
9 years, 4 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias! 
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 
Querido Gurumaharaja: 
Estamos muy agradecidos con Usted por habernos visitado a inicios del mes de Agosto, hemos sido beneficiados infinitamente con Su vapuh. Muchísimas gracias. 
Queremos corroborar los datos de vuelo que tenemos para las fechas de Septiembre por favor. 
Llega a México 
LAN Airlines 
Lunes 7 Septiembre 

Viaje a Houston 
Miércoles 9 Septiembre
9:30 am.  
Es correcto ? 
Podemos saber numero de vuelo de llegada por favor? 

Quedamos atentos a cualquier corrección. 
Muchas gracias por Su infinita misericordia. 
Disculpe por favor las ofensas. 
Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente: 
Asta Sakhi dd. 

HpS - ASA - !!!!  TlgaSP.   Pfarnh.  Si, todo correcto.  Vuelo de llegada es LAN 2626.

Nuestro cellular de contacto es Gandhava Das: 51 99 27 533 91


Respected Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I went to twitter and listened the lecture on start meeting with Nitai Gaur prabhu, it was so nice.  I was going to ask you that you should also put this link in your Monkeywarrior home page and it is already there, Jaya. Guruji! kindly do this every time, that you also put the link on this website, since someone may not have the twitter acct and thus, they would be bereft of the opportunity to listen.

Guruji! have your chalked out your indian program, any rough sketch? In one of your news letter you mentioned that you would be going to Manipur, would you also be going to your usual places of pilgrimage like Naimisharanya and Lucknow etc. and Vrindavan/Mayapur or would you like to go to Punjab?

Here in Brisbane, everything is OK, my job is always up and down, but my chanting 16 rounds good quality, now-a-days I m reading Bhagvad Gita As It Is and sometimes, I go online and see the commentaries of different Acharayas on the same verse, it is really interesting.

Priya and children are excited to join you next year during your Indian journey, hope Krishna provides enough by that time.

Thanks and HARE KRISHNA.

yours servant,

Raktak Das

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP...  paoho...  We hope you are making nice progress in all of the basic principles of Sadhana, no?       For example, if someone is attached to sports activities, like gambling, then he is lacking part of the foundation to his Bhakti-lata and it will grow, but slowly and even with distortion, so we all have to understand these priority items of Sadhana Bhakti: Sixteen enthusiastic rounds minimum, four-principles strictly, a full Brahma-muhurta, morning program . . .   Sankirtan!

Then from Vaidhi-bhakti we can progress to Raga-anuga Bhakti very naturally (BG 4.10 Purport!).

First is am I?      Guess we are a mostly a writer at this point in life.   Who is the Raktaka Das?

Second is who are we?      For India we have Dr. Samaresh, Rama-giri-dhari Das, Yamuna in Manipur, Indian disciples and friends (Eg. Vasu Gosh), other Yatris like yourself and the Gopinatha Pujari. . . .

Third we make some plan where to go when....

Who are you?!











HpS - AGTSP.  You are so persistent in looking for service to Krsna, that I think it is guaranteed. He will give you all more and more exciting missions.  We have CN's address on our Desktop. We hope to see it while we are in Peru. We are in Mexico. We can ask people here if they know him also.

           SANANDA DD

Greetings from Auburn/Kalindi dd

07/24/15    Hare Krsna Esteemed Guru Maharaja    please accept my dandavats and pranams.

Haven't written since your helpful and wonderful visit in June.  Thank you so very much for staying in our new home and blessing us with your presence, your example.   i do not write more often because i do not want to take your valuable time.   Please know i am always praying for you and taking the dust of your lotus feet within my heart.

The ISKON Sac devotees expressed how much they benefitted from your visit.  They thought you so very humble and approachable, with the ability to illuminate sastra in a clear and unique manner.  They have asked me to ask you to put us on your calendar twice next year.   So please visit us next year twice and advise me how I may help with scheduling in advance.

We were (Dave too) out on book distribution at lg. apt. complex in Sac a couple of weeks ago.   By Krsna's mercy, we were invited to return and do home program for a group of residents!  It is this Sun.  How wonderful it is to preach this sublime and helpful philosophy of Krsna Consciousness.  Also, our group attended International Yoga Day in June by the state capital bldg.  Fortunately, I got to lead kirtan though I am always unworthy.  Also, me and Vikasananda Krsna Das were interviewed by Indian Television news so it was really so much mercy to be able to serve Srila Praphupada and this Sankirtan Movement and let the Indian population know more about our ctr!  Our group will also be at India Day and we are hoping to have an even better Janmastami celebration this year.  So lots of opportunities for service right now.  Jaya!!!

My dear Radha-Gopinatha are now in Their puja room.  I don't think our home is ready for Them to be in the front of the house;there was not a consensus about it.  Perhaps it's what they wanted.  I hope so.

Shoes ?:   So, recently Govinda Priya Dasi, who teaches deity worship in Mayapur each year, showed me how to put Their Lordships to rest at night.  Their bed is on the right side of Their altar on a table along with a brass vyasasan.  The vyasasan is too small for the murti of Prabhupada.  So i am using it to put his shoes on at night.  Then I take your shoes and put them on the table at the foot of Prabhupada's "bed"   and pray for your safety that night.  Anyway, may I continue to put your shoes like that?  Some how it occured to me to ask you if that's ok with you.

Continuing as your unworthy servant,

Kalindi Devi dasi

HpS - ASA -  Gosh!  AGTSP.  Paoho.   Yes, this pace of letters we can handle. We have noted all your content with great attention. Krsna is giving you so, so, so much chance to preach!!  Our respects to The David Prestha (which rhymes with Pasta) and all the Sacramento ISKCON Yatra. Of course we will try to visit again. We form the Calendar here.

I guess you can put our shoes some place. Off the floor I don't know. For sure lower, lower, lower thatn Srila Prabhupada's paraphernalia. We still have material desires but they are under control (now) and diminishing!



Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I hope you are in good health and that your proyects are going as expected.

HpS - ASA - So nice to hear from you. AGTSP. Please see the Kapi Dhvaja with answer to the above hopes.

We are very happy to have you for these weeks and more happy to serve you. Regarding this issue, we consult on your stay in Chosica. Prabhu Chaitanya Chandrodaya offers a space in his home. It is very comfortable and nice, but a bit further away from the temple. On the other hand, at Kanu Pandit Prabhu you can also stay, it is closer to the temple. Also, I live 80 feet away and that allows me to serve you in a better.You decide, please.

HpS - I think Kanu pandita's house is fine, no??

During the last week I was cooking for Bhakti Bhusana Swami Maharaj and was a wonderful experience to be close to Maharaja and able to talk with him and listen to his lectures and accompany him in his walks and other activities.Maharaja have much knowledge and is impeccable in his behavior. It has been a great lesson for me. I continue to study the Bhakti-Sastri, very impressed with the Bhagavad Gita. I read the text twice before studying it but this time I discover and understand some points that were missed before. The BG impresses me by its force. Possibly it lacks the philosophical depth of the SB but is like a handgun: short, precise, and is the Lord's spell. I don't leave my amazement. I have two questions for you, Gurumaharaja.

HpS - ASA --- It is interesting. Seems we have BG As It Is. This is different thatn BG. This is Srila Prabhpada's illumination which includes perspective from SB and even CC!

What is the difference between the pantheistic perception of Brahman and the omniscient perception of the Lord of a pure devotee?

HpS - ASA - As we know, Professor Alfred North Whitehead. Santana Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University said that there is no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate the present. We have remembered that when in great provblems. That is Sat and Cit, no? In Brahman we realize there is a reality. Then in Pantheism, Virat rupa, Paramatma we begin to see form of this eternal reality. For example we realize that our body, name, job are all Asat, Nir-brahman. They are not eternal, but Masculinity and Femenity are eternal. Siva Pravati, Laksmi Narayana, Radha Krsna are all eternal.

O.K?   A devotee see, "premanjan churita bhakti vilokayena..." he sees reality as the effulgence of Krsna. Presence of the King in the Kingdom. He sees the paramatama, hand of God, as Krsna's hand.

What is the difference between following the footsteps of a pure devotee and imitate him? Srila Prabhupada raises the importance of not confusing these concepts but sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference, at least in my level of progress.

HpS - Imitating Srila Prabhupada is trying to be the Acharya of our Sampradaya immediately. Sit on a big seat, receive big worship and gifts. Following in the footsteps is to follow the path that Srila Prabhupada took to get to the positon of Sampradaya Acharya. You act like he acted when he was in your level of existence. He set an example. Made a path.

Thank you in advance for your answers. See you soon Your servant

HpS - ASA --- Thank you.

Sadhana Report

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Gaura y Gouranga

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias _/\ó_
Estos meses han sido muy intensos y llenos de trabajo, seguimos con el servicio que nos ha otorgado la madre Asta Sakhi actualizando la página de ASA México D.A.S., ahora también actualizamos la página del Congreso de Educación en Houston, apoyamos el servicio con la creación de alguno flyers y comunicados, estaremos apoyando directamente el servicio en Houston, si Sri Krishna nos permite llegaremos desde el día 25 de Jul, también estamos trabajando arduamente con el festival de Jala Yatra en Monterrey, apoyamos en logística, decoración, publicaciones en la pagina del festival y estaremos en la embarcación con los pujaris de Lady Subhadra y Srila Prabhupada, este año hemos tenido más apoyo de los devotos, estuvimos investigando acerca del festival en bote y encontramos el festival de Chandan Mahotsava en el mahabaratha, así que realice un pequeño video de eso.

el festival iniciara en el centro de predica a las 12 de medio día e iremos en harinam hacia las embarcaciones, habrán 3 embarcaciones cada una de ellas llevara a una deidad y un  Swami, el orden acordado fue así:

1.- Lord Baladeva & H.H. Guru Prasad Swami

2.- Lady Subhadra & H.H. Hanumatpresaka Swami

3.- Lord Jagannatha &  S.G. Mahatma Prabhu

La sede del festival será en el museo metropolitano, estamos muy entusiasmados con su visita a monterrey, cantamos más entusiastamente la japa todos los días, aún seguimos trabajando en el gobierno pero pronto tendremos casa propia y esperemos poder dedicarnos mas al hogar, Jahnavi  mi hija cumplió 3 años ya y hemos terminado al fin la licenciatura en Marketing y estamos por iniciar cursos de inglés y Bhakti Sastri en línea.

Esperamos poder servir correctamente, gracias por toda la misericordia

su  aspirante a sirviente

Lalita Madhava d.d.

Monterrey, Mx

video promocional -->  https://www.facebook.com/jala.yatra.monterrey/videos/vb.669244726461969/847912345261872/

HpS - Jaya. Muy bien.  Buscamos a Vd. en el templo en 20-minutos!   Super noticia.