DTC 17(Mo)

6 years, 1 month ago by hps in DTC

Tim Brown, Buck White, AGTSP, write more Trash for Jack London:


I ONCE KNEW a bear named houdini,

who was never inclined to be greedy.

he lived on fried almonds and sesame buns,

that he bartered for swift, certain, messenger runs

-postal service of goloka.

-messages for mount govardhana.

with a small boy on his back,

carrying a sack,

he would lope from village to mountain.

-lunch bags.

running to keep cows together,

you work up a big appetite.

-one hundred, thousand, million, billion cows running everywhere.

on wild celery they crunch, the cows,

while the boys eat their lunch,

and discuss the tales in puranas and veda.

some will back subal, and some will back rama,

some varutthapa, some will back shyama.

cottage cheese, pints of beer, with no alcohol to make it queer.

a whole village singing, and dancing, so rama-krsna can hear.

- - - - - - -

BLACK and WHITE had a fight,

And RED was born between them.

What about T. BROWN and Buck WHITE?

ORANGE will always team them.


Dinky opened the door and an enourmos head jumped out.

It had slavering fans and rapacious claws.

" I am the demi-urge", it did shout.

Then it jerked back violently, standing upright in livid pride.

Dinky slammed the door and said to himself, gasping for breath, "No you're knot! There's no hue-mill-it-tea in your stride!"

-One must have both power and humility to be a Church Governor.

S/A - 'The Hipopotamus', T. S. Elliot


donkey david and ducky dan,

lived on flax and roasted bran,

in the deserts of afganistan,

with a very awful plan,

to rescue the writer, thomas mann,

from buring in the frying pan,

where his wicked karma ran.


Thomas Mann, born June 6, 1875, was 21-years when Prabhupada was born and died August 12, 1955. when Srila Prabhupada was fifty-nine years old. His early novels, "Buddenbrooks" (1900), "Death in Venice" (1912), and "The Magic Mountain" (1924), earned him the Nobel Prize for Literature, 1929.

Mann’s concern is to provide a myth for his own times, capable of sustaining and directing his generation and of restoring a belief in the power of humane reason.

URGENT : Travel update on December 13, 2018

6 years, 1 month ago by Gopal C Biswas in DTC

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,

   Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA - At least they are clean!

   All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

   All glories to Guru parampara.

   Gurudev, going to start tomorrow (December 14, 2018) for chhattisgarh and will be back

   on January 11, 2019 in Pune.

  During traveling internet won't be accessible for some places and same for cell also.

   would post annual report in few days.

   Thank you Gurudev.

your fallen servant,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Jaya!!!! Got your Whatsapp message. Preach, preach, preach, smile at people!! Chant while you are in transit.

DTC 9(Su)

6 years, 1 month ago by hps in DTC

UUU He Lawww!

We (Tom Brown, Buck White) ate to many Tamales during the Sunday Feast! Too many simple wonderfuls! Yet, we prayed to Krsna, God, and Guru, to honor Prasadam nicely.

We really suspect from Srila Prabhupada's example etc. that really honoring Prasadam perfectly only goes on in Vaikuntha.

Try to satisfy your lusts once a week, Sunday, and then live a Yoga life the other days. Can we become Raghunatha Das Goswami in this life?

We heard that Srila Prabhupada said, that if you try to imitate the austerities of Raghunatha Das Goswami you will become sinful! O.K. How auster can we become? It is a science! The biggest science: How to honor Prasadam.

1) Chant Hare Krsna all the time you eat.

2) Take the remnants of Vaisnavas in terms of NOI 5 and 6.

3) Chant and Dance first!

4) Cook for Krsna with more and more love.

O.K. 8.02PM. Long day. Long meeting with Dr. Samaresh, Abhaya (Accountant for NIOS!). Jaya Krsna Das et al. See you in Sankirtan! 1728+++

DTC Sa(8)

6 years, 1 month ago by hps in DTC

Oink! Whoop! WHoop!

Just wrote an entire DTC and the connection broke! Save often!

HOw are you!

7.24PM Here. Dark and cold outside. We are all alone except for the cars passing by. Maybe one truck parked across the street looking at us.

Morning class was great.

Gopal-hari Das, Radhika's brother, came from Indian with M. Arrudha and his esteemed wife and toddler last night. Stayed with the community and visited us in the cave this morning.

It was cold in the kitche, 36-degrees farenheit, but O.K. piled into the cave. GOOD talks about education.

No walk. Little rain. NGD needed some rest too, but we talked on the phone for 30-minutes. Better than in person. Strategy. Calendar.

O.K. We just had great FEP on line with Gaura-arati and BG. No one joined us except for HpS and Lord Nrsmha-deva and 108 Gopis...

Now we listen to a Prabhupada lecture and make a new Brahmana's thread.

See you soon.


\'g'/ '@'pop~

DTC 24(Sa)

6 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna! Muchachos and Muchachis!

AGTSP. Paoho. This is Tom Brown (Monkey) here. "Here" is sitting on top of OUR desk in OUR Ashrama in OUR town, Murfreesboro.

It is 5PM but it is already dark and cold and spooky. We have already had three visitors. Found p-but butter, strawberry jam and bananas in the refrigerator. Then we cooked oatmeal and milk and offered it to Krsna and took the remants!

So much service to so many projects and things to sort out. So many personal relations to sort out. Hare Krsna! Hare Rama!

This is nothing.

Krsna can dance on the heads of Kaliya! Cha cha cha! Cha cha cha!!

O.K. We chant Japa and go for a walk with NGD et al.

Super luck with your Sankirtan!

We distributed 6-NOIs today.

DTC We(17)

6 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC



Tom Brown, The Immortal, here!

Piggy: Are you sure?

TB: Well, Brother Ass's teeth, eyes, lungs, ears, knees and memory are going but HpS is really learning to chant from a more deep basis. Hare Krsna!

Piggy: What have you done today?

TB: We finished about five letters between us and Atul-k Das and Bala-gov Das and there will be a coloquia on Phil. of Sastric Education in ISKCON at Pune Feb 4-9 and HpS will probably go to Govardhana Eco Village (GEV) to stay with Gauranga Das and the B'caris to see their program and smell cows.

  • Working with the 5,000 devotees here for Art and the Sacred.
  • GBC administration work for Arrequipa propertys.
  • Did NIOS accounts with Abbhaya.
  • Answered letters from Dr. Samaresh.
  • Honored one banana, one mango, cup of yogurt and pnut butter and bowl of vegetable soup!
  • Now we prepare for BG class tonight!

Piggy: Let us die a happy death. Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.