NIOS - India/Europe Calendar

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Jaya, Sri Krsna!

Esteemed Professor, Harsh et al,

We hope this finds you in the best of spirits. We have been working with some heroism during the last few weeks and there is much more progress than we deserve to see. We will try to call Professor tomorrow with Dr. Ravi. Our system is very sensitive now and just to keep full respiration we have to be very strict with diet etc.

Below and attached are our draft of our Welcome Address for the book release, and the letter for the Abhivandan committee. Please tell us if we need to adjust them or just start over.

Also, we are ready to book our tickets for India and Europe. Here are the suggestions:

Flight 1: Wed, Feb 17, Newark, NJ (EWR) to Delhi, India (DEL)

Flight 2: Wed, Mar 30, Delhi, India (DEL) to Brussels, Belgium (BRU)

Flight 3: Mon, Apr 18, Brussels, Belgium (BRU) to Newark, NJ (EWR)

We would land in Delhi on the 18th night and leave in the earlier hours March 30th.   We would suggest going East first to Kolkatta, Manipur, Mayapur and then West to Mumbai, Baroda, and finally Vrndavan before leaving from Delhi. How does this seem to your good self. You are our "Principal Advisor".



Welcoming Address

Bharatiya-sanskriti Ceremonial Book Release


Seminar on Ancient Indian Education and Man-making in the Modern World


Hanumatpresaka Swami (Huber Hutchin Robinson)

General Secretary  - NIOS North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies


Chancellor Mukundakam Sharma, Professor-Doctor Samaresh Bandhyopadhyay exceedingly learned and esteemed scholars, and friends, 

Although very unqualified we have the honor of welcoming everyone to this Bharatiya-sanskriti Ceremonial Book Release, and Seminar on Ancient Indian Education and Man-making in the Modern World. We have been active members of NIOS (North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies) since its inception and by good fortune we had the unexpected opportunity of visiting India at this time. Our latest publication, Bharatiya-sanskriti, was ready for release and the various Officer, Directors and Members of NIOS took this as very auspicious, deciding to take advantage of our presence for this Release Ceremony.

While auspicious in one respect it has proven a little problematic in others since it has required us all to work very quickly to arrange this ceremony. So please forgive us for any inadequacies in this event, which on the whole seems to have come together quite well.

NIOS was founded on the premise that the world has adequate resources in its different cultural traditions to solve the major problems facing it now, creating a situation of peace, prosperity and friendship with a common cause. We feel that India especially has a very essential role to play in these efforts. It is one of the oldest civilizations with so much of the fundamental principles and practices that have given it longevity intact.

With these principles in mind we were honored to publish a felicitations volume for Prof. Samaresh Bandhyopadhyay that was itself ceremoniously released May 2102. The ceremony was co-sponsored by the Indian Museum in Kolkatta and a seminar on the title of today’s volume was organized as part of the event. The three days of contributions from many fields of India culture were thought to be so valuable and timely that we entreated Prof. Bandhyopadhyay to become the editor for a volume including these contributions. The range of topics was so wide that only a scholar of Professors breadth of knowledge could do justice to the job.

After so much heroic work, the book now stands before us as a tangible fact, giving timely insight into what treasures we can mine from India’s philosophical, educational, medical, political, artistic and other heritages. It includes contributions from esteemed scholars in North and South America, Europe and India, and speaks with great authority and penetration.

Without much more to say, let me on behalf of NIOS again, apologies for any shortcomings in the arrangement of this ceremony and extend the heartfelt greetings of our President, Dr. Ravi P. Singh and the other very distinguished members of NIOS. We hope to work more and more co-operatively with everyone who has contributed to these efforts to date and see more publication and education of all kinds in these areas.

Thank you.


Abhivandan Letter

North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies
2129 Stratford Rd; Murfreeboro, TN 37129; USA

Esteemed Organizers, Prof. Dr. Samaresh Bandhyopadhyay Felicitations Committee et al,

We are writing this to inform you that we have received several dozen copies of Abhivandan, Dr. Prof. Samaresh Bandhyopadhyay Felicitaions Seminar. They have come within several 80-pound boxes of our treasured Pracya-prajna-pradip with no indication in which box they are located. So it has  been a challenge to get the boxes open and find them. We are trying our level best to distribute all of these valuable publications and meeting with meritorious success, but as we suspect you are very aware, the modern world is becoming more and more inclined to transient pleasures and finds little interest in things of more lasting worth.

We feel that this is definitely a situation that can be addressed with good results and so we are continually determined to carry on with these efforts. Currently among our publication and other efforts, NIOS is sponsoring online libraries of classical Indian literature, excellent Sanskrit study and looking forward to an enormous Conference on the Psychology of the Sacred with the Peruvian National Library in June of 2016 during which we plan to approach ICCR for tickets for Indian scholars, especially Mr. and Mrs. Bandhyopadhyay to participate.

We hope that through our esteemed Principal Advisor and generous friend, Prof. Dr. Samaresh Bandhyopadhyay, we can keep in touch with you all on this matter of Abhivandana and the other efforts we are making


Hanumatpresaka Swami

(Prof. Huber Hutchin Robinson)

Mobile: +1 209 505-xxxx

many issues

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP
Neigh!! neigh !! hourse tocuhing belly on ground. dandvat      Jaya!! jaya!!! to the monkey ,piggy, wise cat and brother ass. You may ask Swami ji to read slowly in section if he wishes to.

Hari bol to bhakta Daniel!!!     Hope he becomes crazy for Chaitanaya,, and goes to Donald Trump.    Tell him hey fellow be a Hare Krsna - you will win!!!!

Coming to serious note!!!multiple  issues our intelligence is multi branch.... but not sinful.... yet great acheivement!!!!

First issue:
We were thinking we would help you in studying/presenting PdP from Danda-Veda perspective on Sat morning for ISV SB class.

The motivation is that we have a son and very eager  to train him in Politics and administration.  According to one trainer in Personality plus (  our son is Powerful Cholerics (60%)  and Popular Sanguine (15%).

So how can we help ?

HpS - AGTSP!!!!!!!        Well, keep doing what you are doing!    This Saturday we can discuss the content of the colloquia. We will present Bhisma deva, SB 1.9, this Sunday.

We thought we will present topic of "Questions by Dying Emperor of World" on 31st oct.

HpS - ASA --- Yes, Satuday let us fix this!

Second issue:
Can you write the three reasons you think VAD is required ?

HpS - We came to this conclusion by our own intelligence then we heard one class where Gaura-govinda Swami said the same thing: 1) We are not pure devotees so we need to do it so we have civilized patterns to fall back onto when we fall from the high-wire act of pure devotional service, 2) It is the best way to organize the Sankirtan party. Some are administrators, some are artisans... So we can use these skills in the Sankirtan,  3) It is the best example to set for people who can't appreciate Bhagavata Dharma immediately, "Oh, see how the Hare Krsna's live in their community and have higher vision revealed to them and are happy in this world. We shall live that way also."

Third issue:
Can you explain the way while chanting (may be for years) one feels prana coming in from stomach to higher levels ?
and from mouth to throat ... basically its part of your lecture in Hawaii.

HpS - You can feel with insight where your consciousness is. We want to do something, so we look to our stomach for the energy. We go to eat something, but instead we can "feed" our heart. Eat for your heart, eat for your soul, what about eating does your stomach know.   Illicit sex of course makes all the internal life dull, base.  O.K?

Fourth issue:
Have you looked at the Univ list ?
HpS - Yes, it looked fine. We are moving ahead by Krsna's grace. We died in 2014, so things have to go along a community pace.

Fifth issue:
Here is link for SB books for children based in Chennai

Sixth issue:
what should i think when i chant guru astak but look at deities ?

HpS - "Dear Hara and Krsnah, we are standing before you as beasts, but we worship a Group Leader, Guru, who is like this, this, this. Please allow us to do Sankirtan for You!"

Seventh issue:
have your calendar for India being fixed?
ASA - No, we are pushing Rama-giridhari Das to fix his dates now. We were waiting for the results of the interim GBC meeting and it did make things clear.
Really principle issue is having a meeting between NGD, HpS and Dr. Ramon Mujica. He is Director of Peruvian National Library. If he will put this June Symposium on High Priority, then so will we. Then visit to India etc. is for that goal eg. meeting with ICCR in Delhi etc. Bhakti caru Swami said that he is 100% behind us.

Eight issue
How monkey would like to whip the horse ? (this is not buddha horse hence needs whip)

HpS - ASA  ---  Our character is that we seldom whip anyone. We can never ask anyone to do other than what we are doing.
So, we whip ourselves, to get up early and have Full Morning Program.  Of course, 16-nice, nice, rounds & four principles strict.   Happy life.

Then so much comes from associating with team members like you.

Salute to You and your team..

HpS - Self aggrandizer!   Please salute your wife for us.  Nice palamino, but our Donkey is stiff competition.

urgent ¡ Saturday Morning Presentation

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Gurudeva, I can not join the Pada Padma class on Saturdays due to at that time I am commuting to work <img alt="crying" height="23" src="" title="crying" width="23" />....

I give classes all saturdays at 9 am :(

Sorry GM I can not present on saturday :(

I join all your classes expect [except] that class.... That is why I joined on saturday nights....I really miss the association of the group ¡¡¡

Looking forward to see u on FMP in a few hours



HpS - ASA ---   O.K. See you Saturday night!   Then we will present Bhismadeva's prayers and Topics in the first two cantos and record it and send the link!

May you get a three month contract with the University, with an approved leave-of-absence where you can make $51,000 doing what you like to do, and then not have to work for a year or two.

Bhakti vaibhava, Croatia Sankirtan Report

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

You wrote: HpS - AGTSP!   Oh, dinosauro of Middle East, so nice to hear from you.  Maybe is Window's 10, conflict then.   We can live with it.   Just takes more work.  Guess it will be resolved.  This Blog is so nice.

What are you doing!!!?    Sankirtan.   No news.      You can see what we are doing (dying (Sankirtan)).

Yes, Blog is nice. Very useful for sharing ideas and informations, staying in email-touch. Thank you Guru Maharaja and Prahlad Nrsimha prabhu.

In the meantime of waiting what is going to happen with BhVai program, I read Bhagavad Gita, Jaiva Dharma, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and then continued with Srimad Bhagavatam. Finished 7th Canto and starting 8th, maybe not with specific study as we were doing in BhVai, but strong regular reading. I almost forgot about Narada Muni's previos life (one before being maidservant's son) which he personally described.

HpS - Well, we publish in the Kapi Dhvaja, that we are having, always the regular Saturday morning classes.  We go back to what we personally really want to accomplish.  Pada-padma, Cantos One and Two, well developed, is one of those things. So now we are trying to develop community each Saturday morning for those things.
Then Srivasa, San Jose, Upendra, Srinivasa, everyone wants to go ahead with Cantos 7-12, even without Bh. BVai diplomas, so I have been suggesting maybe we can make an arrangement with Mayapura Institute, to join them as Study Partners and become registered as on line Bhakti Vedanta students as a group. Then we can work out times for physical meetings and use their administration and curriculum and help them to develop it.
What you think. Others think it might be good idea.
The higher education in ISKCON is very much pioneering. It is only go on with personal committment by everyone, especially you. You have a lot of qualifications to help!

As some other Blog followers, I too followed Hrdayananda das Goswami on tour of Israel and Europe by watching the recordings on Youtube. I am inspired  by his preaching and ideas.  Maharaja surely gives food for thought. You mentioned something about him in a letter to Raghava Pandita.

HpS - Yes, he is very nice devotee.  We agree with about 81% of his perspective. Of course, other devotees like other leaders. It is natural, no?

From when I came back to Pula (16 years ago), between our small local devotee community there were (are) a dozen children. Somehow, we never got a program for them. Last Nrsimha Caturdasi, as the initial bhajans finished and a lecture started, I heard the children (3 of them) playing, jumping and screaming in the another room. I got inspired to go and be with them. I asked one mother if it is OK that I go and do something with the children. She agreed. So, I went to the room and asked if they want to hear about Nrsimadeva and Prahlada. They said "YES!". I told them the story, intertwining philosophical points of Krsna consiousness. Later parents told me that the children were very happy with the time I spent with them and with what they heard. Parents were also very grateful. And I was also enlivened by how all the situation came about and how children asked intelligent questions which made me  aware of necessity to dive deeper into KC. ie more surrender). Now, we have  program with the children during a Sunday program lecture. It is once a month, taking in consideration that before neither parents not children were coming regulary for Sunday program.  During Gaura arati kirtan children chant, dance and jump happily.

HpS - The average Mormon boy decides by 12-years old that he is going to do two years of missionary work after college!

Krsna-ksetra Maharaja and Smita Krsna Maharaja blessed us with their visit to our local temple. That was nice and sweet, too.  

We went to Ratha Yatra in Rijeka (Croatia) and there tried to pull Krsna to Vrindavan and specifically to turn our hearts back to Him, after insolently leaving Him with the idea of becoming self-centered King of the world.

Big challenge in life is how to balance (not sure if this is the right word) sadhana with other duties as husband, son, citien of Croatia, ISKCON member... How to chant minimum 16 nice japa rounds, attentively study SP's books, do puja, be/stay clean outside and inside, and work for livelihood which entails mingle with persons, offices, bosses who (for the time being) are satisfied with their material way of life.

HpS - Later it becomes achintya-bheda-abheda-tattva.  We see how all these things intimately relate to our service and we can mix them very well, but until we come to that point, Bh V Thakura says that we have to "balance" them.  One nice balance I heard is that morning is for Spiritual Life, daytime is for making money (with both arms and both feet!), and evening time is for enjoying - goodness, passion, ignorance.       If morning program is strong then the other two parts of the day are FOR Krsna also, no?

Another challenge is to percieve Krsna in all living entities, devotees too :-)

Naturally, it  all depends on fine program of japa and abiding to devotional regulative principles.

Please, excuse me, I am not writing on the Blog more often. You say many times that eyes, legs and heart pain you. And you are occupied with many other letters so I feel like I do not want to burden you.

Somebody kindly shot and I am attaching few photos  of a wandering jiva who is trying to consciously stand on his  spiritual legs.

Thank you Guru Maharaja.

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - Super nice letter!    Please write more as necessary.  Maybe join us on Saturday morning!  Next week Candra mukhi Devi Das will tell us about the new Diary of Draupadi that was found in the ruins of M. Yuddhisthira's palace in Dehli!


Hare Krishna Maharaja Please, accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I'll be in charge of NIMSAR communication from now on. After 2 meetings the following was agreed:

1.-To have a protocol for meetings.

2. It was agreed that members of NIMSAR receive training seminars in skills and introspective (psychological)areas.

3. Areas were developed by committees and all is related as a body

HpS - ASA ----  AGTSP!  Excellent Letter, but.... we don't understand this point???  ​


4.- An executive and educational model was presented, we will go looking for results at future meetings.

Communications (under the direction of the secretariat) will be developed in 3 stages: The 1st stage (from October to February 2016) we will develop a colaborationa plan for ISKCON temples Agreements: We will take the workshop by Mr Palomino. Sunday School will be developed by Priya Sakhi and Yugala dd SS Isvari dd

ASA (Monkey/Piggy) --- Very nice.

1. Where is our Word Document, summary of the Regional Encounter. It has been two months since the event and no Document. We are beginning to look like fools in front of our Members and Directors: HpSwami, what did your people do with the $1,000!

Also, we are supposed to see a clip on YouTube of the event.   Hmmm, Ambo-Vrsa, say they are working on it, but you must check with them. We are going to save the whole world with NIMSAR, no??

2. We will be in Peru 4-6 January and 1-3 February. Dates are here in the Blog. Just set the filter for Calendar Development and you will find them. We hope, hope, hope we can get a lot for association with NIMSAR during these days.
3.Thank you so, so much for your years of austerities in your service to Srila Prabhupada and Krsna.

Purchased Chile - Argentina Tickets!

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in Calendar Development


Investigated and purchased the following flights.

Thursday -  14 january 2016,   10:45Santiago de Chile (SCL)       12:45Buenos Aires (EZE),    LA467

Wednesday -  20 january 2016,   06:55Buenos Aires (AEP)          08:25Cordoba (COR),    LA4200

Wednesday - 27 january 2016,   11:55Cordoba (COR)   -   13:30Santiago de Chile (SCL),    LA951