Letter from Japan to Order Book - Should I Give Amazon Link

4 years, 4 months ago by aja.govinda in Other

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and your service unto him.

I recieved a letter from Japan and wanted to know where I can direct them or how to respond to them so that they can order the book Pracyaprajnapradipa by Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay. Should I just guide them to order it from Amazon as it is available on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Pracyaprajnapradipa-Professor-Samaresh-Bandyopadhyay-Felicitation/dp/B00WJ4SAIO)?


HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna!!!! The seller on Amazon is "cemorris" from Spring Hill, Tennessee. ?? ! I don't know who they are. Very interesting. He shows only one book leftin stock and I cannot see that s(he)it has got anything else for sale on Amazon.


I think the best is to direct them to us.

No URGENTE - Mago travieso y sus preguntas

4 years, 5 months ago by bhaktapiero in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva


 All glories to Srila Prabhupada

 What I asked for:

 Where can I find more information about Subala?

ASA-UG -- http://www.jayarama.us/archives/rkgd.pdf

 Top secret:

 (please Gurudeva. Do not post the following words)

ASA - O.K. Because you are a boy and not a girl, and unless they should be published eg. you are a serial bank robber.

Comment - Always confirm these wonderful things with Guru (SP), Sadhu (otros devotos y los Acharya's previos), Shastra (Libros de SP)

 How could I start working on the book that connects Don Quixote of La Mancha with Lord Nityananda? Any ideas on how to make that connection concrete through storytelling? Maybe instead of a book it can be told by other means of expression?

ASA - DQ y Vyasa deva. Look for some pastime in DQ that is in comparison with our books.

Well, we have been doing sankirtan online, sometimes on the streets, but little by little. At Bhadra Purnima I gave Srimad Bhagavatam to my sister and I wish that every day she will be more fixed in devotional service.

 Thank you very much Gurudeva

 His Clown

 Piyari mohan das

HpS - Jaya!!! We are tired. Two hours of letters.


Hare Krishna Gurudeva


Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Lo pedido:

¿Dónde puedo encontrar más información sobre Subala?

Top secret:

(por favor Gurudeva. No publicar la siguientes palabras)

¡Soñé con Prabhupada!

Justo el día de su aparición

Me dió dos instrucciones mientras conversábamos tranquilamente:

  • Vuélvete famoso
  • Cuida…. No recuerdo que específicamente, era una instrucción más larga. ¿Alguna idea de ello?

Lo que más me motiva actualmente, y antes de haber soñado esto, es el cuidado, quiero prepararme en el desarrollo de programas de cuidado en todas sus áreas para hacer que el movimiento se mantenga en el tiempo dependiendo de mi capacidad para hacer que esto sea posible.

Luego soñé con usted, estábamos en una situación similar al sueño con Srila Prabhupada pero usted buscaba algo en su computadora y no lo encontraba o no había información sobre lo que buscaba.

¡Fin del comunicado!

¿Cómo podría comenzar a trabajar en el libro que conecte a el Quijote de la Mancha con el Señor Nityananda? ¿Alguna idea de cómo concretar esa conexión mediante la narración? ¿Tal vez en vez de un libro se puede relatar por medio de otri medio de expresión?

Bueno, hemos estado haciendo sankirtan online, a veces en las calles, pero poco a poco. En Bhadra Purnima le regalé el Srimad Bhagavatam a mi hermana y deseo que cada día esté más fija en el servicio devocional.

Muchas gracias Gurudeva

Su Payaso

Piyari Mohan das

Kapi Dhvaja Oct 01

4 years, 5 months ago by Patrak das in Other

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias a UD, querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte nuestras reverencias. PAMHO

El boletín ya esta (en ingles y español) en el grupo de Facebook, este es el enlace:


Muchas gracias siempre por ser de gran inspiración para nosotros. Intentamos seguir sus instrucciones. Muchas fallas en el camino.

Continuamos trabajamos online. Estar todo el día frente a la computadora esta provocando fuertes dolores de cabeza y ojos. Tenemos problemas para dormir en la noche.

Hemos bajado el ritmo de nuestro sadhana, esperamos regresar a 16R diarias.

Ofrecemos todo lo que llega a nuestras manos a nuestras hermosas deidades.

Muchas gracias por darnos este grandioso servicio

EDT (Antuanette & Patrak das)

HpS - Si!!! https://vedabase.io/es/library/sb/2/9/36/.... "...en toda circunstancia, en todo espacio y tiempo..." we have to be able to find Krsna, our lover, in all circumstances, then we will be happy. You see in this KDh that we have to give up so much computer work and start doing hand writting, also. Maybe best is to include original link to handwriting and then just make a word file translation of the content.

Thank you!! All success to you and your associates!!!

Canciones de los Acaryas - Udilo Aruna - PMD

4 years, 5 months ago by bhaktapiero in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Acepte por favor mis respetuosas reverencias.

Aquí le envío la letra del primer intento. Estamos tratando de componer canciones basándonos en las canciones de los acaryas previos al idioma latino.


Cuando el sol apareció

ASA - Donde?

Gourasundarn [la joya de los doble nacidos] despertó

Sus amigos él llevó

Cada pueblo conquistó 


Sus tambores sonaban

Las campanas jugaban al son

Su bella forma dorada, temblaba

Pura expresión de amor por Dios

Hare Krishna 

Hare Krishna 

Krishna Krishna 

Hare Hare 

Hare Rama 

Hare Rama

Rama Rama 

Hare Hare

Todos juntos coreaban 

mukunda mādhava yādava hari

A las personas clamaban, ¡despierta!

Pierden tiempo al dormir y gastan mucho en su vestir

Usted no aprecia el regalo

Que es tener un cuerpo humano

Si no te vuelves sirviente

Te vas hundiendo hasta la muerte

Hare Krishna 

Hare Krishna 

Krishna Krishna 

Hare Hare 

Hare Rama 

Hare Rama

Rama Rama 

Hare Hare

Cada salida y puesta de sol

Cada segundo se pierde

Si el tiempo gastas sin razón, por no ver

Quién reside en el corazón 

Este negocio te espera

El santo nombre libera

Del sufrimiento del dolor 

Ciclos del mundo sin valor

Hare Krishna 

Hare Krishna 

Krishna Krishna 

Hare Hare 

Hare Rama 

Hare Rama

Rama Rama 

Hare Hare

Tal como el sol brillante

Es el santo nombre, radiante

Ilumina la oscuridad 

A todo el mundo quiere llegar

Bebe las dulces palabras

Que el maha mantra regala

No necesitas más que estos versos 

Lo más preciosos en el universo 

Hare Krishna 

Hare Krishna 

Krishna Krishna 

Hare Hare 

Hare Rama 

Hare Rama

Rama Rama 

Hare Hare

Por favor Gurudeva, dígame que le parece y si es posible seguir componiendo. La música de esta canción es estilo reggae. Si usted lo aprueba, podría darme un listado de las siguientes canciones para poder seguir escribiendo. Sería genial poder ir lanzando cada semana una canción nueva, es bastante trabajo, pero no imposible, debo estudiar más las canciones de esos grandes Vaisnavas.

Su payaso

Piyari Mohan das.

HpS - No se??? Es poesia en otro idioma. Deficil para mi. Aparece bien... Bien.... posible mas detalles as we noted at the start. but it is nice the way it is, as we could scan it!!!

Cancion, video, espectaculo!

Hariboooool :)

4 years, 5 months ago by gopimn in Other

Hare Krsna su santidad, acepte mis reverencias por favor.

Me presento, soy Gopinath, mis padres son devotos, Maha Madavi DD y Rama Priya Das. naci en Ecuador. Tengo 31.

I was away from Krsna consciousness for practically all my life (since I was 12yo), mainly because I wanted to have a normal life, also because I did not wanted to believe in god, which is absurd because I cant avoid to pray at night.

I was not able to understand the real implications of been Krsna conscious, I read the books but they did not make any sense. So I stayed away.

Then a couple of years ago, after spending lots of time trying to find happiness with a material perspective (finishing my under graduate and graduate studies, buying a car, getting a place to live, having a girlfriend and all that) I get bored, and realize that I needed something more. I always remember my sister kunti saying: "dont be afraid of being a deep person". And then I started to embrace my spirituality, first, I went to a vipassana course of ten days, and it was so awesome, its like I was born for meditating.

HpS - AgtSP one of my best friends from University became big Vipassana Dude!

It happened that last year in august, I took my japa for the first time in decades, I had always keep it near me, but never touched it, it was my japa from when I was a kid. And I started to chant a little. And it felt great!!!! Then I decide to go to the temple in santiago, to the morning program. Hahahah of course it was hard because its too early so I never get up in time and in consequence I never went. But one day, I said like man, if you dont do it now, you are never going to do it.

So I woke up at 4, take a quick bath, get into the car and to the temple. I was really nervous, but the devotee that was there, Sebastian, welcomed me with a lot of enthusiasm and give me a garland, it was so nice, like every little thing, from the sounds of the bell to the majestic altar remind me of my childhood.

I went ther to leave at 10am, but ended up leaving at 10pm!!!!!

HpS - ASA --- My, God!

Helping in the temple, talking about cosmology. It was great.

Well, I have a lot of things to say, I went to India also, but I dont want to take a lot of your time.

Just want to say hello, and pay obeisances onto your lotus feet.

Thank you, Im at your service,


HpS - Jaya!!!! Hare Krsna. Do you read the KRSNA book (with others)?

URGENT Lila Sakti from Valparaíso passed away last night -

4 years, 5 months ago by jagad.guru.das in Other

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Dear Guru Maharaja,

I came here to tell you that unfortunately for us Lila Sakti Devi Dasi left her body last night WITH 92 years old, and advanced alzheimer.

HpS - ASA - She was so great. We wondered what had happened to her. One time we came over from Santiago to VP on the bus and when we got of, three of us, we didn't know which way to go to get to here flat for the weekend.

Then some Dude, walks up ans sees us in Vaisnava dress and say, "You looking for Mama Lila-shakti", and we said, "Uh, yes... ", and he says, "Come with me, I show you. I show you."

Yet that is still the situation. She still is so great! Unfortunate for us but she has gone to excellent destination, no? Where is she now? What is she doing??

She was a dear devotee by all the community here in Chile.

Disciple of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami, she was a devotee who performed tireless service for Krishna, who welcomed and trained many devotees and devotees in the "Región of Valparaíso", and with her example of humility and compassion inspired many people on the path of Bhakti Yoga.

For many years she conducted a program in Valparaíso, inviting new people, with Bhagavad Gita readings and cooking delicious dishes for all the guests. This program was the place where many people met Krishna and where many devotees continued to cultivate their faith.

Doing fast numbers, one of her vartmana-pradaksaka disciples, Madhava Priyasakhi devi dasi, said to me that more or less there are 15 active devotees now that met Krishna Consciousness because of Lila Shakti devi dasi.

Even ourselves we went there with you several times. She appreciated you a lot. Thank her contact with a director of a school we spend several days in one school on one summer in 2007 I think. Very nice programs in Biblioteca Severin, Conference in one Centro Cultural, Harinamas, et al. All the devotees remembered that program a lot.

HpS - Yes!

ISKCON Chile official post: "Last night Lila Sakti left this world leaving behind a life full of service and Bhakti. We will remember her with much affection, love and admiration. "

Ananda Vardhana commented:

Devotee's treasure !!!!! Great and resplendent Krishna consciousness programs in Valparaíso !!!!!
Dozens of memories in my heart with your Prasadam and big heart !!!!!
Hospitable host for every lucky guest who came to her home, a perfect example of a Krishna temple.
Guru Maharaj Hanumat Presaka Swami has great appreciation for her.
My sterile eyes moisten, thinking that she represents that devotee who speaks little, and does much.
All glories to mother Lila Lila Sakti, maker of Devotees !!!!!

HpS- The little train used to climb the machine in front of her flat!!! With Tulasi on the balcony and beautiful altar.

So, please, Guru Maharaja, a lot of her vartmana-pradarsaka disciples requested from you, if possible, your blessings and good desires to her. Keep her in your holy prayers.

HpS - Why do you even ask!??? She was always admired and appreciated by us. We hope to meet her again, to preach in Valparaiso again!!!!


Your servant Jagad Guru Das