The Radha Bead

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

So I just started calling the bead the "Radha bead" because of my own personal speculation...I'll put some reasons here!

Krsna bead on top of the mala...

Every bead a Gopi. ....

Radha and Krsna are always together...

Radharani is the principal Gopi so She would be first and right next to Krsna??...

Astasakis separated by the string, 8 beads in....

What do you think Maharaja? Is this totally out of left field? I don't have any sastric proof for this...I kinda just started saying this was the "Radha bead"..but actually so far you are the only person I mentioned it to!

HpS - As far as we understand, the knot above the Krsna bead may represent the Princes of Vraja, Smt. Radha, and the first eight large beads are Her expansions, the eight principle expansions of Smt. Radha. 😃

The ashram is great. Everyone is really nice and accommodating.

Rupak, Abhay, and I went on book distribution yesterday and we ran into a couple of super nice people.

One of the men asked, "What color do you think Jesus really was?" I told him that I don't know too much about Jesus, but I know he's the son of God. Check this out (pointing to a picture of Govinda in the Bhagavad Gita).

See. Krishna is a very dark blue like a monsoon cloud being struck by lightning.

But temples can't use this color for the Deity so they use black...that means that God is black with a white girlfriend!!

They were cracking up so hard and he took a Bhagavad Gita!!

I basically was just repeating from when you were telling us all that there were two devotees at a convention and one of them said this! So thank you!!

He also said he had a dream that he saw God, except he couldn't see Him because of a super bright light emaninating from HIm..

Sounded legit to me...

HpS - ASA -- 👍 Super legit. From psychology etc it seems that many people have supernatural, religious, experiences but they have no, perspective to understand or remember them, and at best they think it was a 'psychotic episode'.

My Sadhana is okay!

16R+, B4 -4, 4P

Your aspiring servant,

Jaya-hari das

HpS - Krsna is our only defence!!!

Seeking Your Mercy Guru Maharaj

4 months, 3 weeks ago by manjuali@hpsgurumaharaja in Other

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru Maharaj, 

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you Guru Maharaj. 

HpS - Please send her (Manjuali's mother) picture!!! Tell her to preach all about the realizations she is having in old age!

Guru Maharaj I am attaching herewith my mother's photo along with the four sisters of us. We all are your disciples. All the photos are labelled for your easy reference. 

Guru Maharaj, I would like to contribute a very small amount of money every month for your seva. How can I send that regularly to you Guru Maharaj? Please kindly accept this humble offering of mine for your seva. 

Please bless us so that we are always very sincere, enthusiastic and consistent in your seva. 

Your humble servant

Manjuali Devi Dasi

Silchar, Cachar, Assam, India

HpS - AgtSP. Thank you for the photos. Just to see a devotee is more purifying than many baths in the Ganges.

Think it will be very hard to send donations from India to USA. Use them in our name for local service.

People in Assam have such cultured life to offer to the world.

Must teach others.

editing of Srila Prabhupada's books

5 months ago by Namacarya das in Other

Dear Guru Maharaja, Hare Krsna. Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

If I may ask, 

-question in a short form- 

What are your views, experiences, and thoughts about editing of Srila Prabhupada's books? 

HpS - As Srila Prabhupada desires it to be done, we should do it. Eg. he had his KRSNA book dictation tapes edited into regular college level English, no?

-question in enlarged form-

We put a lot of emphasis on books for inspiration and our progress, it is our approach and faith that what is in the books is what SP wrote (wanted to be written there). 

My background to the question: over the years I watched some videos here and there from both sides. I read about it, too.

I find it a complex situation. Because SP dictated and had different devotees type and edit his books. To me it looks like SP wanted the books to be edited, that is for sure. But how much and until when, is a question? 

As one devotee says one thing and another says another, for me it is difficult to distinguish the truth. I was not there to see how it happened from 1965 to 1977. Even if I was there, there were a lot of personal exchanges on the topic. 

I am not in favor or against the editing. 

What I do is read and try to see what SP is saying about the same point somewhere else. This is maybe not a perfect solution, but one that I do until there is some new insight. Also, I may confer upon caitya guru, but I leave that to my inner world and do not share it. 

Thank you!

Your servant Namacarya Das

HpS - Our thought exactly!

👍👍 👍 👍👍

My fav bead

5 months ago by i8themaha in Other

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada...

My favorite bead is the Radha bead, it has almost half missing. It makes for a perfect fit for my thumb pad, and when I start my Japa I feel like my thumb is merging into the Radha bead...but in a completely simultaneously one and different kind of way!!

I like it because I remember Radha with this bead, and I feel like my thumb meant to chant there!

Your servant,

Jaya-hari das

ASA - Jay! AgtSP!!! Why do you call her the Radha bead? This is the first time we have heard this term. Interesting. 🙂

Priyasakhi DD - Reporte de salud -Urgente

5 months ago by priyasakhi in Other

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudev, espero se encuentre muy bien.

Aquí estoy para entregarle un reporte de mi salud. En el hospital la señal era muy mala.

Parasurama escribió pero olvidó poner URGENTE.

El 16 de noviembre me hospitalizaron por una urgencia coronaria (al corazón). Al siguiente día el diagnóstico fue un infarto. Una arteria del corazón se rompió. Los médicos lo consideran un "Infarto Atípico" porque llevo una vida sana (sin vicios), soy "joven", mi familia no tiene problemas al corazón, ni tengo otras enfermedades. Además el infarto fue en reposo, no estaba haciendo fuerza.

Un equipo de la Universidad Católica de Chile que trabaja en el Hospital me trató y me pidieron firmar un consentimiento para mostrar mi caso en congresos y revistas académicas.

ASA - un burro con allas.

Todos los días me levanté temprano, tomé una ducha, cante el gayatri y 16 rondas. Mis lecturas fueron: Srimad Bhagavatam (4to canto capítulos 5-8), Upadesamrta, Tava Pache Pache y Saranagati.

Los médicos consultaban curiosos sobre el rezo y los libros.

Tuve 2 compañeros de habitación de 70 y 80 años aproximadamente. Postrados y esperando irse de éste mundo. Puse el maha-mantra cantado por Srila Prabhupada por las noches y oré mucho por ellos.

Recibí una dieta vegetariana, pero no prasadam. Deseaba con ansias comer prasadam y un kirtan y asociación con devotos.

Pensé mucho en la muerte y hasta ahora mis días no son los mismos.

La muerte está muy cerca y hay que estar preparados.

Yo confío en que aunque no estoy preparada, si Krsna quiere puedo recordarlo en el momento de la muerte,

ASA - 🐒 "Incluso si el devoto no recuerda, en el momento de la muerte su servicio divino, el Señor no se olvida de él. Se presenta esta oración para recordarle al Señor acerca de los sacrificios del devoto, pero aunque no ocurra ese recordatorio, el Señor no olvida el servicio devocional ejecutado por Su devoto puro.",

Pero yo creo que tengo aún mucho por hacer por la conciencia de Krsna de mis hijos. Quiero que ellos se fortalezcan mucho más en su fe.

Quizás tengo la oportunidad de poder seguir sirviendo en la misión de Srila Prabhupada.

Ahora debo descansar por 2 meses aproximadamente, Sin actividad física, sin fuerzas ni agitaciones y con 2 medicamentos muy amables. La arteria se puede reparar, pero siempre debo cuidarme porque esto podría volver a pasar.

Muchas gracias Gurudev por leer.

Y quedo atenta a lo que usted me pueda decir.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priyasakhi Devi Dasi

Hari Bolo! Hari Bolo!

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna! Continua enviar noticas de su Japa/Sankirtan aqui! Por favor!