DTC Th(19)

6 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Two hours and a quarter for SB class with Hawaii. One hour to edit Alachua report. Half an hour for Laksmimauni Devi Dasi letter.

Other mail

Answer lots of questions from gardner. Smart guy!


 Hare Krishna!

 Rest.. Same for you?  AgtSP!


DTC 17(Tu)

6 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

'are Krsna, Mates!

Here we are in The Boro, sitting on the floor in our cottage by the road. Trying to do the first service: smartavyam satatam visnor..., always contemplate Krsna!!  Always chant Hare Krsna!

Does your heart sing when you chant?

Srila Prabhupada says, that after a day of engaging strongly in devotional service, hearing and chanting about Krsna, in the association of devotees is amazingly intensely gratifying.

We keep struggling with so many problems, social, persoal laziness, lust, but, by the mercy, suffering.....   of Srila Prabhupada we are able to make some progress every day.

Plans, plans, plans...   just hope that Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet appear in our heart and our consciousness, Kirtan, is good for them. Then plans and resources and associates will assemble.

O.K. Lettuce go walk with NGDas!

DTC mo(16)

6 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hello, my name is Bhakta Fred,

I'm a friend of Bhakta Tom.   We used to go to the same High School and both knew Wally Chan.  Do you smoke or drink?   Am I correct in understanding that members of this ASA don't smoke or drink?
That seem pretty good.

I gave it up a while ago because I could see it was killing me, but what do you do when you're bored?

I asked Tom that and he said that he just chanted, "Hare Krsna/Hare Rama" and in a few moments an idea would pop into his head about what he could do for Lord Nrsmhadeva, your ASA deity.

I tried it. It worked.

I can see that you if you don't wanta be bored, you gotta get the big things planned first: What do I want to do this year, lifetime?  How can I make a big impact on the world, so that people will stop thinking so much?

I mean 90% of the world's problems are from people who think too much.

I mean they think and make atom bombs... boom!

Then they think and figure out birth control pills, boom!     Then there is no meaning to keeping company with the opposite sex except for gross connection like baboons once a year.

Think, think, think....  machines, robots, plastic food, village life in the shadow of the metropolis . . . forgotten.

O.K.   I just wanted to say, "Hello". Tom said he would publish this letter for me. He's a good guy, even though at times a little gross!

Your friend,

Fred Gutz

DTC su(15)

6 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!

People think that we, Tom Brown, are the same person as HpSwami, but no siree bob!   Tha just ain't true?

HpSwami is mostly a persona, personality, just like us, used by the eternal associate of Krsna who is the atma in this body who is still mostly asleep to his real identity.

We recomend that everybody learn to release the Monkey within.

Gosh, if this atma had to live as just one persona all the time he would go nutz!

(80-90% of the people in the world are nutz. Many ISKCON devotees are about 50% nutz).

We are so happy to get communication going with ART Das and Sattva!  He sent his report and we answered. Next Ekadasi we hope he contemplates his next report and then sends it a few days later.

We all know he is such a hard working devotee.

Besides mail, we also had the full Sunday Festival online. Six ... eight devotees joined us.     We were 10-minutes late!!!   Were talking Sankirtan with Tandavika Das.

We are at his house for the weekend.

At 3PM we will go to the Vinod Agraval Bhajan at the BIG Ganesha Temple in Nashville. He is our hero. We have not met him before.

Now Sunday Feast!!!

Nap (?). Little packing and ironing and tonight back in our cottage in Murfreesboro with NGD..  Thank you...

DTC tu(10)

6 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

KRSNA is the most congenial friend. He knows us pretty well and just wants to engage us in the practical activity of Vrndavan. Important work of Vrndavana.

Vrndavana is just a little town, village, in a big forest, unknown, forgotten by most of the world. A road comes in from one side and goes out from the other. Sometimes people pass by but mostly it is just lost to its local partys and work and prosperity.

Hare Krsna!!!

DTC su(8)

6 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Mates!

We are in a lot of pain.  Well who wouldn't be. I guess so are you. Anybody in this material world is suffering. Even when Krsna was personally present in Vrndavana there were demons coming who were so terrifying that they were causing the girls so have miscarriages!

              But we fight!

                            You fight!

Booo!    BaBoooo!    The trumpets of the Anjana Suta Academy, the second greatest Sankirtan party in ISKCON (Also the second to worst).

It is Sunday, 4.20PM, here in hell (Murfreesboro). Even the mode of passion is gone. It is very Tamasic, Sunday after 4th of July. People are trying to recover from beer, hamburgers and false love with family and friends. Then Monday, they have to get back to WORK.

...because they are afraid of death.... If I don't go to work, I will die.

We die, because we can't get any chance to serve Krsna.

Follow four principles and chant and dance for Krsna!   He likes it!  Dance in a interesting way. Walk in an interesting way. Sit in an interesting way.

Browse the internet for innocent people.

        Hare Krsna!

Sit in a dynamic posture.  As long as you can breath, you can chant, dance.

If something is going to die if you center on hearing and chanting and dansing and cooking for Krsna, let it die!   The real life will persist. Grow!

Hare Krsna!

Can we write until we reach the limit of this Blog page?

Let's look up www hanumtoday ....   Hey, where is today's picture.

Krsna, always has someplace wonderful He is heading to go. He is with His friends but is always waving to us, "Come along,Come along!   We need you!".   He is not pretending. He needs us.

Chant Hare Krsna and get in sync with Krsna.

At 6.45PM we go walking with NDG and Dr Desai along the river. Many people there.