Manipuri Conference

3 years, 5 months ago by isanadas_kadam in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We are hereby attaching the invitation, program proceedings and concept notes for the upcoming International Webinar Conference on "Remembering Dr. T.D. Singh (His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami)". Kindly see the attached files.

Maharaja, we look forward to your positive consideration of our request and your kind confirmation at the earliest possible.

Your servants

Isana Das

Sadhubhusan Das

Dwarkanath Das


AgtSP paoho.

We are sad that we could not respond to this topic earlier inspite of all you effort to engage us. Of course, we want to participate. We feel that we could talk very nicely about Maharaja and the tangible results we are getting even to this day by following his path

but... 10AM in India 15th October, will be 11.30PM here in Peru.

Of course it will actually be even later than that and I am not sure if we could even get good internet that late. Just this evening the electricity failed twice.

What can we do?

At our age it would be impossible for us to participate that late.

Could we record something?


Your very small servant, HpSwami

Welcome to Houston

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Text Message:

Maharaj we want to take your Darshana..

Please let me know what time is good for us to meet you..

Your aspiring servant

Sumitra Sharma🙏

HpS - ASA: AgtSP! Thank you Mataji, Prabhu et al. We are just getting our selves settled.

Yesterday, Thursday, we were so exhausted from the packing, toe injury, travel obstacles that all we took a lot of rest with our elevated toe.

4.38PM - Friday, things are getting a little clearer.

Of course, we would like to see you also!

We will attend the Temple morning program until 6.45AM daily and come back for some of classe, but we will join other SB programs on some days.

Devotees have come from Dallas with some publishing projects to do.

Of course, we are organizing our work with Hari-lila Das et al, and Gopinatha Das.

Caitanya and Subra are like our hosts, so we can begin to get a more final schedule through this weekend.

We will be here all next week and leave on Saturday.

You can see our Temple classes listed on line and our ASA News, Kapi Dhvaja with its own calendar goes out on day.

Please just post letters etc here, then we can deal with them. Whatsapp and phone texts are difficult to handle except for ntoice of URGENT texts posted here or some private details.

Of course, since we are Sannyasis and Bćaris here it is necessary that whatsapp, text, messages pass with the association of a nice father-husband-son.

Thank you!!

It is so nice to hear from you all!  🌻 🙂

Nila-madhava Dhama - Calendar

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

CcD-SDD Texted Us (M/P-ASA):

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Paoho! AGTSP! 

Just read your tweet about your recent visit to doctor and then some from a few disciples... we are relieved and grateful that it wasn't anything major... too much exposure of arms to sun???

UG - Maybe. We have heard morning sun is good and afternoon sun is bad. Let's try to get more in the morning. 🤖


Looking forward to your association next week.

TB/BW/UG/ HpS - So are we!!! So are we!!!! 🐷 🦍 🤖 👳

If there is anything you would like for us to procure for your trip to Peru... please do not hesitate let us know... we will call this weekend regarding your airport pick up, diet, meals, etc... 🙇🏽‍♀️

Also, the disciples of BCS in Houston would like to invite you to our online 76th Vyasa puja celebration of Maharaj on Friday, Sept 17th... virtual program .. offerings , from 7 to 8pm...then we have a 10 min slot you can speak. Giriraj Maharaj is speaking at 7:30pm. Program from 6:45 to. 8:30 ish. You can join anytime if not available for whole program. 🙏

BW - On our Calendar, Mataji!

It will be a great delight to join! 🐷

See you in a few hours.

Manipuri Conference

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

From Whatsapp:

Hare Krishna, Maharaj,

Dandavat pranam! 

All glories to sri guru and gouranga! 

All glories to srila prabhupad! 

Dear maharaj, 

This is Isana das from Imphal, Manipur. 

I have taken brahman diksha from your good self in 2012 in imphal. Maharaj, may I have a request to serve you in the long run and take your shelter... 

It has been so long that I would like to contact you and have your sublime association..... Actually maharaj I am serving here at manipur university as guest faculty in the department of sociology. And I am planning to organize an international webinar in connection with the disappearance day of srila sripad Maharaj which is to be sponsored and supported by intellectual forum of North East (IFNE). The theme is on manipur vaishnavism. And I would to request your good self to be one of the main speaker on the life and work of sripad Maharaj. I therefore humbly request you to kindly accept my sincere approach to serve guru Maharaj. If you kindly accept my request, I would like to further intimate you and would like to send you details of the webinar. 

Yours servant, 

Isana das

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!! Esteemed Isana Das Prabhu, Please accept our humble obeisances.

Thank you for your Whatsapp post. We were getting 400-500 letters a month until we we started this Blog. Now it is down to maybe 150/month, and in general we are getting old and our eyes failing, so we will be doing less and less tying here. We can start to use help from Secretarys.

We had similar request to join in very nice program in Bolivia from very nice devotee(s) there and our response is the same. We have to have the program, calendar development, here is the Blog. Then the ASA community can take up the project.

With the program in Bolivia the communication some how or other broke down. We were receiving topic and time assignments in in Whatsapp and we responded that we could not participate without more developed communication, then finally we got a notice one or two days before the Congress with conflicting timings and an expectation for a 1-1/2 hour presentation on a topic we did not know well!

We tried. We even started trying to do a last minute Power Point show, but everything went beyond even our limited human imagination of how to adjust the situation. It was causing disturbances in our regular ASA programs, so we just collapsed, ran away. 🙂


🚂 🚂 🚂

We are all actually very small devotees. We must work together in the institution, Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON. More internally we must develop our friends ships. Finally we must have a direct experience (through so many transparent via media) of Srila Prabhupada's awareness of our service. 1. 2. 3.

We are all eternally associated in the Sankirtan movement of Srila Prabhupada. I was the first person to read a letter from Srila Prabhupada to Jaya tirtha Das in San Francisco about different management details and then Srila Prabhupada finished it by writing: You cannot exist without my mercy...

I was shocked by the force of the statement, but swallowed and accepted it: That is what Guru says!

... but then I read the next comment and was even more shocked:

... and I cannot exist without your mercy. This mutual respect, this mutual love, is Krsna consciousness.

So, what we learned from organizing these symposia from H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami and several others, even at the level of Noble Prize winners, is that first there should be personal contact:

Eg. For all the Nobel professors and others who came for the First World Congress in Bombay, Maharaja assigned three PhD candidate boys to see to their accommodation and practical communication.

At our level, we would just need one person who is in personal contact with us and maybe another participant. Ie. we may equal 1/6th of distinguished professor. 😁

Then we have to see if the dates work.

Then the themes.

Then who else is speaking.

Then when a synopsis of our papers and the papers of others is due, so we can all read what others are writing.

Then final paper or PPTX.

Then arrangements for publishing the results.

O.K. Let us do this so the whole world can see the glory of Manipur and benefit.

URGENTE | DTC-UT | ASA Carnaval |Entrevista 09-09-21

3 years, 5 months ago by asacarnaval in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias

¡Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada!

Gracias por su respuesta anterior. Intentando contribuir en su sankirtan, continuamos los ajustes para la entrevista del Jueves 9 de Septiembre 4:00 pm. 


Nombre del evento:   “El viaje de Monkey al Imperio Inca”

Entrevistados --------- Yudhistira Das y Ramacandra Das

Entrevistador --------- Gandharva Das

Idioma ----------------- Español

Plataforma ------------ Zoom


***YUDHISTIRA DAS    - Preguntas enfocadas a conocer: 

1) Un poco sobre el entrevistado y su papel dentro de la historia,

2) Acontecimientos memorables generados durante la PRIMERA VISITA de SS Hanumatpresaka Swami al Yatra Peruano.

3) Cómo influyó la educación que recibió en el gurukula en su vida actual.


***RAMACANDRA DAS  - Preguntas enfocadas a: 

– Apertura –

1) Conocer un poco sobre el entrevistado y su papel dentro de la historia,

2) Conocer los primeros contactos e impresiones sobre SS Hanumatpresaka Swami y alguna anécdota sobresaliente para el entrevistado.

– Contribución particular al Yatra Peruano –

1) ¿Cuáles fueron las diferentes facetas en las que contribuyo Maharaja de manera especial en el Yatra Peruano?

2) Primera y única visita de SS Hanumatpresaka Swami a Paraguay.

3) Primera visita del Dr Ravi Gupta (Radhika Raman Das) al Perú, provincia de Arequipa.

– Cierre –

Resumen (desde la perspectiva del entrevistado) de contribuciones y motivos por los que considera importante que se continúen o mantengan esas contribuciones.


*** Esperamos poder contar con sus comentarios durante las entrevistas Guru Maharaja.

Gurudeva, Estos son solo los temas generales; las preguntas están dirigidas a descubrirlos.¿Desea que le hagamos saber las preguntas en detalle?

Agradecidos por vuestra misericordia, quedamos atentos a sus comentarios para realizar cualquier modificación necesaria.

Sus sirvientes

-ASA Carnaval Team-

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 


Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Please accept my bows

All Glories be to Srila Prabhupada!

Thanks for your previous answer. Trying to contribute to your [ASA 🐵 🐷 AgtSP] Sankirtan, we continue to set up the interview on Thursday September 9th at 4:00 pm.


Event name: "Monkey's trip to the Inca Empire"

Interviewees --------- Yudhistira Das and Ramacandra Das

Interviewer --------- Gandharva Das

Spanish Language

Platform ------------ Zoom


*** YUDHISTIRA DAS - Questions focused on knowing:

.9) Are there candidates for Lord Caitanya's movement in Peru? How to find them? How to communicate the message of Lord Chaitanya to them?

1) A little about the interviewee and his role in the story,

2) Memorable events generated during the FIRST VISIT of HH Hanumatpresaka Swami to the Peruvian Yatra.

3) How the education he received in the gurukula influenced his present life.


*** RAMACANDRA DAS - Questions focused on:

- Opening -

1) Know a little about the interviewee and his role in the story,

2) Know the first contacts and impressions about HH Hanumatpresaka Swami and some outstanding anecdote for the interviewee.

- Private contribution to the Peruvian Yatra -

1) What were the different facets in which Maharaja contributed in a special way in the Peruvian Yatra?

2) First and only visit of HH Hanumatpresaka Swami to Paraguay.

3) First visit of Dr Ravi Gupta (Radhika Raman Das) to Peru, Arequipa province.

- Closing -

Summary (from the interviewee's perspective) of contributions and reasons why you consider it important to continue or maintain those contributions.

 *** We hope to have his comments during the Guru Maharaja interviews.

Gurudeva, These are just the general themes; The questions are aimed at finding out. Would you like us to let you know the questions in detail?

HpS - Our question above is the main focus of the movie. Where is Sita? How can we reach Her in the heart of local people? Other questions should follow this.

Grateful for your mercy, we remain attentive to your comments to make any necessary modifications.

His servants

-ASA Carnaval Team-

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

URGENT: Final decision regarding Nueva Ashokavan in Perú

3 years, 5 months ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva. PAMHO


All Glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami !!

ASA - AGT all the assembled Vaisnavas!

Gurudeva today at 6 pm our coordinating team met to analyze and finally decide on his stay here in Peru, we also invited Prabhu Janardana and Prabhu Anandamaya to participate.

The Zoom meeting was attended by:

m Palika

p Caturatma

m Candra mukhi

p Janardana

p Anandamaya

m Nitya Kisori

p Ramanada Roy and I

At the beginning of the meeting we mentioned that everyone's desire was to serve him in the best way, therefore, by his mercy there was a good devotional and friendly atmosphere. To decide, it was taken into account that the main use of the place is to use it as a film studio and to serve the guests well.

HpS - To serve film makers well!! 🙂

Then the issue of the rains from January to March was discussed and how to act as the case may be. In the end, the entire coordinating team took the floor and ratified their agreement to rent the house in Santa Eulalia. Janardana prabhu also agreed that St. Eulalia's house is more suitable as a movie studio and is more comfortable for guests.

In turn, Prabhu Anandamaya, although he emphasized the issue of the rains and the dangers of the streams that are near the place, did not oppose us renting the house in Santa Eulalia and asked that precautions be taken to attend to all the inconveniences. So by the mercy of you and Nitay-Gaura this issue is definitely resolved.

HpS - AgtSP and his ISKCON.

On Tuesday the 7th we will go with Raúl to see what environments and scenarios can be made and based on that, what lights and other artifacts he would bring and leave for the filming. María is also going to start the implementation of the organic garden.

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva, a thousand apologies for our blunders, his insignificant servant Abhiram Thakur das.

HpS - Yes, so much work packing here and arranging there. We can see in these big movies like Lord of the Rings, there are hundreds of names at the end of the movie and the work just feed everyone is like feeding and army!

With approval from NIOS President, Abhiseka Singh et al we ordered the camera that Raul suggested.

Books are the basis.

Where can we go to find Sita?

Where will we need to build a bridge to return Her to Rama?