Rupanuga Prabhu Link about Ayurveda

4 years, 2 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept our humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

I watched the link you shared about Rupanuga Prabhu and Ayurveda.

Prabhu starts speaking about Ayurveda Parampara, how Baradwaj received this knowledge from Indra. And how this knowledge has been passed through sages to their students. 

Then he speaks about ashta siddhis, and how they are real and within human capabilities.

Finally he speaks about coronavirus, making the analogy with the virus as a little child coming to fight you. He says that if one small child comes and hits you, he will do no harm, but if a thousand small kids come at the same time, then the damage will be considerable. It is the same with covid19 he explains, the severity of infection depends on your immune system fighting with the viral load.

And I think that is pretty much everything he says in the link you shared.

At your service Gurudev,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. Thank you for the very useful summary. We will see if Rupanuga Ji sends some links specifically for the Blog?

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias,

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada,

Vi el enlace que compartio sobre Rupanuga Prabhu y Ayurveda.

Prabhu comienza a hablar sobre Ayurveda Parampara, cómo Baradwaj recibió este conocimiento de Indra. Y cómo este conocimiento se ha transmitido a través de los sabios a sus estudiantes.

Luego habla sobre los ashta siddhis y cómo son reales y están dentro de las capacidades humanas.

Finalmente habla sobre el coronavirus, haciendo la analogía con el virus cuando un niño pequeño viene a luchar contra ti. Dice que si un niño pequeño viene y te golpea, no te hará daño, pero si mil niños pequeños vienen al mismo tiempo, el daño será considerable. Lo mismo ocurre con el covid19, explica, la gravedad de la infección depende de que su sistema inmunológico esté luchando contra la carga viral.

Y creo que eso es prácticamente todo lo que dice en el enlace que compartio.

A su servicio Gurudev,

Nikunja Bihari das.

Divya Drsti devi dasi from Cusco II

4 years, 2 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva! PAMHO! AGTSP!

Divya Drsti devi dasi from Cusco asked me to send you this letter:

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja

Please, receive my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Gurumaharaja, thank you very much for your last answer, It was great.

Gurudeva, I have a question

Do I get married or not?

Since I am a little girl like 11 years old I dreamed with love, now I am 44 years old and I need to solve this enigma, I have heard a few lectures of ISKCON about grihastha asram and I realised that It is not easy.

However I have the desire to get married, I do not know exactly why......maybe because I did not have enought loving care and confidence from my father when I was a child or it is simply because it is a woman natural necessity.

I have been suffering a lot because of this, of course before been a devotee I tried to have a formal relationship but It had a very painful ending.

Now that I am a devotee my mind has change totally since 11 years ago.

Although I know it is difficult to get married....knowing that maybe I will lost my freedom...I feel attracted to get married.

I saw the possibility to live with matajis because I feel alone but It is not easy to organize It, women need to have covered all their needs and need security and sometimes I think I could not stablish something like that for my friends matajis, I have the doubt.

On the other hand if I do not get married maybe I will ask myself always: "why I did not try It? maybe It would work".

Married or not married definitely I want to share my life with devotees, or live next to devotees or next to a temple.

My material family is nice but they are not devotees, as I am trying to become a better devotee sometimes It does not help to live with them, but It helps only when I have to learn to be compassionate, tolerant and patient with them....that is the advantage to live with my father, my sister and brother.

There is a page leaded by Maharaja Jayapataka disciples who make arrangements for marriage. It seems a good page, I would like to try it, I have the desire to have a husband, even despite knowing that maybe I will suffer or it would not be good.

Unless I will chek and satisfy my desire in a relative devotional way, I have this feeling of doing It putting Krishna in the center.

As you know Gurudeva I was a tour guide, I had two opportunities to have a relationship with Karmis but because I always wanted to get married with a devotee I did not took these opportunities.

I want to feel peace in my mind and my heart, I really want to feel stable to serve Krishna with art, it's been many years I have this feeling, now the time arrived to solve It.

If I would get married and suffer unless I will get purified.

Married or not married I am going to do my service of puppets and kirtan and doing preaching with art.

Of course, I would like a husband who helps me with the preaching. My idea would be to look for a devotee who would want to preach, maybe to live 6 months per year in Cusco city and Sacred Valley organizing preaching activities with art and the rest of the time maybe in his country or traveling to preach too.

Well this is my utopia.....I do not know if Krishna wants that for me.

Unless I really need to solve It and take a decision, I need to have peace in my mind and focus in my service.

If Krishna wants me to be single celibate devotee maybe the things will go in this direction, but I would like to feel peace in my heart with this, not feeling uncomfortable, dissatisfied, embittered or incomplete or that I did not married because of fear.

In one moment I felt very fear thinking: If my husband do not let me preach with art!!! No, that would be terrible!! I would prefer to be single in that case.

However the idea would be to look for a husband that would agree to help me with preaching.

Gurudeva, I am so sorry to ask you about it, but with my father I can not talk about this subject, because he does not understand me.

I have been listening HG Mahatma Das Prabhu Lectures and he says why do you generally think negative? Maybe you find a devotee that is good for you a sadhu that helps and inspire you in your spiritual life, as well I have talk with a mataji that serves in GVT grihastha visión team of ISKCON and she recommended me before jumping to marriage to know well the person.

Gurudeva, please could you give me your advice, opinion and recommendations?

Thank you very much for your help.

Your servant:

Divya Dristi DD.

HpS -ASA --- Hare Krsna! AgtSP. Please accept our humble obeisances. Your letter was a little long so I had to skim through part of it, but I think I have a good perspective.

I would say that you should try to marry Krsna. Of course, that is a very high aspiration, but if He comes as a Deity, then you might ask Radha if She will shar Him with you. Krsna can handle 16,108 Queens, why not a few more..

On the other hand, at 44-years you should probably think about a Vanaprastha relationship. It is not unnatural. It is too old to start a family with children, but there are many, many children who are looking for mothers (aunts). Maybe Krsna will send a devotee who is looking for the same thing, some emotional relation, in Vanaprastha ashrama.

So Krsna or Krsna representative.

Guru Prasad Swami s vyasapuja

4 years, 2 months ago by sarahii in Other

Hare krsna

Please accept My humble obeysances at your lotus feet.

I am Saranagati s husband. I want to ask You a favor. Next November 8th we will celebrate Srila guru Prasad Swamis vyasapuja via internet. I want to give him a special gift and... If You agree, please . . . . The only point is, that will be surprise.

I remain at your service.

Thanks regards.

Your servant Amara das

HpS - Thank you. AGTSP! Paoho. If we publish it here it may not be a surprise. Please sen you address. We won't publish it.

Thank you.. We will try. Very nice.

Kapi Dhvaja Octubre 16

4 years, 2 months ago by Patrak das in Other

Hare Krishna!!!!!!!!!!!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias a UD, querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte nuestras reverencias. PAMHO

El boletín ya está (en ingles y español) en el grupo de Facebook, este es el enlace:

Este nuevo formato de boletín nos gusta mucho. Podemos apreciar sus dibujos y su letra. Muchas gracias siempre por ser de gran inspiración para nosotros. Mantenemos siempre sus instrucciones en nuestros corazones y tratamos de cumplir todos.

Regresamos a clases, despues de una semana de vacaciones. Continuamos trabajamos online.

Hemos diseñado una pizarra en la pared de nuestra habitación y estamos dando las clases desde ahí.

ASA - You are giving classes in you Pizza Maker???

Estamos más fijos en el sadhana y la adoración.

Ofrecemos todo lo que llega a nuestras manos a nuestras hermosas deidades.

Muchas gracias por darnos este grandioso servicio

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette )

HpS - Your translations are extreme mercy. Monkey promises to try to make the KDh better quality. Can you please tell us about your werke?

Japan follow up

4 years, 2 months ago by aja.govinda in Other

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad and your glorious service unto him.

We got a response from the Japanese library:

Please send your book the following our mailing address by FedEx.

. . . 

Tokyo 112-0003, 


ASA - Lord Aja-govinda Das, how will they send their MUNNEY?

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

4 years, 2 months ago by Juan Espejo Thorndike in Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Acepte mis más humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Le escribo estas líneas para contarle cómo esta mi vida espiritual y personal, mi querido Gurudeva.

Gracias a su inmensa misericordia y la protección de Krsna sigo conectado con mis 16 rondas y estamos siguiendo los 4 principios regulativos.

Mi esposa Lavanya y yo estamos siguiendo desde marzo de este año el curso Bhakti Sastri con Gandharva Prabhu. Ya estamos en más de la mitad del curso, en el capítulo 13 del Bhagavad Gita. Estamos muy felices ya que este curso tan importante nos ha servido para conectarnos más con Srila Prabhupada y Krsna.

También le cuento que en nuestra empresa Tulasi, además de los alfajores estamos haciendo otras preparaciones como Pye de manzana, Cheescake de fresas, Torta de manjar, y, nuestra Lasagna de zukini, espárragos y alcachofas.

Muchas gracias por su tiempo querido Gurudeva.

Su sirviente

Jana-pavana das


Hare Krsna, Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I am writing these lines to tell you about my spiritual and personal life, my dear Gurudeva.

Thanks to His immense mercy and Krsna's protection I am still connected with my 16 rounds and we are following the 4 regulative principles.

ASA - 😐 No need to say anything more. Your complete success in every endeavor is guaranteed.

My wife Lavanya and I have been following the Bhakti Sastri course with Gandharva Prabhu since March of this year. We are already more than halfway through the course, in chapter 13 of the Bhagavad Gita. We are very happy as this very important course has helped us to connect more with Srila Prabhupada and Krsna.

Good books.

I also tell him that in our company Tulasi, in addition to the alfajores, we are making other preparations such as Apple Pye, Strawberry Cheescake, Manjar Cake, and our Lasagna with zukini, asparagus and artichokes.

Shocking! Do you distribute internationally!

Thank you very much for your time dear Gurudeva.

Your servant

Jana-pavana das

ASA - Que pasa con su hijo? Vecinos? Pais? Arte?