Personal Sadhana Report

3 years, 1 month ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna!

Gouranga Mahaprabhu ki Jai, Radha-Krsna ki Jai, Goura Bhakta Vrinda ki Jai

All glories to Srila A.C. Prabhupada, Bhakti Svarupa Sripad Maharaja and

HpS Guru Maharaja!


Dandavat Pranam,


Please accept my humble obeisanses unto the Padmacharan of Sri Guruji Maharja that I am so pleased to hear Guruji Maharaja’s reply to my previous letter.


As Guruji Maharaja asked : “The basic principle is to take shelter of Lord Chaitanya and Harinam. That is sufficient, no?” Yes, it is the only solution. Guruji gave me Harinam and Gayatri Mantra, it is true, but by chanting Harinam and Gayatri Mantra only will I get Chaitanya’s mercy without Nityananda? Even the 8 sakhis and 8 manjaris never meet Sri Krish without Srimati Radharani and Her permission.

HpS - "Rama" in Maha-mantra is Balarama, no? He is Nityananda! and we always chant Pancha tattva mantra before we chant Hare Krsna mantra so that includes Nityananda and Narottama. Also, we are authorized to chant all the songs of Narottama, Srinivasa, Six Goswamis, Bh. Vinode Thakura, et al, so all the persons mentioned by Partha sarathi Das are also present in our ISKCON Sampradaya. We just access them in a little bit different way.


Are you worshiping Radha Krsna deity? Do you get inspiration from Her (Tulasi) about following Sakhis? Yes, in the form of Chitrabot (Photo) but I had never asked and personally experienced from Them about the following of Sakhis and Manjari, and every day in the morning, first of all, I pray to Tulasi Devi for giving us bhakti of Radh-Krsna. It may be defects from my side in the prayer to Srimati Radhrani and lack of Guru sradha.

HpS - That is really our understanding. When we are getting inspiration above the bodily concept, receiving Manjari names by physical resources, then we are really ready to consider details such as which Sakhi and Manjari we are serving. Again, there is no reason why any devotee from any part of the world, even Manipur, may not realize that his real Svarupa is in Rama-lila, no?

When you have tangible experience of presence of Tulasi devi by mercy of Guru and Krsna, then you can understand Manjari Bhava, no?

If we cannot see our Deities as people, how can we relate to Manjaris without physical presence?


In BG 10.10 Purport's last sentence, If a devotee is not intelligent enough to make progress on the path of self-realization but is sincere and devoted to the activities of devotional service, the Lord gives him a chance to make progress and ultimately attain to Him. The only solution is God’s mercy. I am waiting eagerly.

HpS - Exactly, Krsna enlightens us within the heart. This begins when we reach the level of Gayatri Diksa, and becomes more and more tangible as we become purified. Then we will feel strong presence of Srila Prabhupada from his deity picture at different moments, on even specific issues, what to speak of how to make general purification.

I hope this helps with some perspective. If you just continue improving 16-rounds and four principles then EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT HOW TO MAKE FURTHER PROGRESS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY REVEALED. Of course, you will be inspired by those messages to confirm them with Guru and Sastra: BBT CC and SB etceter. See you in 10-months in Manipura!


We can follow Sakhis by becoming like Krsna’s flute, Krsna’s cows, sakhas. They are all part of the same lila. Our idea of personal sakhi and manjari is thousands, thousands of times lower than the associates of Krsna (dasera-dasera-dasera anudasa to follow the footsteps not directly imitation).


What do your deities say? Guruji, I have no capacity of asking such questions in my present level. I am doing seva and praying.

HpS - Yes. That is exactly the point. We do not try to take formal Manjari situations until we are getting real inspiration from our Arca murtis. It exists. You should be getting at least a little now.


. . . Now have to run to other programs, devotees. This has been very good discussion for me. Let us continue with other topics in the next letters. Read the Kapi Dhvaja and make comments about it.

If there is a different approach of Shikshya Guru and Diksha Guru, what will be the role of the disciple? Yes, spiritual life is different from material life, and the name is self and the same quality of God itself in both lives. From the stories, if any devata wants to meet Laxmi – Narayan in Baikuntha first of all everybody took the permission of Jay & Bijaya, the doorkeepers for information, likewise, if we want to approach Caitanya, whom should we meet first? It is the question.


On the other hand, the standard of our Guruji Maharaja is too high in comparison with other Gurus, then how we simple men can understand the ideas Guruji feels and experienced?


In the SB 2.9.9 : Purport 2nd Para ….. if one is able to received the transcendental sound from the bona fide spiritual master, his path of liberation is guaranteed. The disciple however must be ready to execute the order of the bona fide spiritual master as Lord Brahma executed the instructions of his spiritual master, the Lord Himself. How it could be possible for us?


To follow the instructions of the Spiritual Master is to serve the Spiritual Master and the Bhagavan itself. That is why I am seeking Guruji’s permission (anumani / asisrvad).


Your fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

Urgent, Regarding giving a portion of my liver to save my father

3 years, 1 month ago by Bhishambhar Gauranga Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Namah OM Bishnupadaya, Krishna Presthaya Bhutale, Srimate Hanumat Preshak Swamin iti Namine

Namaste Hanumat Preshak Swami Namo Atiyanta Dayaluve, Kalijuga Pashyate Dese Gandharva Vidya Pradayene.

Srimat Hanumat Prashak Swami, Guru Maharajji, ki Jaye

Srila Prabhupad Gurumarajji ki Jaye

Jaye Shree Krishna Chaitainya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sree Advaita, Gadadhar, Sreebash, Adi Gaur Bhakta Brinda.







Hare Krishna, Gurumaharajji,

Dandawat Pranaam.

Plz accept my most humble obeisance onto your lotus feets. All glories to Guru and Gauranga.

Gurumaharajji i now feel very lonely n as if lost with out getting your kind and merciful association. Plz punish me for my miscreants but i beg you to consider me as dust mole onto your lotus feets.

HpS - ASA --- 🐘 🐘 🐘 Dust from the lotus feet of our great Acharya is in his books, no? So nice to hear from you. He is making big foot prints that we can all follow.

Gurumaharajji its around two years since I met you last. If possible please 🙏 forgive yours most foolish servant ever born on Earth (me), for not communicating you for the last two years.

HpS - We don't forgive you because it is just something that has happened. Now we get your association. This is eternal, after two years, three years...

Gurumaharajji, when I met you at that time my house's homely environment was not at all good. It was highly toxic. Panchali was pregnant and my father, instead of being the guardian of the home started drinking alcohol like anything and used to make home environment toxic by quarrelling and doing unnecessary activities.

On 8th/feb/2020, KRISHNA gifted ur a baby boy. Thank you 😊💓☺💗💛💖 Gurumaharajji for showering your immense mercy that we got an opportunity to serve a baby boy to be a honest and humble devotee in his future life. My father named him as Balaji Dutta.

By then my home environment was a bit better. But on April/2020, first lock down, my father had brain hemorrhage. We somehow managed an ambulance and took him to Guwahati, Rehman hospital. At there they did their best and got him cured. But the doctors told us that because of excess alcohol drinking my father is currently suffering from liver cirrhosis stage 1. And because of Covid, we couldn't go to any better hospitals somewhere in South India for further treatment during that time.

Months passed like this with his health not that improving and was not that getting bad also.

On June/21 my whole family was diagnosed as covid positive. During that time whatever ayurveda i knew, with that knowledge i served the rest of my family (my father, my mother, Panchali and even Balaji). We were all home quarantined but got cured at home itself, accept me. In my case the covid became severe with oxygen level had fallen to 52%. An so accordingly, I was admitted to local hospital in ICU for around 20 days.

But again it was yours immense mercy on me that brought me back alive to home. Thank you Gurumaharajji for saving us.

Now my father's cirrhosis had increased a bit more (stage 2). He was admitted at Silchar medical college in ICU, and from there, this time we have brought him to Medanta Hospital via air ambulance, at Gurgaon, near Delhi. At here Dr A.S. Soin, told me that his liver condition is bad so they are further looking for liver transplant. And so I am the probable donor.

I am singing my 16+ rounds daily but during my covid time i couldn't chant for around 3 months.

Hope to meet you soon if i survive, missing you badly. If my letter have displeased or hurt you in any respect then please forgive me Gurumaharajji.

Yours most foolish servant ever born on this Earth,

Viswambhar Gauranga Das

HpS - AgtSP. We wonder if giving your liver will really help your father??? If it cause you an untimely death and disturbs your service, then that is the greatest loss to him, whether he is in this body or that.

Chant Hare Krsna and get good advice from local devotees!!!

In any case Krsna is everyone's friend and He will give us inspiration to stay on the path back to Him.

God bless your family and son.


FMP-PC = Tulasi Likes Baths

3 years, 1 month ago by natyelligarza_108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja.

PAMHO at your lettuce feets 🙃


Firts [first] of all, we are still alive. That´s the good new. We can make big efforts to focus our activities in bhakti service.

16 Rounds, 4 principles and very sweet sevas in the temple, helping cooking for Radha Madana Gopala, Raja Bhoga, Viakalika, Sandhya and last offer three days at week, dancing nice folklore, learning harmonium and working in the TESIS to get my scholar degree. I hope this can be a real thing next year. I am very enthusiastic. I was trying to be in FMP every day, but is a little difficult now that we are in different time zones. Heard you every day is a very nice medicine for this lethargy.

I write you because of all the letters I mention the wish to get married with Vraja Mohan Prabhu, so Bhakti Sundar Maharaja ask us to get merried this year, soon as posible. We talk about it and my wishes to first, take iniciation, and then get married. So, the desition is that in this december Vraja Mohan Prabhu will talk to my parents to make this "formal" thing as the tradition says here in Mexico, and then we will married next year. The autorities in México City, president and devotees ask me to talk with you about my wish to take first iniciation, are interested that I can make part of this ISKCON family and get iniciation of you. They give me a nice recomendation letter to take iniciation.

Finally thank you to be in my life, as I dont deserve it.

Your ever aspirant, Bhaktin Natyelli Garza.

Radhe Radheeeeee!!!

HpS - !!! Very nice. Have you read: ??? If you have been following the standard described there for six months, then with letter from Temple President (disciple course), you can become a:

Formal Refugee

Six months more of service that you are now doing then you can become a first initiated devotee! Then second, then third, then fourth...

... chant with attention. Chant with meaning. Srila Prabhupada's SB, CC, TlC is full of meaningful prayers!! Take some of those for your mood in chanting your rounds, your constant chanting!

Thank you so much for your sacrifices in Krsna Consciousness!

Ratha Yatra ki,....

3 years, 1 month ago by jambavati dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

NitayGouraPremanande!! Querido y siempre recordado Gurudev, por favor

Acepte mis humildes Reverencias!!


he tardado en escribirle Amado Gurudev, pues, estuve esperando mejorar de mi salud que colapso a mi llegada a MX, ... estuve viendo documentacion para mi atencion en el Hospital General, ya tengo la programacion de mis examenes de tiroides ycita con la especialista, esto es para fines de diciembre y mediados de enero, ..

HpS - Todas las glorias a hermana burra!

mientras tanto ando buscado donde quedarme, por la Pandemia muchos Devotos no estan apoyando a los Devotos Foraneos por el temor al Contagio, provisionalmente estoy quedandome en casa de una amiga que hice cuando vendia productos de belleza, ella sabe que soy Hare Krishna,

la he llevado al Templo y siempre que puedo le comparto Mahaprasadam ... mi situacion es un poco austera, pero, ahi la voy llevando, por la misericordia del Señor Jaganath pude asistir al Ratha Yatra de Guadalaja, fue Extatico!!

HpS - Que el Senyor Jagannatha saca nosotros a Vraja con El!

Todos los devotos asistentes vivimos una Atmosfera de Agradecimiento por estar ahi, y poder Cantar, Bailar y jalar la Soga de la Carroza y sumergirnos en el hermoso pasatiempo!! muchos devotos al igual que yo estabamos con lagrimas en los ojos durante el festival asistieron 3 Maestros Espirituales: s.s. GuruPrasad Swami, s.s. Bir Krishna Swami y s.s. Bhakti Sundara Swami,

aunque el festival se hizo solo un dia, fue muy Extatico e intenso ..... al dia siguiente del Ratha Yatra m. Syama Gouri quien me hospefo en su casa me llevo a un paseo a un rio de aguas Thermales, fueron varios devotos con sus niños, pasamos un dia de descanzo y, convivencia pacifica, compartimos como una familia el Prasadam y los juegos ... 2 de mis amigas Sankirtaneras (m. Sarva Sri y m. Gokulesvari) fueron con sus niños , tambien estaba mi hermano espiritual de argentina p. Balabhadra y su esposa m. Tulasi estan en Mx haciendo Sankirtam.... acabo regresar a la ciudad de Mexico despues de una semana de Sankirtan en Guadalajara, apesar, de que la casa de m. Syama Gouri esta bastante lejos de la ciudad, no me afecto a mis riñones ... estando en la casa de la Madre SyamaGouri, lo recordaba mucho a ud. pues, ella vive en un rancho rodeado de muchos arboles y alejada de los ruidos de la ciudad, y, me imagino que ud. tambien debe estar hospedado en un lugar parecido, un lugar donde se puede descanzar y estar Oracion, ... pude cantar mejor mis rondas, en mejor meditacion!!! .... por sus oraciones.querido Gurudev, aqui tengo amigos devotos que se preoupan por mi situacion, ...m. Dhamayati me ayudo con 10 $ p. Akinchana 10$ m. Gokulesvari 15$ p. Kurma 70 $ ademas me va a donar unos libros de su M.E s.s. Bir Krishna maharaja el titulo del libroes: "tu no eres el cuerpo" sus discipulos lo han impreso a colores y papel Couche... las Donaciones me ayudaran para ver lo del cambio de fecha de mi boleto de avion. ... .. tambien, con respecto al tratamiento de mi maxilar lo dejare pendiente pues , el presupuesto del Doctor Kawasaki esta bastante caro , .... mantengo comunicacion con mi Padre por telefono dejando uno o dos dias, y con mis hermanos por wattsap .... hace unas semanas mi padre se puso mal y lo llevaron al medico que le prescribio analisis .... mi padre se queja de que le duele mucho los riñones y tuvo un pequeño sangrado ..... anda con Depresion, pues mis hermanos no tienen tiempo para sacarlo al parque, ... tampoco lo comunican con su hermana que el tanto quiere pues ella hace poco dejo el cuerpo, y,no quiere decirle por temor a que se vaya a poner peor ..... .por su gracia, querido Gurudev el sigue leyendo el Libro de Krishna, me dice que lo relaja mucho y, no se olvida a pesar de su Alzheimer de decir Hare Krishna!!!!

Radhe, Radhe, Radhe..

Su inutil y torpe sirvienta

M. Jambavati d.d.

HpS - Jaya. Nuevo coches para todo el mundo???? Estamos aqui en Sta Eulalia grabando nuestra pelicula de consolidacion de todo nuestras, suyas, esfuervzas en predica a esta punto. Tengo el altar de Vd. aqui con Gaura Nitai, Tulasi y Gopal.

Llegamos a Houston 7 Marzo!!!!

Muy buena suerte en su Sankirtan!!!

Reverencias a todos en Mexjco.

2nd Initiation Pt. 5

3 years, 1 month ago by sugopiradha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you so much for mercifully awarding me second initiation last Sunday. I hope that I can sincerely maintain the standard that Brahmin initiates should maintain.

I also had a few questions, Guru Maharaja:

- In the Gayatri Mantras, one praises Kamadeva. What is the significance of worshipping Kamadeva three times a day? My parents told me that Kama actually means Krsna in the Mantra. In that case, I was wondering why Krsna is specifically being worshipped as Kama.

HpS - I do not know. I remember reading things. I think Krsna is glorified as Kamadeva because He stimulates us to serve in such an attractive way that it can be compared in some sense to the intensity that we see in the relationship between the opposite sex in this world. Of course, our attraction may be in Santa Rasa in the beginning or even eternally, but if we can become the servants of the Gopis in our Santa Rasa service by the mercy of Lord Caitanya, that is great.

- Gurudeva, the sunset timing here is 4:30 PM nowadays, which means that the Sandhya time range is generally from 4:06-4:54. On Mondays and Wednesdays I have a 4:00-5:15 PM class. Would it be okay if I did the gayatri just 10 minutes before the Sandhya time begins? Sometimes I am facing the same problem when I have 11:00-12:00 classes and noon time is at 11:36. 

HpS - I think we can chant it as soon as some other unavoidable service in finished. Eg. after the Sunday Feast Kirtan, and lecture, Trivikrama Swami would sit and chant his Gayatri. So, it seems that it is better to chant it little bit too late than too early.

I would appreciate your advice Guru Maharaja.

Your servant,

Sugopi Radha devi dasi

HpS - Do you have the book by Saccinandana Swami? I think he gives some nice details on chanting.

Reading Partners

3 years, 1 month ago by julia@ct in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna, le ofresco mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada, todas las glorias a usted!

En una carta anterior me preguntó " Who do you get as associates In Your reading?

Personas que han sufrido mucho o que no tienen buena salud.

HpS - Jaya AgtSP. Maybe make little reading club of two, three etc. persons and read together or discuss what you have read.

Su Aspirante A Sirvienta

Julia cuellar torres 🙏🏻