INDIA Calendar / Dr. Samaresh Report
Hare Krsna!
Esteemed Professor et al,
We are writing from Franklin, Tennessee. As usual our energy is a little delicate. Death is only about 9-years away and we should be expecting more and more debilitation of the gross body as it approaches, be we hope to have a harmonious departure, having all our accounts in order.
We have our tickets:
We arrive 10.45PM, February 18th, in Delhi on Jet Airways 229
We leave March 30th, 2.45AM on Jet Airways 230
What shall we do in between times? The ISKCON programs in Mayapura formally begin the 24th, but we may be expected to arrive before that to help set up things. You and Mrs. Bandyopadhyaya can come to visit the project?
After that we should make some effort to visit the North-east, Manipur, although it is mostly a personal obligation to our disciple Yamunesvara Das.
Beyone that we have invitations to visit Mumbhai and Pune and Baroda and of course we would like to visit Vrndavana, but these are more optional until we get your opinion.
We are working on the brochure, we had to drive over to Ravi's home, 45-minutes each way to get the books and dust covers. Today, Friday, we hope to take the information and put it into a flyer. We also go to his house today for regular Friday program and at the same time look for our copy of Abhivadana (spelling [?]).
We looked at the Program for the Delhi book release and we did not see any more details of our Welcome Address and after a second review do not see an older version of it on our computer memory. I guess we can go over it by phone at some point.
We will visit Texas next weekend and hope to meet with the Accountant then about the details of Incorporation. We are waiting for Rama-giri-dhari Das to approve or edit the Mission Statement, but even if he does not get back to us soon we will send it to you for your opinions.
Ramon was exhausted after his business trip to Spain, but has pushed to organize a meeting with Ravi next Wednesday during business hours to establish personal committments for the projects and then detailed contracts. If this doesn't happen then I think we should reconsider the project.
Are always there and are coming along slowly but steadily. We are getting a more and more efficient work schedule. Usually we have 1-3 hours of class programs daily and about 15-letters to answer daily. We started the Sanskrit vocabulary course with Goloka Education: balukah vane vasati. It is at and looks to be a good start for a very practical course. We are promoting it. The more the merrier.
We will call on Sunday and hope to have the Bh-Skrti flyer off to you before that.
Your very incompetent servant,
HpSwami et al.