Diarrhea of a Traveling Creature Su(8)

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho

How are you?
It is 9.46PM, bed time. We have 15/16 rounds done. We will chant one more and take rest.

So many things happen in one day that it is difficult to remember them all.

Good Full Morning Program at startmeeting.com. Candra-mukhi Devi Dasi led the Kirtan. Maybe it was the connection, but the time she allowed for us to chant the response to the Gurvastakam prayers was a little short. When we lead, we chant the response softly to ourselves and I guess that gives enough time for the other participants. She and many others lead nicely.

Is very important to learn the word-for-word meaning of the Astakam. Then you can chant with meaning, feeling, especially if you chant in front of your Deities.

Then we continued with some more Japa.

Guru-puja and apples, cranberrys and yogurt breakfast offer with Musa.

Went over the letters and got very depressed over some of the projects, but we don't lose enthusiasm. We just realize that things are not going the way we want them to, so we try another way. Later, Bean pancakes and peas porridge for lunch offering.
Nappppppp...   Got up with a lot of enthusiasm. Calendar calls to Peru, locally and Full Evening Program.   I wake up Gaura-Nitai here in our Franklin Ashrama and Musa puts Them to rest at 8.30PM. So, we are getting a rhythm: 'Jaya Radhe, Jaya Krsna, Jaya Vrndavan' bhajan and Kirtan, then KRSNA book, then last Tweet/DTC.

We always remember that Nava-yogindra Swami told us that Prabhupada told him that if you chant 16-enthusiastic rounds, follow the four principles strictly, keep a full morning and evening program, and see that everyone under your authority does the same thing, then you will have no problems. Of course, for us it is a big problem when we can't preach. Having applied this we see that it always works.

Happy life. Vraja life.

O.K. Guess that is all for now.
We opened a Yahoo Group for Solaris Editors to work on the Magazine. Oscar has agreed to write an article. Will you?   The Call for Papers will be out soon.    We discussed with ART and we will change the Spanish, Saturday night symposium to 6PM Nashville time, 7PM Lima time, maybe fix a calendar, like 'First Saturday of the month, Pada-padma, Second Saturday...".

Good night.

Diary of a Traveling Creature (DTC) 6(Fr)

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Hari bolo, Hari bolo!

All the mail to 3-days ago answered.

Was bizaarre.  We would answer one and then there would be another one, because every few minutes they were changing from three days only to 4-days old.

Nice letters.   Nice people.   Thank you.

Our vision is failing, so best to get on the phone now and call, Caitanya, Shyama-sundara, Jiva goswami in Houston, Jasoda in Miami, Lokanatha in San Francisco, M. Matsya (with Musa) about tonight.

Do some Lofty Learning: The crocodile lives in the river.

Scan Dr. Samaresha's, NIOS, books [with MUSA]!

We did our laundry. We do it every three days, small load, fast cycle. Musa offered, Tamil nadu bean pancakes and we offer oatmeal with carrots porridge and 1-1/2 cups milk to Lord Nrsmhadeva today.

Cleaned the house for about 30-minutes. We got the wash area 1/3 clean or clutter, dust and a little bit of stuff splattered and plastered on the walls.

Looked for Krsna on the Youtube and found the old Superman television shows from 1954 that we used to watch. Was very, very interesting to see how these created the consciousness of what is right and wrong, intelligent and unintelligent.

O.K. Hare Krsna!!!

Dates for visiting ISKON Sacramento/photos

9 years, 2 months ago by kalindidevi dasi in DTC

11/02/15  Haribol Guru Maharaja!  Kindly accept all respects and prayers for your spiritual and physical health.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Having checked with the Board, ISKON Sac.re lecture dates- from April to end of the year, all dates available for your visit(s) with exception of Memorial Day weekend and the Sat b 4 Ratha Yatra we don't have a program as many devotees go to San Fran the day b 4.

Dave P. and me will likely visit grandchildren in Colorado and So.Cal sometime during Summer vacation, but no dates set yet.   Anyway, You may stay as long as you like on each trip.    I could suggest dates.  However, since they are all available, that doesn't make much sense. We can help with plane tickets and have Cherrios ready for Monkey and Piggy when they arrive.

Re. your request for photos.  I've requested Prabhu take care of that since he will do it better than me.   I hope they will be sent this week.   Wait 'til you see how beautiful Radha-Gopinatha are. Takes your breath away!!  That's it for now.  ps... (We can do mid week home programs as well.)    yus,    Kalindi Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA -  -  AgtSP.  Paoho.   As far as we can tell, with

our limited forsight. We get to USA about 1st week of April, and then sit down after three months of travel and see if Brother Ass is going to travel anymore at all. If he does we are like committed to like visiting, like Nrsmha-caturday, like 20th May. So, may be we just stumble on forward to the foothhills of the Sierras.

[You can't take IT with you, but you can take Them with you, no?]

Wating for photos!

DTC We(4)

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC
Hare Krsna, AGTSP, paoho & bw. 7.16PM. Or BG workshop with NGD, Sugopi and Kama-gayatri Devi Das starts in a few minutes. Today we didn't get up until like 2.30AM. Japa, TLC, FMP, breakfast (Juice), drive Musa to school, started reading "Prabhupada" for Friday class, but fell asleep for about two hours. Up, cleaned the house some more, cook Lord's Kitri, wrote the Annual Meeting Minutes for NIOS and sent copies to Board Members etc. Listened to Hawaii class to prepare for tomorrow, Abhirama called from Peru, fought wih the bad connection, but he sent the Solaris magazine Purpose Statement and the Crew. We edited that for about 45-minutes and sent it. By then pretty exhausted so ate some old cheese and watched the history of the world on youtube. Recovered some energy so chanted 13/16 rounds and Gayatri, answered about five letters, chanted final Gayatri and here we are working with you. We are 40% short of breath, but also we are pushing to get air from internal sources and experiencing some success. Mystic yoga can be perfectly legitimate effort if it is for Krsna. Arjuna learned how to kill for Krsna. O.K. Time for BG. Hope to see you there.

DTC Tu(3)

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC



Just caught up on all the mail.   FMP...    Reading the qualities of Krsna.  He is a very nice person. We should just ask Him to help us in doing our service in ISKCON.

Wrote a very "dynamic" report for the Latin American GBC but then Yahoo robot would not send it. Seems like a message from God!?

Talked with Abhi. for 30-minutes yesterday. Pushing to get a signed agreement between NIOS and Peru National Library and very personal rapport between Ramon and NGD (NIOS).

4.03PM.   Every day we clean the house. Lots and lots and lots of marks and Prasadam on the walls etc.

Very satisfying.

"Prabhupada" reading O.K.
Hawaii class 90% ready.
Posted two more PPTX's today: www.jayarama.us/archives/sticksandstones

This is our principle focus. It is the evolution of the Tpp-CBs.

Also, talked with Srinivasa in Boise for 30-minutes today about all the education programs. It is an effort to create someting that is personal and inspiring but also institutional.

O.K. Lunch.  That seems to calm our stomach pains. NGD suggested that possibly is just an ulcerated stomach.

Keep it all in proportion. Die a harmonius death. You can not do much more in the material world, but internally . . . hope that Krsna gives you a cookie in secret!


9 years, 2 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in DTC

Hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

Yes. the plan is to stay until Christmas; then go to Barcelona for Christmas and New Year; two weeks and return. many different services here; cut wood, clean, more work in the Bhagavad-gita. The book was translated but wrong digitized; It was published in a trilogy with two other little books. generally all right here. I would like to go to Spain when you get there. sometimes on my level I have such a big disappointment that I feel very depressed. material mentality.

Last Sunday I gave the class; everyone was very happy. It was very special to hear what people told me; as a great compliment.

so that's. keep holding this heavy burden; Sometimes there is nice but other very unpleasant; but that is material duality. contamination.

first see what happens until Christmas

Maharaj thank you very much for your support.

HpS - AGTSP. At the time of death we become very morose, depressed. That is Maya's big trick. Make us depressed, no exchange of Rasa with Krsna, so we look for Rasa with our senses and mind!

But.... Hari bol!          Just chant Hare Krsna and be happy!!!      From that will come so much intelligence about how to adjust things back in linear time and space,  plans, associates.

Hari Bolo!      Hari Bolo!        When in New Yawk???