NIOS - India/Europe Calendar
Jaya, Sri Krsna!
Esteemed Professor, Harsh et al,
We hope this finds you in the best of spirits. We have been working with some heroism during the last few weeks and there is much more progress than we deserve to see. We will try to call Professor tomorrow with Dr. Ravi. Our system is very sensitive now and just to keep full respiration we have to be very strict with diet etc.
Below and attached are our draft of our Welcome Address for the book release, and the letter for the Abhivandan committee. Please tell us if we need to adjust them or just start over.
Also, we are ready to book our tickets for India and Europe. Here are the suggestions:
Flight 1: Wed, Feb 17, Newark, NJ (EWR) to Delhi, India (DEL)
Flight 2: Wed, Mar 30, Delhi, India (DEL) to Brussels, Belgium (BRU)
Flight 3: Mon, Apr 18, Brussels, Belgium (BRU) to Newark, NJ (EWR)
We would land in Delhi on the 18th night and leave in the earlier hours March 30th. We would suggest going East first to Kolkatta, Manipur, Mayapur and then West to Mumbai, Baroda, and finally Vrndavan before leaving from Delhi. How does this seem to your good self. You are our "Principal Advisor".
Welcoming Address
Bharatiya-sanskriti Ceremonial Book Release
Seminar on Ancient Indian Education and Man-making in the Modern World
Hanumatpresaka Swami (Huber Hutchin Robinson)
General Secretary - NIOS North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies
Chancellor Mukundakam Sharma, Professor-Doctor Samaresh Bandhyopadhyay exceedingly learned and esteemed scholars, and friends,
Although very unqualified we have the honor of welcoming everyone to this Bharatiya-sanskriti Ceremonial Book Release, and Seminar on Ancient Indian Education and Man-making in the Modern World. We have been active members of NIOS (North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies) since its inception and by good fortune we had the unexpected opportunity of visiting India at this time. Our latest publication, Bharatiya-sanskriti, was ready for release and the various Officer, Directors and Members of NIOS took this as very auspicious, deciding to take advantage of our presence for this Release Ceremony.
While auspicious in one respect it has proven a little problematic in others since it has required us all to work very quickly to arrange this ceremony. So please forgive us for any inadequacies in this event, which on the whole seems to have come together quite well.
NIOS was founded on the premise that the world has adequate resources in its different cultural traditions to solve the major problems facing it now, creating a situation of peace, prosperity and friendship with a common cause. We feel that India especially has a very essential role to play in these efforts. It is one of the oldest civilizations with so much of the fundamental principles and practices that have given it longevity intact.
With these principles in mind we were honored to publish a felicitations volume for Prof. Samaresh Bandhyopadhyay that was itself ceremoniously released May 2102. The ceremony was co-sponsored by the Indian Museum in Kolkatta and a seminar on the title of today’s volume was organized as part of the event. The three days of contributions from many fields of India culture were thought to be so valuable and timely that we entreated Prof. Bandhyopadhyay to become the editor for a volume including these contributions. The range of topics was so wide that only a scholar of Professors breadth of knowledge could do justice to the job.
After so much heroic work, the book now stands before us as a tangible fact, giving timely insight into what treasures we can mine from India’s philosophical, educational, medical, political, artistic and other heritages. It includes contributions from esteemed scholars in North and South America, Europe and India, and speaks with great authority and penetration.
Without much more to say, let me on behalf of NIOS again, apologies for any shortcomings in the arrangement of this ceremony and extend the heartfelt greetings of our President, Dr. Ravi P. Singh and the other very distinguished members of NIOS. We hope to work more and more co-operatively with everyone who has contributed to these efforts to date and see more publication and education of all kinds in these areas.
Thank you.
Abhivandan Letter
North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies
2129 Stratford Rd; Murfreeboro, TN 37129; USA
Esteemed Organizers, Prof. Dr. Samaresh Bandhyopadhyay Felicitations Committee et al,
We are writing this to inform you that we have received several dozen copies of Abhivandan, Dr. Prof. Samaresh Bandhyopadhyay Felicitaions Seminar. They have come within several 80-pound boxes of our treasured Pracya-prajna-pradip with no indication in which box they are located. So it has been a challenge to get the boxes open and find them. We are trying our level best to distribute all of these valuable publications and meeting with meritorious success, but as we suspect you are very aware, the modern world is becoming more and more inclined to transient pleasures and finds little interest in things of more lasting worth.
We feel that this is definitely a situation that can be addressed with good results and so we are continually determined to carry on with these efforts. Currently among our publication and other efforts, NIOS is sponsoring online libraries of classical Indian literature, excellent Sanskrit study and looking forward to an enormous Conference on the Psychology of the Sacred with the Peruvian National Library in June of 2016 during which we plan to approach ICCR for tickets for Indian scholars, especially Mr. and Mrs. Bandhyopadhyay to participate.
We hope that through our esteemed Principal Advisor and generous friend, Prof. Dr. Samaresh Bandhyopadhyay, we can keep in touch with you all on this matter of Abhivandana and the other efforts we are making
Hanumatpresaka Swami
(Prof. Huber Hutchin Robinson)
Mobile: +1 209 505-xxxx