URGENT! II Congreso en Chile and FMP Program Scheduele

9 years, 3 months ago by jagad.guru.das in Calendar Development

Dear Gurudeva,


I was in the last 2 hours and half writing a long post with sections (like an article) about how happy I was in Peru with you, and a lot info about the congress with a little exponations about myself... In a few words I have been a little time in a depressed mood in the last weeks due personal things like economy, job, and things like that, but already recovering. It was just a warning.

Anyway, I wrote you also a formal proposal to your Vyasa Puja and the Honors to the whole guru parampara in Chile  and how excieted the devotees and the authoroties are about the idea... and also a I commented  about the scheduele in FMP for help you, but I pressed just one botton and the browser went to the previous page, and that's it.

HpS - ASA --- Yes!    This has happened to everyone reading this letter, no!!    "To err is human, but it takes a computer to really mess things up!"      Then you have a very great test for your KC!    Usually, I calm mad suicidal lamentation and just accept, 1) I was a fool to not have made more back-ups,  2) Maybe the letter was not that important, I can summarize it,  3) Maybe it was very important and THE WITCH is taking personal effort to stop it - niscayena!

No recover anything, any single word, I completly forget press SAVE and still  I'm discovering how angry I can put because Im  with a lot of work against the time in other things, and  my duty now is to recieve Param Padam in my house and I don't have more time for write you again now.

So, an abstract:

-We are working in Congress. I have followed you advice to find more peopole and I have two more Madan Mohan Das and Paramesvara Das, who along with Priyasakhi are in the Education Department of the Temple.

HpS - ASA --- Super!

-The general feedback is that we need more info about the kids and young people.

- This is the general program about the congress until now:


-Nandanandana and Arjuna are looking for a place to spend the whole weekend.

-Here is the famous scheduele with our proposal to sing Guru Astaka w w w. bit.ly/FMPHpS

-Please, gurudeva, forgive me... Sometimes, I see how far is my spiritual emancipation and Think, sometime I will do something well and valuable to my guru and devotees and my reply is no.

Hare Krsna gurudev, Tomorrow I will send you the real one.

HPS​ - O.K.   We will try to look at links, but our will (Oink! Oink!)   is weak, so best to post the result here.

Urgent - India Dates

9 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Calendar Development

Jay Sri Sri Gauranga Nityananda

Jaya Srila Prabhupada

Jaya Guru Maharaja

Jaya Devotees!

Please accept my humble obeisances to your feet

Dear Guru Maharaja, hope you're so well!!!!

Here RatiManjari DD. I write you to ask where places you will'be during your visit to India. I got my ticket from Jaunary 31 to March 2.

Can you tell me your calendar plans during these time? I go to India to be with you and  I have to fix places to stay.

HpS - ASA ---   AGTSP.   Probably we will go the 9th of February from Houston, Texas, and go first to Kolkata, Mayapur, Manipur side until 1st week in March.   Then we will go to West side, Bombay, Baroda, Pune...     Dates are getting fixed now.

Thanks for your time. I promess other letter telling about this time that's I have no write here! too much work, I'm like a Mudha :((((( ...

Who want to serve Srila Prabhupada mission 
Your servant

Rati-Manjari Devi Dasi.

SA Calendar + Ambarisa m das return to cordoba

Hare krsna 


agtsp all glories to you guru dev

Thank you guru dev for your inspiration, we return to Córdoba and we are in the construction of a wooden house. And with ideas and activities for preaching. Study group, BG classes, and we will start with Krsna book reading in the preaching center here.

HpS - ASA ---    "Once upon a time there was a King of the name Satrajit ...".    This is all there is in Krsna consciousness, no?    If someone does not like to the hear the Krsna book then they disappear of our radar, and we connect with them sub-consciously.

I'm working to have same stability in these hell according to the necesyties of the grhastra asrama, with the perspective to go to goloka through the sankirtan movement.

and perform in a better way my service for this spiritual revolution. 

I have to have a strong inner energy from my herat giving by the contempletation in the holy name. I try to focus more and more on that but I fail many times. But i continues trying. And also fail in be fix in morning programs. But i not give up this strugle with my gross and subtle body.

HpS - Ha!    Ha!    Ha!     Sherlock Homes - If you have problem, wife must also have problem.  This is big victory for The Witch. Honor Prasad with greatest care after 4PM.    Hot milk, KRSNA book and get up early and beat your stakes into the ground!!!

thank you for explain us that your vyasa puja and Srila Prabhupada vyasa puja are all the days in Mangala arati.

we are talking with jagad guru in chile and the devotees in argentina to organize your visit to south america.

triying to became a real disciple Ambarisa m Das

HpS - Yes, plans!   It is only four months until proposed Education Conference. We have to buy tickets now or make other plans!

Urgent ¡¡¡

Hare Krsna Beloved and Respected Gurudeva:



I was really touched by your last posts ¡¡

You since a long time were telling us.. we want to write more.. it is time for you all to take responsabilities..and once on SM you said "who will lead mangal artik tomorrow"

You advised us one thing.. and you repeat and repeat the same instruction, and even if we obtained but results again and again  we are so stubborn that we continue doing the things on our way or not being totally transparent with U, acting behind your back, thinking that this time will work out but NOOOO , the mercy and blessings are in Your instructions until we understand that then is not going to be good results ¡¡¡

Today along with Jagad Guru das, etc are organizing the FMP for leading Mangal artik, the days are almost cover and it may rotate. I hope this will be helpful and also I hope this will be a good training for us.

I analized all my life as a devotee and I see no good results... I just feel ashamed because I just was a burden for You, etc... My nature is being pujari but at this point I do not see in which way I am contribuiting to Sankirtan ¡¡ 

I hope to be helpful for U, so sorry to bother U with my problems and mind

If u see anything I may be useful please let me know

Trying to be iur disciple

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP.  Paoho.   You are doing a lot of service.   Yes, we are waiting for some Mangalal arati Schedule here. Ultimately it is Krsna inside of us that gives us strength, enthusiasm, no?    Thank you!

Cancel our Travels to South America?

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

All dead now!      We only want to rest and let our body recover a little energy then maybe we can make some plans on our own.     We have pushed Bhakti Vaibhava, Initiations, ISKCON Management, NIOS etc.  But our energy is low.   Donkey is old.   So now we will just look to cultivating our own little internal programs and see if they naturally get bigger from inside and from the outside we will not push now, fix calendars now, but if some one calls us, we will see if our little atma can join them.

5.19 PM.   We just finished 1/2-hour talk with Ambarisa Das.  Things much more clear now.   What we are lacking is a central conversation partner. We were thinking Eduardo might like to do it, but it hasn't developed. Without that, Suta and the Sages, Narada and Vyasa, we have a good stage and lighting but no content.We will discuss that tomorrow with Ramon Mujica. ​

BV Español - horario - Clase Espanol

9 years, 3 months ago by YugalaKD in Calendar Development


Querido Guru Maharaja

Aqui algo ansiosa por la continuación de cursos BV, ante todo mil disculpas por no poder ponernos de acuerdo rapidamente, hable con LAD y tiene disponibilidad de lunes a miercoles en la tarde, puede ser de 4 PM para abajo, esta bien ese horario para Ud. SEr ser así eternamente agradecida, Jagat y quizas Gaurangi, quienes han cumplido con todos los requisitos previos,  esperamos que puedan participar, tenemos algunos proyetos de predica personales vinculados a la distribucion de libros y cursos BS y BV, sueños por hacer realidad, en fin estamos entusiastas, y buscando equilibrar y hacer ajustes en nuestra vida, para servir lo mas que podamos, entendemos que nuestra predica es mas externa y en funsion de eso actuaremos, mil disculpas una vez mas por ser tan caidos, mejoraremos. 

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - Jaya!   TlgaSP.    Somos realment muy, muy, muy bajo de energia.   Si esfuerzamos como durante el viaje a Sud America es casi cierto vamos a bajar la energia aun mas y. . .


      L     oooP>>>>   Dejar esta cuerpo.    Ha!    Ha!   Entonces tendre remos buscar otro sistema de Educacion por Distancia.

Ahora estoy iniciando cosas como puedo manenter si dano al hermano asno, y ayudando otros en sus proyectos como puedo si ellos acercarsan a mi.

Realmente no hay mucho actividad iniciativa para BhVaibhava de nuestra base in San Jose en comunicacion con nostros. Yo he iniciado como 6-llamadas y mantenemos esta participacion Sabado por la manan, pero no hay otros iniciativos fuertes sino por unos devotos, com Vd para adelantar el proyecto.   Tambien hay criticas fuertes de Presidente del Templo de la programa, entonces hay mucho hacer.

Voy a adelantar personalmente, como todos de nosotros tenemos hacer, y con esta perspectivo buscar realciones con otros.

Ahora, pienso nececitamos una clase en Espanol cada ano, por lo cual todo el mundo puede participar. Ya aparece como Sabado por la tarde es buen hora comenzar para todo el mundo.

Claro, podemos relacionar con diferentes tema, como BhVai. El contenido es abierto, pero si tener una clase para solamente Vd, yo y LAD, y no incluyir todo el mundo, aparece no bueno.

Desculpa idioma horrible.  Es otro problema para mi.   Es como Vd tratando hablar en Portugues, no?

Esforzamos con una clase en Espanol cada semana, Sabado por la noche, para un tiempo, no?  Depuese de unas semanas podomes ver los resultados y adjustar.