Vyasa Puja offerings

11 years ago by msrinu in Other

Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale
srimate Hanumat preshak -svamin iti namine

Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale
srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine
namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracarine

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your divine lotus feet,

      HpS - AGTSP We are still struggling to control our mind and senses, but we are making progress.

.  . . all glories to Srila Prabhupad and Guru Dev.

We are not qualified to be worth of your disciples, but still you picked us up and gave the inspiration to walk in to the right path and that showed your love and caring for the fallen souls.

We don’t have words to express our good fortune, when you visited and stayed with us last September and felt like the below verse is walking in front of us.

brahmānda bhramite kona bhāgyavān jīva
rsna-prasāde pāya bhakti-latā-bīja

While your stay with us, fortunately with Krishna’s mercy, we got an opportunity to see and understood, what is “Simple living and High thinking”, and you stood by an example for great many qualities.

Day before Yesterday, while I’m checking something on internet, I come across last year’s Vyasa puja and I started listening one more time and by the time I complete, it gave me so much inspiration, that we have to do something right away. With the mercy of ISCON of Richmond, we celebrated our last day of the year, with an extended Kirtan, group chanting and Kid’s drama play (Me and MY mind) and Maha Harati at mid-night.

We continued the same on the next day (Jan 1st), with a book distribution (for 6 hours) in a Hindu Center (a temple of many gods including the Supreme) and it went so successful, able to distribute lot of books with the help of other devotees from ISCON of Richmond. All this motivation is happened just by listening to your words last night and realized the true potency of a pure soul.

Unfortunately, we are unable to express the feeling that is in the heart in words.What else we can write other than bow down to your lotus feet (Manasa, Vaacha and Karmana) and begging for your mercy.

And a frame of Sri Sri Nitai Chaitanya Chandra (last night)

Your humble servant.

Subala Sakha Das

Krishna Pramodini Devi Dasi

               HpS - AGTSP.   It was very inspiring for us to stay with you. You only take birth in India if you were looking for spiritual life in your previous life. You and Mataji and the kids are already doing so much that surely Krsna will give you intelligence how to concentrate your actions for even more results. BG 10.11  We are in Chile now. Hope to see you soon.

ofrenda de vyasa-puja mani_sati

11 years ago by mirabai in Other

hare krsna querido gurudeva:

todas las glorias a radha-krsna

todas las glorias a sri sri goura nitai

todas las glorias a srila prabhupada y todas las glorias a usted en este dia de su advenimiento.

gurudeva es mi primera carta de vyasa-puja y no se si podre expresar todo lo que siento,pero quiero que sepa mi mas sentido de gratitud por el amor y dedicacion que usted nos da todos los dias sin descanso.

Agradecerle tambien el haberme dado refugio.Sus enseñanzas y asociacion son el tesoro mas preciado para mi. Le pido a radha y krsna que me concedan la gracia de poder servir sus pies de loto durante mucho mucho tiempo.

intento seguir sus instrucciones con sinceridad y esfuerzo.

usted es un ejemplo de humildad,constancia y renuncia. Aunque no lo demuestre aprovecho para expresarle que es muy importante en mi vida y espero y deseo este muchisimos años mas.

¡¡¡ Que pase un maravilloso dia junto a krsna a srila prabhupada y a todos los devotos que tengan la fortuna de estar con usted este dia!!!!!

Esperando pertenecer eternamente como su sierva

mani-sati sita dd

                HpS - TlgaSP!!!!!!   pfanrh.  Que pasa con Vd? Esta dejando el trabajo en la perfumeria, no? El centro como esta? Su Mma, hermanaa



Hare Krsna gurudev, acepte mis reverencias porfavor

Me regalaron una deidad del señor Nrsimhadeva queria preguntarle  es apropiado que la adore?

se despide su aspirante a sirvienta Fernanda L.

         HpS - AGTSP pfanrh.   Nos vemos en tres dias. Por que no pregunta en una clase, "Si recibimos un Deidad como Senor Nrsmha, es apropriada adorar?" !  Muchas gracias su asociacion.

Haribol Maharaj

11 years ago by David Leyton in Other

All glories for Srila Prabhupada

All Glories for his holines Hanumatpresaka Swami

Hare krishna Maharaj

I am David Leyton to ISKCON Santiago de Chile. , my life it's so hurt about (HpS - ASA - Jaya! AGTSP. Thank you for the explanation. Works, healing through touching, but could also make people sick if the touchers are sinful!  What about starting a family?) Thank for the recommendation of reiki. only i am doing therapy to myself, because i have fear to sick other people. Thanks

I spoke with my girlfriend (Macarena) and she is ok about having family. We a starting a relationship but now we have some money's problem, i don´t have a job, only sankirtan. i studied Engineering Agriculture and this is not enough, i also got a Diploma degree to start a project in febrary. i have spending a lot of money to pay my studies that I can not afford for anything else.

may be i am not a good devotee, only i can do my best effort to improve, chanting 16 round, i meet the four principles, i do Sankirtan and the saturday i do service on the temple but i dont have sadhana.

Please tell me what can i do for be better? can you tell me, what sadhana can i do in my home?

We will see us in Chile

Hare Krishna Maharaj

                HpS - ASA - Jaya!!!!  AGTSP.   Amongst the people on the planet you are doing, very, very well. Given your situation maybe one of the best people on earth.  Let us just talk personally when we get to Santiago. It is just three days!

Mis humildes reverencias desde Potosi (Bolivia)

11 years ago by vrisabhanu das in Other

Mi muy querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto...

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada...

   Espero que usted estè bien de salud. En mi corazòn usted està siempre. En mi habitaciòn tambièn hay una foto suya cerca del cuadro de Tulasi devi, de Krisna y del Señor Nrisimha para que lo proteja mucho.

  Ahora estoy en Potosì en Bolivia, viajando para distribuir libros. Bueno estoy culminando ya el segundo año de ventas del segundo libro cientìfico de autoayuda que escribì "Dinero Amor y Salud" en el que recomiendo la reconexiòn con el Supremo, mediante el canto del maha mantra Hare Krisna, recomiendo la lectura de los libro de Srila Prabhupada, y tambièn el cultivo de las cualidades divinas que Srila Prabhupada menciona en el Bhagavad Gita. Estoy contento de entregar el  maha mantra a miles de personas que leen el libro. La vez pasada vi en Cochabamba a una chica con el libro subrayado en las manos, se le veìa muy feliz. Pienso que este libro lo compran personas, que desean dinero, amor y salud, pero se encuentran con algo superior encontrando a Prabhupada y el maha mantra, y por eso me siento bien, y aùn pienso que es mi deber seguir distribuyèndolos. Esta ciudad, Potosì, aunque muy frìa y muy alta (4,000 mts. sobre el nivel del mar) tiene gente muy buena, en realidad muy favorable.

  Sigo los 4 principios regulativos, canto mis 16 rondas, aunque tambièn reconozco que a veces no las culmino, y debo terminarlas al dìa siguiente, o las culmino mientras distribuyo libros en la ciudad.

  Le entrego mi vida. Su aspirante a sirviente. Vrsabhanu das.

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP!   pfanrh. . .  Pero cambios fuerte en su Ashrama y no comunicacion acerca de ellos con nosotros! Hmmmf... !

Vyasa Puja Offering

11 years ago by ravigupta108 in Other

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you on the auspicious occasion of Vyasa Puja!

Each year that I write my Vyasa Puja offering, I feel less and less worthy of presenting myself before you. I know I have such a long way to go in spiritual life, so many attachments to overcome, and so much to still understand. When I see your example, I am awed and encouraged at the same time. I do not have words to fully express my gratitude for your example, guidance, and affection.

But there is one quality in particular that I would like to highlight on this occasion, which is your seamless integration of scholarship and devotion. This is a hallmark of Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s sampradaya---from Srila Rupa Gosvami to Srila Prabhupada---and you follow this same ideal of bhakti-vedanta.

What I find so amazing is how you hold these two things in perfect balance. You understand, appreciate, and actively engage in the academic service. And yet even in the academic environment, you maintain a simple, straightforward faith in Srila Prabhupada and his essential instructions---4 regulative principles, 16 good rounds, morning program, and sankirtana. This combination is so rare; indeed, many would say that a simple faith is incompatible with academic insight, but you have shown them wrong. How fortunate I am to have a master like you!

I have so much work to do in the essential practices of hearing and chanting; I am still not steady in my sadhana. But your example allows me no excuse for my weakness. Gurudeva, once again on the occasion of Vyasa Puja, I beg for the strength to become steady in my sadhana and service. I cannot do it without your blessings.

ekaki amara, nahi paya bala, hari-nama-sankirtane

tumi krpa kori’, sraddha-bindu diya, deho krsna-nama-dhane

Please continue to look with compassion upon this fumbling child of yours,

Radhika Ramana dasa

            HpS - ASA -  Jaya, Srila Prabhupada. We can only hope you make the little adjustments you need to do to put any basic Sadhana in order in your very broad devotional life. Maybe you are 75% efficient now and adjusting the priorities a little then 85% efficient. What does Krsna want us to do? A big battle of Kurukestra?