KDPC : Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev

4 years, 4 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

  Thank you so much Gurudev. Your words are always inspirational to me.

  ! read your many letters again & again.

  You asked in our last communication about office projects, family, temples.


  Office Projects : 

  ! work as technical project manager on Artificial Intelligence (AI), 

  Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Natural language processing (NLP)  

  and AWS (Amazon Web Services). There are so many projects going on.

  Responsible for Technical Solution Design and Project Delivery.

  Family : 

  By the mercy of Guru, Vaisanava and Sri Sri Radha-KunjaBihari 

  all are good in health and doing well. Parents are in home town with 

  younger brother, ! Was not able to meet with parents for last one 

  year due to COVID-19 as am stuck in Pune. 

  Temple : 

  Due to COVID-19 all ISKCON Temples are close since March 21, 2020. 

  So no visit but take daily darshan of lord on WhataApp and am in 

  touch with temple authority and speak with 3-4 bramachari frequently. 

  we speak about Vrndavan Krsna and Krsna's adorn.

  As my area was COVID-19 containment zone for a long time. So

  area was completely sized for long time, no one allowed to go out. 

  it open now. But we can not visit as temples are close.

  Thank you so much Gurudev.

your fallen servant,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Jaya!!!! Your news is always like a look at another one of the homes of Krsna that Narada Muni visited.

"Hari Bolo" - Jack London's Trash -

4 years, 4 months ago by Carlos Rold in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja !!




According your instruction on twitter about Jack London:


We made a post on instagram (you can check it out in the following link below):


And... yes, this trash is useful!

We just hope this post on instagram is helpful for your sankirtan.

Thank so much for your sweetness daily merciful

Your aspiring servant,




HpS - Interesting, Instagram. Our computer started smoking, so we will send it to Gopinatha Das at HP and maybe he can salvage the memory from stuff we did not back up! There is some Trash there.

Hare Krsna!!! Hope you get intense Krsna Consciousness that is also fundamental!!

More Letters. Let's go.

Hari Bolo Narotam Armijo, Chile

4 years, 4 months ago by narotam_armijo in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna maharaja, le ofrezco mis humildes reverencias, todas las glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada, ojala se encuentre bien, con respecto a la pregunta que hizo en el reporte anterior, pues si estoy asistiendo a las clases, pero de manera virtual por medio de guías que no tienen mucho sentido de existir, ya que mas que enseñar solo están ahí para que los profesores se ganen el sustento, pasando a otro punto gracias a su consejo ahora canto entre 10 a 12 rondas todos los días e intento llegar a las 12 todos los días, sigue siendo algo complicado, pero cuando me acostumbre podre seguir aumentando rondas hasta que llegue el punto en el que pueda tomar refugio en sus pies de loto.

Debo agradecer a el Prabhu Panca Tattva Das por enseñarme como funciona el sistema de comunicación en este blog, ya que no sabia de que manera responder a sus preguntas, si era a través del mismo informe que por el que me pregunto.

Sin mas que añadir me despido y espero que este mal que es el cuerpo no interfiera con nuestro avance espiritual.

Hari Bolo Maharaja


Hare Krishna Maharaja, I offer my humble obeisances, all glories be to Srila Prabhupada,

I hope he is well, with respect to the question he asked in the previous report, because if I am attending classes, but virtually through guides that do not make much sense of existing, since more than teaching they are only there for the teachers to earn a living,

moving to another point thanks to their advice now I sing between 10 to 12 rounds every day and I try to arrive at 12 every day,

it is still somewhat complicated, but when I get used to it I can keep increasing rounds until I get to the point where I can take refuge at his lotus feet.

I must thank Prabhu Panca Tattva Das for showing me how the communication system works in this blog, since I did not know how to answer your questions,

if it was through the same report that I was wondering about.

Without further ado I say goodbye and I hope that this evil that is the body does not interfere with our spiritual advancement.

Hari Bolo Maharaja

HpS - As we wake up to the value of the Holy Names we will chant them all the time!!!!!! Much essential work to be done. Other soldiers are trying to fight without us and screaming at us to wake up!!!

Respects to your big family of devotees.

KDPC - Sadhana Report

4 years, 4 months ago by petti in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Please accept my sincere obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I am writing to you in response to my informal request for shelter.

My sadhana has not changed much since the last report.

16 rounds: Yes. (For two years but I failed for a few months) I resumed them 8 months ago with a few days of rebellion.

4 Principles: Yes. Strict two years ago with some flaws. I took them back 8 months ago.

Studies and Sadhana: Mangala Aratik, four or more days a week. Daily SB classes, currently studying Bhakti Sastri.

I lead a life outside the temple so it is an eternal struggle with time, professional and devotional occupations.

Let me explain, I asked you for shelter in this informal way because of your response to my previous letter, where you tell me that: “I should initiate before marriage”, just for that. I am aware that I must greatly improve my japa chanting if I am to serve you as you indicate on Jayarama.us. I apologize if my request seemed bold.

HpS - ASA - Enthusiasm is more important than patience, but without patience it turns to passion. You seem to us to be doing very well.

My goal is to cultivate a relationship with you through your daily classes and general instructions in each of them. For me, the relationship with the guru is a priority, getting to know each other, learning to serve Krishna through his preaching. Initiation is not a priority for me (at this time) and precisely because of this I am communicating more fluently on your blog and classes, to cultivate a relationship between guru and aspiring servant. I do not know if one day I will feel ready for initiation, the regulative principles are not a problem for me, thanks to Krishna, but the rounds are a great challenge that I live every day.

HpS - In 10th chapter of BG Krsna say, "Yajnanam japa yajno 'smi". Among sacrifices I am Japa. If that is a fact then how can we find it a small thing!? Yet, the challenge is not talking, chanting, for 2-hours. We can all do that withour hesitation, usually. The thing is to sacrifice our tongue and mind to focus on KRSNA!!!!

Chanllenge for me daily. I have developed lots tricks. Lots of experience an education from SP that it is root of all success in everything so I have that asset. You will get the same asset from this life, or previous lives, as you continue.

I am making plans to live in a city (another country) where I can be protected and congregate in a healthy way, where I can cultivate a healthy association and resume my practical service in the temple. But that will be after the pandemic. Meanwhile, I am away from the temple and devotees.

I hope I have cleared up this confusion and been clear with what is in my heart.

My only wish is to know more about Krishna from a bona fide spiritual master and you inspire me.

Your would-be servant

Petti Michelena (Stefani S. Michelena) / Chile.

HpS - Have there been problems with participating in the Temple programs in Santiago? Not details, just general perspective. Have those improved with the new management arragements? On the path your are on, success is guaranteed!

Patita Pavana Srila PRabhupada.

4 years, 4 months ago by Julieta Corzo Fillmore in Other

Jaya Gurudev! Hare Krishna!!✨✨✨

Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!✨✨✨

Gloria a este movimiento dorado de sankirtan del Señor Caitanya y Sus asociados eternos!

Gurudev, deseo que usted se encuentre bien, acepte mis reverencias a sus santos pies.

Quiero compartir con usted y los devotos y devotas la ofrenda que le escribí a Su Divina Gracia Srila Prabhupada. Por alguna razón es una de la actividades que mas me cuesta hacer, aun no se por que, pero una vez mas lo hice y aquí va...

Srila Prabhupada, Hare Krishna!

Por favor acepte mis reverencias postradas a sus divinos pies de loto.

Aquí estamos un año mas intentando poner en practica sus enseñanzas, entonces cada vez somos mas conscientes de de nuestras propias limitaciones y eso nos permite admirar mas y mas todo lo que usted hizo para el placer de su Maestro Espiritual y El Señor Krishna. Wow!!

Es solo por su misericordia Srila Prabhupada que estamos desarrollando algo de inteligencia para entender profundamente la importancia de Cantar los Santos Nombres, al menos eso solo, así que cumplimos lo mas sinceramente posible lo que prometimos el día en que su discípulo Hanumatpresaka Swami, muy bondadosamente nos dio iniciación diksha, 4 principios regulativos y 16 buenas rondas (créame que lo intentamos!!) del Maha Mantra Hare Krishna:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Podemos apreciar también, cada día, que gracias al conocimiento que nos a acercado, podemos valorar mas y mas el propósito de esta existencia e intentar ser útiles en algo. Nuestro corazón es muy duro aún, pero sabe también que éste es al camino que debe seguir: "No hay otra manera, no hay otra manera, no hay otra manera."

De mi parte solo tengo palabras de gratitud por haberse acercado hasta Occidente y habernos abierto las puertas del Reino de Dios. Todo cobra sentido en la vida con sus palabras grabadas en la Bhagavad Gita y todos los libros a los cuales les dio significado. Usted hace todo simple y accesible para que podamos comprender la Verdad y salir del juego sin sentido de la existencia material. Nos da los ojos para atravesar este mundo loco y oscuro y justamente ver al Señor Krishna detrás de todo. Gracias.


trāṇāya kāruṇya-ghanāghanatvam

prāptasya kalyāṇa-guṇārṇavasya

vande guroḥ śrī-caraṇāravindam

"El maestro espiritual recibe bendiciones del océano de misericordia. Así como una nube derrama agua, extinguiendo el incendio del bosque, el maestro espiritual libera a este mundo materialmente afligido extinguiendo el fuego ardiente de la existencia material. Yo ofrezco mis respetuosas reverencias a los pies de loto de tal maestro espiritual, quien es un océano de cualidades auspiciosas."

Esperamos pronto salir nuevamente a las calles a distribuir sus libros y seguir estudiando su literatura trascendental para seguir limpiando nuestra conciencia y corazón, y realmente ser útil en algo en este Iskcon Glorioso. Nunca alcanzaran las palabras para agradecerle todo lo que hace por nosotros cada día, por favor denos sus bendiciones para poder seguir en asociación con los devotos...siempre:

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine

namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe


Ofrezco mis respetuosas reverencias a Su Divina Gracia A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, quien es muy querido por el Señor Kṛṣṇa, habiendo tomado refugio a Sus pies de loto.

Te ofrecemos nuestras respetuosas reverencias, ¡oh, maestro espiritual, sirviente de Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī! Bondadosamente estás predicando el mensaje del Señor Caitanya y liberando los países occidentales, que están llenos de impersonalismo y nihilismo.

Hare Krishna.

Intentando servirlo de alguna manera. Jahnava Devi dasi.


Gurudeva no le robo mas tiempo, gracias por todo su amor.

Su sirvienta, Jahnava Devi dasi.

Bolo Hari!! 💖🙇‍♀️🙏🏻

HpS - ASA -- Leyendo rapido. Muchas cartas!!! Pero apparece bien!!!! Claro. Directo. Servir a Srila Prabhupada!!!!