Missed my bus

7 years, 8 months ago by nataraj in Other

hare krishna dear guru maharaj, please accept my dandavat pranams, all glories to srila prabhupad

i was on my way to downtown dalllas this morning, due to couple of minutes delay and construction on the main road, i missed my 4am greyhound. I will try to meet you next time when you come to Houston maharaj

your servant

nilachala chandra das

HpS - Haaaaa a    a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare!!!! Krsna.

Ooof!   Well we will see you on line.

What time are you all getting up in the morning? SB every morning with devotees?

Replies on 'Got TLC in Spanish and brief news'

7 years, 8 months ago by pnd in Other

HpS - ASA -- Incredible!!!   Is there a good 'Hello' page for people on different levels who may know nothing about Srila Prabhupada's books and a way to buy them?

Will be. There will be link from home to ‘Explore’ page which should fulfill this.

How many candles will there be on the cake. We can have a cyber-cake competition. Cyber gifts.

6 candles. Best gift is to be visiting her :)

[One question [little confidential [Is vedabase.com a Ghrhasta, Sannyasi, B'cari or Vanaprastha?   Is it s B'cari or a B'carini. Should we offer Saris or Dhoti's for it's birthday.  Hmmmm.]]

Well, in Czech language vedabase.com is she (as for example library, cow are, contrary to English). So seems like she is B’carini. When will be right time I would like her to marry with nice Online Education Project guy :)

HpS - Maybe "She" could be married to Vausesika Das, or other Sankirtan page. Read books, distribute books.

Dandavats!!     Any suggestions for our travel in India?????

Don’t have any suggestions. And unfortunately (most probably) we will not be there to see you. :(

What do you think of the Vanipedia?

#$%&&^%$# . But still devotee, so better than any perfect materialistic site.

We feel it is unfortunate project, as Visnu Murti Prabhu has big capacity to inspire people to help, but sadly their valuable time is spend in useless tasks (e.g. making millions of predefined search results which should be instead generated automatically by search engine on demand).

HpS - ASA -- Maybe someone can comment. I know Vidadghda Das, Senior scholar, likes it for collecting relevant citations for him. I think he like the fact that it also searched letters and lectures.   Haaaaa Ray!  Vedabase.com is about all we need in many aspects.

Sorry, good bye

7 years, 9 months ago by Christian in Other

Hare krsna

Please accept my sincere respect

I'm very ashamed to write this letter to you, still I need you to know you won't need to worry about this little lier any more.

I really appreciate all the inspiration I received from your great person all this year's, and I keep within my heart a lot of life teachings. Nonetheless, i am really tired of my continuous misbehaves, I continue thinking that Krsna is God and this philosophy is the completest among all. Im just accepting my lack of mental strength to actually follow the four principles and the chanting.

It all began with the sexual activity, you tried to help me, even though, I always had an excuse why I had fallen. Now that I live with my family, I drank with my old friends again.I'm not any more attracted to keep struggling against my animal impulses. 

I will always admire all the devotees who are able to keep their vows, thats the piety that keeps this world alive.

Your admirer 


HpS - Why be 'sorry'?! Go ahead. Be honest and brave. Then you may be traveling on a path that is not at the highest level you know, but you can always make the choice to go higher. Don't be sorry because you are not perfect. Be happy that you are really trying to do some thing to go up.

Why not write to us from time to time.

We can still function as vartmana-pradarshika-guru, giving perspective how to get on a higher path.

Thank. you.


Visita a Sri Vrindaban Dham

7 years, 9 months ago by Gopi Radha Devi Dasi in Other

Amado Gurudeva por favor reciba mis reverencias

Gurudeva, quiero expresarle mi gran agradecimiento por haberme permitido visitar el Santo Dham y por el gran apoyo que me brindo. Fue para mí un viaje realmente purificante y no hay palabras que describan las vivencias que transcurren en ese sagrado lugar.

ASA - Even Lord Shiva or Ananta cannot reach the farther shore of the glories of the ocean of Vrndavana drama. How can we do it, but because we love Vrndavna we shall to describe something.

Estuve por tres semanas en Vrindaban y en cuanto llegue ahí no sentí el deseo de visitar otros lugares, por lo que permanecí todo el tiempo a una calle del templo de Krishna Balarama. Tuve mucho tiempo de introspección y me encontré sin quererlo en una situación de total dependencia del Señor Supremo, fue muy duro algunas veces, pero pude sentir como Krishna está todo el tiempo atento a lo que pensamos, hacemos y sabe lo que necesitamos. Por un momento me sentí tan sola, pero pude entender que no somos nada, no tenemos hijos, ni esposo, no tenemos nada y tarde o temprano nos tendremos que enfrentar a ese hecho, depender solo del Señor Supremo Krishna.

ASA - Como la Reina Kunti!

Para mí fue todo tan sorprendente, misterioso y difícil de entender a primera vista, pero conforme transcurría el tiempo, por misericordia de los Vaishnavas hasta una persona tan inepta como yo pudo apreciar una muy muy muy diminuta brizna de la belleza de Vrindaban. Es un lugar hermoso y realmente se puede sentir la separación cuando ya no se está físicamente ahí, pero aún tengo sueños vívidos y puedo verme y sentirme aun realizando parikrama en Govardhana.

Pude tener la hermosa asociación de mataji Tunda Vidya, estuve un par de días en su casa y me llevó de parikrama a Radha Kunda, Govardhana y Mathura. Fueron unos días maravillosos Gurudeva, me llevo conmigo una profunda impresión de Radha Kunda, Govardhana y sus divinos devotos. Todo el tiempo estuvo usted presente en mis pensamientos y lamenté no haberme esperado a que usted estuviera en Vrindaban para poder seguir sus pasos, pero en realidad, usted estuvo todo el tiempo conmigo. Pensaba en el día que usted pueda residir físicamente ahí y lo imaginaba haciendo Parikrama en Radha Kunda, por supuesto deseé profundamente poder estar ese día a su lado sirviéndolo. También realizé parikrama con SS Indradyumna Swami a Gokul y Dauji, visite Varsana, Nanda Gram y varios templos de Vrindabana.

Me despido de usted amado Gurudeva, deseando que se encuentre bien y de nuevo muchas gracias por su apoyo e infinitas bendiciones.

Ruego humildemente a sus pies me disculpe por las faltas que haya cometido voluntaria o involuntariamente.

Su sirviente Gopi Radha DD.

HpS - Hare Krsna! Tiene que buscar "Vrndavana drama Mahimamrta" por Prabhodanand Sarasvati. Possible es in nuestra Achives come "vdm.docx". Entoncessss busca comenzar traduccion.

Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna. Nos vemos pronto.

Nanuk is spam bot - Part 2

7 years, 9 months ago by pnd in Other

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Pamho, AGTSP.

HpS - AGTSP paoho... What about asking him a questions that a Spam-bot could not answer?   This is exciting, like Terminator Seven our something.

You can try to ask him something, but I don't think he is answering anything as he just post randomly geneareted text with some elements which may be connected to this site.

Are you a Spambot Nanuk?

Prahlada Nrsmha Das, do you have any other tests?  I guess he could have himself sniffed by dogs?

In any case, you are the boss, if there is danger to the Blog then we all respect your decisions!!

If you like to have his posts here I don't think it is really danger, unless he post some dangerous link.

So I will not act at this moment, but if you will desire to block him in any time, please let me know and I will do it.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - So far it is very nice exchange for me. I built a Tesla coil when I was like 12-years old and my neighbor had a Van de Graf generator that would through almost three foot lighting bolts.  I try to take it as it is practical and Prabhupada actually commented that we WILL build Vimanas and gave the name of the Sastra and said that the Germans had it.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj - update on May 10, 2017

7 years, 9 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    This is regards in our previous communicateion, URL : http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/node/7893
    we are assuming, there will be no schedule during your coming India visit for Pune.

 HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!   As far as I know right now there will be none, but we still have to hear from everyone what they want us to do during that time.
    There is no issue to meet in Vrndavan in Krartik. we would convery the same to senior b'chari in temple.
    When you would be able to share us your Vrndavan date so that we would be able to book our tickets accordingly.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Now is 15 May. We arrive end of September so we have 4 and 1/2 months to refine program. If you have any calendar requests please make them. We are waiting a little for developments in Peru because that may determine that we, you, me, others, make some specific visits in India with ICCR etc.

Let us work on this.