Australia 2017

7 years, 8 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development, Other

Dear Maharaja,


No we are not living on New Govardhan plantation. In October last year we took a mortgage on a house in Murwillumbah, 10 min drive from ISKCON. Snakes are currently looking for places to hide for their winter snooze. No, no catering at festivals. I'm studying computer science part-time, painting houses part-time and renovating our house in my spare time.

Looking forward to you visit!



HpS - Thank you!     We are still working on this!!   Is a challenge. If we go round the world it will be $2,000+.  So we are looking at Houston - India (Australia) round trip. Then later Boise (Hawaii) round trip.  We will let you know any progress!!


7 years, 8 months ago by jayanta in Other
Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

Espero que se encuentre bien cuando reciba este mensaje. Le escribí en el blog pero aún no ha leido la carta.

HpS - Aparece no viene!    Claro respondiendo a su siguente carta a Yahoo.

Como Adiras prabhu va a New York el dia 26 quiero saber que hacer con el bastón. Puedo enviarlo con él, puedo guardarlo hasta que venga la proxima vez, puedo quedarmelo como recuerdo o cualquier otra cosa que usted decida. Tambien tengo 54 euros que bhaktin Maite me dió para usted. A ella se le olvidó darselos. Si me da un número de cuenta bancaria se lo ingreso.

Tambien me gustaría saber si se cubrieron los gastos de su viaje. Usted dijo en el pic-nic que salia a 1 euro cada 6 kilometros; eso significa casi 1200 euros. Si no se cubrieron los gastos yo puedo hacer los arreglos para conseguir el resto.
Sin mas queda a su servicio

Jayanta das

HpS - Era mucho menos de Euros 1,200. y los donaciones sufiente generos.  Era super visita para nostros.  Guardan baston, donativo con Vd hasta nuestra proxima encuentra.  Predica durante su trabajo?

About letters - Urgent

7 years, 9 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Other

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, ALL GLORIES TO HIS DIVINE GRACE A.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADA. Please accept my humble obeisances to your feet, I'm writing because I want to know if you have seen my letter or if them just are pending, I'm afraid them not save in the Blog. If are pending, it's ok, I've keep waiting in the row :) 

Hope you have a really nice day.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP.  paoho.  Here in Spain.  This is the only letter we have from Your Grace.  Please send again. I don't think they were lost, but we erased a bunch that came during our Mexico-India travel that were not marked Urgent as we wrote  in the DTC and also I think the Kapi Dhvaja. Please excuse our limitations!

Here in Argentine, some bhaktas are asking me to know more about you, one of them is Carol Morales, she do service always she can, she is so inspired to do spiritual life, goes to Harinama and help in the kitchen on Sunday feast, she told me has sended a introductory letter. And other one, is Claudio, who make a really outstanding service in the BBT, he has sended to you two letters which you answered.

ASA - We see no letter from 'Carol' in the list, so maybe her letter received the injustice as your earlier ones. Ask her ro write again, please.

Thanks for inspireme always.

Hope your energy is high.

Who wait always to do something useful.
Your servant.
Rati Manjari DD

HpS - Yes, please send news of your Sankirtan. Will we see you in Santiago??   Maybe some tele-conferences from Santiago for BsAs.

Mañana nunca se sabe

7 years, 9 months ago by Lomasa Rsi in Other

Querido Guru Maharaja,

        por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

HpS - ASA -- The same from us. Nos es igual.

        Todas las glorias a sus divinos pies de loto [lodo], a Srila Prabhupada y a Sri Sri Gaura Nityananda [!].

        Guru Maharaja, gracias por haberme respondido el mensaje de Whatsapp. Yo también vi su respuesta tarde porque el Whatsapp era de un devoto que estaba en la India.

        La situación con mi hijo hoy se ha complicado más aún. Con respecto a este tema, vengo hablando con ciertos devotos, por lo general son devotos del templo.

HpS - Si, si, si...  Su problema no es tan no-comun. Claro, hay variedad, pero muchos principios son general y podemos tomar apoyo hablar con otros! Chanakhya Pandita dijo, 'La victoria proviene de buen consejo, y buen consejo proviene de muchos consejeros'. Vamos a ganar para Krsna.

        Me estoy yendo a vivir fuera del templo en unos días después de tres intensos años de haber vivido en el templo.

HpS - Piense va a ser un contraste muy educativa.

        Yo ya tenía una idea de vivir fuera del templo este año pero, la comisión del templo resolvió que me tenía que ir cuanto antes. Este es otro tema que también quisiera hablar en privado con usted y, no quisiera hacerlo público.

HpS - Somos listos - [email protected], pero es algo que require conocimimento especific de la situacion, claro, no soy bien capaz ayudar. Primero habla de manera general de los asuntos y solamente despues detalles particular privado, no?

        Estoy trabajando en lo que es mi habilidad que es la cocina vegetariana con unos devotos y, me está yendo bien.

        Tengo un deseo intenso de ir en el mes de Julio al templo de Chile para poder estar con usted. Voy a ver cómo me organizo.

HpS - Jaya!  Esperamos que si! Si, no, possible unos teleconferencias de Chile a Argentina.

        Gracias Guru Maharaja por todo lo que hace por mí.

        Le pido continuamente a Krishna que proteja a mi hijo. Tengo muchos deseos de verlo y hablar con usted.

Su sirviente Lomasa Rsi Dasa.

HpS - Otra vez pensar en su situacion en terminos general y presenta sus inquietudes aqui. Eso va a resolver como 95% de la problema.

Como Mangala ananda Das me dijo ano pasado, estoy realizando que Vd no es mi psicologo, Vd es mi maestro espiritual.

Basicamente somos su servientes.


7 years, 9 months ago by Sananda in Other










HpS - Thank you.   They are also available easily in the Hardware stores in Madrid. Hare Krsna!

Vyasasana and the qualification of the speaker (SB 1.1 5-8)

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Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am presenting here my thoughts and questions on the topic of Vyasa's seat and qualifications needed to sit on it. I tried hard to write it down the better [best] I can, so that it has some sense.

What makes a usual seat to become a vyasasana? I doubt it is how big the asana is, or from which material it is made, or how it is carved? I will say there are two aspects that make a asana an vyasasana:

  • it is the purpose and motivation of the speaker – if proper, that would be to present the conclusions which Vedavyasa presented in his writings


  • the talk itself – i.e. is the talk following or not the vaisnava siddhanta exactly.

In other words, a vyasasana can be any asana (seat) from which a person talks and presents the viewpoint of Śrī Vyāsadeva. That seat can be a simple cushion, chair, or finely carved throne.

Is that a correct statement?

HpS - Seems so to us [HpS, TB, BW, UG], but UG points out that if it has lion feet then it is also a Simhasana.

In verses SB 1.1.6-8 we find the qualifications of the speaker who sits on vyasasana:

  • completely free from all vice.
  • well versed in all the scriptures famous for religious life, and in the Purāṇas and the histories as well,
  • have gone through them (scriptures) under proper guidance and have also explained them
  • submissive

That is the verse. And SP explains in the purport:

  • there are four major vices (4 regs)
  • be well versed in all revealed scriptures or in the Vedas. The Purāas are also parts of the Vedas. And histories like the Mahābhārata or Rāmāyaa are also parts of the Vedas. The ācārya or the gosvāmī must be well acquainted with all these literatures.

Then in SB 1.1.7 purport, SP writes:

Besides Vyāsadeva, there are other sages who are the authors of six different philosophical systems, namely Gautama, Kaṇāda, Kapila, Patañjali, Jaimini and Aṣṭāvakra. Theism is explained completely in the Vedānta-sūtra, whereas in other systems of philosophical speculations, practically no mention is given to the ultimate cause of all causes. One can sit on the vyāsāsana only after being conversant in all systems of philosophy so that one can present fully the theistic views of the Bhāgavatam in defiance of all other systems.

My understanding of English language is that words “well versed”, “well acquainted” and “conversant” are synonyms. They all mean the same thing.

HpS - Yes, sure seems like it. Maybe some small differences.

Now, what is the practical meaning of “to be conversant in all those systems of philosophy” (which I believe are also called ṣaḍdarśana) ? How much a person should know? Is a few sentence definition of what those systems propound enough?

HpS - This is a question that I have also had for a long time too. I guess that anyone who has taken proper Bhakti sastri or studied to the level in Srila Prabhupada's books has the preliminary qualifications. He is a Brahmana and can sit on the ISKCON Vyasasana. Of course, he knows that he is not the Founder-Acharya. Without formally naming these philosophies, Srila Prabhupada presents their ideas in BG As It Is, TLC, etc.

While SP was present, he instructed devotees to give and hear classes on BG, SB, ISO… Devotees were sitting on vyasasana while speaking. Did those devotees then, and also, do the devotees now, know and are well versed with saddarsanas?

HpS - Exactly. I think they were 'well versed' in that they knew the conclusion. Eg. in the Krsna book Krsna presents Karma - mimamksa to Nanda Maharaja to try to convince him to do the Govardhana Puja and Srila Prabhupada talks about it. I the Prayers by the Personified Vedas we find so much. In Purush-sukta confirmed in Canto Two, so much. Again, they aren't up to the level of Ramanuja acharya, but they should know their limits and then be able to direct high class Brahmanas to more detailed sources if they want those, but "Chant Hare Krsna and be happy!" coming from a proper ISKCON Brahmana is perfect advice, Siddhanta, no?

I am asking this because, apart from being (hopefully submissive and) interested in the general topic of what is discussed here, also, to understand the wideness of SP's instructions. For example, SP says in his books such a point that whoever sits on vyasasana should be well acquainted with saddarsana. Also, most probably, not all devotees who sit on vyasasana have such a qualification. My idea is that this is a gradual process. And every person should thoughtfully decide for themselves if to sit and speak or not. Is this a right understanding?

HpS - I did not want to take Sannyasa, but Hansadutta Swami, Atreya rsi Prabhu, Bhakti Svarupa damodara Swami, Ramesvara Swami, Tripurari Swami all said I shoul do it. Then I started traveling and Kirtananda Swami, Virabahu Das, Tamal-krsna Goswami, Rabindra-svarupa Das et al, gave me the nod that I should do this. O.K.  Prabhupada similar, no?  We make our personal decision about accepting attention to our preaching, but that should include consideration of our authorities, friends.

Also, maybe for the time being, a person is not 100% fit to sit on Vyasa's seat, but he is a “mango in the process to maturity”.

Your servant Namacarya Das

HpS - Yes, and he knows that he is just a new Brahmana, Madhyama adhikari, so he explains what he knows. Gives sources for information, and then the audience is benefited. A high class India Brahmana, scholar who has read the Sad-darshana, and is nice, may ask: Esteemed New Iskcon Brahmana, I know Dhyananda Sarasvati, Pusti-marga, but I have not really had a chance to read a simple Bio-graphy, maybe thirty pages of your Acharya, Sri Krsna Caitanya. Is one available?

Where would you direct him?