dtc 28(We)

3 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

Got a headache.

Got to die.

Long, long day of walk and fly.


SB class,

E-sanga class,

Walk/talk Murfreesboro Sanga,

Telecon with HpS, Miguel Polo, Art Das, Abhiseka Singh,

Telecon wth MoE,


Time to rest.

Hare Krsna, Japa is the best!

🐵 😴

dtc tu[20]

3 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

"the man died but the operation was a success."

we get so weak sometimes.

trying to make a schedule that we can keep with the energy that we have, but travel and associating with different people, communities, leads us to irregulate situations.

that is one of the principle symptoms of Kali Yuga.


finished verse five of NOI TPP.

today was the first real bad hay fever day.

7.44PM - it is dark. the sky is dark.

tomorrow is fast until noon as far as I know.

must find a verse for the local community now.

Kirtan at 8PM. Verse at 8.15PM

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.

We hope we are useful to ISKCON Poggi.

Srila Prabhupada stands in the pleasant sands,

of the wonderful land of Vrindaban,

and is stimulated to serve Sri Shyama.

what does Krsna want in this world of clay,

which to Him is just a place to play,

with His friends and toys that came this way.



DTC 6(Sa)

3 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC



We are sitting in our room in Sri Sriman Subal-sakha Das and Mother Krsna pramodini Devi Dasi's Ashrama in the great forest of Richmond.

It is snowing outside and there are 16,108 bears standing in line across the street to get cups of hot soup before they head off to Brazil to get the gold and bring it back for the seven story tall Hare Krsna temple that Visvakarma and Hari-narayana Das are building here.

It will be something special, made of crystal with the gold like growing from it in natural feathers!

We are really intent on seeing Krsna within our heart.

You too?

It seems as we do that, we may lose all consciousness of the Bahir-anga Zakti and all the bodies that everyone has there. I guess we'll see everyone in their Zvarupa.

However, . . . a pure devotee lives quite happily within the material world seeing everything as a replica of Vaikuntha.

We humor the other maniacs in this mental hospital, and become more and more purified ourselves.

In SB 1. 15,16 M. Yuddhisthira send Arjuna to see the Lord to understand what is His next plan of work.

Then, our engagement in the dummy hall stimulates our real connection with Krsna in our hearts. We stay here because Krsna wants the battle, material works.

You don't have to get Karuna virus to die.

You can just stop breathing.


Time for a short nap.

DTC 10(Sa)

3 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!


We had a very austere day yesterday.

Felt we did an honest days work, renouncing a little sensuous pleasure to get more work done.

⛩ ⛩ ⛩

Maybe our donkey was not used to honest work,


but during Mangala-arati etc. we started having sharp cramps in our chest. Quite overwhelming, but holding onto our beads, chanting, reading, we were able to go ahead.


Then we just had no energy in our heart.

Had to rest instead of SB workshop.


.... rest

. rest.

Tandavika Das visited with Raja-bhoga from Giriraja. We discussed Krsna, Maya, Sankirtan from 12.00-2.30PM.

  • Wall King/Talk King w/ NgD, Dr. Desai, Vijaya Ji!
  • 16-rounds.
  • 4-principles.
  • FEP - PPTX (Hamlet and Arjuna).
  • Looked at Blog letters, but could not an answer.

Feeling 83% better from the resting but,

Still some interior ache and void. 🙂






"Light Work Is The Best Rest", Bh. vinode Th.

Hare Krsna. Hare Rama.

See you in Sada Hari Kirtan.

Thank you.

Good night.


DTC 24(we)

3 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC



Una joven, devota, tiene una infección y la nariz y es posible que deba extirparse.

¿Es esta misericordia de Krsna?

"¡Oye, Chica! ¡Despierta! ¡No vas a ser una joven atractiva para siempre! Aprende a vivir para que puedas ser perfectamente útil, amada, respetada, en cualquier circunstancia".


Nava-ashrama (New Haven)


real definition of "Co-vid": "tasyaiva hetoḥ prayateta kovido". It makes us thoughtful about birth, death, disease and old age: "janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi- duḥkha-doṣānudarśanam", https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/13/8-12/


Fasting for Ekadasi etc. we usually become very weak... then we fall asleep... then we have a low but steady energy. SB class took some time to prepare but was very satisfying for us. It was the second part of our DTC-UT-S-VEDAS. Science and the Vedas.

Then walk and talk with NgD, Dr.D & Vijaya Ji.

8PM - Radha Nila-madhava group = Krsna and Balarama arrive at, and are received for, the marriage of Rukmini. Will we be citizens of Her city in our next lifetime?


DTC 23(Tu)

3 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC



We just finished the Houston, Gaura-purnima festival class. It takes so much energy for us to do this.

Our Ayurvedic councilor, Rupanuga Caitanya Das, told us:

One maybe two classes/day. You are extremely committed to the things you say. They are very dear to you. A politician can talk 20-times a day because they have no commitment to what they are saying. They may despise the people they are flattering.

Then there is prep-time. We really do well with Power Point shows. Oscar Natars, Latin American Critic's Association, Director of Year Award, recipient, said that we were "Masters of Power-point".

Jaya! It is our Sudra-Brahmana-Brahmana-Brahmana nature. Mental work and manual labor. Art is sudra.

Maybe one hour for a PPTX for a one hour presentation, but afterwards we can look at the shows and feel very satisfied. Then you can use them later. Work on them. Make movies and books from them.


  1. There is the technical work.
  2. Did we post the link on the Blog.
  3. Now we must Tweet it and post it on the local Radha-Natabara group.
  4. Awk! Had to search for Chirag's e-mail and then we weren't sure if we could share the Zoom link or had to get a YouTube link. We call Chirag and he did not answer. We called Saranga and he answered, then Chirag answered and sent the links for our ASA friends and family.
  5. Then... NgD, Dr. Desai and Vijaya Ji, and our selves all go walking from 5.30-6.15PM, but the class starts at 6PM!!! Communication by Whatsapp. We will leave at 5.15PM and HpS/TB/BW all riding Brother Ass can join until 5.45PM and then race back in his 21 year old Mercedes to join the class.

🐎 🐎 🐎

So this is why we missed SB class and Dhenugopala Das' programs today. Confession!

During FMP someone asked, "Your giving three classes today!!??", and we realized, it will be too much. In the back of our head. Even we we set up the calendar we were thinking, this will be too much.

Formerly we would have eaten seven Rasagullas and done the work (like a passionate ass), but now we just can't do that any more.

We started pushing to do the first too classes, at least one, and realized that we can do very little now.

It does seem to be rich, with good possibilities, but we have to learn to use a whole new body.

Happens all through life, no?

SB gives such good advice about how to use Male, Female, Sudrs, Ksatriya, Young, Old Body.

Your body is your buddy???

Now its 7.15PM

We have 16 rounds done.

Took care of the mail.

FMP with so many wonderful devotees. Good dialog with NgD/Dr.Desai/Vijay.

How is Abhirama/Nanda?

Texted Don to come and cut the grass.


Our picture attached.

(God aches in our eyes, chest, respiration)

It is so funny.

Hare Krsna.

We won't detail this again.

Same as you all, no?

See you in the Blog!
