DTC 14(We)

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP!    Paoho....  Oink!   Oink!        Whoop!    WHoooPP!

Monkey / Piggy here.

It is getting dark outside.  Traffic on Medical Center Parkway is decreasing.   All the people, rats, in their homes, clubs.  Mode of ignorance starting.

We go to NGD's home a little later tonight because he has some emergency psychotherapy.

7.30PM is our BG class.​

In the Kapi Dhvaja we said we would make a daily report (Guru tattva) of our daily activities this fortnight:

TUESDAY = FMP; Chat with Partha-sarathi Das; Kapi Dhavja; Nap; Gayatri, File Purge; Rama-giri-dhari Das (Harsh); Dr. Samaresh; Daniel (our guest Bhakta); Lunch G-2; Santiago, Argentina Ticket; Blog; WCL (World Classical Literature (We are looking at the fantasy bookshelp in gutenberg.org)); accounting; NGD (Nitai gaurasunara das, evening walk, Radha-Natabara darshan, Lilamrta G-3); home; WCL rest.

WEDNESDAY = Up at 1.30 (Japa writing, reading); FMP; B'fast (lots of yogurt, and home made bread and milk); reading "Good to Great" - Lilamrta' G-1; Nap; Post ASA $$$ to Blog; BG 13-14 (for this evening); Cut Grass; bicycle to Good Will store and Krsna krip, a $65, roller-bag brief case, overnight bag for only $7 with a zipper missing on front pocket!); Hawaii class with Hrd Goswami; Bath; lunch offering (Apple juice and pnut butter and prunes); WCL; Nap; Bath; Blog!

Hare Krsna.   Lot more work to do, but now G-3, Kirtan for Lord Nrs and head to NGD home.  See you at the class.

Thank you so much for all the very nice letters.  It gets very lonely without your association.  We are trying to join the Sankirtan movement!!!

DTC 9(Fr)

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

FMP!  -  14-rounds   -   2-3 - hours working on Chile +++  ticket.    Finally was great result. We can get two stopovers for 3-days total in Lima and then go out of Nashville direct and back to Houston.

We will probably be in Houston for a week or so then go to India (Spain). (Suggesting Chile, BsAs, Cordoba, Chile)

We've answered 7-Yahoo and 5-Blog letters.

TIRED...  But happy.

Going blind.  But feeling like it is best investment in our next body!

Now!!    Paint our Sankirtan post.   Sweep the grass cuttings.    Bath, Gayatri, read Lilamrta for tonight's class on Start Meeting with Ananta rupa Das in Boise (Srinivasa will send), 6.15-7.15.    Before that go to the University for some Sankirtan with Bk. Daniel and then to NGD's house from 7.30 - 9.00PM for regular Friday program.

Tommorrow is PdP on line at 8am. 3-hour kirtan at Dr. Desai's home. Then Spanish Sadhu Sanga at 7.30PM Start Meeting.

Hari Bolo!


9 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

Dogs Bark,

Chickens Grumble,

But only Monkey-rama's never fumble. ____________________________________________
If you are a member of ASA you may laugh or die, but you will never, never, never ask why?  [BG 10.8]

We answered letters!

From the King's of earth.

We listened to classes from Hawaii's berth.

Even if things are tough or lean, Lord Nrsmha Deva still needs Kitri and ​yogurt, once a day, and beer* in between.

Now we head for NGD's home for BG 11-12!  Be there or be square.

*Piggy: Swami Ji means, Coconut Water

DTC 6(Tu)

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!

Sankirtana is our eternal songa.       Blog caught up to 3-days ago. No responses to our Calendar proposal except from Madhavendra Puri and Ambarisa Das in Argentina. So idea would be to take a round trip from SCL to EZE.

Our inguinal ligaments ache.   They always ache when we take too much sugar.  They like connect your lower abdomen to your upper legs.    Hmmm.    Not to much sugar.

Today we offered 2-bananas, pnut butter and strawberry jam and three pears to Lord Nrsmha Deva.

Had long talks with Sesa Das about Education in ISKCON, Bhakta Tom about Guru-tattva, banking, clean up Start Meeting storage, Daniel here in the Ashrama for about 1-hour, FMP, bought "From Good to Great" over the internet (they will ship), etc. etc.

Now paint our mail post and go to NGD ashrama for our walk and Sadhu-sanga.

Hare Krsna!!!!!!!  ! ! ! ! !       !!!!!!!     Sankirtan!!!!!!!!!!​

DTC 2(Fr)

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

....    !Paoho.....   HAre Krsna!!​    ........

6.00PM in Murfreesboro, Viernes.    Cars go by outside of our window, 30 feet away. I bet they are all in anxiety unless cookies have blurred their way.

Any man in the material world who has any perspective at all. Must be convinced that his future is dark, and his current happiness small.

Learn of the eternal delight, of Mangala arati of Shyama,

And the Evening arati of Gaura and Nityananda Rama.

In the beginning we must chant like work, but the wages are deep and prolonged. Later we wake up to the intricacies of our service for which we long.


Mail is caught up to 3-days. We answer "Urgent" letters immediately.    Bhakta Daniel has been visiting us for two days. He  is only 22-years old and philosophically strong.   Goes to the campus daily and distributes books to the throng.

The weather is cold and raining, and so we have canceled our weekend parade, at the Celebrate Nashville shing-ding, and will go to Visnu-carana's house instead.

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.... All the plans come from Krsna.


Today we talked with Ananta rupa Das from Boise for 1/2 hour at least. Local news and Sastri studies, and sent pleas for help to Abhirama, Virabahu, Bh, Vijna Swmi, Harsh, Tamohara Das, Ambarisa Das.  World classical literature review was G. K. Chesterton's, "The Man Who Was Called Thursday", it is not worth reading. Little education in style.


Tomorrow morning Pada-padma, Start Meeting at 8AM,

DTC Fr(25)

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

A   G​  T  S  P!     Paoho.     Anybody else experiencing problems writing in the Blog?   When we hit the Enter key, for example, it tosses us to the top of the page.   Hmmm?

Windows 10??      Well, its still a great way to communicate and reminds us of how much better is the tele-communication in Goloka, Moooo!

Caught up the mail to 4-daze ago.  Offered Lord Nrsmha deva p-nut butter and apples for breakfast, and orange juice and kitri (rice) for lunch.

All of our projects seem to be on time as long as we keep pushing. Our work is pioneering.

[Our real project is dying today!]    "One cannot take up the service of the unlimited until he gives up the service of the limited." - CC Madhya 7(?)
We are just comfort people for Srila Prabhupada. Specks of dust under his lotus feet in Vraja. Little sharp stones and rocks stimulating his feet. Humming: HKHKKKHHHRHRRRHHHKHKKKHHHRHRRRHHHK....


Don't trust Brother Ass anymore. This last Radhaastami all his pilots went insane.


Our morning reading of TLC before FMP is really nice. We keep learning little bits of new information and taking the old deeper and deeper to heart. Things we see there we want to look up in the original in the CC.

Doing original reseach and then reporting it to eager authorities. that is our Sankirtan, BBT study program.