DTC 11(Tu)

6 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC



It is the last day in The Old Country, Spain, Madrid. We are packing everything for our long journey tomorrow: 19-hours from door to door.   We plan to do all of the Bhakti-sastri examination review. Catch up on the last rounds we got behind during our fever in Boise.

Enlist the interestnig people Krsna sends in the Sankirtan of Nitai Chaitanya-candra and ISKCON.

Tonight we have a Nectar of Instruction seminar. First one was last night, 2-hours (after 1-1/2 hour GBC meeting (after one hour television interview (after...))))))>   Just go on preaching and it will become systematic.   With NOI as a basis we can sense the level of the audience and select the Texts.  Last night was 90% just the Preface ie. Historical and currently cultural aspect.

Thank you Chandra mukhi Devi Das, Abhirama thakura Das, Gadai, Karuna krsna, Jiva, Radhika.......  

DTC Sa(8)

6 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

HK/HR  ----  Finally got good campsite and good internet and good (70 years old) body energy to communicat. 13 rounds done. Do 3 more en route to Rathayatra. Now there is rain. Expect to leave at 5PM and get back at 10.30PM from Rathayatra. FMP with short class and good questions here in Jayanta Das' ahsrama.  SPAIN!!  Madrid!!!

10,000 devotees here.

Next is regular Saturday ASA/ABC/SB class. We have 30-minutes to prepare. We have been on the computer (from Gopinatha Das) for one hour with MOE, NIOS and ASA mail. OUr eyes are beginnging to fail.

We will honor Prasad after class. We will do the class preparation and cause a little permanent damage to our health. Permanent damage is another name for regular daily activities. Everything we do brings our death nearer, but that is O.K. for a devotee (even monkey/pig devotee) because it means getting a new vehicle. We get a chance to upgrade!

Each incarnation Krsna and Balarama improve their service. (of course so does The Black Witch (may she be blessed)).

O.K.   See you in cyberspace.  Back in USA next Wednesday.  We get Text messages.

DTC 4 (Tu)

6 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

About, AGTSP, paoho, twelve devotees in the Temple room chanting Japa. Day after Janmastami. We did pretty well. The fast was tough but we did lectures, initiations, conversations....   Now we got internet for few minutes so lets grab it.

Our Vyasa puja offering is in post from Nikunja.

This trip through Spain has been intense: One night in New Vraja Mandala, three nights in Barcelona, Ramblas. It is one of the biggest tourist places in Europe. The smell of alcohol, urine etc floats in the air. People are dressed in loud, plastic colors and trying to beat their bodies like dead horses to get Rasa from their sense.

So unfortunate. We go out with the Sankirtan party and they have an option. Some come. Som join us!

We will write about how to celebrate Janamstami for our ABC Year curriculum.

We sent our Solari article to Abhirama Das.

We wrote back to Sugopis radha Devi Dasi's professor in Boise and will work on an introduction to alternate medicine in psychiatry for her.

O.K. Back to Japa and then presentation from 9-10AM on Srila Prabhupada.

DTC Su(19)

6 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna,

AGTSP paoho.

Here we sit in the Berkeley Temple room. It is 6PM. We are camped in a little.  corner of the B'cari ashrama. We had to use our ingenuity. to bath.

We know so many old devotees here. Rathayatra was tough, but success. Now we are getting ready for the evening program. We may get a room later.

Hare Krsna.

Hare Krsna.

God is love.

DTC sa(18)

6 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.

Kolaveca Sridhar Das is waiting at the door. We will pick up 5 more devotees and drive to Cupertina, about 45-minutes from here. Evening program.

We edited Rathyatra Prayers of Lord Caitanya into one file for tonight. We just uploaded it to Jayarama.us. Look in the Archives. Then in the folder, "ABC Year".

Our life is PACKED. We are keeping healthy at heart, but of course, so much stress traveling, preaching. We are talking with tons of devotees daily. Here in San Jose, with Vaisesika Das, Srivasa pandita, Balimardana, Ananadavrndavana, Balarama, Abhaya, Sridhar Das, Dasi..

Last night Harinama Sankrtan in Palo Alto. Stanford it there and the Harinama is on main street full of interesting shops, restaurants, clubs, cinemas... SUper cultural. People have PhDs left and right. Vais. has organized lights, videos, meditation tent....   So much preaching.


We are looking toward, Rathayatra tomorrow, Boise, Spain, Peru . . . Chile.

Again.  We try to answer mail, but traveling it seems only secure we can get to this letters labele, URGENT.

DTC tu(14)

6 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.

Yesterday like 4-lecture and three dialogs with 40-interfaith vistors, Goswami Academy Teacher's Education, ASA Daily SB class, Temple President, RGD and RKDas about Sastric education. And today almost the same.

Just can't get t regular mail while traveling very well.

Put URGENT in the field if it is or talk to us when we come to your center.

Tomorrow we go to San Jose.

Thursday we change from Startmeeting.com to gotomeeting.com meeting id 737 859 341 may work.

Hare Rama