ABC Saturday Morning Workshop. . .

.... has now become a Sunday morning Workshop with the Boise Temple as announced below:

Hare Krishna Prabhus and Matajis:

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Thanks to Hanuman Swami's efforts and desire that New Biharvan devotees associate together and review Srimad Bhagavatam at least once a week, some of us have agreed to meet at 11:15 AM on Sundays to do the same. This will change the Sunday feast schedule slightly and as Hanuman Swami had pointed out it will in fact the feast even more meaningful and joyous. Please see the new schedule below and join us for some nice sangha:

Sunday feast schedule:
    11:00 AM         Srila Prabhupada Guru Puja and kirtan
    11:15 AM        Srimad Bhagavatam review - 30 minutes
    11:45 AM         Sunday Feast class (BG or other topical Krishna Katha)
    12:30 PM          AArti and Nrsimha Prayers
    1:00  PM          Announcements
    1:15  PM          Feast

The plan is to take turns (by initiated devotees) to do Guru Puja, kirtan, SB review and the feast lecture.

Murari Prabhu and Mother Kamagyatri will make sure that Guru Puja aarti plate etc. is ready and will be back up for doing the Guru Puja. Cleanup of the plate after the AArti will be done by whoever is doing the AArti. For Guru Puja, review, kirtan and feast lecture proper devotee attire is required 

For this coming Sunday the 29th, I am proposing:

Srinivas Prabhu to do the Guru Puja

Anantarupa das to do the SB review. I would like to start the review and lead the discussion with SB from the beginning 1.1.1 - thru 1.1.5. 

Mother Acyuta to give the feast lecture.

Krishna is very happy when devotees get together, specially when it is the desire of His dear devotees such as HH Hanuman Swami; please join us. Also feel free to invite others; the invitees can try out but ultimately they should be willing to come regularly. The sangha (until 11:45) is for regular attendance of like minded devotees with desire to taste SB nectar and association of devotees. Please let me know if you plan to attend
Anantarupa das

Please join us

Hare Krishna Temple
1615 Martha St.
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 344-4274
[email protected]

ASA - What percentage of the First Chapter do the first two verses represent?

URGENT - from Pune on January 24, 2017

7 years, 11 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Below are progress as of :
    1. Accommodation, Transport - fix.

    2. Still in process of finalizing the events.
      (Actually, we had already two rounds of meeting with temple authority and conveyed message about ISKCON Education events.
      So we are trying to fix more schedule for ISKCON Education, College seminars/ Youth Preaching etc.)

    3. HG Radyshyam Prabhuji will be available during your visit now, and he assured for his time and meeting / discussion with you.

    We have a meeting tomorrow noon with temple authority then we will have a clear picture of your events, then update you again.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - AGTSP paoho.   Thank you very much. More. More.   Have the Temple organizers seen the clip at searching with the Keywords, "psychology and the sacred 2016"?  That is our direct effort, although Education with ISKCON is also our focus. EWI can include into: Daivi Varna Ashrama Education as Pre, Primary, Secondary and University education, Philosophy of Education, Sastric Education all for the purpose of Sankirtan. We can even have several presentations in the morning, workshops in the after noon and cultural presentations in the evening.

We have the Light of the Bhagavata Symposium.

Pschology and the Sacred. ...

URGENT - from Pune on January 23, 2017

7 years, 12 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, we have your update through - DTC 21 (Sa). We are happy to see success of events.

    In Pune, we are continuously in touch with local temple authority and fixing your schedule, and
    communicated your message about ISKCON education.

    Below are progress, as of :
    1. Accommodation has been fix for you and me.
    2. Still in process of finalizing the events.
    3. HG Radhyshyam Prabhuji may not be available during your visit.

    We have a meeting again today with temple authority then we will have a conference call with you.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - ASA -- Thank you very much!  If H.G. Radhashyama Das will not be available then maybe someone who is confidential with his ideas of education will be available.

Writing to Blog while you are on this Current Tour

8 years ago by Namacarya das in Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaja,
please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Should we write you while you are on this current tour? I am asking because you may be very busy with service while travelling through India and your Inbox may become cluttered.

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - I don't know. Yes, we have continuous engagement so far, but here is Kolkata we may get  a little more time. If you have any advice from the DTCs, any URGENT comments or news, for sure.  Do you know one devotee, Hrvoje Cargonja, I forgot his initiated name, he is PhD, Assitant professor ini University of Zagreb, his Mobile is +385 91 547 o863. He is very nice, friendly. If you can please contact him and find out about his projects.

Reporte nro 1

Hare Krishna Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

First week passed and we couldn't achieve our vrata, I was traveling, what a challenge to keep on with sadhana while traveling. I offer my respectful obeisances to you for being able to accomplish such a difficult deed.

We finished our 16 rounds every day, and we will give it a try again this week.

27th january i have my first meeting in the university to coordinate everything.

Tomorrow we go out with our local FFl program 45 lts watermelon juice and 900 sweets. The dean of med school called us and told us that his wife wants to participate in the program and that we should cooperate!   Krishna's Magic, I was looking to make contact with university and now it comes to us.

I feel sorry cause you are not coming again to Mar del Plata. And make me think that we are not really doing anything useful for your Sankirtan. At the same time I'm glad you can rest from so much travel. I hope some day we can establish something similar to psychology and the sacred.

We are determined to accomplish our vrata. 

We need it.

See you in the blog next sunday, Dear Gurudeva,

Your fool fallen servant,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - Prabhupada said that if we keep trying to achieve a good goal we will be successful.    We want to come to Argentina, MDP, at least we may be able to see each other in Sanntiago in June, July, no???  Bring photos, power-point show with music, chorus.   More watermellon.


8 years ago by mukta singh in Calendar Development

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Bhativedanta Swami Prabhupada

HpS - Jaya!

Radha Krsna, Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Brnda Ki Jay Dandavat Pranam Guruji Maharaja,

HpS - Please accept our humble obeisdances. Radha Govinda Candra, Ki Jai, Thoubal Bhakta Vrnda, Ki Jai!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji's Padmacharan that after consultating Prabhu Haridas, Banomali Das and meeting of the Thoubal Bhaktas and Matajis there is no change in the programmes fixed earlier but Guruji can take rest during Gouralila or can arrange a separate group discussion abour NOI (Upadeshamrta).

During the Toubal  Tour programme, the first initiation of one lady Doctor is arranging under the guidance of Haridas and Banamali Prabhu so it will not change and will continue as the first programme. After Guruji's arrival, we can confirm daily programme according Guruji's consent. As we did not turn up in the Thoubal Mandir for the last two years or more, the number of attendence will be less but quality will be better.

HpS - O. K.

For any suggestion, or modification in the previous programme we are eagerly awaiting as Guruji's asirvat.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - The programs all seem practcial. The only thing is WE NEED GOOD TRANLATORS and we need Upadesamrta available for study and sale.

We see you in just a few days!!!  We are very fortunate.