MOE Global Symposium

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development



We will try to join this as much as possible:

"Dear ISKCON Educators and Leaders

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Viplavah 2021, the international education symposium organized by ISKCON Ministry of Education will be held next week between 13th and 15th August. Many eminent speakers would be sharing their experiences through 20 minutes of Ted-Talk type presentations followed by a short 5 minute Q&A. On and before 10th of August we will also share the full agenda.

Here is a list of the illustrious speakers who will be presenting on a variety of topics:

H.H. Hanumatpreshak Maharaj • Sesa Das • Vaisesika Das • Urmila Devi Dasi • Yogendra Das • Ramacarya Das • Krishna Nandan Das • Bhagavati Kripa Devi Dasi • Balaram Lila Das • Prema Rupa Madhava Das • Sutapa Das • Atul Krsna Das • Gauranga Darshan Das • Aniruddha Das • Padmamukha Nimai Das • Dinadayal Das • Sankirtan Das • Mukundanandana Das • Radhika Raman Das • Lila Purushottam Das • Krsnendu Das • Devaki Devi Dasi • Kaunteya Das • Tapana Mishra Das • Balimardana Das

We already have 150+ educators registered to participate in this symposium and we can accommodate more. So if you have a friend who is interested in education within ISKCON please ask them to register at:

The symposium will also be broadcast on the Ministry's youtube channel. But if you are a registered participant then it gives you the privilege to host your own breakout sessions to invite other participants to network with you or vice versa. Such breakout sessions will be the equivalent to private meeting rooms or project booths in a physical setting, giving you an opportunity to share with others what you are doing. So therefore register through the above link. Moreover the organizers would only be able to take questions also from registered participants on zoom. We look forward to hosting you soon.

Your servants,

Tapan Mishra Das

Balimardana Das"

FMP - Visita a Murfeesboro

3 years, 5 months ago by jambavandas in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva! Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias! todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud.

Muchas gracias por su respuesta y por aceptarme como visita.

Como soy un sirviente del Señor Jambavan, no tendré problema en estar en el bosque con usted 🐻

Conociendo ahora su itinerario yo estaría llegando el 24 o 25 a Nashville, de todas formas yo le aviso con anticipación, la hora y fecha exacta.

Solo necesitaría la dirección de su casa para poder ubicarla en el mapa y averiguar como llegar.

Muchas gracias por su atención.

Su sirviente Jambavan Das

HpS - 24-25 Augusto?? Llegamos 24 Agosto a las 2.50PM al aeropuerto.

Bien Venidos.

Tiene vaccine complete?

Boise Visit Calendar, Events.

3 years, 6 months ago by Kamagayatri in Calendar Development

(revised 21 07 23 by ASA Staff)

Niti-sara Das wrote:

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaj, 

Please accept our most humble obeisances Guru Maharaj! 

All sincere glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you for your association and willingness to consider these outreach programs.

The attendees will have a great opportunity to be personally guided through the Light of the Bhagavat and Upadesamrita.

We're in contact with a yoga teacher, who has attended more than a year of temple Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita classes.

We may be able to use her Yoga space as a venue for one of the seminars but will converse about the possibility this week.

She was wondering if key themes of the Bhagavad Gita would be discussed in one of the two seminars because her students in her Yoga program are also studying the BG.

HpS - BG is in both LOB and NOI very intimately. Let us refine the content with her.

The NOI seminar seems like it would coincide well with Jhulan Yatra, 18th-20th. Jhulan Yatra 6:30-7:00PM followed by the seminar 7:00-8:15PM.

Here is Current Schedule:

Regular Daily ASA programs on line, adjusted to local Deity schedule, USA Mountain Time.

2 (mon) - Gaura-arati and Arrival Lecture with Hp Swami and Sriman Murari Das (Bilingual).

11 (wed)-13th(fri) - LoB, 7:00-8:15PM.

14 (sat) - Rafting. 9:45am-3pm, Murari and HpS in Spanish Armada.

16 (mon) - Chi Gong and Kirtan program (Maharaja can lead us in the Hanuman Goes To Lanka poses).

18 (wed)- Pavitraropana Ekadasi. Sweet Jhulana Yatra festival, 6-7PM. NOI Seminar, 7-8:15 (Three Minute with a Genius)

19 (thu) - Jhulana Yatra; NOI,

20 (fri) - Jhulana Yatra; NOI

22 (sun) - BALARAMA PURNIMA, Anniversary of Radha Banki-bihari installation.

  • Anantarupa Prabhu will speak,
  • Badrinarayan Maharaja will send a video,
  • M. Arrudha will send something written.

Things to Do:

Uncle Gismo, ASA-Practical Arts Workshops.

  • Communication Skills with K. G. Devi Dasi, HpSwami et al. How to draw, theater.
  • New Biharavan and Local and Global Community Development. Building Braja Villages.
  • The History and Future of NBV with interviews of ARD et al.
  • Other ideas?

MOE Annual Symposium Rescheduled

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

We receivied the following Yahoo mail from Zoom Robot 📺:

Hi Hanumatpresaka Swami,

The meeting information for "ISKCON Ministry of Education - Global Viplavah 2021",

Which you previously registered for has been updated by the host.

New Time and Date: Aug 12, 2021,

05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

    Every day, until Aug 15, 2021, 4 occurrence(s)

    Aug 12, 2021 05:00 PM

    Aug 13, 2021 05:00 PM

    Aug 14, 2021 05:00 PM

    Aug 15, 2021 05:00 PM

Then we got a copy of a Yahoo mail to Radhika raman Das from our Organizer, H. G. Bali-mardana Das:

Hare Krsna Prabhu,

Pamho, agtSP,

We moved the conf date to Aug 12th now. I hope the new date will still fit into your schedule, we are looking forward to the presejntation, The idea is to have 25 Mins duration for each presentation, 

Would you please provide the topic and the abstract so that we collect the info and build a better schedule this weekend.

Any preference of the day? (Aug 12-15)

Your humble servant

-Balimardana das-

Along with Gandharva Das, Gopi-gita Devi Dasi, and others, we have been having regular meetings to organize and promote the Annual Symposium, but then Bali commented that there were some doubts about the Symposium by Tapan misra Das, Executive Secretary, and then explained to us with some detail the dialogs that resulted in this postponement.

In some aspects it is a fantastic shock for us. We are thinking our esteemed friend TMD must have gone mad.

In other aspects we are noting that just this week we changed our SB and NOI schedules. So, we hope we can hear more from Tapan, and Bali will give us some more details to publish here.

In any case, will try to cooperate whole-heartedly with the Ministry, but we can see that already we have a Seminar on Light of the Bhagavata at the same time as some of the days. 😮

Furthermore, with ASA we will have our own little preliminary symposium on Education with/in ISKCON on the dates already planned: (737 859 341)

Evenings: Th-Sa (28-31 July) - 7.30-8.30PM

Mornings: Fr-Su (29 July - 1 Aug) - 7.30-8.30AM

  • We will invite:
  • Sesa,
  • Tapan,
  • Gopi-gita,
  • Bali,
  • Gandharva,
  • Param-padam

To enlighten us, and if anyone else wants to join please write here in the Blog with "Ed-Symposium" in the Title field.

More to come in this Blog.

Friday with Iskcon Houston

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

His Holiness Hanumat Presaka Swami will speak Friday, July 23rd at 7 pm CST on "Sanatana Shiksa," the confidential, amazing, yet very practical instructions given 500 years ago by Lord Caitanya to Srila Sanatana Goswami, based on Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya 2.20-24 on Sanatana's auspicious Disappearance Day. Hanumat Presaka Swami, founder of the North American Institute of Oriental Studies (NIOS) is a leading Gaudiya Vaisnava educator and devotional polymath who lectures mainly in North and South America and India.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 720 4476 8193

Passcode: hk108

Dial by your location

Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 720 4476 8193

Passcode: 180792