
1 month, 1 week ago by piyari_mohan_das in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva


I would like to know more about enthusiasm in spiritual life. What does NOI 3 mean by enthusiasm?

Thank you very much

Your servant

Piyari Mohan das

Hps/ ASA -- Read NoI 3 and report to all of us other Monkeys in this 🌳 tree!

[Odana Sasti 2024] Reflexión

1 month, 1 week ago by Cruz Santa in Other

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y todas las glorias a sus fieles representantes que son manifestaciones de su misericordia.

Todas las glorias a Usted, querido Gurudeva 🙏🌻

6 de diciembre, 2024 - Odana Sasti – Intentamos celebrar su aniversario Harinama y Sannyasa Diksa, de la manera en que usted nos instruyó…

Esta vez, repasamos con especial atención el primer encuentro de Srila Prabhupada con Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. Medité en la actitud escéptica del joven Abhay y en cómo su maestro la derrotó, incluso antes de que Abhay pudiera sentarse, – “Ustedes son jóvenes educados. ¿Por qué no predican el mensaje del Señor Caitanya Mahāprabhu por todo el mundo?” les dijo –  😌😲 ["The one inch punch"]

Aquel instante decretó la salvación de millones de almas sedientas de conocimiento espiritual. ¡Solo Krsna el misericordioso, podría estar detrás de esta estrategia maestra! ¡Todas las Glorias a Sri Krsna y al Guru parampara! 🌺

Srila Prabhupada, constató que su Guru es un representante genuino de Sri Krsna, así que se entregó por completo; con total determinación, confianza y fe a cumplir sus instrucciones. De este modo percibía día a día la compañía, guía y apoyo de su excelso maestro y de Sri Sri Radha Damodara.

Las instrucciones de su Guru son para Prabhupada la vida misma, el aire vital – mac-cittā mad-gata-prāṇā… – y hasta el último aliento, fue dedicado para cumplir con esa misión. ¡Qué relación tan trascendental!

¡Cuán glorioso debió ser el reencuentro entre Srila Prabhupada y su Gurumaharaja! – Un comandante en jefe, presentándose victorioso después de una épica batalla. –

Naturalmente pensamos en nuestra propia experiencia… Por la misericordia sin causa de Srila Prabhupada, tenemos la inmerecida fortuna de haber tomado refugio en usted, querido Guru Maharaja. Su Harinama y Sannyasa Diksa, han determinado el rumbo de mi vida y la de muchísimas personas. Gracias por su ejemplo y guía. 🙏🏼 Por favor, podría decirnos ¿cuál fue su primera impresión respecto a Srila Prabhupada? ¿Cómo decidió entregar su vida a su divino maestro? Y, después de su Harinama diksa, ¿Cómo mantuvo la Fuerza para mantenerse firme en sus votos? (Por favor disculpe mis osadas preguntas.)

Gurumaharaja, muchas gracias por comandarnos expertamente en este ejercito de Srila Prabhupada. Deseo, por su misericordia sin causa, vivir una vida por la que no tenga que avergonzarme al presentarme frente a usted, espero que mis actos no ensucien la reputación de tan exaltados maestros. Sé que he perdido y perderé muchísimas batallas, aun así, siempre me esfuerzo por vivir una vida que me permita presentarme ante usted y decir sinceramente: “Mi Señor; aquellas fueron batallas perdidas, pero bien luchadas. Hicimos todo lo que estuvo a nuestro alcance”. Querido Gurudeva, muchas gracias por sus instrucciones, muchas gracias por mantenernos vivos y en la lucha, por favor, perdone a este soldado de baja clase y ocúpeme siempre en servicio a nuestro divino Fundador-Acarya.

Siempre a sus órdenes

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


HpS/ASA - Awk! 😲 Exceeds 3900 characters. Translate.google.com can't translate. Please send again in shorter pieces!!!

Krsna pastimes!💕Audio and art of Franco

1 month, 3 weeks ago by Radha Japa in Other

Adored Gurudev! Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet!

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!!!

All glories To You!!

I was looking for more Krishna cartoons! and I found these! They are wonderful, they make me laugh a lot and fall in love with Govinda's flute even more 💕🙏🌹

Links :



HpS-ASA - looked, agtSP, at both.

Some nice aspects.

Some technical problems.

Many philosophical problems.

Amazing how Srila Prabhupada’s book give pure, unlimited view of Goloka.

I hope you like Gurudev and feel happy!

I will try to serve you and please you always:

J.P. Radha d.d.

P.D :

Here I am sending you a photo of the earrings that Franco makes by hand! It's incredible to me! He was recently assaulted near his house and his cell phone was stolen. He was walking at night. He told me that he is cut off from the world and he feels very happy to be like this 😊🙏🌺🥀🌹💐


I can't find a way to send audio here 🤔

Gopal wrote to you here and I also sent a letter. It was when you were leaving Spain for India. Were you able to read it? Would you like Gopal to send you the same letter or any news? Thank you very much for your valuable time, beloved Gurudeva (I had sent a photo of some flutes that Franco made out of reeds) 💕🌹💐🌸💐🙏🙏🙏

HPSWAMI-Did not get the letters from Gopal.

Some letters arrive from you with no content.


Try again.


Udaka vadya: Playing music using water

1 month, 4 weeks ago by Nick Delffs in Other

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you for your responses to my letters recently

HpS/ASA - No glories to our slow response to them lately!!!

Gave our excuses just now in the last letter to Balabhadra Das.

😃 🐶 🐶 

. . . . and thank you again for the secret link to the 5th movie. We’ve watched a little bit already and will see the whole thing tonight:)

It might be a silly question but I’ve always been curious about this certain Kala: Udaka vadya

Maybe this is a perverted version or similar thing?:


Your aspiring servant,

Nitisara das

HpS/ASA - The link took us to Hermeta Pascoal??? playing music on coca-cola bottles in his underpants with several young men.

Was correct?

Have never seen anything more crazy in our life.

Yet, was also nice.

Nice sound.

Nice sensual ambience.

Maybe we can do it next year in Radha Kunda!!

Of course, the turtles in Radha Kunda may drag us in to the lake and drown us.

What is the recent news.

We [weak] will respond quickly.

Sharing pizza with Balabadra Das the 14th of each month?

Temple festivities?

Your Big Band sound?

Babies Big Babies sound?

Eyes of Eternity [Redact: Reilly Grindle]

2 months, 1 week ago by reilly.m.grindle in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances forever on. All glories to you, all glories to his divine grace Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

I believe in Bhaktivinoda Thakur's writings, he once told an analogy: That describing a world without time in words - was akin to a mute man trying to describe the taste of a mango 🥭 to someone who had never tasted it.

A lot of time has passed since I first met you in this material lifetime. 14 years actually. 14 years I still wonder why your spiritual master cast his mercy down on me! I've been stuck interpreting his benevolence ever since.. (most recently the last five years ago).

Well, I'm definitely no pretty Hare Krishna 'Disney movie' of a lifetime so far. That's for sure. Material amnesia is nothing to shake a stick at. My real memories are distant, clouded and uncertain (if I'm being truthful).

What holds me back? I am not sure entirely, in truth. Jung said shame was one of the most powerful emotions, and deep down it is that. Fear. It's fear of failure, to not be blessed by Krsna to succeed, even when you ask for Krsna for it. That's tough to accept. Was it because Bhagavan desired such, or I diverged from Bhagavans will? What good is it all if I lost the most crucial favor of the local Vaishnava community?

It seems it goes full-circle. The bhakta is the lost souls first encounter, then comes back to be the most important eternal service.

Well, as HDG stated: "Guru is for questions." And I undoubtedly have seen you as my siksa-guru these past 14 years. I am writing to once more express my great thanks for tolerating my foolishness, troubles and half-heartedness. I'm sorry it wasn't prettier. Yet I had just one remaining question if you'd cast some mercy on me:

What can I do to best serve you and HDG's mission going forward?

HpSwami-ASA -- AgtSP!

What about the Preface to "Nectar of Instruction"?

That is where we orient ourselves?

Following us, 'huber_robinson', on Twitter [X]?

Chanting some regular Jaw Paw?

Know my heart still stirs, it's hard to keep it clean in this world. . I'm also certain I'll find your further guidance in you and HDG's discourse and writings over time (funny how they work like that often times).. and I'll one day hope to be blessed to see you "up ahead" and give my thanks again!

Jaya Sri Radhe, Jaya Sri Krsna, Jaya Vrindavan!

-Your eternally indebted servant-

Hare Krishna Maharaj

2 months, 2 weeks ago by lakshmi108 in Other

Hare Krishna Dear Maharaj,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Dear Maharaj,

This is Lakshmi, daughter of Raktak Das and Acyuta Priya Devi Dasi. It has been a very very long time since I have written to you,

HpS-ASA -- AgtSP, yes, but we are also slow in responding.

...and this is the biggest shame of my life. I have always thought and thought to write you, but never actioned these desires. I have a million things to write to you, and how I want to have your association, but I am also following you on Twitter, and I know you are in Radha Kund now, perhaps ready for the next phase of your soul's existence.

HpS - now spain

I have been scared for years of this, of your departure. You are the only one I have ever seen as worthy for me to take guidance from, the only one I wanted to. But as it is, I have been stuck in Maya. My spiritual life is lost, I personally feel very lost and I don't know what I am doing and where my life is headed, spiritually or materially. I don't want to write too much as I am aware you are also very busy and do not have much time to read too much.

I suppose, I am simply asking for your guidance, some last instructions from you. I want to know. I wish I could be there in Vrindavan, able to have your association and serve you, and learn from you.

Dear Maharaj,

Please forgive me for my negligence in contacting you. I hope I may hear from you soon. That will make this life successful. And I hope that I can receive some instructions from you.

I really hope you are okay, I know the health of the body deteriorates, but I wish that you are well. I hope you are not suffering. My relatives visited you recently I believe, they are the most fortunate. I am so happy they did that.

Please give me some instructions.

I am forever in your debt.

I wish I could've fixed up myself and taken initiation from you years ago. Now I am more lost than ever. I am so selfish, even at this stage, I am still asking for your help, rather, please Guruji, let me ask you, how may I help you actually. Please tell me if there is anything I can do.

Hare Krsna.

Your servant,

Lakshmi .

HpS-ASA - Really nice to hear, agtSP, from you.

How is the Bhima?

You could be worse. Could be thinking being in Maya is great.

We may live, as turnips, in this body for 20 more years

Don't know.

Just making best estimate.

90% of our instruction is to chant Hare Krsna, read the KRSNA book and follow us on Twitter.

We only hope to be a door to Srila Prabhupada.

There are many.


Write again December 14th.

Get hold of yourself.

Become the genius you are supposed to be.
