Hare Krsna!.Pablo.Parikrama.

10 years, 10 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other

Hare Krsna!


Agt Guru Y Gauranga!

Vivan Radha y Krsna!

Viva Gurudeva!

Hare Krsna Maharaja, soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de españa.

I wish You are soooo good in all aspects.

This letter I don´t know if is better be private or not.

The first think I want to say, is that Dandava ( Madrid Mandir ) had say that my principles are good, but I had explain to him that in 2013 I had broke 2 principles. Now is Ok but i don´t say that all was perfect all the year. I thinks he said good, but I want to say specificly.

The second think I want to say Gurudeva, I will not came back from Mayapura or India. All the thinks I see in the movement, politics thinks, make me burnt in fire. I don´t want be like that. We are very little devoties Vaisnavas in the world, and we are very very special persons, but my mind only can feel that in quite meditation ( Maha-mantra ). When I see the politics, I burnt, my mind is so weak. I hate politics thinks, always duplicities.

I don´t want thinks like this for the devoties, I want take shelter of the Dham and work under her shadow waiting mercy for the Rottweiler like me.

I always wanted be green veret, my father was also, and is my real profession in heart. They training us to be rottweiler, and now I know that I am one.

I only want chant Hare Krsna and try to have mercy of the Dham. My mind is always finding faults in others.

16/4 OK. Lecture some days not. Mangala arati some days later.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

At Your feet, Your fool fool servant.
Hare Krsna.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP Thank you for your letter. I think you are on the airplane now for India. You can only really enter the Dhama by following the instructions of Rupa Goswami, like Upadesamrta. Otherwise, we will be on the surface, like trying to taste the honey through the glass jar.

But it is also a fact that the Dhamas are very merciful. So, as you are sincere you should have nice experience in the Dhamas, but don't think that it is better than ISKCON Madrid, London, New York. We need both.

birth and death on Brahmaloka ?

10 years, 10 months ago by Namacarya das in Other

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

BG Bg 8.16 says From the highest planet in the material world down to the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place....

and  SB 2.2.27   In that planet of Satyaloka, there is neither bereavement, nor old age nor death. There is no pain of any kind, and therefore there are no anxieties...


Looks like two statements do not match. Is there  janma, mrtyu on Brahmaloka?

Thank you!

Your servant Namacarya das

     HpS - AGTSP paoho.  After xxx years Lord Brahma dies and then he is also born as Brahma. He wakes up each day, no?  Who am I???

It is such an intellectual, intoxicated place but still it is a reflection!

Nitay-Gour!!! Pablo.Parikrama.

10 years, 10 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Maharaja!


AgtGuru y Gauranga!

Mis reverencias Gurudeva!

Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.

I wish You are very well in health, and all aspects also.

Always is a nectar read DTC , Japa Joe and the cites of Japa Joe ( i think it can be Japa Joe Meditations-The Way of Japa Joe )

I want to say You, that by the grace of Krsna, Hari, You and devoties, I can go to India this 29. I arrived to India the 1, becouse I must stay 16 hours in Istambul...i expect see Mezquites, others places and...eat sooo much Maha-prasadam from Govinda Restaurant.  I arrived to Bombay 4:30 am of 1 May.

I think I will go to stay little days in the begining in Bombay, becouse I want stay the last  5 or 7 days of my pilgrimage month. I fly came back through Bombay again.

I want hear Radhanath Clases, eat sooo much Maha-prasadam of Radha-Gopinath, Govardhana-natha, and meet Govadhana Eco Village with Sri Radha Vrndavana Bihari.
Then I go by train to Kalkata, and Mayapur!!!!! I wish do some service for the Dham and Sadhus....Nrsimha Caturdasi!!!! Years dreaming seeee!!! NRSIMHA NRSIMHA NRSIMHA!!!!!!
And again by train to Bombay at the end.


Varuna had been with me 6 days in holidays. He is growing, and I can see is better for all. For He, and for me. He say that do Yoga all days...he say to boy Jesus and Boy Krsna, that want a old car...and all nigths want her " Hanuman tale ". I mix all I know for the tale. He want ear how Krsna, Hanuman kill the demons...Is all that I can do with my little qualities. Also, we bath together the Deaties, and that time he was doing the kirtana, chanting Hare Krsna , while I was doing the abhisek. His first time. The autentic spirituality let him not close his mind, and this make me very very happy. He have future, real future.

I dream with the day You give me initation. A lot of years dreaming. I am very gratefull and debt with You for allll Your mercy all this years. For show me the hand of Prabhupada, Krsna( God ), Devotial Services...

Forbide my long letter, I am little in pasion for all the news and events.

When I came back I must saving and saving for could do sankirtana and pay me debts.

Now is the first time that I have one spiritual desire. And I want make that desire.

The poem " The kiss of the sun for warmth..." is yours??

Yours, at Your feet Guru Maharaja.

Bhakta Pablo
Hare Krsna.

HpS - Jaya!  We hope you have very nice visit to India. Yes, you can take initiation. Just keep getting good rounds done or what is the use of your visit to India.


10 years, 10 months ago by Bhaktin Camila R. in Other

  All Glories to Sri Sri Gour Nitay
All Glories to Srila Prahupada
All Glories to you! 

Maharaj, please accept my sincere obeisances at your lotus feet.

                    HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!  Lunatic feet!

I hope your health is well. 

                            And we yours!  Best use of a bad bargain!

Well, yes, there are some people that is trying to do that, to preach love...to God, to everybody. But certainly i don't have any idea about the internal bhajan of everyone, just I don't feel loved in the temple, I don't feel that i'm in a community, maybe the problem is me. The last time I was in the temple, was in Rama Navami celebration, I left the temple with so much sadness, cause i haven't feel happy, I can't see devotee care. Is so painfull, cause that day I went to the temple of Vrinda, and everyone was so happy ! (maybe i see the grass more green in the neighbourhood backyard) I was remembering everytime Srila Prabhupada, and I was remembering you, and your teachings...¡In Vrinda! Wow, that thing shocked me. Maybe it was a bad idea going there, but i have to be sincere and tell you about this things. 

I think they are following Prabhupada,  principles, japa, deity worship and Kirtan. I don't want to think that they aren't.

          HpS - ASA - From what Paramadvaiti Swami told me personally they only have to chant like four rounds and follow one of the four principles for initiation. Of course they may follow more. I don't know too much details.

I don't know, like I said before, i don't know the internal bhajan and sadhana of every devotee. 

I don't know how I can respond to the question about if they match or how they match with the five text of NoI. I'm in such a low level, i'm so fallen, and a I am a  supreeme kanista adhikari, that I cant said anything about those vaisnavas. They are vaisnavas, they are chanting hare krishna, trying to follow spiritual life, I don't want to say bad things, or even think bad things about them. Just, I want to let you now, that i'm not feeling happy in Iskcon Chile, that i'm feeling so sad, with so much anger inside...sometimes people said to me: "lets go to the temple" and i don't want to, I don't wanna go there, makes me unhappy.

                 HpS - ASA -  Wow! Seems you have so much anger toward the devotees there???   That is a sign of a lot of knowledge and attachment for the situation. We only hear this from you good self. I know that ISKCON is crazy. We heard it from Prabhupada's lips, but most other organizations are more crazy.  Hmmmm!  You should visit because it is Prabhupada's Temple and to see the Deities and to visit your particular friends and avoid other stuff.
That is devotee care, no? Unless you offer care for the devotees like that, then how can you criticise care of others???

And I really don't know what to do with that, I feel so in the dark, and lost.  The only thing that I do is to pray for the mercy of Lord Krishna, praying: "please, please Krsna, don't let me forget you, I want to remember you, please Krishna, don' t let me go...keep me there, with you" . 

I really don't want to bother you. Please forgive me , but i have this feelings in my heart...  What can I do ?
Also, forgive my bad english, I will improve it. 

Thanks you, Maharaj, for reading this. I really appreciate all the things you do. I bow at the dust! of your lotus feet, again and again. 


HpS - ASA -- You have to have a few friends in the Temple community or else all rest does not mean so much. They are all mean, exploitive and crazy???


10 years, 10 months ago by Dandava das in Other

HpS - Thank you for the following letter. I also think that Pablo is ready for Hari nama Diksa! Please send his birth date and full name. Then we can fix a date for initiation.

Hare Krisna, querido Gurudeva. Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, dandavats. Todas las Glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada.

Ante todo espero que se encuentre bien en todos los aspectos.

El motivo de ponerme en contacto con usted es de informarle que, tras haber hablado con Bhakta Pablo, él me ha expresado su deseo de tomar refugio en usted y que así mismo se lo ha manifestado a usted también.

Le he preguntado por los requisitos para poder tomar iniciación:

  • Cantar un mínimo de 16 rondas.
  • Seguir los 4 principios regulativos:
    • No comer carne, huevo ni pescado.
    • No tomar intoxicantes, como café, té, sustancias estupefacientes o alcohol.
    • No practicar sexo ilícito.
    • No participar en juegos de azar.

Me ha manifestado que desde hace un año los sigue de manera rigurosa.

Actualmente no está realizando ningún servicio en el templo de Madrid, pero si ha pasado unos días en el mismo haciendo servicio. Durante este tiempo su comportamiento ha sido impecable y muy servicial.

Me ha manifestado su voluntad e intención de estar bajo las autoridades del Templo de Madrid.

Por mi parte le he invitado a pasar una temporada en el templo de Madrid, con el fin de que pueda tener asociación con los devotos, se una al proyecto de Madrid, en la medida de sus posibilidades y pueda hacer Sankirtan en Madrid. Va a estudiar la propuesta.

Con toda humildad  y si usted no ve inconveniente, por parte de las autoridades del templo de Madrid en general y mía en particular, como presidente de ACK Madrid, no hay inconveniente alguno en que, cuando usted lo considere oportuno, de iniciación a Bhakta Pablo. Sería un honor contar con un hermano espiritual más en nuestra gran familia de ISKCON.

Muchas gracias por todo.

Su humilde servidor, Dandava Das.

----------- ENGLISH LETTER -----------

Hare Krisna, my Dear  Gurudeva. Please, accept my humble obeisances, dandavats. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First I hope you’re fine in all aspects.

I want to contact with you to inform you that I spoke with Bhakta Pablo some days ago, and He said me he was desiring to take shelter in you. He said you this some time ago.

I asked him about the principles to take shelter:

  • Chanting mínimum of 16 rounds.
  • Following 4 regulative principles:
    • Don’t eat meat , eggs or fish
    • Don’t take intoxicants like coffee, tea, drugs or alcohol.
    • Don’t have illicit sex.
    • Don’t play gambling.

He said me He’s following strictly this points from one year ago.

Now he doesn’t any service in Madrid’s temple, but he was in Goura Purnima doing service and his behavior was impeccable and very helpful.  

He said me that he wants to be under the Madrid’s Temple’s authorities.

I invited him to come in Madrid’s Temple for a season, taking devotees’ association, developing the Madrid’s project with us, if he can, and doing sankirtana in Madrid. He said me that he’ll think about the proposal.

Humbly and if You don’t see any problem, we haven’t inconvenient to You give initiation to Bhakta Pablo, when you want to do it. It would be an honor to have another spiritual brother in our GREAT ISKCON FAMILY.

Thank you very much for all.

Your humble servant, Dandava Das.

Thank you!

10 years, 10 months ago by sriradhedd in Other

Hare Krshna Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thanks for your quick answer.
Yes, you are right, my body is really forcing me onto the mental platform. Nowadays i have a half mustard seed taste from the Holy Name and if i'm ill due to the heavy pain i'm unable to concentrate on my japa. But hopefully slowly slowly i will make progress and can tolerate it. This is a good training for me.

Yes i would like to get one TPP-CB book i'm very concerned about it. My address is: flat 5, 38 Clarendon Road M16 8LD Manchester UK
Thank you very much and please, just let me know how much is the postage and i can transfer it.

I got so much from You, Maharaja and i'm so ungrateful. How can i serve You?
I would be happy if i could organize an University or any other preaching program here in England for You next year when you come to Europe.

Thank you very much for your kind association!

Your servant, Sri Radhe dd

- HPS - ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. We can adjust the postage later. Your critical review is worth all that money. If anyone else was in your position they would be an alcoholic. AGTSP!!!