CCD Names

2 years, 9 months ago by caitanya.hps in Other

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva



My civil name is : David Yallico Torres .

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

you can find the priority code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krihna...Hare Rama...

Hinduism research in Oxford

2 years, 10 months ago by maha in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaj


I ask about a Oxford research from Oxford University that you mencion on your classes. This professor give very positives comentaries about the Bhagavat Purana. I need know the name and where I can get this quotes to use in my academic studies.


Maha Krsna |Nam das

HpS - AGTSP - paoho. I was probably quoting a personal comment that Professor Narasimha Rao made to Radhika ramana Das.

That would not be too useful in rigorous academic work.

Prof. David Haberman's Introduction to his commentary on Bhakti rasa amrta sindu is tremendous.

(CP-PCM, CP-KD) letter of ekangui devi dasi

2 years, 10 months ago by Radha Japa in Other

Remembered Gurumaharaja

Please acceot my obeisances to your feets of lotus!

I wish today a wonderful Vyasa Puja in Peru!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! All Glories to You!

Ekangui Devi Dasi asked me to tell him about his life now and here is what he told me to tell him:

She continues to live in Chile. She married a Chinese man in March 2019. He has a 9 month old daughter and is very into kindness. She tells me that she does not follow the process at all but she is fortunate that her best friends are devotees and they remind her of you and Krishna.

Every day she sings Nrsimha pranam and Govinda to her baby and leads a very blessed life that she believes that at some point Krishna has taken pleasure in her.

She always remembers him and esteems him very much. You will always be very important to her and she hopes to speak of your glories to her daughter.

Please ask her to send your blessings for her baby, her name is Yí Lin. He wishes him well and asks for his good health.

These are the words that ekangui devi dasi asked me to write to him.

PleaseForgive any offense Gurudev.

Trying to serve:

Radha Japa Prati Jalpa Devi Dasi

ASA - Krsna will enlighten her through many lifetimes of drama. 🙂

Hare Krsna !!!!

(FMP-PC | ANTE-KALE ) El fuego del arrepentimiento

2 years, 11 months ago by Cruz Santa in Other

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias

¡Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro muy misericordioso Srila Prabhupada!

Y todas las Glorias sean a usted querido Gurudeva

Deseando se encuentre en buena salud. Gracias por ser la luna llena que alumbra mi camino durante la oscura noche en la que vivo.

Guru Maharaja, en distintas ocasiones usted me dijo “Sri Rama le dijo a Lakshmana; – No existe error que puedas cometer y no puedas corregir” Y Srila Prabhupada dice “El devoto se arrepiente sinceramente de los pecados accidentales que comete, y, por la gracia del Señor, todos los pecados involuntarios que el devoto haya cometido se queman en el fuego del arrepentimiento.”

Yo no me considero a la altura de un devoto, no obstante, me siento sinceramente arrepentida de las palabras ásperas que dije durante un periodo de locura temporal. Y siguiendo sus misericordiosas instrucciones, estoy haciendo mi parte para corregirlo, con paciencia y confiando en que, nuestro muy misericordioso Señor sanará el corazón de las personas a quienes lastimé.

Ahora sé que no hay forma de recoger las palabras dichas, y me pregunto ¿Cómo es que el fuego de mi arrepentimiento sincero quemará el resultado de las palabras ásperas que ya he pronunciado?   Al principio creí tontamente que, por solo estar sinceramente arrepentida, todo sería más fácil… pero francamente este es un camino escabroso y en ocasiones muy doloroso. Aunque creo que estoy aprendiendo mucho de él. 

Hace unos días mientras estudiaba el SB 1.18 y 19 medite en que: — Maharaja Pariksit, se sintió sinceramente arrepentido de su error, y aun así la serpiente alada termino con su vida. — Sin embargo, él acepto con agrado la sanción impuesta y además obtuvo un GRAN beneficio de ella.  Entonces me parece entender que NO debo usar el arrepentimiento como pretexto para querer escapar del castigo. Porque cuando llegue, traerá con él un beneficio. ¿este entendimiento es apropiado? Y ¿La sanción que yo reciba, beneficiará de algún modo al vaisnava lastimado?

Por otra parte — Maharaja Pariksit, fue muy misericordioso al no presentarse frente a Samika Rsi, y lo hizo para evitarle una vergüenza mayor— De este aspecto, me parece entender que, debo tener cuidado para que mi búsqueda de perdón, no agite a la otra persona pues de lo contrario quizá solo consiga lastimarle más ¿Es así? Entonces ¿Cómo podemos respetar el proceso del “vaisnava ofendido” y al mismo tiempo hacerle saber que estamos sinceramente arrepentidos?

Guru Maharaja, por favor discúlpeme por distraerle con estos detalles. Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa guía.

Su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 


Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja

Please accept my deepest obeisances

All Glories be to our most merciful Srila Prabhupada!

And all Glories be to you dear Gurudeva

Wishing you are in good health. Thank you for being the full moon that lights my way during the dark night in which I live.

Guru Maharaja, on different occasions you told me “Sri Rama told Lakshmana; – There is no mistake that you can commit and cannot correct.” And Srila Prabhupada says “The devotee sincerely repents for the accidental sins he commits, and by the grace of the Lord, all the involuntary sins that the devotee has committed are burned in the fire of repentance.”

I do not consider myself to be of the level of a devotee, however, I sincerely regret the harsh words I said during a period of temporary insanity. And following his merciful instructions, I am doing my part to correct him, patiently and trusting that our most merciful Lord will heal the hearts of the people I have hurt.

Now I know that there is no way to collect the words spoken, and I wonder how the fire of my sincere regret will burn the result of the harsh words that I have already spoken? At first I foolishly believed that, just by being sincerely sorry, everything would be easier... but frankly, this is a rocky road and sometimes very painful. Although I think I'm learning a lot from him.

A few days ago while studying SB 1.18 and 19 I meditated that: — Maharaja Pariksit, he felt sincerely sorry for his mistake, and yet the winged serpent ended his life. — However, he gladly accepted the imposed sanction and also obtained a GREAT benefit from it. So I seem to understand that I should NOT use repentance as an excuse to want to escape punishment. Because when it arrives, it will bring with it a benefit. Is this understanding appropriate?

HpS - Yes. . .

And will the sanction I receive benefit the injured Vaisnava in any way?

HpS - Generally speaking it is another kind of vanity that we have, I have, that I can think that I hurt someone. One factor is that they may just be receiving the reaction for doing just what you are doing in their past life. Even to you.

So, the distress that they are receiving is what they deserve.

Chant and pray, and engage in devotional service. There are things that you know should do. Do them and then by that work your intelligence will become clear how to relate to specific offenses that you have made.

Don't make you life complicated.

Be happy with Krsna as your friend and do the work to reawaken your relationship with him, then your relationship with others will become clear and any adjustments in those relationships will become clear.

Go ahead.

You have a lot of important work that you are supposed to do!

On the other hand — Maharaja Pariksit was very merciful in not appearing in front of Samika Rsi, and he did it to spare her further embarrassment — From this aspect, I seem to understand that I must be careful so that my search for forgiveness does not agitate the another person because otherwise it may only hurt him more, is that right? So how can we respect the process of the "offended Vaisnava" and at the same time let him know that we are sincerely sorry?

HpS - Our answer is in the advice given above. 🙂

Guru Maharaja, please excuse me for distracting you with these details. Thank you very much for his merciful guidance.

Your would-be disciple

Karuna Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - It is not a distraction. There are at least five more people in the same situation and we thank you for presenting these challenges so we can offer any perspective that we have.

Thank you.

Expecting to hear positive news from you about your Sankirtan and Sankirtan partners.

(Varaha is Coming)

2 years, 11 months ago by Kamagayatri in Other

Hare Krsna dear Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Krsna and Srila Prabhupada took the greatest mercy upon us by introducing us to one of his most sincere sons.

HpS - Gopal Krsna Maharaja!!! ?? 😎

The first association we remember took place in the halls of St. Marks school (Where we attended Confirmation classes 10 years earlier) wherein you were the esteemed guest speaker for Balabhadra’s community class on Vedic history.

Our strange commentary to you while asking questions after the lecture  concerned false gurus and godless religion.

Inevitably after the encounter we were left with a feeling that we would be vastly left behind if we couldn’t attempt to follow your compassionate personhood imbibed in humble servitude and the knowledge you presented from the ancient and authorized Parampara.

It touched a depth of our soul that needed to be expertly mined and was trapped in vast amounts of past life muck.  Our Kali Yuga drop-out psych was trying to grapple with the downfall of the mother father hierarchy, i.e. the disappointment of our familial Catholic sentiment upbringing as well as a Buddhist, voidist spiritualism.

At that time our new freshman college education consisted of a sad group of intellectual philanderers barren of moralism who seemed exhausted while presenting a downtrodden humanism and an acceptance of a life that embraced dehumanism (Mark Twain...Neitzche....Orwell).

Despite the -isms people like us had prescribed to, your association helped us prescribe to a new transpersonal humanism.

You have great compassion and insight on how to help the tired souls who want to be rescued from hundreds of thousands of years of accumulated mirk.

HpS - We think we are a little tamed externally but still have Godzillas within. We think that we have some sentimental sympathy but really lack compassion in depth because we have not been really submissive within.

The hope is that we don't just get what we earn, but Krsna, Guru, are actively trying to reawaken our good qualities from real compassion.

If we get association of devotees like yourselves, Boise, yatra et al. then it is easy to take Srila Prabhupada's association.

Gurudev your writings, constant blog and twitter presence, and general accessibility through interactive and personable seminars has helped those that are still floundering in the waves of Kali quit disassociating and finally wake….up.

They can Feel a real connection to the parampara and Krsna. Of course there is always the tendency to still want to disassociate because that is Our disease.

We pray Gurudev that we can throw out this old template. There is a heartfelt new template being presented to us when we view Monkey Warrior, Kapi Dvaja, tweets, and correspondence.

We pray All of us can choose transpersonal beyond human association by joining the ASA entourage as you model how to have an attentive morning program and japa as well as dedicate our time to Srimad Bhagavatam and preaching.

Here is the requested Vyasa Puja blog address from the Boise community and beyond:

Thank you so much for tolerating the tech issues. We learned a lot and are very grateful to the devotees who participated.

Murari made an animated offering which is the last post on the blog. Also the whole devotee community came together in person the next day for a jubilant Vyasa Puja celebration.

Citrasaki devu dasi made a wonderful cake (picture on the blog) and everyone was very happy due to the mercy you have given to our community for so many years. 🙏

Gurudev, we asked the devotees about obligations from March to July. It seems that some devotees are traveling in middle of June and Radhika Raman is not available until middle of May. We came to the conclusion though that any time that works for you will eternally bless us. Please let my husband and the Boise devotees know how we can best assist Gurudev. We hope you will consider staying for an extended period or for as long as you feel comfortable doing so. 

Murari Prabhu has been out of service due to spraining his shoulder. We decide to visit the Oregon Coast and work remotely with places that have a kitchenette. The girls have been leading car kirtan and were happy to meet mother ocean and the sea lions.

HpS - ASA - - - Jaya!! We bought the Nashville <>Richmond (VA) ticket yesterday: 1-17 April. Only $75 on Alegiant. Nashville <> Boise Alegiant is seasonal in the summer so we will wait a little to see what is available. I think from middle May until mid-June would be a good time to look for ASA camping in New Biharavan if God and man approve?

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare // Hare Rama, Hare Rama...... !!!

One more letter?

You are all soldiers!

Mangal-ananda Das: ,

2.30 - "And love exists because You are so kind"

Your servant, 

Kamagayatri devi dasi

The Oriental Kings - Vyasapuja Offering 2022

2 years, 11 months ago by divya in Other

om ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā

cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ


mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ

paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim

yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande


I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, the deliverer of the fallen souls. His mercy turns the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables the lame to cross mountains. (CC Madhya 17.80)


Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you on this auspicious day of your vysapuja. The best moment of the year has come, when we have to write vysa puja offering. How difficult it becomes to put the thoughts into words. Though we daily sing cakshu – dana dila yei, janme janme prabhu sei. You are my lord birth after birth, still I am unable to glorify youand your unlimited causeless mercy. 

Guru Maharaj you are an ocean of mercy, who, even though I have no special qualification, still accepted me as your disciple and always trying to rescue me from the material distress. 

You never judged the worthiness of your disciples; you just selflessly offered your shelter. You are so approachable and humble and are always so concerned about your disciple’s welfare, spiritually and materially. You are understanding and patient towards your disciple’s material conditioning, you guide them sublimely and engage them in service without enforcing it. You were always there for us when we we were going through such mental pain and agony. You were in constant touch with Srinath Krishna Das, asking about my health and well being and also shared the reason behind what happened. It was a great strength for us as if Krishna is personally present with us in the form of our beloved spiritual master. Despite of the busy schedule you even spoke to me and motivated me. 

Guru Maharaj you have been always there for us whenever we were in need of you, and you made sure we somehow get out of the material distress by giving spiritual advice and making us progress in Bhakti, thus making us go near to Krishna. That was the main reason I was able to stand up and gain strength to fight with this material distress. I am always so inspired and encouraged by your highest standard of devotional practice expecting that someday by your mercy I will be able to follow atleast a part of it. Your simplicity, humility and forgiveness with all other vaishnava qualities is your greatness. 

Guru Maharaj, though I am unqualified still you considered me and gave me second initiation. Please help me so that I may be useful for Krishna’s service and be a nice tool for Krishna.

Dear Guru Maharaj, my heart is full today and I am inshort of words, but still would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for accepting me as your disciple and for being there for me as a spiritual father. If I fall down I know that you will be there to pull me up.

The list of your glorification could be endless. I take this opportunity to thank you for everything, I feel grateful and proud to be your disciple. I pray to Krishna to give me the intelligence to learn to serve you always with enthusiasm and determination. Thank you for giving me the shelter in this material world. May you spend a beautiful birthday. I humbly beg for your blessings and please forgive all the offences that I commit. 

All glories to you dear Guru Maharaj always seeking your blessings, mercy and service. Please always keep us in your divine shelter


Yours humble servant,

Divya Sri Devi Dasi.

HpS - 😬 You are a soldier! You are fit to be Draupadi or some such lady in your next life. Thank you for your association. Go ahead. Let Krsna take all your ego and leave you with your real self, as brilliant as the sun, capable of doing your little service in Vaikuntha. Then we shall really see each other for the first time and recognize each other and laugh.

See you all soon.

Best wishes to all the servants of Kala chandji!!!!