URGENTE - Campo Escuela Scout

3 years, 5 months ago by anandamayadas in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Pamho, TLGASP!!!

Disculpe no haber podido estar en la última reunión por gootomeeteng. Nosotros estamos buscando lugar desde que estamos en el Cusco ya hace más 6 meses, aquí hemos estado buscando en Chosica, pero no hemos recibido una invitación para participar de las reuniones de toma de decisiones. Su invitación llegó cuando estábamos listos para ir a Chosica para la fiesta de Prabhupada… 

Finalmente pudimos estar en el Campo Escuela Scouts, así le llaman ellos, es un club con un área de casi una hectárea en perfectas condiciones, tiene cuatro cabañas disponibles, cada una con dos servicios higiénicos, para 8 personas cada cabaña. Las cabañas son acogedoras y calientes para el frío del amanecer y de la noche Chosicana. Aparte hay unos baños públicos para varones de 4 baños y 4 duchas y la misma cantidad para damas...

Hay dos cuartos de cocinas una refrigeradora una cocina industrial de 3 hornillas. Hay cerca de 10 lavaderos para ropa.

Un comedor con capacidad para 80 personas sentadas, zona de parrilla.

El campo escuela cuenta con internet, hay una zona educativa donde se pueden impartir clases para más de 30 personas sentadas. Un área de jardín muy amplio de 600 m. Cuadrados que puede servir como campamento… 

Una zona amplia de fogata como una especie de anfiteatro.

Has dos pozos amplios de agua, y cuatro tanques de agua que abastecen a todo el club sin problemas, una zona amplia de estacionamiento y una amplia zona para poder implementar un Biohuerto además de todos los árboles frutales que hay en sus jardines, especialmente de plátano. El lugar es muy seguro, tiene cámaras de vigilancia, vigilante, portero.

El lugar está a 10 cuadras del templo, en la zona de Santa María, un lugar muy tranquilo.

El costo en principio fue de más de 4 mil soles mensuales, pero hemos negociado en 3 mil soles mensuales, para un alquiler de 6 meses.

Este es el link en YouTube donde puede apreciar las instalaciones completas.


Envío este reporte porque dije que lo iba a enviar hoy. Sé que ya se tomaron decisiones, pero igual dejo esta información a su disposición…

De todas formas nosotros estaremos listos para servirlo donde sea el lugar que se elija como residencia.

Por favor perdoné nuestras limitaciones.

Su aspirante a sirviente AmD.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Pamho, tlgasp !!!

Excuse me not being able to be at the last meeting by GootomeeTeng. We are looking for place since we are in Cusco and more 6 months ago, here we have been looking for in Chosica, but we have not received an invitation to participate in decision-making meetings. Your invitation arrived when we were ready to go to Chosica for the Prabhupada party ...

HpS - ASA - Awk. ArtD was lamenting that he had tried to call you many times but was not able to get in touch with you. This caused lot of stress for him since you are very important to his decision making.

Finally we could be in the School Scouts field, so they call them, it is a club with an area of ​​almost one hectare in perfect condition, it has four cabins available, each with two hygienic services, for 8 people each cabin. The cabins are cozy and hot for the cold of dawn and Chosican night. Apart there are public baths for males of 4 bathrooms and 4 showers and the same amount for ladies ...

There are two cooking rooms a refrigerator an industrial kitchen of 3 burners. There are about 10 laundries for clothes.

A dining room with capacity for 80 sitting people, grill area.

The School field has an Internet, there is an educational area where you can taught classes for more than 30 people sitting. A very spacious garden area of ​​600 m. Squares that can serve as a camp ...

A wide campfire area as a kind of amphitheater.

You have two spacious water wells, and four water tanks that supply the entire club without problems, a large parking area and a large area to be able to implement a bioport as well as all the fruit trees that are in its gardens, especially banana . The place is very safe, has surveillance cameras, watchful, doorman.

The place is 10 blocks from the temple, in the area of ​​Santa María, a very quiet place.

The cost in principle was more than 4 thousand monthly Soles, but we have negotiated in 3 thousand monthly soles, for a rental of 6 months.

This is the Link on YouTube where you can appreciate the full installations.


I send this report because I said that I was going to send it today. I know that decisions were already made, but I also leave this information at your disposal ...

Anyway we will be ready to serve it wherever the place is chosen as a residence.

Please forgive our limitations.

Your AMD servant aspirant.

Janardana Das Whatsapped:

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada . Por favor acepte mis reverencias Gurumaharaja. Soy Janardana das desde Pennsylvania, disculpe por escribir a su teléfono, pero me gustaría conversar con Ud si es posible. Es acerca de su viaje a Peru.

Es importante, yo viví en Chosica muchos años y los huaicos (landslide) son fuertes sobre todo en zonas como Santa Eulalia. Veo que la propuesta de Los Boys Scout es lo mejor: 1 . Es más grande 2 . Cuesta menos 3. Mejor acceso a Internet 4. Menos peligro con los huaicos 5. Más espacio para los visitantes y no que nos se contagien de COVID ( solo se contagien de amor por Krishna)

Translate.google.com - All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please accept my obeisances Gurumaharaja. I'm Janardana das from Pennsylvania, sorry for writing to your phone, but I'd like to talk with you if possible. It's about his trip to Peru.

It is important, I lived in Chosica for many years and the huaicos (landslides) are strong especially in areas like Santa Eulalia. I see that the Boys Scout proposal is the best: 1. It is bigger 2. It costs less 3. Better access to the Internet 4. Less danger with the huaicos 5. More space for visitors and not that we get infected with COVID (they only get infected with love for Krishna)

HpS - ASA - Thanks to everyone for the news. If things go according to plan we arrive in Peru in just 3-1/2 weeks. So, it did seems time to make a decision. We will send message to ArtDas to look at these comments, but seems that the decision may have already been made.

We DO NOT know everything but both places sound like they have advantages.

For many years we seem to be guided by him a little more than others because he makes the investment in communication, e-mails and now phone calls.


Hare Krsna.

We are all trying to offer some sincere service, no? So, seems Krsna will help His idiot servants with whatever choice is made.

Alquiler Boy Scout Camp

3 years, 5 months ago by anandamayadas in Calendar Development

Feliz Janmastami Gurudeva

Pamho, TLGASP!!!

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, el vivir en Lima, con un sankirtan muy díficil, y con nuestros pocos propios recursos han complicado un poco, el buscar más lugares. El Club de los Scouts es lo mejor que hemos conseguido, aún no reúno toda la información... Le envío por ahora unas fotos… tengo unos vídeos que no cargan en el blog… Pero se los envié antes al WhatsApp…

Mañana martes 31, recién nos dejarán visitarlo… Ellos pueden alquilarlo por 2 o 6 meses dependiendo de la propuesta económica… que espero podamos negociar en menos de 4 mil soles por mes… incluido todos los servicios… Espero mandar más información mañana, si aún estamos a tiempo…. 

Por favor perdoné nuestras limitaciones… 

Su aspirante a sirviente AmD


Happy Janmastami, Gurudeva. 

Pamho, tlgaSP !!! 

 Hare Krsna Gurudeva, living in Lima, with a very difficult Sankirtan, and with our few own resources have complicated a bit, looking for more places. The Scout Club is the best we have achieved, I still do not meet all the information ... I send you some pictures for now ... I have some videos that do not load in the blog ... but I sent them before the whatsapp ... 

 Tomorrow Tuesday 31, they will only let us visit it ... they can rent it for 2 or 6 months depending on the economic proposal ... that I hope we can negotiate in less than 4 thousand soles per month ... even all the services ... I hope to send more information tomorrow, if still We are on time…. 

 Please forgive our limitations ... 

 Your AmD servant aspirant

HpS - Thank you, but have you been able to talk with the ArtDas??? He has been posting results here and it seems that a place they have found in Sta Aleulalia is very good. We will have a conference call at 9.30AM tomorrow in GoToMeeting.com to discuss, finalize.

Thank you.

See you soon.

Hope to bring art supplys etc.

ASA Carnival, DTC-UTC Interviews

3 years, 5 months ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Praying for the energy in your body to recover quickly from your recent trip.

I write as part of the ASA Carnaval team, We greatly appreciate your instruction and guidance. We are following up on the project that we present to you about the "Interviews about your Sankirtan"

- BACKGROUND For blog readers-

On July 30, 2021, the ASA Carnaval team had a virtual meeting with SS Hanumatpresaka Swami. At that meeting, the project was presented in detail on a series of interviews with devotees who have been part of the history of the preaching of the ASA in Peru. These interviews will document part of the history of the Peruvian Yatra and will serve as support for the film “DTC - The Ultimate Trip”.

-Agreements of the meeting:

* Conduct interviews one by one with those who are part of this story.

* Some interviewees may participate as a group.

* Dates and times - Adapt to the time that the interviewee suggests, according to their region and availability.

* The meetings will have a Devotee who will guide the interviewee according to previously elaborated questions, to obtain the desired objectives.

* H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami, will participate in the interviews and exchange comments with the interviewee.

* Maharaja suggested End of August - Beginning of September for the first meetings.


Taking into account the agreements we reached in the aforementioned meeting, we allow ourselves to present you the first interview proposal.

* Suggested platform - ZOOM


INTERVIEW 1 - Confirmed Devotee -

(Important: Date and time have been suggested by the devotee)

Interview with - Daru Krsna Das Prabhu

Suggested Date - September 9, 2021

Suggested Time - 7:00 PM (Nashville Time)

Approximate duration of the event- 1 Hour.

Language -Which do you consider more appropriate: bilingual or only Spanish?

note: If it is in Spanish, there would be written and oral translation into English

Artistic Number - Maximum duration 5 minutes

We propose this date considering your trip to Houston and then to Peru.

Please let us know what is your opinion regarding this proposal?

We remain attentive to your orders for any necessary modification.

With much appreciation and affection

ys ASA Carnaval team

Isvari R dd

HpS - The ninth is fine but it would be better like 4PM. 7PM is very late for these practical activities. English and Spanish we can use just as is practical for the people involved. You, ASA Carnival, should send us and the Daru, some topics for discussion and then we can edit and even share our screens.

Let's go!




Janmastami Katha

3 years, 5 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna, querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

¡Todas las glorias a Sri krishna Janmastami! 

Gurumaharaja para este lado del mundo Janmastami es el día lunes, normalmente vemos la lista de líderes de kirtana de FEP así que nos preguntamos si este lunes cantará Parama Karuna prabhu?

Talves podríamos tener oportunidad por favor de participar de un corto Krsna katha bilingüe a las 7:00 pm hora Nashville en ASA? 

Usted mencionó un drama, quizás podemos invitar a Divya Sri mataji y otros para interactuar con una lectura emocionante. 

Disculpe nuestras demandas por favor, si es demasiado podemos comprender.  

Aprovecho en reportarle que ya estoy en comunicación con Yudhistira prabhu, Rohini y Ananga Manjari, las matajis le envían un especial agradecimiento y reverencias. 

Por ahora estamos esperando la confirmación de fecha para Daru Krsna prabhu quien amablemente nos está atendiendo, ASA Carnaval le envío una carta al respecto.  

Le comparto algunas fotos de teatro de Janmastami de años pasados en México, estuvo emocionante el drama, 20 actores en un pequeño escenario : )

Vuestra eterna aspirantes a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd 


Hare Krsna, dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Krishna Janmastami!

Gurumaharaja for this side of the world Janmastami is on Monday, we usually see the list of FEP Kirtana leaders so we wonder if this Monday will sing Parama Karuna Prabhu?

ASA/TB-BW - We do not know. It is O.K. with us if he leads a Gaura Arati.

Maybe we could please have a chance to participate in a short bilingual Krsna Katha at 7:00pm Nashville time at ASA?

HpS - Certainly. Can be any length. We will present in the local program from 8.30-9.00PM. That will be English (Hindi). That program is from 8-12PM and we will send the YouTube link. We will go to NgD Ashrama and do Abhiseka from 11.15 - 11.45PM

You mentioned a drama, maybe we can invite Divya Sri Mataji and others to interact with an exciting reading?

HpS - Same as above! 🙂

Excuse our demands please, if it is too much we can understand.

HpS/ASA - No, it is very nice. Let us just communicate here to cocordinate.

I take this opportunity to inform you that I am already in communication with Yudhisthira Prabhu, Rohini and Ananga Manjari, the Matajis send you a special thanks and obeisances.

ASA/HpS - Which Yudhisthira? For what marvelous purpose are you in communication them?

Aahh! I just read the ASA Carnaval post. These are for the DTC-UT interviews.

For now we are waiting for the confirmation of the date for Daru Krsna Prabhu who is kindly attending us, ASA Carnaval sent him a letter about it.

ASA - We also do not understand this project with Daru-krsna Das... ?? ... About visiting New Ashokavan in Sta. Aleulalia, Peru???? 🙂

Also... after reading the ASA Carnaval post, this is clear.

I share some theater photos of Janmastami from years past in Mexico, the drama was exciting, 20 actors on a small stage :)

ASA - Is Dhusashana pulling Draupadi by the hair!! 😮

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd




Houston Friday, August 27th - Simply Wonderful Friday's

3 years, 5 months ago by srirupadd in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.

HpS - AgtSP! You are very generous to us. 🙏

Here is the flyer (attached) and the information for you to share with your community. 

Simply Wonderful Fridays 

Hanumat Presaka Swami will speak on "Srimad Bhagavatam: The Big Picture--Introduction to the Greatest World Classic" on Friday, August 27 at 7 pm CST, on Simply Wonderful Fridays zoom program.

Hanumat Presaka Swami is the North American Institute of Oriental Studies (NIOS) founder

[ASA - Along with Tandavika and Nitai-gaura-sundara Das Prabhus]

and is a leading Gaudiya Vaisnava educator and spiritual master.

[Although some may question to where he is leading his followers]

As a member of Bhaktivedanta Institute, he helped organize symposiums for the World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion. He has developed a curriculum for Bhakti Vaibhava, a systematic study of the Srimad Bhagavatam [Bhagavata Purana]. 

Don't miss this enlivening Zoom meeting on Friday, August 27, at 7:00 pm CST at:


Meeting ID: 720 4476 8193

Passcode: hk108

Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 720 4476 8193

Passcode: 180792

If you want me to share any visuals during the class, you can email me the files at [email protected], or I can make you the cohost, and you can share and control directly from your computer.

HpS - We will try to do both!

Thank you... Sri Krsna Sankirtan, Ki Jai ! !

We look forward to hearing from you on Friday. 

Your servant,

Sri Rupa dd

Visita a Murfeesboro parte IV

3 years, 5 months ago by jambavandas in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva!

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias!

todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

lamentablemente no regresare a Perú en la misma fecha que usted, yo regreso antes, de saber que podía regresar con usted me hubiera quedado mas tiempo🙄.

El sábado 28 de agosto voy para Atlanta.

Hasta mañana querido Gurudeva.

Muchas gracias por su atención.

Su sirviente Jambavan Das