DTC Mo(13)

10 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC



We have a letter from Dandava Das from Madrid about initiations that would not go. We will try again. We started reading and respoinding to the intense dialog in the Latin American Regional GBC Body about Kesava Swami's in volvement with ISKCON. There are dozens of contributions!

It takes so much of our time, but if we are on the commission then we should do it.


We can't answer letters here! We didn't see any urgent.

We talked with some very nice devotees about their history of Vaisnavism in the West work. In general we worked pretty hard all day. We think we should do more, but we have to consider more and more that we are pretty degraded product of degraded Western culture.

O.K. Lets go to NGD home. 7.18 PM. Sunset one hour ago. Cold and dark outside with rain and some warning of possible tornadoes.

Jaya! Back to Godhead.

19 rounds done.!

DTC Sa(11)

10 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports

It's been a DickeyDing-Dong Dynamic Day!
Nama om visnu padaya...  Krsna presthaya bhutale!!!!!!!!   AgtSP....  ....!.

     Two classes, offering peas-porridge, with milk after everything.

Nap. What do we do now?

Chant to Plan, and Plan to Chant.

We looked at the map. Found a strange park. Went there and drove around and found some more forest in which to play, near our cottage on the Hill.

Then to Good Will second hand store. It was busy, like a place of pilgrimage. Cloudy, cold. Everyone gone to Chicago.

We look-ed through the book titles for cartoon drawing examples etc. but no satisfaction. Very, very, very frustrated.

               ~Who are we? ? !!~

What can we do for Krsna of any significance!!!   Very frustrated.

Drown your sorry in Condensed Milk!

But we prayed, and prayed and prayed and got some c. milk, and realized that the real problem in the world is that there a no books to read that we like that will take us to Pure Goodness so that we can read the KRSNA book.

So [all of this with Lord Nrsmhadeva] offered the Condensed Milk, began honoring some Prasada and began to write.

The result is posted at:


Other things: Museum book, NIOS-Nashville, Radha-krsna Das essays, Letters to the Editor... we just haven't got the energy to do in one day! Two BhVai classes and full morning program is a lot of preaching for us. We need some insanity.

Oink! WHoop!

DTC We(8)

10 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

paoho. We only have 12-letters left to answer. Still some from one month ago.
We lived though the Celebrate Nashville Festival, and now we are headed to Vanderbilt University to read Journals on C. G. Jung.
We have a hell of a stomach ache.
Lot of work, but should be O.K. if we just breath lightly and keep to the root of our responsibilities.

See you this evening.

Kapi Dhvaja will go today.

Tpp-Cb 9 & 10 will be mailed today.

With the Gopas we will play today!!!!!!

Oink! Oink!   -   Whoop!  WHoop!  <img alt="angel" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="23" /> / <img alt="devil" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.png" title="devil" width="23" />

DTC Th(2)

10 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC


paoho.... Only 16-letters un-answered!

Five-hundre first class NIOS brochures ready for the Festival on Saturday.

Ironed our clothes.

Packaged  nine "Tpp-Cb/9" for shipping tomorrow! . . . Very busy, Pig.

[What is the news of Laksmi-narayana Das, Peru?]

Now we pack up and go buy a carpet for the Festival for the Kirtan group.

Hari Bolo! Hari Bolo!

DTC We(1)

10 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC



It is 6.06pm In Murfreesboto, Tennessee. It is still little hot and humid. 1000 cars are going by in front of our door on Medical Center Parkway. They are headed home for their Evening Programs.

We just caug Tpp-Cb and the Brochure for the festival this weekend.

Got a head-ache, but that's O.K.

Seems we can keep this pace pretty well.

Thank You.

We take a quick bath, put on Tilak and go to house of NGD for walk and darsana of Radha Natabara!

Thank you all so much!!!! Soon we will all be playing in the fields with Krsna and 10,000,000,000,000 other cowherd boys!

Goswami Training for Matajis

10 years, 3 months ago by kalindidevi dasi in DTC, Special Category A

10/01/14  Hare Krsna Gurudev!  AGTSP pamho  Searched your site.  Found little information.   so,   Re. Goswami training...is that synomonous with the pre-initiation training course protocol recently established by the GBC?  Or does your use of the term refer to training you are going to begin giving to your initiated disciples if they request and qualify per your requirements?  YWS  Kalindi Devi dasi

HpS - AGTSP. paoho. It refers to the training Monkey and Piggy are going to begin giving to our initiated disciples if they request and qualify per your requirements?

Want to start now? <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />