Visita New Ashokavan, Murfeesboro?

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

El Siervo del Poseedor de Jambu escribió:

"Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva! Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias! todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! le saluda su discípulo y sirviente Jambavan Das, quería preguntarle si podría visitarlo en Nashville la quincena de Agosto, le pregunto desde ahora porque usted debe tener una agenda muy ocupada y no deseo incomodarlo. Le comento que ya estoy vacunado contra el covid. Muchas gracias por su atención. Su sirviente Jambavan Das"

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!!!! paoho.... En el Kapi Dhvaja actual:, hay nuestra Calendario. Puede ver, no? Desafortunada dentro 2-24 Agosto somos en Boise, Idaho.

24 Agosto - 15 Septiembre estamos en Nashville. Posible puede visitar dutante estas dias, pero AVISO vivimos como osos en el bosque, como su Senyor, Jambavan.

Vyasa puja en Monterrey?

3 years, 6 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Nuestra gratitud por Su ejemplo que cada día nos rescata de maya. Oramos humildemente para que el Señor Nrisimhadeva siempre proteja su energía y sankirtana. 

Gurumaharaja he estado pensando mucho sobre su viaje a Perú y el deseo de tomar Su santa asociación vapuh, ojalá podamos ir, también podemos morir antes, no se sabe...revisé el calendario y parece que su Vyasa-puja será el 3 de Enero 2022 en Perú, es correcta la fecha? ¡cuanta fortuna para Perú! 

Justamente en estos días tuve una conversación con prabhu Gadhadara Gosai de Monterrey, parece que compartimos el mismo deseo de verlo.

Prabhu estuvo hablando acerca del desarrollo de su finca, en estos días prabhu Adhoksaja se encuentra apoyándolo para lograr un lugar hermoso, amplio, cuarto de adoración, sembrios, un río limpio muy cerca y están contratando internet, a 30 o 40 minutos cuenta con el restaurante y hotel con miras a un buen centro de predica, todo esto inspirado en poder recibirlo algún día a Usted Gurumaharaja, así que pensamos en entregarle la invitación. Sabemos que su agenda está completa y no es tiempo de pedir sino de dar y lo más importante es su salud, sin embargo queda abierta la invitación a este lugar cálido y natural con las comodidades para Usted e invitados en donde los discípulos de esta parte del mundo que no puedan viajar a Estados Unidos (por cuestión de visa ni viajar a Perú por asuntos económicos, salud propia o de familiares) puedan acudir a Monterrey cerca de USA, hacer cuarentena y llegar a obtener la misericordia vapuh. Quizás el destino le ofrezca a estas tierras la oportunidad de Guru kripa.

Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa atención, por favor disculpe nuestras ofensas.

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


Dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Our gratitude for the example of him who rescues us from Maya every day. We humbly pray that Lord Nrisimhadeva will always protect his energy and Sankirtana from him.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!..

Gurumaharaja, I have been thinking a lot about your trip to Peru and the desire to take Your holy Vapuh association, hopefully we can go, we can also die earlier, it is not known ... I checked the calendar and it seems that your Vyasa-puja will be on January 3 2022 in Peru, is the date correct? What a fortune for Peru!

HpS - It does appear to be so.

Just in these days I had a conversation with Prabhu Gadhadara Gosai from Monterrey, it seems that we share the same desire to see him.

Prabhu was talking about the development of his farm, these days Prabhu Adhoksaja is supporting him to achieve a beautiful, spacious place, worship room, crops, a clean river very close and they are hiring internet, 30 or 40 minutes has the restaurant and hotel with a view to a good preaching center, all this inspired in being able to receive you one day Gurumaharaja, so we thought we would give you the invitation. We know that your agenda is complete and it is not time to ask but to give and the most important thing is your health, however the invitation to this warm and natural place with the comforts for you and guests where the disciples of this part of the world remains open. world who cannot travel to the United States (for visa reasons or travel to Peru for economic reasons, their own health or that of family members) can go to Monterrey near the USA, quarantine and get vapuh mercy. Perhaps fate offers these lands the opportunity of Guru kripa.

Thank you very much for your merciful attention, please excuse our offenses.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - Thank you for the invitation. Of course, even practically the world is changing rather fast with global warming, pandemics, social unrest, so we don't know what will happen by next January.

In general, though it seems that the best arrangement is to stick to the idea of going one place and staying there. Partly just to suggest the idea that living in your own village your whole life is quite natural, the way Krsna created the world.

A Sannyasi would do a walk about, but that is alone and with younger years.

Let us see if Krsna arranges a group flight to Peru!!!

You can be a tour guide!!!

Super best wishes for your Sankirtan!!!!!

Clausura de Bh. Sastri en Guayaquil

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in Calendar Development


Guru-mangala Das, Rupa gosai Das, Smt. Manjari-sakhi Devi Dasi et al,

Muchas gracias por la invitacion participar in La Clausura de Bhakti Sastri. Esta en nuestra Calendario para manyana, Domingo, a las 11AM.

Pero no podemos pasa todo el tiempo con su programa, por que tenemos unos otros events hacer!

Podemos enrar a las 10.45AM para comprobar la coneccion. Si podemos fijar un tiempo general para nuestra participacion, y llamar nosotros en el tiempo especificas para juntar nos, esa funciona.

Esta bien?

En lo cual quiere nos estamos presentando?

Podemos compartir un show de powerpoint?



letter from Denupal Das from argentina

Hare Krishna Gurudeva,

pamho, AgtSP!!!

This is a letter from Denupal Das from Argentina, he was having problems to log in the blog.

Haré Krishna, queridos devotos y devotas, reverencias TLGASP.

Queríamos agradecerle a todos los que participaron en el encuentro del Día Yoga 2021. El 20 y 21 de junio.

Debido a esto las autoridades de la Municipalidad y de Cultura, nos felicitaron y nos invitaron a que organizamos un Congreso " Desarrollo Social Sostenido" en la Universidad. Debido a esto podemos decir que en septiembre del 6 al 10; organizaremos este Congreso, junto a SS Hanumat Presaka Swami, Hridayananda das Goswami, Bhakti Sundar Goswami, Bhakti Marga Swami, Krishna Shetra Swami y otros Gurús a confirmar.

Dado la conformidad del evento, también se darán en el mismo diferentes conferencias por distintos devotos que convocamos.

La organización, diseño, logística se hace desde plataforma Zoom.

Están invitados a este Congreso, y si desean aportar más información o participar comunicarse con la organización

Va haber un link específico para anotarse con anticipación, tambien certificados otorgados por la Universidad

Aqui dejo un link a cuadro conceptual, donde se pueden ver los principales temas a tratar:

Dejo aca mi numero de whatsapp para quien este interesado y quiera entrar en contacto: +54 9 343 4587987

A su servicio Dhenupal das y Krishna Priya


Hare Krishna Gurudeva,

pamho, AgtSP !!!

This is a letter from Denupal Das from Argentina, he was having problems to log in the blog:

"Hare Krishna, dear devotees and devotees, obeisances TLGASP.

We wanted to thank everyone who participated in the 2021 Yoga Day meeting. On June 20 and 21.

Due to this, the authorities of the Municipality and Culture, congratulated us and invited us to organize a Congress "Sustainable Social Development" at the University. Due to this we can say that in September from 6 to 10; We will organize this Congress, together with

  • HH Hanumat Presaka Swami,
  • Hridayananda das Goswami,
  • Bhakti Sundar Goswami,
  • Bhakti Marga Swami,
  • Krishna Shetra Swami and
  • other Gurus to be confirmed.

Given the conformity of the event, different conferences will also be given in it by different devotees that we convene.

The organization, design, logistics is done from the Zoom platform.

You are invited to this Congress, and if you wish to provide more information or participate, contact the organization

There will be a specific link to sign up in advance, also certificates awarded by the University

Here is a link to the conceptual chart, where you can see the main topics to be discussed:

I leave here my Whatsapp number for those who are interested and want to get in touch: +54 9 343 4587987

At your service Dhenupal das and Krishna Priya

HpS - ASA --- September 6th - 10th. Sounds like we can participate. Only Sustainable Social Development for people general in the Kali yuga is Daivi Varna Ashrama Dharma, no? Bhagavata Dharma for devotees?

SB 1.9 Two purports where Srila Prabhupada describes the content of Bhisma Deva's instructions on DVAD to M. Yuddhisthira!

"Monkey's Trip to the Land of the Incas", Project

3 years, 6 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful and humble obeissances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.!

All glories to your sankirtana!

Hoping this good.

I am writing on behalf of the ASA Carnival team and I thank you for your response to the previous letter.

Responding to your letter we inform the following:

1. We appreciate and are very happy to be able to contribute and be part of the film Diary of a Traveling Creature.

2.Vrsabhanu-nandini dd and Amabarisa d very kindly offered their help and they will edit the videos.

3. We are trying to include in the interviews devotees who were at the beginning of their preaching in Peru such as Daru krsna, Rupanuga d and wife, Ramacandra d, Avaduta d and Kaveri dd, Kanu pandit d etc, as well as other collaborators such as Madhumanjari dd, Jiva sakti d, and Abhirama d.

4.The title of the event is called: Monkey's Journey to the Empire of the Incas.

5. There are details that we need to consult with you to finish structuring the project and be able to send it to the Blog, perhaps we can do it through a meeting with you (there would be a devotee in between) if you have some time, it may be Sunday in the tomorrow or another day that you can.

Or in any case we can continue to see the details on the Blog.

6.-Dates of the project: At first we thought it could be in August or September, however we see that you already have a full agenda, so we propose that the event be for the month of October, Sunday 10 and 17, is it ok for you?

7.-The interview program is divided into 2 parts and with artistic participation it will take an estimated time of 1.30 to 2 hours each part.

Thank you very much for the inspiration that you always give us, we want this mercy and inspiration that we receive from you to spread through these programs to the following generations, they may no longer be able to see you or know you however with the legacy that you leaves us it will serve so that they know how a good disciple is, a spiritual warrior able of giving everything for our founder acarya Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupada.

With much appreciation, affection and gratitude

Asa Carnival team

HpS - ASA - AgtSP!!!!! paoho..... The basic motif of ASA travels is looking for Sita, no?

  • How has the history of the Peruvian yatra been a search for Sita?
  • How is She especially hidden in the hearts of the Peruvian people?
  • Sita is that person who wants to hear the Krsna book?


Urgente-Clase SB Vaishnavas Care Chile

3 years, 7 months ago by priyasakhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.


Gurudev escribo por clase de Srimad Bhagavatam que dará para Vaishnavas Care Chile, el día lunes 5 de julio, a las 8:30 zona horaria Chile

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi dd

HpS/ASA - TlgaSP!!!


Hay un gran conflicto. Esta es exactamente la misma hora en que Srimati Narayani Devi Dasi presentará la clase en nuestro foro ASA, GoToMeeting.

No nos dimos cuenta de esto antes.

Por favor, nuestros participantes habituales de ASA, asistan a su clase y graben para que podamos escucharlos más tarde.