DTC - SAT/29 (6.58AM) [PP]

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP (((paoho)))
We got 20-good rounds done. We been fasting since lunch yesterday. Following Chaupatti, Radha-natha Swami, standard we'll put two oranges, apple juice, yogurt and low-fat milk in the blender for Lord Nrsmha-deva's breakfast.          Then we'll review Chapter Thirty-One for the BhVai class with San Jose and Boise at 8AM.

That's enough plans.

Kindergarten first: Chant, Dance and Feast!

After that we can look at our Calendar.

We're a little bit disorganized 'cause couldn't get to bed 'fore 10.30PM...  Friday program runs too late here. O.K. We catch up and plan to avoid these problems next time... but this is the material world!

Tom Brown


Puerquecitos Perla
Todo bastante bien.   20-rondas...  Ya desayuno para Sr. Nrsmha, revisar SB 3.31 para BhVai / Boise.  Y despued revisar .     Siempre primero - Kinder --  Cantar, Bailar y Honrar-Prasada en tiempos fijados.


DTC - Th/27 (10.08AM)

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Diary of a Traveling Creature
by Tom Brown (MONKEY)

It was a terrible, terrible storm blowing outside. The wind howled through the spaces in the wall and the Monkey and Piggy sat close to the heater with their jackets wrapped around them.

“Pretty cold”, shivered Monkey.

“Could be worse”, said Piggy.

They were camped in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, in Warp-world-9, which is very much like this world only different. They were waiting for Uncle Gismo to come back with news of the Prayenalpayusa sabhya kalav asmin yuge janah. They were motor-cycle dudes who all sold their bikes in the Winter and had enough money that way to rent cabins until Spring. They would all hang-out at the Bog-of-a-Tom and nurse a bottle or two of Crème Soda. When the Spring came there was always work on the farms getting the machines back into shape and then they could buy a bike and hit the road for about six months.

“Yes”, said Uncle Gismo, as he came into the cabin and hung his great-coat on the coat-rack.

“Really”, said Monkey!

“Really”, said Uncle Gismo.

“Amazing”, said Piggy.

UG also crowded close to the heater and rubbed his hands together.

“Does it make any sense”, enquired Piggy?

“Lots”, affirmed Gismo. “First, that place is still a Bog and there was a very unusual Tom-cat who used to live there. He was the pet of an old colored couple who had a little cabin on the edge of the Bog, but whose family was really up near Shellbyville. The tradition was that first you’d give the cat a saucer of milk and then put your options on two pieces of paper, sometimes three, in front of him. He would look at them and then slap a paw on one of them like he was catching mice.”

“Was he always right”, Monkey?

Gismo, “Always, as far as the stories go. Often he would just look at the papers and just purr, or lick himself or just get up and stretch and go away, but when he made the slap, it always turned out to be correct”.

“How could he do that”, Piggy?

Gismo, “Some say he was old Fetch Step-it come again as a cat, and people who knew Fetch said that there were too many things same for anyone to just pass by the idea without thinking on it carefully”.

“How did they take to the pictures of Lord Nrsmha-deva that you took with you”, Piggy?

“They were friendly. They were sipping Ginger-ale and Crème Sodas, playing darts and keeping coins in the juke-box. A few siddled on over to where I was sitting and said hello and asked, “What’s your story, where you from”?

“I explained we were from Texas and we were looking for Srimati Radharani and Lord Nrsmhadeva was the family Icon that she had worshipped as She grew up”.

“Several of them took an interest in His picture and invited others over to take a look at it. They asked if Her family was India, China, and I explained, ‘Yes’, None of them had any immediate leads, but they agreed that this was the place for ciphering, and to keep up our efforts and was a really good chance we could catch a good trail to find the bandits who had captured Her and find Her for this Lord Rama. That was about it and they went back to their games and music, and I came back here.

“Ciphering has always been our main source of leads, inept a search party as we are, and here there is so much chance to do it. So let’s stick with it. They’re right. There is so much facility, subtle and gross here. Seems that one of the greatest things is to cast all of our search systems to the wind if necessary and go hog-wild after any leads that cyphering offers us”.

“I like that idea. Has a nice ring to it”, said Piggy, “Hook-up the Apparatus and let’s dig into the cypher-space. We gotta an ‘Upadesamrta’ to deliver”!

DTC - Tu/25 (1.48PM)

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

   AGTSP...  paoho.   Laksmana-agra-ja Das is sedated but body funcioning more normal.  Our respiration is O.K.

                               Hare Krsna.  Hare Krsna.     Jaya!        AGTSP.....    Hari bolo!!

DTC - Tu/25

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, DTC, Hot Topics, Calendar Development

   A  G  T  S  P !    (((paoho(((          Basically we are fighting for our life.     It started like around 6AM this morning.   We had to go into complete withdrawl and start doing Pranayama like anything, like we have never done before and anytime during our life.    It took about 10-minutes to get our right side open. We almost sufficated doing it.   Now, 8.42AM, its keeping about 70% open. We've COMPLETELY stopped left side breathing.

Srila Prabhupada's Maha-mantra Bhajan is playing in Nandulal Das' cellular.  Intense, deep, inhalation through the right side and blowing it out forcefully through the lips from intense diaphram thrusts.  We are trying to respirate our heart. It is INTENSE.

Hari bolo..    We don't know what's happening, but the most simple sane estimate that we can come up with is that Laksmana-agraja Das is dying and we have a strong Karmis connection with him. Our feet swelled up for no reason when he went into shock from the diabetes and colonic perforation.

Are we breathing for him?

Don't know but sure seems so.       Mind very clear.              Presence of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Nrsmhadeva very strong, clear!!!!!!!           We are servants.           We will keep you informed.  Please don't bother us.

Breathing has to penetrate.    Pratyahara in heavy effect.     Deeper.   Deeper.         Srila Prabhupada Mantra!!!! ! ! !      !           !

DTC - Su/23 [PP]

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP!!!     (((paoho)))       We're sorry we're not perfect! !    !                   We have to wait for the waves of passion and ignorace to subside, before we can do fixed service.  Yet, when the modes are a little in goodness we try to use the opportunity to get as much service done as we can!


And in lower modes, we try to dovetail our passion eg. watch Peter Brook "Mahabharata" or Little Krsna on Youtube.  As bizarre as we get is read Sherlock Holmes.   It does give a lot of information about English history. Basically we need to stop our mind. Holmes etc has nothing to do with reality.  These are just meaningless mental games that allow the mind to move but not work.  If we get a chance to iron our clothes we prefer it. To work in the garden. We are learning daily how to dovetail more and more our life, and then that leads to more goodness and then more pure devotional service.

Karma-yoga - Doing what I like to do fort Krsna.

Bhakti-yoga - Doing what Krsna likes me to do for Krsna.

        We have letters from one week to answer.    We try to answer two days worth daily as our catch up tool. Today is Gita jayanti.  We are in Tandavika's house for Friday and Saturday night. We go back to Murfreesboro to our office this afternoon.  Franklin (Tandavika's city) is 45 minute from Nashville and Murfreesboro.

Our health is O.K.   Our feet swelled up the same day that Laksmana Prabhu went to the hospital, went into liver and pancreas panic.  We is stable now and our foot inflamation is going down.  Foot problems represent Karmic reactions, we hear.

O.K.  1.57PM.   Pack, do NIOS accounting with Tandavika. Drive one hour to Visnu carana's house for Gita jayanti program. One our back to Murfrees boro. Pick up the keys to Dr. Desai's car and drive it to our office and Take Rest.  Japa joe on line at 1.30AM.    And a New Day will begin!!


PP  Somos bien.   Luchando con deseos para disfruta mental, fisico.  4-principios O.K.          Esfuerza es como relacionar deseos materiales que occuren cada dia con Krsna!

Inflamation de pies es poco menos.  Pienso es simpazia con la caida fuerte de Laksmana en Peru de pancreas y igado (liver)!!!

O.K.   Arregla equipaje y vamos a Gita jayanti!

DTC - Fr/21 [PP]

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP    paohhhh.     6.03 PM, Friday.  Sunsets at 4.30PM here.  Four lane, business street outside our window.

Our health is mixed.  Heart, lungs, eyes O.K.   But three days ago our feet swelled up.  Hmm.  Maybe too much  desk work, but why all of a sudden and keeping them in the air and walking doesn't change things.

Oh well, we keep working on them. Stings a little but not much real problem yet.   Maybe we die on this Vyasa puja!  Jaya!   Get ready.   You are flying the ship.

LAD is in coma in Choseeka.  He melted down from stress...   Do what you can do, nicely, not Dog-hard, and as much as possible increase hearing and chanting.

Other work is O.K.   We are intoxicated with this Susan Boyle history and thinking it would be nice if she could know more about Lord Caitanya. We have something to offer to the MOST fortunate people.

           Calendar is well.  Fixing next NIOS annual event.  Oscar recording Spanish for Jambavati's Biography. Jambavati killing herself in Sankirtana.  Bhakti vaibhava coming to a close.

Fighting with lust.

Now we pack.   No time for letters!    Had to answer all the Yahoo, VIP, Manipur mail.    But seem to be on schedule.  At 6.30  PM we go to NGD house.  Do more Japa, then 7.30PM is regular evening program then we go to Tandavika's house at 9.30PM and stay until Sunday, Gita Jayanti!  Jaya.



Oink !  TlgaSP... pfanrh   y b.   Estamos bien.  Hermano asno tiene pies inflautados.  Hmmm.  Buscamos remedios.   Posible dejamos cuerpo en Enero!          Bien.  Oscar grabando audo de Jambavati.  Ella es en Marathon.        Bh Vaibhava es a tiempo.  LAD tiene arthitis horrible.   Has lo que puede y aumentar su oir y cantar.   Mucho Yahoo entonces poco retrasado en cartas aqui pero estamos a tiempo.   Jaya!!!