dtc sa(5)

3 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP!!!! ..

  • Japa,
  • FMP,
  • 6-8.30AM Iskcon Sannyasa Ministry, Guru Training.
  • 8.30-9.15AM - ASA SB workshop
  • Individual calls, Japa, etc.
  • walking/talking,
  • 8PM radha natabara,
  • bloggg,

want to do more but head aches starting.

must rest now.

you also?

Best rest is light work

See you in Hare Krsna Japa/Sankirtan!!!



dtc 4(fr)

3 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC


good night!



Offer nice Bhoga to Krsna! Taste it afterwards to see if it was good.

Hare Krsna! Hare Krsna!


DTC 3(th)

3 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna

From broad view was like 75% perfect day.

From local perspective was like 97% perfect.

Every day we make progress.

Meet the same temptations.

One of the biggest for us (you also?), is eating lake in the day, night!

We try again and again to act properly!

Krsna helps us recover.

Try again.

In the beginning we progress mostly by learning transcendental, though mechanical, tricks.

Real love will then come to control our urges.

Tonight had lots of herbal tea with little sugar.


Was able to hear local Kirtan. Answer Blog posts.

. . . . Now is 10.46PM.

Reached out limit.

Good night. 😴

DID buy the Boise, Houston, Peru, Houston tickets.

1-hour with Art Das. joined Hawaii class...

DID NOT go to bank. Answer Hari-lila Das. . . Tpp-Noi, BOEX Pada-padma Questions.

Hare Krsna.

We sleep now.

Set the alarm for 2.30AM

Hope Jbjs Das has good test experience tomorrow. Hope everyone has good Sankirtan.


DTC Fr(28)

3 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC


Exhausted... FMP.... 16 rounds... walking with Vijaya... little hay fever.... excellent NIOS meeting with Abhi(rama + sheka) HpSwami MpProfessor, laundry, etc.



DTC 26(we)

3 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

Bhakta Tom and Bhakta Buck here!

AgtSP!!! Paoho.


Was a long, dark, hard, difficult, terrible day, and then it got worse.

How was your day??

Are you rich?

. . . All the money in the world does no good if you got cancer of the prenum.

H a r e KRSNA! Hare Rama!!!! God gave us Govinda and now we are fine. We could die any time. Too late for the K Dh. We tried to to do it, but traveling by airplane and for naught else we are fit:

🚙  🛫🚙

3.30-4.00A = Packing.

5.20-6.00A = Driving in a car to the air port. With Hari-lila Das discussing Sanskrit grammar.

6.00-7.00A = Secure Itty (security), Bore Ding (boarding), Sat Next 2 (to) an interesting Dude but could not get a book out to him.

9.00-10.00 = Dry Ving (driving) with Christian Don Beecham to the Boro, discussing the All Good Lord. He gave us two books.


[6-1/2 hours of travel!!)


10.00A = Discovered a rat ate our (Monkey's) body while we were gone. Opened up the house. washed clothes. Cooked lunch for Lord from local things. Rest. Japa. Washed more clothes. Moved from Winter to Summer residence. Went walking with NgD and VJJ. Recovered Lord Nrs from Radha Natabara ashrama. Talk with Art Das in Peru etc.

. . . . and now we are here with you.

Hare Krsna!

As soon as we chant our life is done.

Our chanting massages Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet under the Spring Braja sun.

Let the Names simplify your life.

So simple that you die! No food, no space, no air, no wife.

Just the eternal friendship, lordship, of His Divine Grace.

All in favor, say "Jai"!







'o' The emotion carries, time to die! No house, no mouse, no fat, no brains

Yet if Krsna wants then an empire refrains.

Thoughts enter your brain.

Good night.




DTC Tue(25)

3 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.



Just answered a few letters.

Only got a Mac here so we can't do any more work on the NoI TPP, but only the Question Bank to edit.

Had no hay fever for one week. So nice!!!!!!

Will get lazy and think we can be happy here.

Tomorrow back to our Base Camp in Nashville.

Just said hello to NgD.

Was a very, very, very, very long letter "denouncing" Radha carana Dasi from Panama by some lady we did not know. We read the first paragraph. It was not grossly bad but did not seem to be RCD well-wisher and we did not know the critic. Cannot use criticism from people we do not know!

We would have posted the part we read with our little comments and the rest erased, but it included pictures from her that we thought might be bad. We have to ask Prahlada Nrsmha Das if he can give us ability to erase pictures.

Been fasting all day. Water until noon and nirjala since then. May work out. Little stomach ache coming. "Fasting is very good but service comes first".

Such nice letters from everyone.

We have some more to answer.

Hope we can catch up.

Looked at YouTube, ASA audio visual with Harilila Das this morning and it seems much improved after our discussion with Vrsabhanu nandini Devi Dasi and Ambarsi Das.

Learned so much more how to use the Mac Powerpoint maker. Very simple compared to Windows but got a show for tonight.

O.K. Go for a little walk (with no hay fever) in the tropical sky with HLD. Then back for the NRS 14 presentation.

Will Tweet the link now.

