Mangala Arati and India

4 weeks ago by bhaktabigfoot in Other

Hare Krishna!

Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obessiances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you!

Guru Maharaja, I appreciated very much your point if we do FMP then why wouldn't we want to share it with others. It got me thinking quite a bit.

It got me thinking about my current service and if I should be asking the current devotees I lead to come to 4:30 managala arati with me. We currently make 5:50am the "mandatory". It was quite interesting that the next day we had a meeting where they said they want to come to 4:30 managla arati and it should be mandatory for them and something that new Bhaktas work towards. I was so happy, amazed and full of gratitude.

Gurudeva, I talked to Nityananda Prabhu about morning program. I expressed how important FMP is to us. You have always been clear in our wanting us to do FMP and it has penitrated my heart also. I asked him if I was to go to India with him what would our morning program look like. He is committed to 5am - 7:30am FMP. He understood and was appreciative of our communication.

What do you think Guru Maharaja?

Your servant,

Nanda-braja das

HpS - Is, agtSP, a big topic.

On this traveling partys as we have heard Srila Prabhupada was very very heavy about devotees not getting up by about 6.30AM. For that delay he was The Great Destructor.

When I was with H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami, my esteemed Sannyasa Guru, Siksa guru... !

He would not be up and in Mangala arati at times during our program organization.

His disciples, others in the Ashrama would often follow this program.

He was a more action oriented person than myself. We both knew this.

He got stuff done.

Yet, we would do our Dharma, he did not object.

We and our Lord Nrsmha deva would be up and chanting and dancing even though we were like 20% less weight from the heat etc of Calcutta.

He looked hot.

We learned so much about Prana and Yoga then.

Then, it gave us strength the whole day 💪

We will always be stronger in some sense than other devotees and weaker in others.

We should not focus on criticizing others because it will only agitate their mnds.

Out of maybe 9 devotees in the Ashrama in Calcutta in 1987, preparing for the BI congress about three more would get up and join us for the Mangala arati.

Maharaja appreciated our persepective. Thanked us.

Maybe same arrangement for you in India.

get married or stay single

1 month, 1 week ago by das in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I have thought about what we have been talking about and my decision is to continue as a “house brahmacari” for a while longer.

Since my mind is very lustful (as if I had a demon inside), I tell her that in the future we can get married.

You ordered me that at the end of this period I should make the decision to either get married or continue as a brahmacari.

If I can remain in this condition of “house monk” all my life, I think it will be most beneficial, both spiritually (particularly in preaching) and also materially, as it would save me a lot of trouble.

Thank you Maharaja

HpS/ASA - Hare Krsna. This is excellent topic.

I don't remember and specific instruction on the matter, but the general principles are the same, no?

This is not the age of:

  • Meditation.
  • Fire Sacrifice.
  • Deity Worship.
  • Varana ashrama Dharma.

It is the Age of Sankirtan, Congregational Singing of the Name, Fame, Pastimes of Krsna.


So, engage as much as you can in Sankirtan, Japa, and that will give you intelligence how to develope VAD, Deity Worship etc.

Married our B'cari.

Living with family or alone or with wife an children. Which will help our Sankirtan. Specifically 16-rounds and 4-principles under the authority of Srila Prabhupada!

Ideal is to make the decision by 25-years old (SB 1.17.38) but some of us come from barbaric families, so adjustment is necessary.

I know big leaders in ISKCON who stayed B'cari until 30-years old and then went directly into Vanprastha with a like minded lady devotee.

Emotional association but no gross.

Chant and pray for you position.

Try out things in a sane fashion.

Talk with nice advisors.

Read Srila Prabhupada's book for help!

Fotos de princesas incas en Torrija.

1 month, 1 week ago by Yulisa Yugala in Other

Hk pamho querido Guru Maharaja:

Po si no le llegó, le mando las fotos de las princesas incas en el castillo de Torrija.



Su hija que lo adora:


Yugala Kisora Dasi


HpS/ASA - Thank you. Hare Krsna! If you can send in 'JPEG' then they should open automatically with the Blog post.

Wherever you go. Whomever you meet. Tell them about Krsna...


1 month, 1 week ago by candra108_mukhi in Other

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva


The other day I was wondering about how ISKCON Lima has changed over the years. Last Sunday I was at the Mass and I Kind of miss the temple, rhe deities. I look back and I think nowadays I would not leave home at 5:00 am in orden to dress Gaura Nitai in Wilson. I looked at them and I can not see their gorgeous faces. Devotees in charge repainted again some time agosto, and I do not have tue attachment that I used to have.

Sometimes I do not recognized myself. It seems like a long time ago. My faith my memories are they going to Just fade away? Then I recall that you once said in class "Deities never forget, one Apple one time and the deities never forget"

I feel sorry about the future generations of devotees.

Thanks Gurudeva I just want to share this with your very good self

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - Jaya! Narada lost his Mommy. Pariksit lost his horse, wife, family, nation.

We will lose our religious institution.. but as long as we have a service attitude to ISKCON it is alive and vibrant.

You and Prabhupada.

Service to NIOS

1 month, 2 weeks ago by aja.govinda in Other

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to your service unto him.

I am very glad that Abhirama Prabhu invited me to serve by coming up with content for the Solaris magazine. I have previously written science articles for BTG and thought I can do some service by writing some articles for Solaris magazine. I am very glad to serve in this capacity with Abhirama Prabhu and am thankful that you have continued to allow me to serve in NIOS in some capacity.

I am also involved in a research project with some BI scientists on past-life memory research, where they are interviewing young children with memories of their past lives. This is a follow up to the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson, whose department at the University of Virginia, Department of Perceptual Studies is still doing academic research in this field.

I am really thankful to get some chance to serve Your Holiness and get some association of devotees in the academic field through this service even remotely through the NIOS activities. Thank you for this opportunity of association and service. It is like a rope that you have thrown to this soul in the ocean of material existence. This rope keeps me connected, and I hope to come closer and closer to the boat and one day get on the boat that takes us across the ocean of material existence.

Your humble aspiring servant,

Aja Govinda dasa

ASAHpSwami - AgtSP. Paoho. Super news.

We hace been involved in all of this.


Are you visiting Nashville?


Memoria - PMD

1 month, 4 weeks ago by piyari_mohan_das in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

It has taken me years, but thanks to the association with very learned devotees of our Yatra through their daily classes, I am able to memorize the most important verses of the Bhagavad Gita. 

Every day I set aside a few minutes to learn and review the verses, it helps a lot in preaching and makes me feel fulfilled. 

Two questions Gurudeva: 

1.- Does the recitation of the mantra “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” work for any Vedic scripture?

HpS - Yes.

2.- What do you think of veganism? Sometimes I get to thinking about going vegan. 

HpS - It is good for people living in the forest who may not have access to cows and milk, but for someone who must have mental strength and acuity to advise the King in all his practical affairs, it is not good. He would need cows milk to feed his instrument, brain.

Thank you very much Gurudeva

Your Servant

Piyari Mohan das

HpS/ASA - 🙂