Lima, Argentina, Chile Calendar (50% Confirmed)

9 years, 3 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna

Pamho Agtsp

Guru dev

We were talking with Jagad guru, Vrsabhanu nandini dd, Madhavendra puri, Rati manjari and Jahnava dd about the Chile and Argentina calendar, and the preaching activities.

Here in Cordoba we have the Jung s activities and preaching programs for devotees. in the Cordoba capital the devotees  are triying to open a temple after many years, i think we need your guidance and inspiration.

 We are organice a team in BS As with Madhavendra, Rati and Jahnava dd for organize in a better way the jung preaching and have good contact and dialogue with interesting people. in Bs As there a few contact like Bhakta Luis and the director of the mental hospital and Rati manjari,  Jhanava dd have other contact to work on it. Also there a devotee who is Psicologist that could organize a meeting with others psicologist student of psicology.

Here we have diferent dates option for your travel to Argentina and Chile, what do you think?

BNA (Nashville) EZE (ezeiza Buenos Aires)

COR (Cordoba) SCL (Santiago de Chile)

Option 1...  Option 2....  Option 3....  ASA - See below.

thank you for your time,  effort and inspiration.

traying to serve to your mission, and Srila Prabhupada Ambarisa das.

HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP.   Paoho.  Thank you all  for so much effort.   We just finishing like 3 hours working on all the options and here is the result:

[This reservation was ticketed and confirmed on Fri., Oct. 9, 2015 at 10:58 a.m. Central Time]

Mon., Jan. 4, 2016 | Nashville, TN, US (BNA) to Lima, PE (LIM)

Depart: 11:23 a.m, Nashville, TN, US (BNA)

Arrive: 1:49 p.m, Houston, TX, US (IAH - Intercontinental) - Flight Time: 3 hr 26 mn, Flight:UA3962

Change Planes. Connect time in Houston, TX, US (IAH - Intercontinental) is 2 hr 11 mn.

Depart: 4:00 p.m., Houston, TX, US (IAH - Intercontinental)

Arrive: 11:35 p.m., Mon., Jan. 4, 2016, Lima, PE (LIM), Flight Time:
6 hr 35 mn:  Total Travel Time: 12 hr 12 mn

Wed., Jan. 6, 2016 | Lima, PE (LIM) to Santiago, CL (SCL)

Depart: 10:15 p.m., Lima, PE (LIM)

Arrive: 3:50 a.m. +1 Day, Thu., Jan. 7, 2016, Santiago, CL (SCL), Travel Time: 4 hr 35 mn

Mon., Feb. 1, 2016 | Santiago, CL (SCL) to Lima, PE (LIM)

Depart: 7:14 a.m., Santiago, CL (SCL)

Arrive: 9:04 a.m., Lima, PE (LIM), Travel Time: 2 hr 50 mn, Flight:AV624

Wed., Feb. 3, 2016 | Lima, PE (LIM) to Houston, TX, US (IAH - Intercontinental)

Depart: 1:10 a.m., Lima, PE (LIM)

Arrive: 6:40 a.m., Houston, TX, US (IAH - Intercontinental), Travel Time: 6 hr 30 mn, Flight: UA855

$1200!  Only!!
MERCO-SUR: January 7-13 in Santiago (Vyasa-puja); 13-20 in BsAs; 20-27 in Cordoba; 27-1 (Feb) in Santiago (Education Conference). There is a direct flight from Cordoba to Santiago on LAN.
LIMA: One, two days coming and going for Initiations and Jung other work.

Calendar - Now to May (Santiago Conference)

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

AGTSP!    Paoho

Our Calendar is based upo​n our mobility.   Our mobility is based upon Brother As'ss strength, energy.  We have recoverd 90% from the stress of our Houston, Mexico, Peru trip, but that means we are about 40% of what we were at 35-years old (but smarter), and it will certainly get less (and really smart of we are careful to apply Srila Prabhupada's instructions) as we go to our death (new body).

Internally we are dedicated to Saturday morning Pada-padma classes: Canto One and Two of Srimad Bhagavatam, and evening class in Spanish.  Other things we are including as natural.

We have a lot of work daily by telephone with Boise, Ministry of Education, Texas - ASA Nashville Sankirtan Central.

We have very interesting, but not now very clear, invitations from Latin America, so we are thinking of making our own plans to visit there.   We suggest that we go to Santiago from Nashville on the  6th of January and return on the 3rd of February.   We can visit other places from there if important.  That will cost us $1,100.

We will buy this ticket on Wednesday unless we hear something else.

Speak now or forever hold your peace.


We will be based here, Nashville, 16th to 20th we will go to the Raleigh Rathayatra. Very close.   Then probably go to Houston [Mexico?] after November 18th.

Maybe Houston [Mexico?] 3rd - 10th February.

Then India for a few months as necessary.

All plans subject to change as the mood strikes us (Monkey/Piggy).


Planning Chile,  any Congress

Make the topics first and look for the speakers et al?       We think it is first understand what will motivate us, then find the speakers, and of course the topic will be related to the speakers.  It is like the person Bhagavat and the book Bhagavata.  Can't separate, but person first by a little bit.

Hare Krsna!

México - Educaccion - Calendario

Querido Gurumaharaja. 
Por favor acepte mis reverencias !
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada ! 

Esperamos ser parte pequeño de vuestro sankirtana. Con Sus instrucciones humildemente esperamos lograrlo.

   ASA -  TlgaSP!!!   Pfanrh.    Esperamos ser un pequeno parte de SUS sankirtan!

Hoy 30 de Septiembre hable con Su Santidad Guruprasad Swami en el templo,  le informe de nuestro interés de su participación en el próximo congreso o encuentro educativo regional del próximo año en México. Dijo que luego platicará con Usted. 
Le informe que ya empezamos a organizarnos para la colecta de fondos económicos para este fin y estuvo muy de acuerdo, dijo que este es un factor muy importante. 
Pedí sus bendiciones y nos regaló su guirnalda. 

Muchas gracias por Su inspiración Gurudeva. 
En nuestras oraciones a Sri Nrsimhadeva siempre está Ud presente. 

Si el Señor Krsna nos bendice una vez más, podremos verlo en el mes de Diciembre. 

Perdón por las ofensas por favor. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente : 
Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - ASA --  AGTSP.   Hay mucho para mejorar estas festivales, de educacion, pero es un hecho son essencial.

Visita a Mexico, vamos a escribir ya una carta con detalles del planes para el Calendario.   Vds son muy, muy, muy inspirador para nosotros.   Si somos fuertes y puros, Krsna puede poner todo el pais de Mexico abajo de nuestra administracion en solament un minuto!

Full Morning Program until October 3th

9 years, 3 months ago by in Calendar Development


Dear Gurudev,

The proposal to give an order to KIRTAN leaders everyday in the FMP (is attached like .png archive here also, updated until today 3th october)

Domingo (Sunday) = Cakori d.d Lunes

(Monday) = Hanumatpresaka Swami? (not confirmed, we are asking him now )

Martes (Tuesday) = Nikunja Bihari Das

Miércoles (Wendesday) = Jagad Guru Das

Jueves (Thursday) = Nanda Nandana Das

Viernes (Friday) = Radha Pratijal Radha d.d

Sábado (Saturday) = Candra Mukhi d.d

We save the monday for you. But you can choose everyday that you prefer. Besides that, Sananda / Bhadra Vardhana and Radha Carana devi dasi want to sing the tuesday also. So, the idea is renovate a whole names list with another 6 devotees the next week, so in that way we will have cyclic system.

For instance, Jagad Guru Das sing the Wendesday and the next one Laksmana Agraja, and if more devotees are registered, they will sing the next week, and after that would start the cycle again and like that.

Therefore, we want to know what is you opinion about that.

ASA ---   AgtSP.    It's cool, Brother!      It's cool!          Only thing is they must know how to do it, no?   Have good microphone, chant loudly first time and then softly next time so others can chant in their caves.  We could have one person on line responding, but that injects an intolerable delay.

On the other hand, we are discussing with Param Padam and he's suggesting use the temple to the event and he's giving us valuable suggestions to the program, with more emphasis in the topic rather the specific name of speakers.

Thank you very much for encourage us always.
Hare Krsna.

ASA - Is super Sadhana (>Sankirtan) having Sadhu sanga in our caves on line.  We can always work to improve this ISKCON requirement, Full Morning Program!    If FMP is good, day is good.   Work hard from 2AM to 10AM and your day is play after that!

Let us try short experiments that keep the current system and make it better.

We put your Education Symposium notes in other Blog Post.  

Jagat-guru Das - Link Incorrect

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in Calendar Development


Esteemeed Jagad guru Das,

The link you gave us for the current symposium on education doesn't work:

Please post the information here?   


9 years, 3 months ago by YugalaKD in Hot Topics, Calendar Development



Querido Guru  Maharaja

 Esperamos que la salud del cuerpo este estable, y otra vez hacemos un intento por cambiar el día de BV en español, sabado es complicado, yo púedo adaptarme a cualquier horario, pero siempre pensamos en los otros estudiantes, por favor aceda a nuestro pedido, tal vez domingo en la tarde o noche, o de lunes a miercoles, viernes, en fin esperamos ansiosos su gentil respuesta, hemos sido estudiantes fijos, por favor favor ezcnos esta vez, tomenos en cuenta, pienso que otros devotos de tarde ode noche se les sera posible.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - No es solamente para alumnos especificas pero tambien para qualquiere habla Espanol.     Pienso tiene que ser algo en Sabado. Posible una vez cada mez?????    Y si otros clases   posible accomodar otros dias.   Quienes son "los otros alumnos"?
Pues manana tenemos continuar en Sabada manana y tarde pero podemos adjustar con esta perspectivo - clase para todo habla Espanol, y tambien posible para otros.