3 years, 5 months ago by anandamayadas in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias…

Porque somos neófitos siempre oramos a Nrshimhadeva para que lo proteja y le de buena salud… Alguien más avanzado reconocería que Usted está siempre bajo el cuidado del Señor…

HpS - Gracias... !...

Nosotros no estamos bien, astrológicamente es una etapa díficil… pero voy a esperar paciente y conversar personalmente, cuando esté por aquí..

ASA - Utsahan superior a paciencia. Trabaja con entusisamo. Cual es la meta? Que podemos hacer lograr lo? = Entusiasmo. Mal astrologia puede ser util para Krsna.

Por ahora, con Janardana Prabhu, nos contactamos con el Gerente del club de campo de los Scouts en Chosica… El club tiene un área de casi una hectárea, con cuatro cabañas, una cocina, comedor amplio, huerto, sala amplia, y mucho jardín… Le hicimos una propuesta para alquilarlo uno o dos meses, mientras con Usted aquí vamos buscando un mejor lugar, o el lugar definitivo para establecer la comunidad…

Hemos quedado en reunirnos estos días, para negociar… Ellos están pidiendo 4 mil soles que son algo de mil dólares al cambio actual… Resumiendo, nuestra propuesta es alquilar el lugar por dos o tres meses o menos hasta encontrar el espacio definitivo donde establecer la comunidad…

Este jueves 17, le voy a mandar vídeos y fotos, la información técnica del lugar y la propuesta económica… 

Estaré atento si Usted necesita más información… Espero que estemos aún a tiempo…

Lo extrañamos mucho Gurudeva, esperando su pronta visita….

Su aspirante a sirviente AmD.

ASA - Thank you. We talked with Abhirama this morning and he has two places of which he will send us pictures etc. Let us all look at the option and make a decision!

HpS - ASA.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva.

Please accept my humble and respectful reverence ...

Because we are neophytes we always pray to Nrshimhadeva to protect him and give him good health ... someone more advanced would recognize that you are always under the care of the Lord ...

We are not well, astrologically it is a difficult stage ... but I'm going to wait patient and talk personally, when it is here ..

For now, with Janardana Prabhu, we are contacted with the scout camp club manager in Chosica ... The club has an area of ​​almost one hectare, with four cabins, a kitchen, spacious dining room, orchard, spacious room, and a lot of garden ... We made a proposal to rent one or two months, while with you here we are looking for a better place, or the final place to establish the community ...

We have been to meet these days, to negotiate ... they are asking for 4 thousand soles that are something of a thousand dollars to the current change ... summarizing, our proposal is to rent the place for two or three months or less until finding the final space where you can establish the community ...

This Thursday 17, I am going to send videos and photos, the technical information of the place and the economic proposal ...

I will be attentive if you need more information ... I hope we are still on time ...

We miss him a lot of Gurudeva, waiting for his prompt visit ...

The aspirant of him a servant of him AMD.

FMP - Visita a Murfeesboro parte II

3 years, 5 months ago by jambavandas in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva!

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias!

todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud.

HpS - Ha! Ha! Hare! As we are in the material world that is a joke, no? You, me, everyone here is sick! Only hope is to be in recovery which means dying.

Muchas gracias de nuevo por su respuesta y si, estoy llegando el 24 de Agosto a las 8:20am a Nashville desde Chicago, y como usted llega en la tarde aprovechare la mañana para pasear por la ciudad y luego volveria al aereopuerto a las 2:50pm para encontrarme con usted o me indica a que hora puedo ir directamente a su casa.

HpS - We are scheduled to arrive at 2.50PM on Southwest airlines from Chicago, Midway. Of course we can talk by phone, whatsapp, no? Please send your phone number. We will not publish it.

Y si Gurudeva, tengo la vacuna completa, yo me vacune en Estados Unidos con la vacuna Jonhson & Jonhson que es de solo una dosis.

HpS - Very nice. Hope we can be very good Sankirtan partners.

Muchas gracias por su atención.

Su sirviente Jambavan Das

Monday Class and All ASA Communication

3 years, 5 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,


I hope the entire ASA team is well.

Thanks to his mercy we can meet the deities, devotees of ISKCON Boise and even participate in the Ratha yatra.

Regarding your questions:

1.Lady's Mandala, can you send the news for next Monday by Wednesday??

This Monday 16 will give his exposition Sundari Radhika dd.

2. How was today's presentation?

It was very interesting, Indranila dd reminded us of Srila Prabhupada's mercy and that we must always keep this in mind, especially among devotees. There are good ladies like Diti who sometimes by Karma or Krsna's plan keep very deep desires in their hearts and to satify them they put aside their vows or good practices.

I take the opportunity to make an inquiry:

During your stay in Peru, will you continue with the Srimad Bhagavatam classes on Mondays?

HpS - ASA - I don't know what will happen in the future. We are trying to accommodate local devotees and our virtual Sanga.

When back in the Boro it will be online again.

Then Houston and Peru we have to see what are the systems and connections --- and our aging bodies capabities.

When I go to India will there be any way to communicate with you?

HpS - You are going to India? Vrndavana with your family??

In which part of India will you stay?

HpS - Still too soon to have good plan for the future. We expect to stay in Radha kund and maybe move a little.

Thank you very much for all your dedication.

Sri Nrismhadeva protect you

ys Isvari R dd

Silchar-Bihar van

"Hare krishna Gurudev. Dandavat pranam unto your lovely feet. Planning to go to Radhakund on 20th Aug to progress the Asram construction.

AGTSP, GURUDEV and Gouranga.

Hope this will find my in good health. Around six devotee in my association are eagerly waiting for getting initiation. What should I say ? May i give assurance on your behalf? Now only i request them to pray seriously to lord Gouranga and Krishna. Gurudev your writting few words enthus and give spiritual energy to me. Dandavat pranam unto your lovely feet.

Divya Svaroopa Das"

HpS - AGTSP!!!! paoho. It would only by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada that we could stay for a little time on the banks of Radha kunda, so please develop this Ashrama for him and his work.

We hope to join there.

If we are acting as Diksa guru for anyone, then they must have taken the ISKCON Disciple Course, and normally have a letter of recommendation from the local Temple President etc.

Have these aspirants done that?

Urgent message: Cultivation of the Human Spirit seminar zoom link

3 years, 5 months ago by Kamagayatri in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Gurudev,

Please accept our obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Due to your mercy, the Boise Yathra and anyone who would like to attend around the world will be able to go on a journey through the Light of the Bhagavat and discover transcendental messages found in nature. Please join us. Please connect via zoom starting 7 pm-8:15 pm Wednesday July 11th-July 13th.

Boise temple Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Hanumat Presak Swami Seminars

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 838 0542 9450

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Meeting ID: 838 0542 9450

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd6NZMfzTq

Urgent: SB monday class

Hare Krsna Maharaja and ASA team,


I hoping everyone is well.

I inform you that tomorrow, Monday, August 9, Indranila dd will give his presentation of SB 3.14.35-36.

She is from Costa Rica and performs service in ISKCON Spain.

Thank you for youy mercy

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect ASA team

ys Isvari R dd

HpS/ASA -- AGTSP. Paoho. We listened to the local, ISKCON Boise, class today. Sudevi Dasi, wife of our Braja mandala Parikrama partner, Sadhu Das, from Malaga, Spain, gave the class. It was very nice.

We thought that devotees could open GoToMeeting.com by themselves, but were later worried that it didn't happen, but then saw on the GTM panel that it seems to have happened!

ASA - Lady's Mandala, can you send the news for next Monday by Wednesday?? How was today's presentation?