
10 years, 9 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other

Agt SP!

Agt Guru Y Gauranga!

Agt Radha Y Krsna!

Agt Gurudeva!

Pamho Maharaja.....o..

Hare Krsna Maharaja, soy B.Pablo del Parikrama, de España.

Sorry to write so quickly, but I would like to tell all my external situation exactly, because many times I am too introspective.

!6 rondas, 4 principios, Mangala arati ( no 2 days, I was extremely bodily tired ), Gaura arati and so happy, sooo sooo happy, but internally. Externally, I am in a heavy situation, but if but if I stand a little more, it'll all be gone, I explain ...

The government has spent months trying to not pay me my share (lol), can not, but they bother me delaying payments (6 months now), by these and other things, I could not pay a fine who got put Virginia (soon I hope to pay it), but I have to go to prison 60 days, is little little money, but the law is the law...haw haw haw and I don´t want my family money more, . This don´t disturbe me anything, really, except that not rot to go to India to Nrshimha to see Radha Krishna Dham and Sadhus....also is that I will to lose the money of the tickets, but really really that is any important to me. Actually I want go in Damodara more...will see what happen ( sure thing I will do. So I have to think and so I'm always thinking. You have taught me well maharaja. )

Virginia is fully possessed by his situation. In a very critical moment of his life, he decided to put his trust in a number of holes, materialists people, and it will cost much personal suffering that decision...

The only reason I do not go elsewhere is Varuna. It is a great person, very sensitive and it deserves the best. I can not leave him among the "pack of hyenas". Now he have 6 to 7 years, within 4 or 5 years, will take about 10 years, then I will continue my path and Varuna decide on its way.

I have many economic problems mainly because I deliberately decided to work with the family, evil doing. Are completely misguided. My father thinks I'm possessed and every time I start to pray Hare Krishna he show like he were praying with the rosary, but he is looking the tv...jajaja so pity. Is totally possessed for his gross gross desires.

My young brother is a nice person but is with the moon at 0 %, then his mind is like the wind and is totally controled for my father, like a child. Now whenever is laughing like mad, because he thinks I can control his mind ... jajaja. Like me elder brother, he live in Boston, had important job he is boss in chip design in a large company of fools, who has taught him that the world can only advance by slaves ... lol totally crazy because of his position and wealth. I laugh at them, all crazy.

A lot of people, many people have much envy me because I'm very independent and I have very very straight. I always say what I think, and if your  company is unbearable I continued " as a ñu "

Like my town, less that 500 persons, very close people, they only only eat fresh, uuuugggg....if you don´t eat meat, drink, and have pig-sex are crazy, any speak to me becouse I am crazy and I do black magic...my Japa, and chant " Hare Krsna "...black magic...jajaja. Are crazy.

If all goes well, within 1 or 2 months everything started very well resolved. I've spent years enduring this, I will not leave now, even if I get into prison, lol I laugh. Consciously or unconsciously all want to I stay away from my son.

When I finish my "obligation", I'll go to not ever back  if Krsna permits. Only Nama Sankirtana, single, Hare Krsna Hare Rama, Hare Krsna Hare Rama .... o ..

This years en medio I wish doing Sankirtan, preaching and distributing Maha-prasadam from my Nice Deaties.

Sorry for the letter soo long, butI have years without tell You details, are sooo horrible, You are not for that, I think, You give me Krsna, Realitation, and I have one eternal deb with You, I do not expect the stupid fools understand it, either my family or other.

Yours, at Your feet, Your servant B. Pablo.

Hare Krsna!

                   HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. Thank you for Enlglish translation. Helps a lot. Seems you are going ahead very, very well with a big battle. It took the Pandavas years to solve their problems but Krsna was using them.

Japa principles, GOOD morning program and get some good counselors, eg. Jayanta, Jara mara, Dandva, so many there. Yadu Swami. Then it will all have been benefit.


10 years, 9 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other


Agt Guru y Gauranga!

Agt Radha y Krsna!

Please accept my humble oblations Maharaja!

I wish You are nice in all aspects Maharaja!

About the priciples, Yes Maharaja, strictly.

Yours. At Your feet.

Bhakta Pablo.

HpS - AGTSP. 16/4 .. Mangala arati -SB for one year.... You can take initiation.

vraj now and then

10 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Other

hare krsna maharaj,pamho, agtsp

in vraj parikrama , you constantly compared vraj to earlier days.
here are some pics testifyin that (courtesy Deen Bandhu Pr)


HpS - AGTSP paoho. Was so nice to be with you in India. When we were there in 1978 we heard that one old man said that he remembered how there was more water in the Yamuna, more trees and herds of deer used to drink water from the Yamuna. Of course, more poverty in some ways also.

Strange thing is that although the Parikrama path and many of the Holy Places on it around Vrndavan are almost completely convered in asphalt we still felt transcendental satisfaction in doing the Parikrama. It is just an inevitable feature of Kali-yuga.

Photos are incredible!


Only solution.....  ????


10 years, 10 months ago by Simio madhu in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other



Mis dos hijos están bien, jaganath entro este año a sociología y esta leyendo a los filósofos griegos, me gustaría estar estudiando con el. Y Dante entra el próximo año a la universidad a estudiar cine, por ahora estamos trabajando juntos en un documental. 

En mayo me voy con los dos a Buenos Aires por una semana a la feria del libro, allá son más baratos los libros, y para pasar tiempo juntos. 

Estoy postulando a un Magister en educación orientado a la organización y liderazgo, todavía no se sí alcanzo lugar para este año. 

Gracias por su asociación 

S.s. Madhumangala d. 

HpS - Estamos AGTSP hablando mucho de educacion en Sud America, de Vd. com Minister of Education. Everyone. Should be some reports for you in a few days.

Noticias y dudas

10 years, 10 months ago by Bhaktin Belen S. in Other

Hare Krsna Maharaja! Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!! Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Espero se encuentre bien. !! Aquí, Belen desde Buenos Aires - Argentina    ---   .U.

Por un lado..... En el BG 9.29 acerca de la reciprocidad entre el devoto y Krsna.. Dice "La reciprocidad del Señor no se debe considerar que se encuentra bajo la ley del karma".. mi pregunta es, cómo sabemos si estamos teniendo una real relacion con Krsna o si estamos actuando y teniendo reacciones bajo la ley del karma?

            HpS - Different answers at different levels. AGTSP. A Goswami is in touch with the supersoul. A new devotee takes instruction from Prabhupada's books and Guru. Chanting 16-rounds is not a product of Karma. It is a relation with Krsna and He will personally make it hard, easy etc.

BG 9.28 PRahupada habla de los sannyasis, de que aquellos que dedican su vida al servicio del Señor se deben considerar completamente liberados en el presente y en el futuro, su ida al hogar, de vuelta a Dios, está garantizado. Pero en el curso de discípulos me explicaron que los maestros espirituales no se liberan del ciclo de nacimiento, enfermedad, vejez y muerte hasta que no liberan a todos sus discípulos. Es decir, vuelven a reencarnar en este mundo para liberar a sus discípulos. Entonces no me queda muy en claro.

        HpS - There is a letter to Brahmanda where Prabhupada says that if the disciple follows the standard of the vows then the Guru is obliged to come and help him if he doesn't go back to Godhead in one lifetime. But if he is not following then the Guru is not obliged. So, if he is following the he should go back quickly. Even if the guru has to come back he doesn't come back under the influence of Maya. It is like a Doctor coming into the hospital to help a patient on his day off, his vacation.

BG 11.8, Prabhupada dice en el significado que Arjuna es el comienzo del parampara.. pero no entiendo a qué se refiere. Ya que Arjuna no está dentro del parampara...

HpS - There are many Paramparas, from Laksmi, Shiva... We belong to the Brahma sampradaya. But that goes through Vyasa deva and Vyasa deva gives us the BG. So in that sense Arjuna is the beginning of the Parampara because Vyasadeva takes the BG from Arjuna.

En cuanto a cuestiones personales... mantengo las 16 rondas diarias, los principios y el servicio me cuesta bastante.. Si bien lo hago, me cuesta relacionar la acción en sí de lo que hago con la causa, que es Krsna.. Como puedo mejorar esto?

                HpS - No entiendo. Hablo espanol como un burro. poco subtil para mi!!

Muchas gracias!

Hare Rama!

HpS - Grrracias su carta, sus austeridades!!!

I And Mine

10 years, 10 months ago by jaynityananda in Other

<big>Dear Gurumaharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your grace.</big>

<big>In my meditation on gita chapter 12 i ran into a difficulty. Mother Urmila's explanation of the bhakti path in 12.8 - 9 - 10 is that in 10 the focus is on working for Krishna to attain peace, in 9 it is trying to fix the peaceful mind on Krishna (abhyasa-yoga) in order to get the desire for Krishna, and 8 is raganuga (as mentioned by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur). </big>

<big>If i'm not being karma-yoga-oriented, i find myself on level 10. The idea is that i should work for Krishna. Krishna is my boss. He is the proprietor. My difficulty lies in how i feel towards property. When i worked in the office, i had a computer, which was for me, but not mine. That i could feel as not mine. I had a different relationship with that computer as with household stuff that i have bought with earned money. That does feel like it is mine. Or at least, there is a different relationship. Now my inquiry is this. How can i work in the mood of not being the proprietor if i actually do feel like that? To put it in another way, how do i get to the point of feeling things aren't mine, but Krishna's property. Perhaps i'm overcomplicating simple matters, and all these things can be solved by prayer and Krishna's mercy. </big>

<big>AGTSP - By regular Deity worship. Have Deity of Krsna in your house or Temple and then connect everything with Him. When you buy new clothes put them in front of the Deity and say, "We have these new clothes for your servants, are they correct?".</big>

<big>And He will say, "Little fancy aren't they??"</big>

<big>And you will say, "Yes, its a fact", and take them back and get something a little more appropriate.</big>

<big>The regular process of Diety worship is essential in the neophte and grhastha stages and it works!!</big>

<big>I hope you are doing well, both physically and spiritually.</big>

<big>Your servant,
Raghava-pandita dasa</big>