DTC Mo(21)

9 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho...  Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!

Got mean headache. 5.48PM.     Don't know why. Also right, top, rear molar is sore when chewing. Vision is always fuzzy now at a distance; but it's Radha-ranis birthday!     It is good that the body falls apart. Then the parts can be reconstituted for new service to Krsna.

Fasted 'till noon and cooked regular Kitri for Radha for Krsna. Start Meeting program with CMDD and JGD. Tweeted the link.

I think Lord Nrsmhadeva helped cook.

Did our ASA accounts. Got a lot of cash. It will go to NIOS, belongs to NIOS, was donated for NIOS.​

Talked with Tandavika, NGD, Hari-lila, Visala and Radha-Krsna-ananda Das.

For NIOS, World Classical Literature, we have been reviewing Somerset Maugham. He was maybe the highest paid writer of all times.  Interesting. Taking gold from the mixed bag. "The Magician" couldn't hold our interest. The surgeon was such and idiot he couldn't recognize subtle forces.

"The Moon and Six Pence" was not a fit place for a B'cari so Uncle Gismo reviewed it with a filter. It is incredible work of art. There is meat, alcohol and sex, but in the middle of the mode of passion some idea of transcendence.  This is where many Westerners will find transcendence. Profound (but not as profound as KRSNA book).

"On a Chinese Screen" (all these are for free at www.gutenberg.org) was pretty pure. It was a collection of short observations that Somerset Maugham made while he was traveling in China and was thinking to make into larger stories later. They are an INCREDIBLE view of the British Raja and China. "The Philosopher" contains fantastic information about Chinese machine guns of the future and "Sights of the Town" is almost more than a human can tolerate. (See Isopanisad - 11).

If we are going to save the world we have to know what it is.

YouTube: "China vs USA / Empires at War. If political analysis is part of your service to the Sankirtan movement. China capable of sinking USA aircraft carriers, destroying USA survelance satellites, but there is also an academic report on the YouTube from an Australian University, as far as we can tell, that points out that to achieve the economic and military build up, China has had to thoroughly trash its environment (poor Bhumi!), and develop an economic debt greater than all the money in all the US Banks, etc. So, there is an expectation of negative growth in the future.

These are complicated things. Arjuna had to consider them in his service, but in general, we try to be aware of the Sankirtan environment at every level and follow the dictates of Guru and Krsna, and if there is a nuclear war then Prabhupada said, "Oh, how nice. Then we would not have all these headaches for preaching. We could just sit down and chant Hare Krsna".   Of course, after a little of that we would get good intelligence from Krsna, ISKCON, and get up and preach again.

Hare Krsna.  Clap your hands and chant.

6.20PM.  Near sun-down. We are alone in the city!     Mail. . .

. . . 7PM.    Hmmm!    40-minutes of letters.   No, physical contact with any human being today.  Last color is leaving the sky.   IS GETTING DARK  (somewhere in the distance a dog howled.  wuwwuuuuw!!)

All the mail answered up ​three days ago!   And even a few more recent.   Nice letters.   Thank you.

Headache is about the same.   Dangerous because can result in Brain Stroke.

Now, Gayatri and Sandhya arati and ....  more reading?  Hare Krsna!      Jaya, Radhe!   Oh, Radha, please engage us in Your service to Krsna and chase Your sister-in-law far, far away!!!

Is O.K?   Hawaii Class every Thursday. Morning and evening (English and Spanish), Saturday SB classes?   That's three basic classes per week?

DTC Su(20)

9 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.
    AGTSP...   Paoho.   Oink!​    Oink!       Whoop! Whoop!

God, it's depressing here/now, ASA Office [Murfreesboro, TN]/6.45PM Sunday evening.

It is Sandhya, sun has set and stars have not yet come out. It is a ghostly time. There is no passion of a business day.

It is the interior dying of the Prana, Spirit, that makes us depressed. We are immortal, meant to be involved in the very fressshhh play of Goloka, Krsna!   Hare Krsna, time to chant our Gayatri mantra and then have nice Arati for Lord Nrsmha deva.

That is what He wants. There is no greater gift than that.

. . .

7.23PM - Gayatri, Gaur arati, Ironed Clothes. A lot of our 'depressed spirits' seems to be a little bit of an over-endulgence in Frozen Orange Juice Prasad. . . .   More letters. . . .

8.23PM - Oooof!  Headache coming. It is hard answering letters. Have to use this rascal machine. Sometimes trying to communicate in a foreign language.  Of course, having to relate to people in a rather formal relationship sometimes. All the mail answered up to 5-days ago.

Tomorrow is Radha-rani's birthday party!   Hope we have a transcendental body to serve Her.   Even on Her birthday She just wants to please Krsna!    Guess we will be at Startmeeing.com at noon for some celebration.

Hare Krsna...   We want to chant some more rounds tonight, but we are so tired.  We will read a little and SLEEP and get for early Japa!!!

Better to die chanting "Hare Krsna/Rama"!

Thank you!!!!

California Foothills and HpS Foothills

9 years, 4 months ago by David Presta in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja

PAMHO    All Glories To Srila Prabhupada

I'm in the middle of reading a book "Srila Prabhupada's Miracle" written by Vaikunthanath Das (he spells it Vaikunthanathdas).  It's a loving account of the early days of Prabhupada's movement in New York, Monteal, Trinidad, Hare Krishna Land in Mumbai, India, London, and a few other places.  Among other things Vaikunthanath was a book binder at the first ISKCON Press in Boston.  It's a new book, have you heard of it?

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna, David Prestha, Ji... Immediately we wonder how the mysterious and celestieal Kalindi Devi Dasi is. I have not read the book nor heard of it before, but I hand a few months of Vaikunthanatha Das' association when he lived in San Francisco and the Berkeley temple many years ago.

Just returned home from the Saturday night program at ISKCON Sacramento.  Very nice program celebrating the 50th aniversary of Prabhupada's arrival in America.  I mailed you a letter - if it's easier to respond through this blog please do so.

Your humble prune, David

HpS - It's 6.16PM here. The sun is sending very slanting rays through the trees and so many cars are passing on Medical Center Parkway that it feels like a week-day, not Sunday. We went to Abbhay-narayana's home at 10:30AM to work on our accounting for year-end for NIOS and had a 5-course lunch with himself and his good wife.   Nitai-gaurausundara Das and his family are all in Boston for the anniversary of the arrival of Srila Prabhupada in USA. So, we are quite alone here. Somewhere in the distance a dog howled.

Yes, yes,   yes, yes. . .   it is much easier and much, much more effective to respond here. Many people in this little circle of wayfarers read these letters and so we can all communicate our thoughts to a broader circle.
How is your Self Realization proceeding? You are probably making more rapid progress than we are.  Have you made some realization of the phrase, "You are not the body!"

As I remember, everytime you go to your house you have to pass over 1,000 foot abysss on a magical fairy bridge that self manifested from no where, and the community where you live is like another dream place with celestially opulent fairies that kind of float in the clouds with not real realization even of who are their nieghbors, just floating in the sky in their heads. True?

Of course, ultimate reality is to fill and finish each day with bits and barges of the KRSNA book, no?

DTC 17(Th)

9 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna. You can see we have been writing a lot of letters. Our eyes hurt. We will write one more to Dr. Samaresh and stop. It is 4.51PM.  We have to make some preparations for the Celebrate Nashville festival, buy gas and visit NGD Prabhu. We are tired!
Guess you are too.​

Really mean looking spider in our garden. Two inches across. 70% of the spiders here are poisonous. Some very painful. Hare Krsna!    Even spider bites, dog bites are from Krsna.

We are actually making eternal progress.    Our class to Hawaii was very nice today.  We have good audience of Senior devotees there.    Tonight BG with NGD...    Talked with Anantarupa Das for about 45-minutes about his service and the Bhakti vaibhava program. Have to get him, Vais (Srivasa Pt) et al involved, and work on making the Sastric studies more practical and powerful. Then ISKCON will CHANGE!

Waiting for response from Eduardo.   Hare Krsna!!!!!!!!!


DYC Mo(14)

9 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC
Hare Krsna! AgtSP Paoho Answered five great letters. Still very weak but less stress now that we are in Tennessee. Checking in with our team. Hope Kapi Dhaja goes today! You are not God. I am not God. Only Krsna is God, and He wants me to know what's for lunch!

DTC 6(Su)

9 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna. AGTSP. Paoho. Probably like you, we are suffering and sanctified, from Janmastami, Prabhupada Birthday and Ekadasi austerities and mercy, one after another. It is 11.15AM. We leave for the Temple in Chosica in one hour. We have only had five bananas and some Pecans in the last 36-hours. Four lectures, two initiations, two Kirtans, conversations and consultation with 25-devotees (one completely mad and a little violent). Happy life. After discussions with Peru scholars seems: 1. We have to go ahead slowly with Jung's Kundalini lectures and Peter Brook Mahabharata for some. With others we can 2. Start a magazine, "Solaris", that will include "1.", but also some more advanced topics, 3. We are going to have a BIG symposium with the National LIbrary of Peru in June 2016 on the theme of "Psychlogy of the Sacred" with international scholars, national publicity. Do you want to join? Are you psychic/sacred? Do you know and candidates? Now we are doing our final packing. from 12.45 - 2.45 PM is Prabhupada's avir-bhava festival. Then drive to Lima, shop and stay the night near the airport. Check in by 6am and fly to Mexico. That's our news. Our stomach ache keeps attracting our consciousness. Smell of sulfur in the air. Birds chattering. Cool, about 71 degrees, sun shine. Second storie. O.K. We finish here for now! Tomorrow letters maybe from Mexico. Would like to answer more. Looks like nice letter from the Bombay Pradhan.