Nanuk is spam bot - Part 2

7 years, 7 months ago by pnd in Other

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Pamho, AGTSP.

HpS - AGTSP paoho... What about asking him a questions that a Spam-bot could not answer?   This is exciting, like Terminator Seven our something.

You can try to ask him something, but I don't think he is answering anything as he just post randomly geneareted text with some elements which may be connected to this site.

Are you a Spambot Nanuk?

Prahlada Nrsmha Das, do you have any other tests?  I guess he could have himself sniffed by dogs?

In any case, you are the boss, if there is danger to the Blog then we all respect your decisions!!

If you like to have his posts here I don't think it is really danger, unless he post some dangerous link.

So I will not act at this moment, but if you will desire to block him in any time, please let me know and I will do it.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - So far it is very nice exchange for me. I built a Tesla coil when I was like 12-years old and my neighbor had a Van de Graf generator that would through almost three foot lighting bolts.  I try to take it as it is practical and Prabhupada actually commented that we WILL build Vimanas and gave the name of the Sastra and said that the Germans had it.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj - update on May 10, 2017

7 years, 8 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    This is regards in our previous communicateion, URL :
    we are assuming, there will be no schedule during your coming India visit for Pune.

 HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!   As far as I know right now there will be none, but we still have to hear from everyone what they want us to do during that time.
    There is no issue to meet in Vrndavan in Krartik. we would convery the same to senior b'chari in temple.
    When you would be able to share us your Vrndavan date so that we would be able to book our tickets accordingly.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Now is 15 May. We arrive end of September so we have 4 and 1/2 months to refine program. If you have any calendar requests please make them. We are waiting a little for developments in Peru because that may determine that we, you, me, others, make some specific visits in India with ICCR etc.

Let us work on this.

artificial push vaidhi bhakti

hare krsna maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

its incredible to see that your grace puts so much effort to help others irrespective  of  their evolution level.

ASA - Whoop!   Whoop!    Oink!   Oink!

I am actuall mentally numb to write anything due to my own stupid behavior.

ASA - Numbki!

But SPOG arranged for circumstance leaving us no work on internet, so we thought its better to  write to Blog.

ASA - Supreme Personality of Blog-head.

It was surprising to see in node 7865  by Abhimanyu ji from Chile.

" Yes, if we artificially push Vaidhi bhakti, Japa for example, weeds can grow with the creeper and it can result in many crazy things.. I knew several cases of where people stole the tape of Prabhupada chanting the Gayatri mantra and listened to it and then went crazy."

Can you kindly tell us more  about " artificially pushing Vaidhi"...and how it can water the weeds.  Where does Srila Prabhupada write about it?

ASA -   . . .   Is O.K?     Daksa worship the one true God, but he also wanted to hold the the Great King's Rod!

...till now our own assessment was we are just being little lazy/ unintelligent in pursuing Vaidhi bhakti. But your answer seems to direct about something else.

As you are our  guru (not Diksha guru) can you please tell us what rules/angas according to you are not artificial for us?

HpS - We don't live with you so much to give detailed advice, our mis-fortune, but finding a devotee who you can read and share your experiences with is one that we can all do, no?  We just read what they are reading each day at the Boise Temple and then Text our little thoughts, then look for a bigger Sanga once a week.

Of course, as much as we chant HKHKKKHHHRHRRRHH we are always making progress, First thing our of your mouth each morning HKHKKKHHHRHRHRRHH! 

horse victim upastha vegam

ASA -         One thing leads to another. Seek the root of the sin. Then you can apply the Mantra, and the whole tree will be clean again.
If we are sincere for a long time, it means that our attachments are deep. Some of them are rooted in our ontological rejection of Krsna. Those are DEEEEEEEp!      NOI 7!
Usually our sins at this stage are not, something that has to be rejected. They are attachments based upon something valid. We just have to figure our what it is.

One devotee we know. She was always agitated sexually but following the principles. Them she had one more child, the one who seemed to be waiting to be her daughter, and she was never agitated after that.

What is the real cause of our sin?

Are we suppressing a real power?


7 years, 8 months ago by Nanuk in Other

I forgot from last letter that Ter Kadamba as was terrified as some of my friends realized after moving in with this "disciple". I don't want to whine, just want to thank as a man would, that it all starts to make much more sense. I don't use opiates at all, but I have some kind of smoking habbit problem, but haven't drank alcohol, is it for 6 years now, at all. Maharaja, I don't expect you to answer to these, this is just to inform you, like you know. I have quite firm understanding already and faith that you know. You know        <3 Hare Krishna       I would like to get my faith perfect, so I can feel the material world again diminishing      Yours sincerely Nanuk Henrichs

ASA - Most reverend Nanuk. I think that we would also be terrified after moving in with some of your friends, no?  I think that you would be also, no?

Yet, it is very big house ...

The Śiva-jvara thus understood that without Kṛṣṇa, or Nārāyaṇa, no one could help him. He therefore rightly took shelter of Lord Kṛṣṇa and, with folded hands, began to pray as follows. ...

Maharaja PAMHO!

7 years, 8 months ago by Nanuk in Other

How can it be that in ISKCON some members with Diksha teaches that women would like smooth rapings,

ASA - ?

...and that same disciple is been spoken to rape at least two women in Turku, Finland and using oxyconts(strong opiates)?

ASA - Doesn't sound very competent,  expert. 

Those women speak about him also. I can say, only that your disciple Ter Kadamba had very , very bad feelings for all of that. I started speaking to her two years ago and one month over, or something like that. I don't know what I have done Maharaja. She started speaking with me in facebook with your photo as her profile picture, and then I couldn't stop speaking with her. Thank you Maharaja                P.S. I guess we are the blue birds then :)

ASA - Hare Krsna!   This is Tom Brown. HpS went for a walk in the forest.


7 years, 8 months ago by abhiramdas in Other



SOLARIS dedicates its first issue to address the theme of PSYCHOLOGY AND THE SACRED, in these articles we analyze from different approaches, how to contribute to better understand who we are and to substantively help mental health, balance and harmony.

Now for this 2nd issue we are deepening these contents and starting to address the field of ART AND SACRED that will be the central theme of the Mega-event in Peru for June 2018.

 For this Solaris No 2 we already have articles from Spain (Claudio Naranjo), from Mexico (Dolores Chávez) from Peru (Juan Dejo, Ramón Mujica, Victor Krebs, Miguel Polo, Héctor Béjar and Erick Devoto) and US (HpS and Beverly Zabriesky), of Argentina we hope to have the photographs of Ambarisa and Vrisabhanu and an interview with the outstanding Dr. Cubana, Hilda Molina.

In this sense, we humbly ask for your collaboration to all the devotees and friends who have poems or some short stories (everything has to be unpublished) whose content is binding with the issues of the magazine, the maximum deadline is Tuesday May 16.

Thank you very much at m. Sananda and p. Bhadra of Spain, to the mother Lalita-gopi of Mexico, p. Ambarisa and m. Vrisabhanu from Argentina, Rodrigo, p. Arjuna of Chile, who have contributed importantly to obtain some articles and photos, also in a special way to m. Kamalangui (wife of Arjuna) and m. Karuna mayi and Sita lalita (Wife and daughter of Anandamaya p.) Who are doing the illustrations and vignettes for the layout of the magazine.

Pending Points:

1.- We are publishing greetings from personalities congratulating the appearance of the magazine, here in Peru we already have BNP, CONCYTEC, Congress of the Republic and some deans, also the ambassador of India will write a greeting. From USA we could get some greetings, maybe from Houston or Boise? Also from Dr. Samaresh or someone from India. In Spain, Chile, Mexico and Argentina are also doing this management.

HpS - We will forward this to Dr. Samaresh.

2.- Could you please write a few words (10-15 lines) about the importance of ART and SACRED. (We already have a good one of Claudio Naranjo and this to deliver Ramon and Beverley)

3.- Radhika Raman p. Made a very good impression among academics attending the event last year, it is possible that he writes something short (1/2 page) Greeting Solaris and showing his expectations about ART AND THE SACRED.

HpS - We will forward this to him also.

Gurudeva, sorry for the lack of regular communication on the blog we will try to establish a steady pace.

Hare Krishna, his insignificant servant, Abhirama Thakura dasa.

ASA - Your work is super!  Thank you. Is Miguel Polo acting as Editor for Solaris?  It should also have a list of the Editorial Board, What is NIOS. We still haven't got any proposed budget for the event! Right now don't count on anything from NIOS beyond maybe $200!





SOLARIS dedico su primer número a abordar el tema de LA PSICOLOGÍA Y LO SAGRADO, en esos artículos analizamos desde diferentes enfoques, cómo contribuir a entender mejor quiénes somos y ayudar sustantivamente a la salud mental, el equilibrio y la armonía.

Ahora para este 2do número estamos profundizando estos contenidos y empezando a abordar el campo de EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO que será el tema central del Mega-evento en El Perú para junio de 2018.

Para este Solaris No 2 ya tenemos artículos de España (Claudio Naranjo), de México (Dolores Chávez) de Perú (Juan Dejo, Ramón Mujica, Víctor Krebs, Miguel Polo, Héctor Béjar y Erick Devoto), y de USA (HpS y Beverly Zabriesky), de Argentina esperamos contar con las fotografías de Ambarisa y Vrisabhanu y una entrevista con la destacada Dra. Cubana Hilda Molina.

En este sentido, humildemente le pedimos su colaboración a todos los devotos y amigos que tengan poemas o algunas historias breves (todo tiene que ser inédito) cuyo contenido es vinculante con los temas de la revista, el plazo de entrega máximo es el martes 16 de mayo.

Agradecemos mucho a la m. Sananda y p. Bhadra de España, a la madre Lalita-gopi de México, a p. Ambarisa y m. Vrisabhanu de Argentina, a Rodrigo, p. Arjuna de Chile quienes han contribuido de manera importante para la obtención de algunos artículos y fotos, también de manera especial a m. Kamalangui (esposa de p. Arjuna) y a la m. Karuna mayi y Sita lalita (Esposa e hija de p. Anandamaya) que están haciendo las ilustraciones y viñetas para la diagramación de la revista.

Puntos pendientes:

1.- Estamos publicando saludos de personalidades felicitando la aparición de la revista, aquí en Perú ya tenemos de la BNP, del CONCYTEC, del Congreso de la Republica y algunos decanos, también el embajador de India va a escribir un saludo, de USA podríamos obtener algunos saludos, tal vez de ¿Houston o Boise? También del Dr. Samaresh o alguien de India. En España, Chile, México y Argentina están haciendo también esa gestión.

2.- Por favor podría usted escribir unas breves palabras (10 a 15 renglones) acerca de la importancia del ARTE y LO SAGRADO. (ya tenemos uno buena de Claudio Naranjo y está por entregar Ramón y Beverley)

3.- Radhika Raman p. causo muy buena impresión entre los académicos asistentes al evento el año pasado, es posible que el escriba algo breve (1/2 ó 1 pagina) Saludando a SOLARIS y hablando acerca de sus expectativas sobre EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO.

Gurudeva, disculpe la falta de comunicación periódica en el blog vamos a tratar de establecer un ritmo constante.

Hare Krishna, su insignificante sirviente, Abhirama Thakura dasa.