Hare Krsna Gurudev - Remembering you - II

10 years, 5 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, i was watching your video - Evening Prayer in Chosica Temple on 29th July, 2011.
    You were fully observed in Prayer.

    Sri Sri Radha Madana Bihari, looks very very beautiful. All dieties are very beautiful in this
    temple.Temple is also very beautiful & very enthustic devotees.

    Thank you, Guru Dev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - AGTSP. They have to struggle so, so, so hard to maintain the standard of the Deity worship. There but they do it because they love Radha Madan-bihari.

Hare Krsna Gurudev - Remembering you

10 years, 6 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, You are a very mystic, beyond my understanding. we have seen, how
    you observed at Srila Prabhupada Samadi mandier in Vrandavana, during Mangal
    arti time. It is very difficult and impossible for me to understand.

    Gurudev, why you don't write you autobiography for us. would you please
    write for us.

    Gurudev, Your life is full of mystic things....i have very small mind,
    can not understand. But whenever we think about you.....always found you,
    at a very higher and great level...and feel happy.

    Gurudev, we desire to preach BG.....your blessing required, without
    your blessing, can not do it.we are following your ppt guide.
               HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Maybe we are mysterious because we are crazy. Best place to start BG preaching is with people you meet every day. You can at least talk about Chapter 10, Taste in Water, Fragrance of Earth. You pray and you have chance, and actually you will have many listeners if you continue.

    Gurudev, how can we represent you in day-to-day life.

        HpS - By getting up early and getting rounds done with enthusiasm. I think  you are already do that pretty well. Thank you for the dhoti, shirt and uttariya. We use them for special ocassions.

    Now people start knowing me, in Pune temple, that i am your disciple.....i
    feel proud and very happy, Whenever someone glorify you.

    Thank you so much Gurudev for accepting me, for taking me in your
    shelter....a very fallen me.

    Because of you, i feel 'sanath'. Gurudev, i can not pay you, even if i
    give my life to you.

    I always remember, how you introduce Deleep and the small monkey
    (with banana offering to lord) to me.
    But i did not understand, why you smiled, when the garland petals dropped around you!!

    Few things from last letter....my father retired for last 10 years,
    3rd brother is not a devotee.but visit temple and do some service.

    Thank you, Guru Dev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

      HpS - ASA -- What work did your father do??

Jay Gurudeva!!

10 years, 6 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Vivan Guru y Gauranga !

Viva Srila Prabhupada !

Vivan Sri Sri Radha y Krsna !

Mis reverecias Maharaja!, Hare Krsna !

Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.

Maharaja, por favor, me gustaria que esta carta no saliera publica en el Blog, gracias.

    HpS - ASA - AGTSP!   O.K. We have to learn how to get strength from local devotees. We don't think that the traffic lights in the street are great devotees, but we take so much instruction from them. We risk our lives following their instructions: Go, Stop! So learn to understand the good and bad qualties of devotees and then use that to help you obtain the ultimate aim of life described by Lord Caitanya.

Hare Krsna Gurudev - URGENT

10 years, 6 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Calendar Development, Other

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA  -  AGTSP! Paoho.  I think we have potatoe - apple feet but we are pushing to have lotus feet so we can help your Master in His games.

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, you had asked about my parents in our previous communication.
    You had asked, like "Do they live in the same town as you? Do you visit them often?
    Do they have a bona-fide guru?
    No, we are not living in the same town. My parents are not living with me in Pune.
    They are living in Raipur (Capital of Chhattisgarh) with my younger bother.
    I live with my 3rd brother in Pune.

    I am able to meet with my parents, once in a year for 8-10 days. But we talk almost
    every day. i am elder son of my family so have many responsibility for them.
    Yes, off-course for Krsna also. Guru, Radha-Krsna on Top priority, always.

    No, they don't have a bona-fide guru. But my mother is a devotee for many years.
    She chant 20-25 rounds every day.

    Thank you so much for BG Guide.

    Gurudev, once again, .....about 2nd Initiation.
    To get the Bh.Sastri certificate is difficult for me, because there is no Bhakti-Sastri course
    in Pune, now a days. So we will talk to my both the Shika Gurus about Bh.Sastri and
    approval letter by President.

    I need to talk with Pune Shiksa Guru. Most probably, will talk on this weekend.
    Then will discuss the same with Vrandavana Shiksa Guru, then will update you

    Gurudev, Probably next year, you would like to visit ISKCON Pune. if possible, please share
    any proximate date and days....will arrange accordingly and schedule lectures accordingly.

HpS - If you are asking it would be difficult not to come. Also Baroda.

    Gurudev, i have also written a mail to you, today, to seek your advise.So marked this letter
    as urgent.

HpS - Yes, I anwered that it seems like friendly topic so please send it here also, no? Then five more people can benefit from our talks. I was trying to answer 400-500 letters a month before we started this Blog. Now it is down to a manageable level and many, many people tell me they read the posts. Sri Krsna Katha, Ki Jai.

    Thank you, Guru Dev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - ASA - Thank you. Very nice to hear about your family. Third brother is devotee? Father still works?

from Mayapur

10 years, 6 months ago by sita in Other

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you

Dear Guru Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

 I want to apologize for not keeping you more informed, I was having trouble to work with the blog but now finally I have figured out how to use it. ( Still having trouble, I have been trying to sent this letter for the past 3 days)... .

Your daughter Sukanya Sita devi dasi

   HpS - ASA - Jaya! I think it came three times.

Hare Krishna

10 years, 6 months ago by Luis Aguilera in Other

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Gaura Nitay Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada Todas las glorias a usted Guru Maharaja Por favor acepte mis mas respetuosas reverencias Le escribo esta carta para pedirle autorización para poder recibir instrucciones y consejos de SS Gunagrahi Das Goswami Maharaja, ya que eh tenido oportunidad de dialogar con el en ocaciones y me gustaría poder hacerlo de una manera mas privada y reiterada. Usted me autorizaria a realizar esto?

HpS - ASA --- TlgaSP. Claro que si! Es un buen devoto. Yo tomo consejos de el. Nuestras reverencias a el!!

Desde ya muchas gracias por su respuesta. Su sirviente Bhakta Luis

HpS - ASA --- Gracias a Vd!!!!