Hare krsna

10 years, 7 months ago by Juliananda in Other

Hare Krsna

Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto, 

           ASA - TlgaSP.. Pies de loco!

Todas las glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada y a usted Gurudeva!

Estimado Gurudeva, 

Espero se encuentre muy bien. Estuve varios meses sin contactarlo y meditando profundamente sobre varios aspectos de mi vida devocional.

El viaje al santo Dham en marzo fue absolutamente revelador para mi. Allí conocí a S S Srila Bhakti Dhira Damodara Maharaja, a quien he encontrado como una gran fuente de inspiración para mi vida espiritual. A tal punto de incluso querer tomar iniciacion diksa de el. Pero por supuesto, necesitare sus bendiciones para poder acercarme a el como diksa guru.

            ASA - AGTSP!  We don't know Maharaja that well, but he seems like very nice person. He has been an administrator in Africa for a long time I think and of course he has the Sannyasa status awarded by ISKCON! As far as I can understand it would be great!

Espero no estar cometiendo ninguna ofensa hacia usted al hacerlo, debido a mi falta de conocimiento sobre la etiqueta apropiada en estos casos.

                    ASA - No, esta bien!!

No obstante, creo y espero poder seguir conservando siksa de parte de usted ya que mis sentimientos  en lo referente a la guía y a la inspiración no han cambiado.

Agradezco eternamente su misericordiosa asociación durante todo este tiempo. 

Le envio mis mas afectuosas, respetuosas, humildes, sinceras y agradecidas reverencias a sus pies de loto.

Su  torpe sirviente, Bn Juliana del yatra de Mar del Plata.

              ASA - Jaya! Todo el mundo esta buscando El Mar de Plata y Vd. viva por alla!   Ya solamente tiene que adelantar al Mar de Oro!! Gaur-hari!


10 years, 8 months ago by Mahaharidas in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Dear Maharaja:

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I'm Maha Hari das temple president of Buenos Aires Argentina.

            HpS - AGTSP!    Paoho.   We know you!!!     So, so nice to have your association, even by letter!!!!

I'm writting you to recommend two aspirant diciples for formal shelter here in BsAs Mandir.

Bhaktina Belen Salinas

Bhakta Camilo ( currently in Australia yatra)

Bhaktin Belen has been doing service nicely for over 6 months and she is assisting the devotees in the pujari department. She is a nice young devotee that has a lot to learn and we hope you can consider her your servant.

Bhakta Camilo has lived in the ashrama the past year with us and now he traveled to Australia Yatra to live there.

He was doing book distribution and helping with the preaching programs here in B-aires. He followed nicely the morning programs and chant his rounds daily while he was here. Please consider him you sincere servant as well.

I also have news regarding bhakti luis ( AKA the baker)

Luis moved into the temple, he rented a room in the temple and wants to stay for a while with Us to recieved proper trainning. He works at the temple restaurant, few days a week and also do a lot of service in the temple. He has a baby boy Hari who he sees a couple of days  a week. Luis rented his house so he can have some fix income, he uses half of that income to give to his child and the other have to rent a room in the temple. Also he works a the temple restaurant and uses that income for his own expenses.

We are going to take care of luis and help him to advance and rise him up to the level of a worthy  servant  and disciple.

We hope to see you again this year, please let me know when wuold you be coming to baires and please try to plan your visit anytime but december since we want the devotees to focus on the book distribution marathon.
looking forward to see you.
your servant
Maha. Hari das
temple president

               HpS - ASA --- We have good communication with Belen and Marcos. We need their full-names, date of birth and please send their e-mail addresses to [email protected]

We should come to South America for two months during Feb-Apr. In Dec we are already pretty fixed for Tennessee to give some motivation to the preaching here!!!

What is Ideal Marriage.

10 years, 8 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Hot Topics, Other

Pamho, AgtSP! Dear Gurudeva.

Answer, what is the Marriage?

After listening and remembering what I've read, I will try to share what I understand about marriage Gurumaharaja .

Marriage is an agreement that two people make to society and families, who along with obligations and rights, with together, they can achieve progress in the spiritual process by putting Sri Krishna in the center and see completed projects that they are planned, family, work preaches and service. It is the stage at which test the tolerance, respect, honesty and loyalty, also the enthusiasm, determination and compassion for the couple.

The basis of all communication is, what one wait to the future short and long term and ensure that both have understood what the couple want, without false expectations that become disappointment. The expression of ideas and desires that everyone has and how that is displayed, it is important; spiritual growth, travel , children, work , etc. . The feeling is important but not the most important construction project, they need to admire the effort of the person in the service of Krishna to eventually develop true love

The word marriage / matris munium from two Latin words : the first " matris " , which means " mother " and the second , " munium ", " assessment or care ," coming to mean " mother care " in therefore considered that the mother was contributing more to training and parenting . Another possible derivation come from " matreum muniens " meaning the idea of ​​defense and protection of the mother , involving man's obligation to the mother of his children . Its very Interesting!

I heard a time in a course of Grihastha Ashram that to be an excellent Grihasta sometimes  first should try to be, at least, excellent Grahamedi , later, I heard the same thing in my class Bhakti Sastri and an assay of Kaunteya das , but everyone knows that the ideal is and always will be what Srila Prabhupada presents. I wonder if it is possible to know what you think on this point Gurudeva .


For now Prabhu Marco is looking to rent near temple alone or with a devotee, I still live with the devotees near the temple. The short-term plan is that I continue with my studies at university for 2 years more, and he will make service in the temple, and Sankirtan, search refuge in you Gurudeva and during this time the communication continuing in association of devotees.

Like any plan sounds good, but both know that always a beautiful rainbow appears, after big clouds , wind storms and cover the sun , so we hope tribulations but be firm and determined to fight to rescue Mother Sita in team . Guru Maharaj I ask for your blessings and I hope always life after life to follow the instructions of Srila Prabhupada following in their footsteps they are so merciful.

Her servant Satyabhama dd.

                 HpS - ASA --- Jaya. AGTSP. Paoho. Very nice description. Very heroic effor to write in English. I think you have some ability to write poetry in Spanish. You should develop it.

With Marco you can read the story of the marriage of Kardama and Devahuti in 3rd Canto. Like three chapters. They are example of Grhastha ashrama.

No, "ideal Grhamedhi" IS Grhastha. The result of feeding the fire oil is bigger fire. You are more and more addicted to lusty acts and finally separate in great hate, pain and frustration with NO benefit.

Greetings from Calgary

10 years, 8 months ago by Rashmin dd in Other

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I really like how you are growing roses. When my daughter is older I will teach her to plant flowers as an activity. It's very nice.

    HpS - ASA --- AGTSP. paoho. Yes, it is the greatest "Biology" course. One lady Biologist said that one of her professors, big guy, said that Biology is the Science of Life, but the irony is that nobody kills more life than Biologists.

Recently I came across a blog advocating ethical practices towards animals. Basically this person lists brands of cosmetics and beauty products that are cruelty free. It's more of a beauty blog which is one of my interests- I am a girl after all. Anyways my question is should we as devotees be as vigilent in purchasing and using cruelty free products as non-devotees are?

               HpS - It will come naturally. We see animals as people with emotions, aspirations, devotees. So naturally when we see a chance to reduce their pain we take it up. The difference is that we see it in proper proportion, relieve bodily distress so that one can make spiritual advancement.

It's a similar topic as the cow milk I asked about in the past but I need some more clarification. In many of the lectures you have given, you mention how there are some bizarre details that we can't avoid about living in kali yuga. But if you can say something about this issue please do!!

            HpS - That's all we can comment. There are so many techinical details to be figured out about how to be in the mode of goodness for Krsna. What's possible in Kali-yuga and what is for our false ego, "I am Vegan, I am better more good than them"? I think that you can make pretty intuitive decisions about how much to pursue the different adjustments. One Ayurvedic doctor told me he tells his female clients, "There is no better beauty aid than keep good posture!"

On another note, our family will be making a trip to seattle in August to attend my brother-in-law's wedding. The event is on the 19th. I saw in your calendar that you will be in the area around that time. Will you have dates confirmed soon? We really want to see you this year and don't want to miss the opportunity. 

            HpS - ASA - The Calendar dates linked from the Kapi Dhvaja are correct. Just add Denver en-route to Boise, and Janmastami and Prabhupada in Vancouver. Next day in Bellingham, then Seattle until Friday. Friday in Portland then Saturday off to San Francisco. We will ber very happy to see you all!!

Other than that we are settled in Calgary. My husband got a job at the bank and our daughter Audharya is healthy and teething. My parents are happy to be with their grandaughter. I think she likes them too! 

I wanted to know if we could try out the japa joe program. I'm kind of scared because firstly I don't know how it works and secondly it seems like it's a skype-type thing which is the scary part. 

    ASA - Japa Joe is simple. You go to StartMeeting.com. Then you push the Load Button or whatever it is and it sets up a few simple files on you computer. Then you go to the specific Meeting: 992 055 489. A little control panel will come up and you click on the Green Telephone and mute your microphone and you can hear me or someone else chanting. We share fotos sometimes and have a little Chatting.

Is nice. 

Basically is chance to chant with some association.

Get up early and get your rounds done!!
Your report seems nice. Of course, always inviting people to your home to hear SB!!!!

Hoping you are healthy and happy.

Your aspiring servant,

Rasa-mandali dasi

Hare Krishna!

10 years, 8 months ago by Madhavendra Puri das in Other

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva!Pamho. AgtSP!

thank you so much for your last letter it was very inspiring for me.

you ask me You and Ambarisa Das are both moving to Cordoba???

Amabarisa p, is already  in Cordoba settling there for what i know.... i m still in bs as, making some adjustments to move.

My mailing adress is Erasmo Obligado 68, Adrogue,Zip code: 1846, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

trying to serve, 

Madhavendra P. Das


HpS - AGTSP.  paoho.... Please send us all the news as your Sankirtan develops! !!!!!    ! ! !  ! 

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!!

10 years, 8 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Other

   Todas Las Glorias Ssean a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!

Todas Las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupadha!!!

Todas Las Glorias sean a Usted!!!

   Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias. Soy Dhanistha devi dasi de Santiago de Chile. Guru Maharaja en Su última visita a Chile, le pedí Sus bendiciones para tener un hijo, le quería contar que ahora estoy embarazada de tres meses.

     HpS - ASA -- Todos los Vaisnavas!   ---- Jaya! Possible es Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, va a ser su hijo??

Estoy leyendo el Srimad Bhagavatam diaramente, cantando mis rondas, atendiendo a las Deidades de la casa junto a mi esposo. Hari Murari D le envía sus reverencias.

            ASA - Nos es igual. Esta planificando tomar Sannyasa, Harim., no? Falta solamente como 30-anos!!

Muchas Gracias Guru Maharaja. Esperando ser digna de recibir Su misericordia, se despide,

   Su sirvienta,

   Dhanistha devi dasi.

HpS - ASA - Muy muy bien!!!