DTC Fr(23)

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!

AGTSP.   We talked with Rama-giridhari Das today for about 50-minutes. He has been trying to answer Jiva-shakti Das letters with copies to me, but neithor I now Jiva-shakti seem to be getting them. He is asking for Jiva-shakti's phone number. I hope Jiva shakti sees this note and contacts us (ASA).

Very nice, day. Like 90% successful. We have a lot more work to do, but it is going pretty well. This is the material world. Even Maharaja Pariksit was unfairly cursed.

We have to pack now and go to the evening program at NGD's home. There we will promote www.loftylearning.com and join ourselves. We want to learn Sanskrit. After that we will go to Tandavika's home and be based there for the next month.

Tomorrow morning is PdP on line and the story of Bhismadeva.

Ha!     Ha!     Hare Krsna!!!!      Just chant these Names all the time and watch the fun!

DTC Th(22)

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Donkey, Donkey Born and Die
In Between you Chase Apple Pie.

A G T S P !      Paoho....  We just finished all the mail up to three days ago and all the URGENT letters. Harsh had wonderful questions.

Our class to Hawaii today was very nice: SB 3.7.3, Rama-vijaya, Madhva-acharya, B. S. Damodara Swami, they record them.

Abhirama Das called and we discussed Solaris magazine and Peru Library Conference.  At this point, HpS, NgD have to have very good discussion with Ramona about what is his esteemed commitment and ours for this project. Unless it's ecstatic it will not draw the sould to external world and he will just stay focused on the God within.

Lord Nrsmha deva Bhoga: Condensed milk, fresh fruit juice, cashews, salad.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna...     The battles is won by wounded soldiers, not by untouched soldiers.

DTC We(21)

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP.  Paoho.
Murfereesboro, Tennessee

We just answered all the URGENT mail and the other letters up to 3-days ago.
(We are good boys!)

Pretty good day.  Our mind can think of hellish days, that have past or will come again. The worst are attacks from devotee friends.  St. Francis said that the most difficult thing to tolerate was when people who are supposed to be your support, turn against you.
We seem to remember that Prahlada Maharaja said something similar: Separation from those you love is the greatest distress.  Arjuna felt that way.

We made bank deposits, paid the property taxes, posted three letters, have a stomach ache still, maybe we have stomach cancer.

We also did a lot of research for our essay on Sankirtan vs. Deity worship in the Temple priorities. Eg. The Deities are not happy if there are offerings and changing clothes, but no SB classes!

Offering has just been oranges, potatoes, milk and almonds, carrot juice.

What more can we do than walk behind Srila Prabhupada like hopping squirrels as he walks with the other cow herd boys in the land of Vraja talking about Krsna.
Without that what life do Santiago, Cordoba, Lima, Murfreesboro, Madrid, Mumbai ... have?

BG Class, Chapter 15-16 overview tonight.

Lilamrta, for Ananta-rupa's class, we started "Planting the Seed"!

Hari, Hari, Hari Bolo (What does it cost to run to the airport and get any ticket to Vrndavana Dhama and sleep on the ground!)

DTC 20(Tue)

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC



Just back from Raleigh: Rathayatra, Sunday Festival, College Program, Meeting with 250-devotees.

Ticket​ was $236 and got $536 in donations for HpS and NIOS.

Sun has just set on our little office. Is DARK.  NGD just called. He is home. We go see him now.

Our eyes are getting pretty tired.  Much do less computer.

We become depressed when we don't see success for Krsna's plans.   That is Maya!!!!       Krsna has successful plans. We just have to be in touch with them.   That can only happen in the mode of goodness with Japa!

O.K.  Letters answered to 3-days.  No URGENT mail.

Who knows what adventure Krsna has for us just outside our door!

DTC Mo(19)

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC


Paoho... Many long hard days, but that is the material world.  You can do severe austerities for Krsna or you can do severe austerities for Mickey Mouse, but you MUST do severe austerities here.

Seems Krsna is better than Mickey Mouse, and is actually the origin of Mickey Mouse, so why not approach Him directly.

You can complain about things!

Can ask for help.  He gives it.  Can ask for funny, exciting help!

Now is 4.14PM.   We are in Raleigh, North Carolina in Madhava Das' home. The mail is caught up to 3-days.  Also did Yahoo mail.

Really, we don't have to have big problems if you just get up early and get your rounds done.
If we do get big problems then we will get big mercy, Queen Kunti mercy.

Talked with Abhirama and Miguel. Solaris and Peru Symposium on schedule. We finished our suggestions for the Purpose Statement for magazine Solaris and Goloka Foundation in North America.

Rathayatra here was big success, Sunday Feast yesterday was big success. In 45-minutes we go for University Program. They expect maybe 100-students coming to their club. They liked very much Jung and India idea.

Everyday technical and adminsitrative work. Some fighting in Cusco. Struggling to get Reliance working for cheap calls to India and Peru. Talked with Visala Das, Bhakta Daniel, Dr. Desai, checked in for our flight tomorrow, had Lord Nrsmha's Kitri prasadam for lunch.

Now we prepare little PPTX for the university.

BG 15 - 16, for Wednesday night???

DTC Th(19)

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC



5.36 PM here.  Got all the mail answered to 3-days ago.   Had super class today to Hawaii. Bhakta Daniel es still staying with us. He goes to the MTSU campus like daily and just met with the traveling Sankirtan Party from Denver there.   They are coming right now.

Tomorrow we go to Raleigh for the Rathyatra.

At ~6.15PM we go to NGD house.

Hare Krsna!

We still have a lot of paper work to do for the Ministry, Peru, NIOS. It is hard to see how it relates to immediate Sankirtan, selling books person to person!

We, all of us, need to be on Srila Prabhupada's personal Sankirtan team, always, no?

Ministry should at least fight to have regular morning and evening classes, ecstatic, useful classes. We hear of many Temples now with no SB classes or no organized structure of learning.

O.K. Hare Krsna!

We are supposed to post drawings of ASA members etc!   Daily duty(?)