DTC Fr(12)
Hare Krsna.
paoho & bw.
(Purusa) Kala - Desa - Patra
(Who) When - Where - What
Monkey and Piggy (Dhruva, Dhanesvari, Gaura, Suryayani, Sarasvati, LAD, M. Rama-lila, Rai-ramananda, Lila-sri,.... Ananda, Joel, Purandara...), 3.42PM, ISKCON Arrequipa, Sitting in our Campsite with our things well set-up Calendar set doing our Letters to the Editor.
At 4.00PM we have to bathe (wash clothes (Kirtan)), then Tilak, Tea-time, brisk walk to the park (take books (get the triple-heaters opened)), Japa, 6.30PM Gaura-arati (GoToMeeting (NOI Symposium (1/2)), Japa and rest.
1. We are third class. We asked Srinivasa Das to give the Daily SB class today. We were in transit from Lima to Arrequipa. Yet, we did not give him the access codes. We are giving them to him by text-message now! We apologize and hope to rectify this mistake.
2. Everything seems to be going O.K.: 'Art and the Sacred', 'Solaris', MOE meetings. Hare Krsna. You can make plans for serving Krsna, but better to just chant HK/HR (then you will see that the plans 'come' from the sky).
3. "Purport: As suggested by the words cukūja veṇum, Lord Kṛṣṇa skillfully blended the sound of His flute with the lovely sounds of Vṛndāvana’s multicolored birds. Thus an irresistible, heavenly vibration was created.", https://www.vedabase.com/en/sb/10/21/2. This is the 'Venu Gita', Song of the Flute. We were doing it last Friday also. This phrase struck us. We also play a flute. You also? This merging of the sound our our flute with the ambient sounds is incredible challenge. Then you can turn all the local noises into Sankirtan, Book Distribution. Even more so, we can merge our Hari-nama Japa/Kirtan with the sounds of the environment. Listening to someone can merge with the Mantra. That is our goal of life. Your's?