devotees and I have tried them to serve the best possible, in times of quarantine I went to take refuge in the temple for 4 months and we supported what they asked of us for now I only dedicate myself to work, devotional service and little study of the sastra.

Gurudeva excuse my daring, I don't know if I remember that on his last visit to Mexico at that time, Prabhu Jamuna, President of the temple, recommended me to take a second initiation, now the temple authorities asked me to write to him to ask for his mercy and to be able to take a second initiation, eh I asked 5 good brahmanas disciples of Srila Prabhupada and some older devotees and they encouraged me to write to you I know that I have a long way to go but now I am sure that I want to die at the hands of Sri Krsna and not Mayadevi.

HpS - Considering all the aspects that I know, I think you are probably ready.

Have you taken the Disciple Course? Have to pass that.

Are you regular in your morning program, up by Brahma muhurta, Mangala arati, Kirtan, reading group for SB, S A N K I R T A N according to your nature and ability?

I always try to remember him at least three times a day, by his mercy I am trying to put a little grain of sand to Srila Prabhupada's mission and trying to please you, in the morning he prayed to Lord Nrisimha deva to continue protecting iskcon and in the afternoon I ask you to please take care of you my love Gurudeva

Excuse me that I almost did not connect to your preaching programs with work and service finished somewhat tired, I attend the morning and evening program at least two days a week for now it's all Gurudeva excuse my offenses and please accept my sincerest and respectful obeisances

Vande Guru Sri Caranaravinda

Vande Guru Sri Caranaravinda

If aspiring servant Arya-srestha das

HpS - Jaya! How is your father? He had construction company, no? Has more work during the pandemic?

LAD service

3 years, 1 month ago by laksmana-agraja in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear gurudev.

Pamho, AGTSP!

Here, everything is going well in my service with Raman reti devi dasi. We are very fixated on our sadhana and attention to Gour nitay, Lord Nrsimhadeva, Srila Prabhupada in our altar.

We are doing, for now, our personalized preaching with our students. We have also been distributing Prasadam to my family on all Vaisnava holidays, birthdays, etc.

HpS/ASA --- 👍

We hope that very soon we can extend this beautiful service to many well-known people and then to the general public.

You are coming very soon and we plan to be very close to you, if Krishna allows it, the whole month of January that corresponds to our holidays from the courses, etc. I hope I am allowed to support something in your projects. I only await the invitation of the organizers.

HpS - Of course, we have come and had some nice contact. We are trying to visit the Temple in Chosika at least every two weeks. Then we want to have our ASA symposium on education from mid-December to first week in January. We hope that the Temple, Karuna-krsna Das, you-all, Gandharva Das, Yugala, CMDD, MvDD et al. Can participate, maybe visiting Sta. Eulalia daily.

Personally, I have not been invited to participate in the organizational meetings. In any case, I am very clear that my service to you for the moment is to try to be consistent with your instructions and to spread the ASA perspective in my regular and invited classes. Thank you, dear gurudev, for your teachings. At this point in my life I can boldly affirm that your instructions are my life and my soul. And for Raman reti also. Hope to see you very soon and do a little vapuh service for you. ssLAD

HpS - Thank you so much. We went though Chosika yesterday and ArtD pointed our your house.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

3 years, 1 month ago by sarad bihari dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my obeisances, all glories to srila prabhupada, all glories to you. I haven't written to you for centuries, I was honestly ashamed, but the other day I met Rati Manjari in the temple and she told me that you would not come again, suddenly I fell into something obvious perhaps ,but even so, I felt like I had taken her presence for granted,

thinking i might see you again. Although I never stop respecting you and be grateful for everything you taught me, I want to take the opportunity to do so. I am chanting japa again regularly, I ask you for blessings to continue doing it always.

HpS - ASA - God bless you many times. You are a good devotee. Get back to work on you Karma.

All these years, although at one point I lost time, they helped me to realize important things, that I never want to leave Krishna and that the knowledge you has given me is the most priceless, so i can only say im eternally grateful,Sarad bihari Dasi

HpS - Well, this letter took months to answer. [Not centuries [Ha Ha Hare]] Of course, we all miss you very much and maybe even appreciating the strong Karma that has caused you to apparently deviate from the formal nature of Sadhana Bhakti, but also feeling that you would pulling your nose back up and become a regular devotee again.

Please read the Kapi Dhvaja and write to us (with Priority Code).

Hare Krsna!!!

You have a lot to do.


3 years, 2 months ago by julia@ct in Personal Sadhana Reports
Haré Krishna! Su santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami 🙏🏻 le ofresco mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada 🙏🏻 todas las glorias a usted 🙏🏻🌺 espero se encuentre bien de salud usted y los devotos que lo acompañan 🙏🏻 ya estoy tomando el curso de devotos, solo que voy un poco lenta no soy muy inteligente, sigo haciendo diesiseis rondas o más solo que ahora trato que sean diesiseis buenas rondas, sigo llevando los cuatro principios espero por la misericordia sin causa de Sri krishna, pueda llevarlos hasta que entregué el cuerpo. le quiero comentar que desde hace casi seis años que conozco conciencia de krishna he leído un poco empecé con libros pequeños le mencionaré algunos, volver a nacer, mas allá del nacimiento y la muerte, en el camino a krishna, la perfección del yoga, el Upadesamrta Historias maravillosas de la india, son algunos de los que recuerdo , también ya leí las enseñanzas de la reina kunti , la ciencia de la autorrealizacion, Sri Isopanisad , Krishna la fuente del placer, KRSNA La Suprema Personalidad de Dios, el nectar de la devoción, Bhagavad- gita, primer canto del srimad bhagavatam y ahorita estoy leyendo el segundo canto del srimad bhagavatam puedo entender que he leído poco y tengo mucho que aprender, también en los primeros años que conocí conciencia de krishna estuve comprando libros pequeños para regalar y como Hiba aprendiendo Hiba predicando pero me di cuenta que las personas no los apreciaron mucho y, volví a comprar más libros pequeños (algunos me los regalo un devoto) con el fin de salir a predicar pero las ocasiones que he salido ,no he tenido éxito con los libros, pero cuando voy a algún lugar platico con las personas y les regaló el maha mantra impreso , no he podido predicar mucho como una servidora le gustaría , espero algún día pueda hacerlo para complacer a Srila prabhupada y a usted 🙏🏻

Su Aspirante A Sirvienta
Julia cuellar torres

Hare Krishna! Your Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami 🙏🏻 I offer my most humble and respectful obeisances all glories to Srila prabhupada 🙏🏻 all glories to you 🙏🏻🌺 I hope you and the devotees accompanying you are in good health 🙏🏻
I am already taking the course of devotees, I just go a little slow I'm not very smart, I keep doing sixteen rounds or more only now I try to make it sixteen good rounds, I continue to carry the four principles I hope for the causeless mercy of Sri Krishna, I can carry them until I surrender the body.
I want to tell you that for almost six years that I have known Krishna consciousness I have read a little I started with small books I will mention some, to be born again, beyond birth and death, on the way to Krishna, the perfection of yoga, the Upadesamrta Wonderful stories from India, are some of those that I remember, I have also read the teachings of Queen Kunti, the science of self-realization, Sri Isopanisad, Krishna the source of pleasure, KRSNA The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the nectar of the devotion, Bhagavad-gita, first Canto of srimad bhagavatam and right now I am reading the second chant of srimad bhagavatam
I can understand that I have read little and I have a lot to learn, also in the first years that I knew Krishna consciousness I was buying small books to give away and like Hiba learning Hiba preaching but I realized that people did not appreciate them much and, I went back to buy more small books (some were given to me by a devotee) in order to d e go out to preach but the occasions that I have gone out, I have not had success with books, but when I go somewhere I talk to people and gave them the printed maha mantra, I have not been able to preach much as a servant would like, I hope some day I can do it to please Srila prabhupada and you 🙏🏻

Your Aspiring Maid

Julia cuellar torres
HpS - If we continue with the Sadhana, daily practices, we will become more, and more, and more pure, which means more and more force. Then our preaching will become more and more powerful. The results, many people becoming devotees, depends on Krsna and on their free will, as well as our efforts.
  1. We stay pure (16/4 - FMP)
  2. Krsna sends innocent people.
  3. They do the austerity of listening to new ideas!

Who do you get as associates in your reading?

Personal Sadhana

3 years, 2 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports



All Glories to Sri Krsna, Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Brinda.


Hare Krsna, HpS Guruji Maharaja, Dandavat Pranam!


Please accept my humble obeisances unto the padmacharan of Guruji Maharaja that in relation to my previous letter, as Guruji enquire I am trying to answer in my level.

I have re-read Gita 4.40 “One should therefore follow in the footsteps of great acaryas who are in the disciplic succession and thereby attain success”. Manipuri Gourida Vaisnavas are the followers of “Naratoma Das”. He incarnates as Rajarsi Bhagyachandra, former Maharaja of Manipur.


Guruji asked me some questions they are : So, are you “Nistha”? – Yes. Are you fixed in devotional service? – Yes, Every day up for kirtana and Mangala arati during Brahma muhurata? – Yes, I rise up at 2.30 a.m., after finishing all morning duties I worship my deities at 4.00 a.m. Daily, if I am not out of station or ill. Always chanting 16 nice rounds etc.? – Yes, 16 rounds is minimum, more than 16 rounds or more than 32 rounds. Guruji Maharaja! I don’t know the meaning of “nice” in chanting is it attentively? Again really speaking I don’t understand whether I am in the stage of Raganuga Bhakti or Bhakti Bhava but my practice is simple with my own Prarthana.



I think, now my level is Kanishka in the spiritual life, but in my opinion, just like a student of standard-X, may know how to go to Delhi from Imphal; by air, by train, or by road but not seaway because there is no seaway between Imphal and Delhi. Likewise, a graduate may know how to go to New York from India, by air from any international airport, or by seaway from any international seaport but not possible by road. When that particular person has the capacity to go to Delhi or New York he has to arrange the requirements such as tickets and necessary amounts etc. Not only that the Passport, Visa and foreign currencies if he wants to go to foreign.


The Manipuri Gourida Veisnavas followed the simplest system path (padhati/way) to reach Goloka Vrndavan is, first of all, we have to initiate under a bonafide Guru, then we will get Das Nama from the Guru – under His guidance we should approach Nityananda Prabhu with Gaitri and Mantra. After serving and satisfying Him, with His permission we will approach Gouranga Mahaprabhu with Gaitri and Mantra; after serving Him, then Gouranga Mahaprabhu (Guru Rupa Shakhi) will give my name of Sakhi-Manjari. Then, Guru Rupa Sakhi will guide us (Guru’s Sakhi-Manjari and self) to Vrndavan and hand over to a particular…….. Sakhi who are serving in a particular gate (8 x 8). That particular Sakhi will hand over to a….. (particular) Manjari (8 x 8) of the same direction then we will get our particular duty because broadly eight directions have eight different duties. After joining the daily routine duties, then Sri Rupa Manjari will introduce me (along with my name of Sakhi Manjari) that she is the dasera anudasa of ……….(particular) Manjari to Srimati Radharani. After hearing the name of the new Sakhi-Manjari who is following Guruji’s Sakhi-Manjari and her systematic approach but unknown to the service, as a newcomer, Srimati Radharani satisfied her young, simple, and politeness. She accepted her to join the team, then She (Radharani) comes together with her, near the Lord Sri Krsna, and introduce her name, group, and Seva (service/duty) in detail. Then Sri Krsna accepted her as Srimati Radharani already accepted her as anudasi and allows her to join the service under the group of that particular Manjari. In this lifetime, we are practicing Gamana Gaman (to and fro) but after death, we will not return again. It is not the last but further, dipper opinions, and explanations among Manipuri Veisnavas in this regard.


 I am daily practicing the above systems in the Mangalarati at 4.00 a.m. With my own heartiest prarthana. This is the initial arrangement of the requirements to approach Goloka Vrndavana by following Guruji’s Sakhi-Manjari during their lifetime (Gamana- Gaman and after death Gamana only). Under which gate and Sakhi-Manjari we will enter the Goloka-Vrndavana, Rasa-Mandal, and what types of seva (service/duty) to be served through the instructions of our senior Sakhi and Manjaris of our group.


·        It is not found in any prescribed books of Gita, Bhagavat, C.C, NOI, NOD, and Bhaktirasamrta Sindhu, etc. but it is only found in the Guru Astakama and the sayings made by the disciple and followed systems of six different Goswamis followed from Gouranga Mahaprabhu – Gadadhar Pandit – Lokanatha Swami – Narotama Goswami – Rupa Pramananda Goswami – Ramgopal Beiragya – Nidhiram Chakarbarti Thakur – Rajarshi Bheigyachandra (King of Manipur), who died at Murshidabad of W.B where Narotama Goswami turned into milk in the Padama river. The firewood arranged for the cremation of Narotama; criminated Bheigyachandra (Bheigyachandra is the incarnation of Narotama Das Goswami - common belief in Manipur). Manipuri Gourida Beisnavas are the followers of Narotama Goswami.


Even now I couldn't get Ananda Rupa Haridasa Swami Maharaja’s reply, getting, immediately I will forward.


Excuse me thousands of times if there is any ill-hearted caused from my side; that is why I simply sick Guruji’s asirbad/ anumati of taking my name of Sakhi-Manjari.


Your fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Thank you for your letter. Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai. Basic principle is to take shelter of Lord Chaitanya and Harinama. That is sufficient, no? The the rest will follow from that. BG 10.10 and 11. Are you worshiping Radha Krsna deity?

Have you asked them about following the Sakhis? Every day we chant prayers to Tulasi devi, "ei nivedena dara, sakhira anugata koro". Do you get inspiration from Her about following Sakhis?

We can follow Sakhis by becoming like Krsna's flute, Krsna's cows, Sakhas. They are all part of the same lila. Uddhava just wanted to be a blade of grass in Vraja. What do your deities say?