<KDPC> Libro de Vyasa Puja Argentina

4 years, 11 months ago by Victoria in Other

Hare Krsna


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you Guru Dev

Wishing to please you and celebrate your appearance in this world, trying to honor the Guru Parampara, your disciples from Argentina have compiled and illustrated our offerings in this simple PDF.

Su aprendiz de discipula

Vrsabhanu nandini devi dasi

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP. Paoho. We are thinking that your, mine, most everyones Appearance in the material world is a crime. Birthday then becomes anniversary of the crime!!!! Where is the PDF???

Banana Boro - Sunday Srila Prabhupada Class.

4 years, 12 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!

Please, accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet!!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

As you asked us today on FMP, I have heard this morning a Srila Prabhupada class on Youtube. It is a 25 minutes class with Spanish subtitles:


Srimad Bhagavatam class - 1. 8. 28.

"My Lord, I consider Your Lordship to be eternal time, the supreme controller, without beginning and end, the all-pervasive one. In distributing Your mercy, You are equal to everyone. The dissensions between living beings are due to social intercourse".

The part of the class that I liked the most is that "KRISHNA is equally merciful to everyone."

In the class Srila Prabhupada give us a very nice analogy: "Just like the sunshine, the sunshine is not partial saying: here is a poor man, here is a lower class man, here is a hog, I will not distribute my resplendence there. No, the sun is impartial, sun is equal to everyone, sunshine is there open but if you close your door, if you want to keep yourself in a tight darkness....it is your business".

"Similarly KRISHNA is everywhere, KRISHNA is for everyone, KRISHNA is ready to accept you as soon as you surrender".

"Simply we have to prepare ourselves to see KRISHNA....to understand KRISHNA, that is the goal of KRISHNA consciousness".

Thank you Gurudeva! 🙏

Trying to be your disciple: Mitravinda dd.

ASA - Very, very nice!!!!! AGTSP. paoho. Even if we fall down and act like hogs. Krsna will still send us mercy!!!!! Of course His mercy may be a firm stick to our rear-end to get moving, but thank you!!!

Lista de candidatos

5 years ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Other

Querido Gurumaharaja: 

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias! 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Publico nuevamente la lista de candidates

Diciembre 2019

Ciudad de México 

1) Francisco Baltazar Téllez 
Nac. 16/06/1979
2) Haidee Natyelli Coronel Garza

Iniciación Harinama
1) Héctor Manuel González Arredondo
Nac. 01/ 03/ 1992
2) Marco Antonio Galván Torres
Nac. 31/12/ 1968

Segunda Iniciación
1) Laghubhagavatamrta Das
2) Mandali Badra Das
3) Arya Srestha Das 
En las cartas falto la firma de SS. Kesava Swami porque esta fuera de la Ciudad de Mexico, debemos conseguirla?
HpS - Si, o el GBC.
Algun requisito que haga falta?
HpS - Pienso que, no?! Son todos buenas personas!
Muchas gracias, Sus palabras son antorchas que nos liberan de la ignorancia.
Mas adelante puedo escribir un poco mas. Espero no ser una carga sino una ayuda diminuta en Su sankirtana.
Disculpe mis ofensas por favor
Su eterna aspirante a sirviente
Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS - Pienso era un poco confusion por no ser iniciado estas devotos mientras estuvimos en Mejico y en contrasta hay iniciacion de Lalita-madhava, Lalita-radha Devi Dasi, en Houston. La diferencia en la mayoria era que ella a sido co-ordinando cosas unas semanas antes con los oranizadores in Houston y por la fin ella tuvo una carta de recomendacion del GBC. Si estuvimos capaz realizar estas cosas mientras estuvimos en Mejico y los semanas antes era completamente posible hacer los iniciaciones alla.

Gracias a Vd! Y toda la demas en empujando estas fomalidades que representan advanza en purificacion persoal muy bien de los candidatos. TLGASP:

Catedral de los platanos

5 years ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Other

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Madre Gopi Radha encontró en el cuarto de su casa la revista Sthapatyam, recordamos que la estuvimos llevando a los programas de predica. 

Se la debemos enviar o para quién es? 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna!!! AGTSP. pfanrh. Desculpa la demurra respondiendo a cartas. Despues de volver a nuestra Campamiento Base estuvimos con energia super, super, bajo. Eso es normal. three-four months in viaje. Pero aparece que estamos recuperando y tenemos un ano mas de esta modo de Sankirtan.

Posible El Aristasena Das puede tomar carga de la Stapatyam para la predica con las artistas y universidades. No para distrubuir, pero para mostrar el tipo de trabajo que hacemos NIOS.

Ya programa en casa de Nitai gaura sundara Das. Esperamos mas energia y mas Sankirtan pronto. Gracias!!! Super exito en todos su programas de Sankirtan!!!!!!!!

Banana Cathedral: Another loss

5 years ago by candra108_mukhi in Other

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I saw the celebration of your Sri Vyasa Puja it was great I wish I were there.

HpS - It was great and I was glad to be there and I also wish I wasn't there. We are not substitutes for Srila Prabhupada but we are also not unrelated to him. We do represent him! We should push, push, push our representative ability!!!!!!

Gurudeva on Christmas I received terrible news My University is going to be closed.

HpS - That is great!!!! Now we can just sit down and chant Hare Krsna and live on whatever little Prasadam Srila Prabhupada sends us. He took Tamal krsna Goswami to another body, because he needed him!

The SUNEDU, that is an University audit body, determined that my University, Alas Peruanas, must closed. They have standards that we do not passed. Anyway I was been working there since 2003. I feel devastated. More than 60 000 students need to go to other University.

UAP had a very bad administration, there were a lot of corruption involved. I am looking for a job. Or maybe start my own business. This year I lost many important things for me. I do not what my father do in this situation.

I do not know what Krsna's plan is.

HpS - Get up early and listen to everyone sing about how great He is!!! Have you faced the fact that you will die, with no strength or resources. It will happen. So let us accept it, then see what association Krsna sends us.

I have always wanted to move to Nova Gokula and live there. That place attracts me more than India.

I really miss the feeling of relief and joyful that I had when I traveled with you

Well it is all that I have to inform you.

See U at FMP

I have insomnia

Trying to be your disciple

Chandramukhi dd

HpS - Lord Caitanya had insomnia! He would grind His face against the wall and chant Hare Krsna! This is a movie. It is not real life. You cannot starve to death in a movie. Hare Krsna!!!! Let us see what amazing things will happen next!!

Banana Santa (Llama) VP offering

5 years ago by bhaktanicasio in Special Category A, Other

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudev !!

 Please accept my humble obeisances,

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

 In the torrent of mercy of the previous Acaryas, you function as a dam, graduating it and releasing it to the right extent for the benefit of all of us, your disciples. The glory of the Guru param para is a living reality in my existence thanks to your infinite patience and mercy upon me.

 Your life is a source of inspiration, the constant flame that illuminates our path to Krishna. You build a bridge between Iskcon and secular society for the benefit of all, just as Lord Ramacandra laid a bridge to Lanka to rescue Sita. You are the Bhagavata devotee. I surrender to your lotus feet, the perfection that satisfies all desires. Because those lotus feet take me to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada, the safest shelter on the way to Krishna. Your instruction is very clear, the force that helps overcome all obstacles in the spiritual life. It inevitably leads us to stick to devotional service.

 All Glories to the Sankirtan of His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami !!

 Trying to serve you,

 Your fallen disciple,

 Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!!!! Krsna Krsna!!!! Hare Hare!! 

We can only hope that your Sankirtan is super!!!!! See the world behind this world.

Hare Krishna Estimado Gurudev!!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada.

En el torrente de misericordia de los Acaryas previos, usted funciona como un dique, graduando la misma y soltándola en la medida justa para el beneficio de todos nosotros, sus discípulos. La gloria del Guruparampara es una realidad viva en mi existencia gracias a su infinita paciencia y misericordia para conmigo.

Su vida es una fuente de inspiración, la llama constante que ilumina mi camino hacia Krishna. Usted tiende un puente entre Iskcon y la sociedad secular para beneficio de todos, así como el Señor Ramacandra tendió un puente hacia Lanka para rescatar a Sita. Usted es el devoto Bhagavata. Yo me rindo a sus pies de loto, la perfección que satisface todos los deseos. Porque esos pies de loto, me llevan a los pies de loto de Srila Prabhupada, el refugio más seguro camino hacia Krishna. Su instrucción es muy clara, la fuerza que ayuda a superar todos los obstáculos en la vida espíritual. Nos lleva indefectiblemente a apegarnos al servicio devocional.

Todas las Glorias al Sankirtan de Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

Intentando servirlo,

Su caído discípulo,

Nikunja Bihari das.