
11 months, 1 week ago by yajnasenidd in Personal Sadhana Reports


I felt like a mother can’t hurt her child even in self-defence, I couldn’t file FIR on my husband despite green signal from my spiritual and material guardians. So I hired a lawyer and found that his untruthful abuse affidavit will not affect me much.

What a story Krsna is writing. It feels maybe his gf needs my money, home, all the things I bought in my home, my husband and a child from him (facing infertility issues at ~40) more than me, now that she’s left her own husband.

Regarding being exiled, I feel I should tolerate. But, Im not sure if I also shouldn’t strive to recover my husband on the path of dharma (solely for duty’s sake, nothing can be expected of him. I can do this by filing FIR on gf for extramarital affair, he will not be able to openly support her and it will create dissension between them. Or inform her parents that she’s creating problems in a marriage and she will never get marriage here.) He’s been thinking about engagement with her.

It is due to his vikarmic tendencies that always brought out my disciplinarian side (why I was avoiding this marriage). If someone met Mandodari on an ordinary day with Ravan, maybe she would be a little wary with him too, though Ravana may seem innocent.

My father asked him to give me access to my home as a bare minimum, but he refused saying first file seperation etc and I can give some money, (gives no estimate what to speak of alimony as you guided to pin him down with to make him accountable and thus help him become more self-controlled). Money is his noose. Now until he is court ordered to start paying alimony, he won’t even try to improve current immoral position.

Or should I just completely leave them to their painful karma 🥹🙏 and focus on something sublime instead of this vibhatsa situation. Please guide 🙏.

If Rama entertained Surupnakha, what should have Sita’s relatives done with her?

your servant,

Yajnaseni DD

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. As usual, American Spring can hit us with 175% disability from hayfever.

Adhibautica klesa, adhidaivika klesa - distress caused by others, d. caused by the demigods ie. Spring Devi.

They are all less than disturbances caused by death.

We have to take them as a chance learn to chant HK/HR in all circumstances.

Can you chant HK//HR withe vocal apparatus of a dog, and me with it of a frog?

Ribit, Ribit.

[?} Ritvik, Ritvik???

Very bad situation, I hold my breath, and sure enough lot of energy in the body still.

Use it to serve Krsna.

Arjuna killed Bhisma as service to Krsna.

Try to help your husband, that's what Mandodhari did, no?

But in proportion to whatever other service Krsna wants from you.

Stay in touch with Abhiseka Das, in proportion.

Develope your dance, cinema, projects with partners as much as Krsna allows.

Keep a copy of a letter from lawyer showing why you made decision not to file.

Hari Bolo.