DTC 4(Thu)

3 years, 12 months ago by hps in DTC, Special Category B

TB/BW, AgtSP!!! paoho... 🐒 🐖 🌳 🌴🌴

We had pretty good Sankirtan today.

Of course, last night after our walk we were hit very quickly by the strongest headache we have had in our life. Maybe impacted lower bowels. Maybe not. (Ha! Ha! Hare!). This body is an embarrassment for boys or girls.

. .We tried to rest, do light work, and by 4.30AM it was down to 50% and is down to 5% now, but still ready to spring back if we spend any more time on this machine.

  • Listened to the Hawaii class. Very nice.
  • Wrote a five of six page letter to Subal sakha and Krsna pramodini Devi Dasi in Rich Mond.
  • Fixed our brake light etc. etc.

Pandemic and the Future of ISKCON Temples

Our theory (Brown and White, after asking Uncle Gismo) is that this Karuna virus is the mercy of God on ISKCON and the world, so that people will stop destroying the world (to soon) with industrialization, and start moving back to local living and high thinking.

Science worked liked expensive asses to fight it and show their might,

but now the little natural reaction of the virus to mutate,

and all their effort may go out as trash.

People are starting to live together again as two and three generation families.

Buy bigger houses.

Buy a whole block and take out the backyard fences!!

Base you life in a village. Any visitors can stay in the guest house outside the village gate for two weeks if there is a pandemic.

ISKCON temples should obtain orchards and start to move in that direction with alacrity.

Also, we Tom Brown and Buck White, consulting Uncle Gismo, propose that when the 17-year Cicada cycle brings those noisy devils out this year in Tennessee there is a 75% chance that they will sterilize the whole local atmosphere (maybe five States) from the virus and the material scientists will be forced to be a lot more humble and say that they really need some broader look at nature, that their system is just not including all this reality.

If it happens,

Remember you heard it first,

Here, at the ASA's

😲Science for Simpletons😬

DTC 23(Tu)

4 years ago by hps in DTC

That's all the letters we can do now. PCTDas is responding by Whatsapp. It is 6.47PM now. Must be the vaccine. No headache now, but weak and little nausea all day.

Krsna still drops service in our lap.

So we try to do it.

Actually rather sick, but not much pain, just reduced capacity, do what we can do, and realize that it is eternal.

Same for you, no?

You are a great hero.

Just staying associated with this movement. Struggling to get 16-rounds done, 4-principles, fasting on Ekadasi...

Then ... play with Krsna.

"Come on Krsna! Let's play ball with everyone. Let's listen to a new story! Let's help people with their work to build a better Braja!"

DTC 22[mo]

4 years ago by hps in DTC

Mad, Mad Monkey,

Mad, Mad Mind,

Makes us a little bit,

Narrow and blind.

Snkrtn Rprt

Japa, Bath, Puja,


. . . . Nap, pa, pa.

Packing, 1-hour for Karuna-virus inoculation.

It made us proud to be Gringos! 🚀 It was very well organized. Army and National Guardsmen were there, and everyone cheerful and doing there job. We had to go through 6-check points, so when we took the inoculation it was like a religious ritual of something.

. Hallelujah!

. Koruna virus! Then Kroger's for potatoes, frozen orange juice (for popsicles (Maya!)), disinfectant, oranges, light bulbs. Post office [line was nine-people (HK, HR)] to mail Bh. Cithkala's beads and back home, back to Hill Head!

. . . We gave two LOBs with NIOS brochures to the inoculation lady.

0-0-0 Lunch for Lord. (Ate too much).

Laundry, house keeping, walking/talking with NgD.

Burfi from Harilila Das and M. Madhavi Devi Dasi, Cookies and letter from Caitanya and Purusottama Gupta.

Checked the Whatsapp, Text, and Blog mail.

Will try to answer some of the letters!

Our Maya, as Sannyasis, is just to tell everyone, "Chant Hare Krsna and let it all go to destruction".

Here in the DTC with you! We think of CMDD, then ARTD, then .... how everyone will react if we mention this name and then that name. It is very funny. It is only sane belonging to any community if we all have one lover, no?


1/2 round to chant.

DTC 20(Sat)

4 years ago by hps in DTC



Brother Ass has a headache, so we are not irritating him too much. Was a 95% successful day.

Such wonderful Mangala arati, SB class, talks with Texas, Utah, Tennessee, Peru.

  • Laundry.
  • Blog.
  • Now it's time to die (rest).

We like the 'Tears in the Rain' soliloquy from "Blade Runner".

The cowherd boys, when they are sitting under the shady trees in the afternoons must have so may discussions about dramas, poems, that the gopis, others are producing in Vrndavana.

  1. Composition
  2. Production
  3. Criticism

The three aspects of Drama.

See you in The Heavens. (Bhur, Bhuva, Sva).

h a r e -]KRSNA]>> h a r



DTC fr(19)

4 years ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.

TB/BW here!

AGTSP paoho...... So many letters to answer from Whatsapp and Yahoo mail. We are happy that if we can do a little practical service in ISKCON.

Get the books out!

Get the Holy Names out.

The Institution is a vehicle for that purpose.

Lot more letters but that is all we can handle today. O.K.??


Now we call Hari-lila Das, try to push the foot of snow off of the Mercedes etc.

See you in the Friday program at 7.30PM

DTC 14(su)

4 years ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP. Paoho.

About to die!

6.52PM. 28 degrees Fahrenheit. Warm in our little cave, but the rest of the rooms are freezing. If we are not careful to keep a little water running in the pipes they will freeze and BURST!

Cooked kitri for Krsna.

Abhiseka came by for visit.

Talked with Rama-giri-dhari Das for about an hour about NIOS etc. He is very motivated to develop things. His business started again on November but it will be about two months more before they have normal cash flow.

Listened to prabhupadavani.org. Krsna book dictation about Krsna builds Dvaraka Fort. We are reading the same and is so, so, so nice to hear the original tapes. We are noticing many things that we never noticed before.

Our notes are ready for Monday, MI seminar but only Krsna, mercy can make our intelligence, energy and voice survive.

Thank you.

Got some letters out.

We will pick a verse for Sri Sri Radha Natavara Sanga and join at 8PM.

Hare Krsna.

Hare Krsna.

4-packets of Mr. Pnut Prasada went out.
