Urgent ( December 23, 2019 ) : Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj

5 years ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

  we know who you are for us...for me. We have boundless respect for you, 

  for Srila Prabhupada, for devotees, for ISKCON, we don't require this 

  justification (https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/10681/). Of course, this

  is good for those who don't understand our Guru parampara.

  i personally feeling sad to see this letter (https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/10681/)


  we have very less time so it will be better to ignore none spiritual questions.

  and focused on spiritual questions and practices. More interested to

know about Krsna and his related things from you. You have huge collections of

confidences / comprehensions about Krsna.

  We not required proving ourselves in-front of those none-spiritual questions.

  and if someone make me small by winning those questions..am fine with that.

  If you really like those none spiritual questions then i have no words.

  May be my comments are too harsh, please pardon me. i just wanted to know

  about Radha-Krsna. Like :

HpS-ASA -- Thank you for your comments. This dialog with this good Panjabi (?) devotee and then Basu gosh Das from Baroda about Guru in ISKCON is a little difficult for us, but on the other hand it may be useful to so many innocent people attacked by crazy ideas. We have to put our ideas out for criticism.

Also, https://vedabase.io/en/library/iso/11/, we have to look at the bad things about material life as well as the good things about spiritual life. If we only look at good things of spiritual life we will become Sahajiyas and if we only look at the bad aspects of material life we will become Mayavadis We are Sahajavadis! We look at both and get attraction and repulsion both to return to Krsna.

  1. How you see Radha-Krsna every day?

ASA - Many, many ways. You also? We "see" Them when we are chanting Japa for Them. We see Them during Mangala arati. Here we see Radha Nila-madhava, in Houston. They are over two meters tall!!

  2. How you used to see Radha-Krsna during arti in your pujari tenure?

ASA - We are still Pujari, but now in Sannyasa ashrama. We bath "our" Deities every day. On the altar in San Francisco, we bathed Radha Gokulananda some times. Their brass bodies are not fully covered so if one is in a male body it is shocking to bath Radha rani and I guess it is the same if one is in a female body to bath, Krsna. so.... we have to be able to make some kind of mental adjustment like I am a Gopi assistant of Mother Yasoda helping her bathe Radharani, for at least some time.

  3. Which reciprocation with Radha-Krsna made you more close to them?

ASA - In general, Blog ambience, we just see Them and chant for Their satisfaction and feel Their presence in in Their murti form.

  4. Which form of Radha-Krsna you like the most?

ASA - Like many. Probably a material taste in many ways. Of course, our first Darshana was Radha Gokulananda in San Francisco, so They are very intense. In general, almost any Temple we go to we become attached to Radha-Krsna in that form and then feel separation when we leave.

  5. Which season and time makes you more closer to Radha-Krsna's passtime ?

ASA - None in particular. You??

  6. Which Krsna you like the most - Vrndavan Krsna, Dwarika Krsna, Goloka Krsna ?

ASA - Same as 4, no???

  7. How you see the offerings before and after?

ASA - For vision usually the same, but intellectually with more respects, but one time I saw how Srila Prabhupada was beyond the modes of nature when I was wondering how Prasadam is transcendental.

  8. Which reciprocation makes you think about Krsna?

ASA - Many, many.

  9. How you see the full moon in the night?

ASA - As very big. Inspiring. Do you think we might be Were-wolves????

  10. What comes in your mind when you see full moon?

ASA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9fWjzYiRUE A song about Radha and Krsna.

  Ignore me if my questions are annoyed. 

  You are always as per NOI.


your fallen servant,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

URGENT : Thank you so much Maharaj

5 years ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - 70% Lotus feet. What about yours?

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

HpS - Jaya!

  Thank you so much Gurudev for your comments and divine photos of lord

  on https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/10669/

  Temple services are as usual, was doing Rajbhoj seva on Saturday

  and Sunday. Dasa-Anudas seva going to start from Thursday in the 

  evening ( 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM ).

  BG study as usual now. It was irregular for few days earlier.

  New job is bit demanding, don't get much time. Going to get new assignment

  soon so getting some time for myself.

  HG Jibesh Das is doing excellent Book Distribution in west

HpS - AGTSP. We are in a roaring river now back in the USA. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. Kapi Dhvaja like tomorrow!!!!!! Preach to your work mates.

Urgent : Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj

5 years ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

  Gurudev, Your 70+ Years old body has huge enthusiasm like a 16 year body. 

  You are always as per NOI.

  Blog is full of none spiritual material stuff. All complains about material nature, 

  very less talks about Krsna. You patently read all those stuffs and reply!!

  You have huge collections of secrets / realizations about Krsan, which you can

  easily share with us but as all write about their complain so you stop your

  self to write or express yourself. While, all those who are practicing seriously, 

  need those secrets for spiritual progress.

  All are highly intelligent and know that spiritual master is for spiritual queries only. 

  but they lost their intelligence when they write to you.

HpS-ASA - AGTSP!!! Paoho. It seems we are all mixed devotees and so we sometimes, often, usually think of our body and mind as our selves and relate to Krsna and Guru by those media.

One esteemed disciple in Argentina told us that it had taken him seven years to understand that we were his spiritual master and not his psychologist. It impressed us and gives us impetous to purify our relationship with Srila Prabhupada.

If I ask you how your new job is, it is not material, no? I want to know what is your situation for your Yoga. Arjuna! was engaged in maybe the most material occupation, civil war but Prabhupada says it was a very difficult "Bhajan" but he did it very well!

Of course, we, like you, do like questions that stimulate our thoughts about Krsna.

Ultimately we are like many devotees, you (?), we have decided that Harinama anukirtam in the dust of the lotus feet of Prabhupada is the best service for which we can aspire.

How is your new job? Is a Sankirtan strategy developing for telling them about Krsna?

your fallen servant,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

5 years ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Other

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to Sri Sri Gour Nitay

All Glories to You

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, pelase accept my humble obeissances, this is Dhanistha devi dasi, from Santiago, Chile, It’s very sad to not have your visit, I was expecting to take your darshan, the situation here, it’s very caothic, today we went with some devotees to chant the Holy Names, and people were felling a comforting sensation in their hearts, hopping seing you soon,

your servant,

Dhanistha devi dasi

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. Again, we are sorry from spiritual weakness and pressure of travel we are not able to answer letters so quickly. Now we are using this Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code so that people have to read the Kapi Dhvaja before writing. All the general news is there and so the letters become more relevant.

Of course, by Krsna's arrangement we did go to Chile and had an incredible Sankirtan experience. We were made humble by your persistence in participating in all the programs, and your very excellent questions.

We hope we can become a part of the full success of Krsna consciousness in Chile. How is your Sankirtan? We are starting to exchange a few letters with the Temple administration of our suggestions to expand the Sankirtan and hope to push our own personal efforts also.

What is happening with your Sankirtan?

Who are your partners?

What is your global vision as if the whole movement depended on you?


Thank you

5 years ago by haresvaridd in Other

Dear Maharaja, please accept my obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I just wanted to thank you for receiving and reading my letter, I really appreciate the time you’ve taken on doing that. I pray to lord Nrisimhadeva to always give you good health.


Haresvari Dd (JPS)

HpS - AgtSP. Paoho. We took help from Anandamaya Das. Madhva wrote an email to us and we asked him to summarize here in the Blog. Basically we can only give general advice being so distant, so keeping good association for good guidance is so important! Become not only a survivor but a warrior for Krsna.

Banana Llama Diploma

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Gurudeva today I received my Diploma of my Diplomado.

I got an A. I want to offer this to U.

I hope to see U soon. We are watching your classes in Mexico.

Hope to see you soon.

We will see in which schedule we will worship the deities in Chosica.

Thanks Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple

Chandramukhi dd

HpS - ASA -- Thank you. AgtSP... What is you Diplomada?