en separación de su santa asociación.

10 years, 11 months ago by Victoria in Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, pfamh ___o_

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Queria darle las gracias por su visita, por todo su tiempo y dedicacion. Por su paciencia e infinita inspiracion.

Tambien queria compartir una entrevista a Claudio Naranjo, reconocido psiquiatra chileno. En la entrevista habla, entre otras cosas, acerca de la necesidad actual de educar espiritualmente a las personas. Rodrigo de Chile comento que el Sr Naranjo es una eminencia en Chile. Pienso que seria muy interesante que el pueda conocerlo a usted. Link de la nota: http://www.webislam.com/articulos/60921-la_educacion_que_tenemos_roba_a_los_jovenes_la_conciencia_el_tiempo_y_la_vida.html

Tambien queria mostrarle un video que la madre Urmila recomendo sobre una escuela primaria en Franco da Rocha, Brasil. Quizas se pueda conectar con Goloka Education y trabajar en conjunto. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcjuIqv2X1E

Espero que la informacion sea de su intres. Muchas gracias

quien quiere servirlo

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

  HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Thank you for the information. We followed the links and looked at them. I think it is best if you keep them and then as Goloka Education and NIOS advance a little more you can see how they fit in and inform us. Thank you for your and Ambarisa Das' association. We are thinking of you all and after meeting everyone in Mayapura I think we will have much more defined picture of what is happening for all of us in terms of exact service in Nitai-Gauranga Sankirtan.

Hare Krsna Guru Dev - "... is 2.3 seconds per mantra!"

10 years, 11 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Thank you so much.

    This is regarding, http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/node/3800."... is 2.3 seconds per mantra!" : Some time it is very difficult to get
    space in temple on the month of Kartik. On 6 Nov 2013, it was a day before Prabhupada's festival, which was 7 Nov 2013. So much
    devotees had reached in Vrandavan. To see the crowd, i just attended Puja at Prabhupada's Samadi temple. and chanted all rounds
    at Samadi mandir. Did not went to inside the temple hall. we paid obeisances from out side the temple hall. And continued chanting
    at samidi temple.

    That day, i had finished my 12 rounds before 4:10 AM and remaining at samadi mandir.

    When i chant without sound and with mouth movement, i observed it takes less time, compare to when i chant with sound and
    with mouth movement.

    During Kartik Pravas (stay) in Vrandavan, I experimented three way of chanting:
    Type : 1. Chant with sound and with mouth movement.
    Type : 2. Chant without sound and with mouth movement.
    Type : 3. Chant without sound and without mouth movement (inside chanting).

    Type : 3 takes so much time, 4 rounds 30 minutes. Then comes Type : 1 and Type : 2.

    Secret of Chanting : When i chant, i just focus only one thing at a time. Like, some time, lotus feet of Srimati Radharani,
    some time flowers  around Srimati Radharani's lotus feet, some time Lords eye, long hair, face, mala (garland) around neck,
    some time Lords color - blue or black, some time Lord's tao nail and some time Lotus colore of Louts feet, some time Lord's floot,
    some time cloth, color of cloth etc... my rounds go over and over and we really feel very calm and cool. And just don't want to
    go out from that. And then entire day, i just want to be in that.

    During chanting, when i focus on flowers around Srimati Radharani's lotus feet, we get awesome freshness. Similerly many, many things.

    Guru Dev, Please guide me, if i am making mistake.

    Thank you, Guru Dev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

                      HpS - AGTSP paoho. Very nice. 1) What kind of project are you doing at work. Who are you working with? Can you chant out loud and record one round.

Vyasapuja offering from Madrid with love

10 years, 11 months ago by Sananda in Other

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva,

paoho, AGTSP!!.

Please forgive us for writting you a couple of days after your Vyasapuja. We were busy celebrating


It was very nice, many devotees came even from the farm.

Ghanda Manjari came from BCN and did many wonderful preparations, Yasodananda cooked also many tasty dishes. Ekadrsti did the cake.

Jara Mara did the puspanjali and served the prasadam with Marta, ( we think all positive changes in Madrid are ocurring thanks to their faith and power to encourage us).

Thanks to Dandava we could see you on webex, but were not able to make our offering alive, maybe next year!

Jharikanda made your garland and Vyasasan.

Jaya Shakti presented the theatre.

And many other devotees cooperated in different ways.

We did the theatre and people enjoyed it! ( named: para HPS con amor o Juana descubre su verdadera identidad)

The group want to do more!

Whole event felt like we were instruments to serve you.

Many details need to improve, next year we´ll get another chance...

Something like making our dad a present and paying it with his own money.

Thank you soo much it is imposible that we can posibly reciprocate with your mercy, but we keep working

to do our best.

Something is changing in Spain, hopefully is a mirror of the change withing our hearts.

We just want to act in ways that will honor and please you.

We are adicted to book distribuiton again, we just want to arrange our lifes so that we can do Sankirtan and

be with devotees.

We keep the hope that you will still visit us. We will organize a Simposium for June...just in case.

We keep figthing the war to become steady, to become devotees!, learning to do so with detachment from the result.

Happy Vyasapuja Gurudeva!!,

we wish we can make you feel satisfied one day, as simple disciples.

your eternal servants Bhadra VD & Sananda DD

                             HpS - AGTSP  paoho.  Thank you.  So much to do, but if we can so what we can do for Krsna, Karma yoga, then soon we will be able to do it with a systematic reason. Sell books. Invite people to the Temple. Get to know them.

nueva Escuela en Bolivia

10 years, 11 months ago by Jiyada Nrsmha in Other


Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Querido Gurudeva

Hablando con madre govinda y su esposo, del proyecto de abrir nuevas escuelas devocionales en sud america.

Nosotros podriamos hacerlo, bajo su guia y coordinacion. ella y su esposo hablan ingles asi que no abria problema si las mallas curriculares llegan en ingles, podrian traducirlos para el ministerio de educacion.

Espero que este de acuerdo y podamos coordinar para que este proyecto salga adelante.

Atte su eterno sirviente Jiyada Nrsmha das.

 HpS - TlgaSP.  MMMMMMUUUUUCCCCHAS gracias su associacion en BsAs. Muchas gracias.

O.K. tiene ver "watch", ver, para escritos aqui con el contenido, "Goloka Education". Aparece que vamos a formar un committee continental (con VDS) formar un estrategia: Una revista, Pagina de Web, y comenzar con Sanskrit en Agosto.

URGENTE. PabloParikrama

10 years, 11 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other


Agt Guru y Gauranga!

Pamho, Dandavats Maharaja!

Hare Krsna Maharaja, soy Bhakta pablo del Parikrama de españa, otra vez.

Espero que se encuentre muy bien en todos los aspectos, y que Krsna le de mucha fuerza y bendiones.

Perdone que le escriba otra vez tan rapido, pero queria contarle que he tenido diferencias serias con unos devotos senior del Yatra español. Segun parece, en una reunion de Sankirtaneros, he utilizado " mis poderes misticos " para que cantaran Hare Krsna en vez de distribuir libros...¿¿¿¡????, yo no lo entiendo. Lo unico que hice fue cantar Hare Krsna incesantemente, externamente e internamente....yo creo que todo ha ocurrido porque hay movimientos politicos internos y la gente no se fia de nadie.

Por todo esto yo me he sentido muy ofendido, y como consecuencia  de ello me he comportado como un loco, sin utilizar inteligencia o el corazon. Incluso me he planteado muy seriamente el irme a India un tiempo largo en vez de estudiar, pero Varuna tiene solo 6 años y faltan años para que mis responsabilidades terminen.

Lo mas importante que queria contarle, es que me he dado cuenta que todos los problemas que me he causado son producto de mi lucha interna por no rendirme a Krsna, y a Usted. Soy MUY desagradecido con Usted, lo se. Solo le causo dolores de cabeza y de corazon, y Usted solo me da misericordia y misericordia. NO SE como lo hace, yo no podria.

Hoy, gracias a Usted, los devotos y Krsna, me he dado cuenta que llevo muchos años mostrando una rendicion artificial. No he dado ni un solo paso real para rendirme a mi Maestro, Usted, y a Krsna, Dios. Le he exprimido igual que los Karmis a Madre vaca. PERDONEME SE LO RUEGO.

Quiero ser su discipulo, estoy perdido sin usted. Voy a hacer lo correcto para  presentarme como aspirante formal si los devotos me lo permiten.

Estoy arreglando la caravana e intentando ver los seminarios de Sankirtana de Vaisesika Prabhu para poder hacer Sankirtana viajero y aprender a hacerlo( soy muy malo ).

Majaraja, las 16 rondas minimo, los 4 pricipios estrictos ( bueno, comi un poco de chocolate ), programa completo de la mañana y tarde, y lectura de Caitanya-Bhagavata mañana, Sri bhajana-rahasya tarde y Krsna-book noche.

---Me gustaria decirle que siempre he hablado con los devotos de mi vida pasada sin problemas, nunca lo he ocultado, muchos lo saben todo.

---Tambien me gustaria comentarle que virginia lleva años espiando lo que escribo aqui, es malo para mi, pero pensaba que le serviria de ayuda espiritual. Ahora me he dado cuenta que no, asi que tengo que comunicarme de otra manera.

A SUS pies Maharaja.

Su TONTO tonto Bhakta pablo.

P.D;Ya le puesto una foto pequeña en el Altar en vez de grande, como Usted quiere. --- Mi sargento decia que era-soy mas bruto que un ÑU.

Hare Krsna/ Hare Rama!!!



Agt Guru and Gauranga !

Pamho , dandavats Maharaja !

Hare Krsna Maharaja, Bhakta 'm pablo Parikrama of Spain again.

I hope you are well in all aspects , and Krsna very hard and bendiones .

Sorry to write again so quickly , but I wanted to tell you that I have had serious differences with some senior devotees Yatra Spanish . It seems, at a meeting of sankirtan , I used " my mystical powers " to sing Hare Krsna instead of distributing books ... ¿? ? , I do not understand. All I did was incessantly chanting Hare Krsna , externally and internally .... I think it all happened because there are internal political movements and people do not trust anyone .

For all that I have felt very offended , and as a result I behaved like a madman, without using intelligence or the heart . I 've even raised very seriously India go a long time instead of studying , but Varuna is only 6 years old and missing years to complete my responsibilities .

The most important thing I wanted to tell you is that I 've realized that all the problems that have caused me are the product of my inner struggle not to surrender to Krsna , and You . I am very ungrateful to you , I know. It only caused headaches and heart, and you just give me mercy and mercy. NOT as it does, I could not.

Today, thanks to you, the devotees and Krsna , I have realized that I have many years showing an artificial surrender. I have not taken a single step to true surrender to my Master, You , and Krsna , God. I've squeezed like a cow Karmis Mother . Forgive me Please.

I want to be his disciple , I'm lost without you. I will do right to introduce myself as a formal candidate if devotees let me.

I 'm fixing the caravan and trying to see seminars Sankirtana Vaisesika Prabhu Sankirtana traveler to do and learn to do it.

Maharajah , the minimum 16 rounds , 4 pricipios strict (well, ate some chocolate ) , a full program of morning and afternoon reading Caitanya- Bhagavata morning bhajana- rahasya Sri Krsna -book afternoon and night .

--- I would like to say that I have always spoken to the devotees of my past life without any problems, I've never hidden , many know everything.

--- Also I would like to comment that brings years spying virginia what I write here , it's bad for me, but thought he would serve for spiritual help. Now I 've realized that no , so I have to communicate differently.

Maharaja YOUR feet .

Your silly SILLY pablo Bhakta .

PD ; Now you put a small photo on the altar rather large as you want . --- My sergeant said it was gross - I'm more than a GNU .

Krsna Hare / Hare Rama !

                    HpS - AGTSP. pfanrh. Muchas gracias su carta. Siempre siento mucho amistad con Vd. Tiene su Karma, su naturaleza. Cado uno, Virginia, Varuna, Jayanta, Yadu Swami... Cada tiene su naturaleza. Muy bien. Adelantamos. Tiene que pedir desculpas de unos si esta ofendiendo ellos. Y oir de ellos como puede adjustar cosas como todo esta bien. PERO adelante con su naturaleza. sus "poderes misticos" con la base loco de rondas, principios etc.!