thanks for your answer :)

11 years ago by Candrarekha Devi Dasi in Other

All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitai

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada


Dear Gurudeva, 

First of all I hope every time to see you in good health.

I would also like to thank you for responding my last report, about how to help the senior devotees who move away from Krsna, and how bhaktas devotees help the initiated devotees, I went thru the upadesamrita again and found things that I haven’t noticed before and it complemented very nice with your answers :) .

Candrarekha devi dasi

Santiago- Chile

               HpS -- Jaya! - AGTSP - Paoho. See you soooon.


11 years ago by Bhaktin Camila R. in Other

All glories to Sri Sri Gour Nitay!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to H.H Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Camila R., Student of Social Work, 20 years old, Chile. 

Hare Krishna dear Maharaj, i don't know if you remember me, probably not... But now we're writting again. I took refugee in you last year, but only "from the heart", cause for problems with authority i haven't the opportunity to become a formal refugee. But it's okay, that things make me strong! You told me before that those things were Krishna's Test !!!! So we pray for the opportunity to grow in that aspect (spiritual). 

Our year was extremely weird! and with so many changes! But by the mercy of the lord we continue here... 4 principles are right :) ...and 16 rounds too, sometime they are hard for me, but Krishna's mercy is INCREDIBLE.  

Now i'm here in Buenos Aires, Argentina...we came for your Vyasa Puja! So, we're attending everyday to morning program. Yesterday Maharaj Bhakti Busana Swami arrived from Peru. So he is staying in the temple of Buenos Aires. Is amazing having the opportunity to be with an Spiritual Master :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ! 

Well, I don't want to waste your time with this silly letter, so im going to ended it :) . Please excuse my BAD english, and my POOR attitud of devotee... we want to become a better soul, so in that way serve correctly to Srila Prabhupada Mission... please help me.. i don't know how i will do that without the help of a pure devotee. 

( How we can practice our Humility?...) 

I hope with all my heart that you are well. 


                       HpS - ASA - AGTSP    paoho.  Very nice. We talked with you today. If you are following everything then what are the "problems" with the authorities that do not let you be a Formal Aspirant and now if it is one year, taking first initiation. Well, maybe we can talk after the class this evening also.

We become humble as we become self realized. It does not mean to become artificially small or big. We have to investigate our position and then we automatically respect everyone because everyone has been created for a unique reason by Krsna.

question on NIOS state of existence

11 years ago by yogendra dasa in Other

Dear Hanumat Presaka Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I hope it is alright to use this facility to contact you. I'm a disciple of His Holiness Bhaktimarga Swami, and I am married to your disciple, Rasa-mandali devi dasi. I'm a big fan of yours! I had a question to ask. What is the current state of NIOS? In a sleepless frenzy, I have spent the last few hours of the very early morning trying to recover the most up to date information. I found the NIOS website via google, and seems like most recent updates are from 2009 when councillors/codes/kings call went out? From what I've heard of NIOS, it is very interesting to me. I'm not a great scholar, but I've got a degree in political science. Always thinking of what to do with it (so far we just work in the bank to support family). Also, I recently read your mentioning several times the grhastha vision team as a resource for your disciples. I really appreciate that you did that. The GVT has been a tremendous source of enlightenment, healing, and encouragement to me. I am really indebted to many devotees who form the GVT, and am hugely supportive. Thank you/gracias. Aspiring to be the servant of your servant, Yogendra dasa

HpS - AGTSP!  So, nice to hear from you, Prabhu. Seems we have at least two very dear friends in common.

NIOS is struggling  to get in proportion and grow or shrink as is appropriate. Our web page has been a little undermanned, but we have been able to do a little work of our own. Maybe you can save the web-page?   In any case, we posted a new News release on 24th December. It is there with current news! Also, the first item on the classical bookshelp, parasara dharma sastra might be interesting to you. p'pada cites it in the instructions of bhisma deva to yuddhisthira in canto one, chapter nine, and we heard him cite it for a practical matter on one recording.

Please write more! Please find ways to pass KC to your work, "Nice day! Sun is shinning!" ie. remind peeople of the sunshine, pantheistic incarnation of God!

Candramonkey's offering

11 years ago by candra108_mukhi in Other

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva: AGTSP AGTU PAMHO In this offering I want to thank U for all the mercy, support and protection that U gave me this year, and always, but specially this year. I have realized that the desire of the pure devotee of the Lord is too strong and does not matter what others say or want if one has the blessings of a pure and surrenderED soul like U, everything is possible and NOBODY can hurt us.

ASA - Well, we are 97.3353% just bad conductors of Srila Prabhupada's mercy, so guess you are realizing how kind us Srila Prabhupada!

I offer upon U my respects one time and millions of hundred times because as it is stated in SB 11.17.27: acaryam mam vijaniyan nava- manyeta karhicit: “One should not treat the Spiritual master as an ordinary human being ,for He is the substitute from the Supreme Personality of Divinity.” You by your service to Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON and all devotees exemplified this sentence that is on SB Canto 4 Chapter 20 text 16: “Anyone who has developed unalloyed, unflinching devotional service unto the lord develop his original good qualities as spirit soul”. Whenever I remember your service I recall this sentence.

ASA - We still have a tendency to flinch for vegetarian pizza!

The first thing in order to take shelter from advanced souls like U is to hear from those advanced souls so as M Prthu asked in His prayers to Lord Visnu. “My Dear Lord I therefore do not need any other benediction but the opportunity to hear from the mouth of Your pure devotee”. So I humbly request that benediction too.

ASA - Start Meeting may help us associate!!

I remembered that in one occasion we were celebrating the Sri Vyasa puja of HH Hridayananda das Gosvami and when I was giving my speech I said: I took Siksa from Maharaja because there are certain things that U can not tell to your father but u can do tell to your uncle. Nevertheless, this year I have realized that now I can tell U anything my beloved eternal spiritual father. This year I told U something really tough that has happened to me and U responded: “ Why not tell us. You got a better friend?” So for that moment I realized that the relationship Guru – Disciple is even more strong now.

Even if many people tried to destroy that. I used to see U as my father and guide, but now I see U as my best friend in this material world. And now I can go and tell U anything without any fear. However this is not an excuse for continue doing nonsense. Please do not worry thanks to iur example and the words that I heard from iur godbrother HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja. “SP wanted that we were devotees with DIGNITY, INTEGRITY AND CHARACTER”, just like U are.

Thank U for allowing me to continue worshipping Gaura Nitai, for giving me confidence, support, for continue trusting me and do not try to drift me apart even if I am the most stupid, unchaste, weak, etc disciple that U have.

Thank U for being the kind of disciple that SP is pleased with. U are the most patient, merciful, intelligent, steady, determined, funny soul that I have ever met.

asa - that maybe because there are several of us here using the same donkey, Oink! Whoop! Paoho...

Gurudeva thank U again. U do not have even a slice of idea all the awful things that I had to put up with this year, but I feel always protected by the Guruparampara through U.

Please I humbly request that U give me iur blessings in order not to fail U again and not being and embarrassment for U and ISKCON.

Thank U again, without U I couldn’t be able to survive this year and always.

Thank U also because this year U taught me that we have to face our problems and do not try to hide, and not being a coward, and also try to understand why things happen and try to be a better devotee each day. Always trying to be iur disciple, Candramukhi dd

ASA - HpS - ASA - I honestly think that your father would be very proud of you and how you dealt with your life this year also. O.K. Let's go ahead you have a lot of very nice work to do for Krsna! See you in a few hours with Miss Yugala kishor Devi Dasi in Argentina!

Jayanta das ISKCON Madrid.

11 years ago by jayanta in Other

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud cuando reciba este mensaje.

Me pregunta en cuanto al avance externo e interno y la calidad de mis rondas. Pienso que la calidad de mis rondas nunca fueron tan buenas como para estar llorando todo el dia. Tampoco son tan malas, ya que mi fe en el proceso, en Srila Prabhupada y en Krisna núnca a disminuido. Por supuesto todo tiene que mejorar.

En cuanto al avance externo, pienso que viene dado por los años de practica y no por la posición social. Por supuesto que para hacer un servicio importante se necesita algún avance. El avance interno viene por la sinceridad y la falta de duplicidad y a veces solo pueden apreciarlo devotos avanzados.

Me pregunta si tengo algún consejo y yo no se si estoy en posición para dar consejos. Pero mi mente me empuja a decir que pienso que los discipulos deberiamos entender y aprender mejor a relacionarnos entre nosotros desde la perspectiva vaisnava y, por supuesto a relacionarnos con los diferentes gurus de forma apropiada (siksa, diksa, vartma, autoridades, etc). He intentado adjuntar  un archivo con las resoluciones GBC 2013 sobre las diferentes lineas de autoridad en ISKCON pero no es posible. Pienso que todo el mundo debería leer y poner en practica las instrucciones de ese documento para evitar el sentimentalismo que tanto daño hace en nuestra practica devocional.

Sin mas se despide
su sirviente 
Jayanta das

               HpS - Jaya!    TlgaSP.... !       .....  Pfanrh.  Si, "Parallel Lines of Authority". Yo estoy participando en la fomacion de esta documento un poco y pienso es bastante bien. Una buena esfuerza clarificar unos punto deficiles en un documento corta, practico. Claro, todo el mundo comenzan su vida espiritual en la etapa de kanistha adhikari y poco a poco cantando 16-rondas estamos adelantando a nivel de uttama adhikari. Entonces, en la comenza no podemos entendender como relacionar con devotos, no devotos, ateos, innocentes.

Pero por medio de la vaidhi bhakti, sadhana de Srila Prabhupada poco a poco adelantando. Si yo puedo responder a unas preguntas especificas es un honor.  Ya vamos a la DTC con todos los detalles y Patrak Das siempre tiene traduccion!!!

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

11 years ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!


Gurudev. Junto a Parasurama Das y Guna Manjari Devi Dasi estamos reuniendo la información de los aspirantes a iniciaciòn.

Por consejo de Patrak Prabhu, le escribo para darle la lista de aspirantes a iniciaciòn, y para que Usted nos diga quienes de ellos tienen refugio formal.

La lista de aspirantes es la siguiente:

  • Fernanada Leiva
  • Andrea Contreras
  • Carolina Castro
  • Gloria Cornejo
  • Gonzalo (Mar del Plata)
  • Paula Quezada
  • Lucciano Macchiavello
  • David Leyton
  • Ignacio Gonzalez

Le agradecemos enormemente ésta información, ya que no tenemos registros de refugio formal de algunos de ellos.

Algunos de ellos no han realizado el Curso para Discìpulos (requisito obligatorio para iniciaciòn establecido recientemente por el GBC)

Otros no tienen 6 meses de servicio, pero Le pedimos ésta informaciòn, para tener un registro y asì ellos puedan en el futuro poder tomar iniciaciòn.

             ASA - AGTSP paoho.  Oink!  Oink! En la Kapi-dhvaja encontrararar esta enlace:

<cite> </cite>

<big>Al final de la lista de los Discípulos se encuentra la lista de aspirantes.</big> 

Pregunta: ¿Cuàl es la manera de pedir Refugio Formal a Usted? y ¿Qué requisitos necesita un devoto(a) que aspira a iniciación de Usted?

           ASA - OooooooommMMMP!


Sobre la pregunta que me hizo, acerca de la actividad que realiza mi hermana menor; aquí le respondo. Ella es Ingeniera en Recursos Naturales, y trabaja en una Fundación llamada "Casa de la Paz"; ahí realizan proyectos de sustentabilidad. Hacen talleres a comunidades de escasos recursos, para ahorro de energía, reciclaje , etc.

Estudiò Instructorado de Yoga, y uno de sus profesores era Diego Maldonado (devoto), les hizo leer el Bhagavad-gita, y ahora asiste a su Bhakti Vrksa y canta Hare Krsna!

Muchas gracias por Su respuesta.

Hare Krishna!


Shhhhh! Es un secreto solamente para nostros!