DTC Tu(4)
AGTSP!!!!!! Paoh..o'...... 4.49PM here. Getting d a r k and spooky outside. It is very easy to get depressed in this circumstance, but the cause of depression is so obvious, mostly the lack of sunlight, so cold outside we can't go for a walk, that we laugh at it. Also, however, it is lack of association with Srila Prabhupada through one angle or another.
That's it, no? That's the only real problem.
We were reading the Order and Rule and life of St. Benedict today. This led us to his preceptors and there is definitely cause for respect there. From broad viewpoint though we see that Srila Prabhupada is able to deliver a very high level of religious life, not from speculation or dubious historical sources, but very clear and systematic. Everywhere all the saints and leaders are mentioning that these are all experiments, but from Prabhupada there is scientific knowledge. If you want good machines, go to Germany, if you want romance, go to France, if you want philosophy, relgion, yoga, mysticism, go to India.
Lot's of work today. Few letters you see. Getting ready for the Kapi-dhvaja. Many things left to do, but now we have to stop and ENJOY LIFE. Been in the cabin for two days now. Maybe we go through the dark in Rtadhvaja-Swami's-Mothers-Car to buy some milk at the SUPERMARKET on the way to NGD's home and have some stimulation while we chant a few rounds.
I asked a Manager at K-Mart, one of these big department stores, how many items they had. He said almost 1-million!
Hari Bolo.<img alt="angel" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="23" />