Urgent - Please can we join your party in Delhi?

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj

Pamho agtSP

Just a short message with a request. Please could you allow us to join you in Delhi and take part of your various programs.

We are planning to come to Delhi on Dec 31  after BVB class in VIHE and stay till Jan 04. Accommodation in temple guest house has been arranged. Tungavidya mataji, Sudevi (a young Aussie devotee) and I are planning to be there if you allow us.

Is there any way how we can serve you there?.

Counting down each day.. few more to come and you will be here.

Thank you, Sir

looking forwar to hear from you

your child

Madhumanjari dd

HpS - ASA --- Aaaa!    You are like a transcendentail lightening-bolt. You appear one place with drama and flash, and then before Maya can get you, you appear someplace else!

     I guess, so!   It seems fine to us. All being together in Delhi.

We feel like street cats that got on the pirate ship and don't know where we are going. It will be very nice to see everyone there. Radhika will also be there.  Probably can do a lot of work.  We are thinking that our next trip to India (God willing) we can go through Hawaii, Thailand, Australia.

Good idea, Ei, Mate?????

SGGS Plans

Sannyasi, Guru, GBC Sanga

Hare Krsna, Braja-bihari and Anuttama Das et al,

We are in Mexico for five packed days then off to India. We will be presenting at University of Madras, Kolkata, Bombay etc. etc.   We finish with the three days of SGGS in Mayapura. We gave some comments about the Sanga to your good selves but have not been able to follow up. We are planning on developing some thoughts in writing in association with other. This letter will hit our Blog for reactions and advice.


1. The highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all.

2. The first year, we attended, and there was one day of break-out sessions where we non-GBC Guru/Sannyasis had a chance to exchange views without GBC devotees presence. I think it was Bhakti-rasamrta-sindu Maharaja who made the statement that in Bhuddhism that the Sangha (Administrative work) is meant to serve the Sanga (association). There was a very broad feeling that the non-administrative Sannyasis needed more time to talk about there individual experiences of the current and fututure GBC-Sannyasis relationship. I know I submitted a request that we have another break out session to do that, but it didn't happen.

3. Within the last two months one Grhastha guru and one Sannyasi both told me when I asked if they were attending the SGGS this year that it really seemed to be inclined toward the 'GBC pushing their agenda' and they weren't planning on going at that time. I was a little shocked to hear this comment, but analyzing why I didn't go last year etc. I realized that that was a part of the reason for myself also. Others included just schedule conflict.

4. Prahladananda Swami is our Minister of Sannyasa services. When I asked him if he was going to present at the Sanga he said, "No", but he hoped to see us there. Shouldn't he be offered an assignment for presenting???

5. I really feel that this movement is strong enough now to run a candidate for President of the United States. If we do then these Socio-political questions will become even more important.

6. These are my opinions, perspectives. One opinion that I hold very strongly is that my opinions are limited or incorrect often enough that I need feedback all the time. tyhank you.


Vrindavana Dhama Mahimamrta - Sataka One - Trans. Kusa Krata Das

45 O, look at Vrndavana, so beautiful with many blissful, splendid groves of kalpa-vrksa trees, with many parrots and other birds intoxicated by singing Vedic hymns glorifying Krsna, with many deers so pleasing to Krsna, with splendid transcendental lakes, ponds and streams, all filled with water sweet as nectar, and with mountains of valuable jewels.

46 Is this the wonder of the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s opulence? Is this the wonderful sweetness of the shoreless nectar ocean of transcendental bliss? Is this the seed of many splendid kalpa-vrksa forests? Is this Vrndavana, the glorious and wonderful transformation of pure love for Krsna?

47 Where do all people automatically and effortlessly obtain pure ecstatic love for Krsna? Where does the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifest His supremely wonderful pastime form? Where is the empire of the bliss of devotional service to Krsna’s lotus feet manifest? O brother, listen I will tell you a secret. All this is present here in Vrndavana.


PND - answer

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

> We arrive in India on the 31st Dec. and are supposed to get to Mayapura for the SGGSanga about 10-12th of February.

> Will we see you all?

I hope so. We are planning to be there that time and we are looking forward to meet you.

Please let me know if I can do something for you.
My phone number is 07548...


> How are you?????

Well, it is getting better. Trying to use my time properly.

Over last years my health went worse and worse, but month before kartik we started to go with Madana Priya dd to one chinese devotee here who does accupuncture for 32 years. It seems that my headakes are 99% gone and general health is much improved.

> Also, can you erase all Annual Reports more than 4-months old???

Everything older is deleted.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HPS - Thank you. Your health news is amazing. He was puncturing for any specific zones or organs? Yes, we see that the older Reports have been removed. Now we can look at the new ones!

Yahoo Mail Blocked

8 years ago by hps in Calendar Development, Other

Hare Krsna!

We just did about three letters here from Mexico and then it challenged us to prove that we are Hanumatpresaka Swami, but inputing a password that they would send to our cell phone. Of course, we don't have access to our cell phone.

Oh, well we still have the Blog, and on the 30th we can get Yahoo back.

Visit Australia

8 years ago by hps in Calendar Development

AGTSP..  We received an nice Annual Report for Madhumanjari Devi Dasi, Gopinatha Pujari, and we answered: Hare Krsna,
AgtSP!!   Paoho. Thank you for your austerity. Report. We don't hear too much from you, so we feel that you must be doing well. Again, even with another name, the Blog is a place where we can communicate effectively. Private letters we can handle a few a month. Our eyes are getting old and we can communicate less and less this by computer. I think we will go to India next time through Australia, Hawaii etc?

Travel: Bazil (????), Lima fixed.

8 years ago by hps in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna,

We are leaving for Houston, Mexico, India within 45-minutes. Writing last minute urgent letters, packing, dangerous headache, but the Sankirtan is going ahead.

Yesterday we tried to finalize these tickets for South America. Lima was pretty easy. Not really easy, but we did it. We have a ticket to and from Lima: 21 June - 26 July. We were thinking some time in Peru and Bolivia and some time in Santiago.

Then we tried for TWO HARD hours to work out the Brazil ticket and nothing works. A direct flight is $1,500. There is one cheap ticket on Jet Blue - Azul through Florida, but that takes 24-hours and will go through four airports each direction. Then... the Visa is a lot of work and costs $160 for each entry. If we go on to Argentina and come back for our flight through Rio then that will be $320 for the Visa ...   so... at this point it seems like this Brazil, Argentina trip is not happening! .... .

We are trying our best but is lot of work to get reasonable tickets, and then the travel is very hard.

We are open to professional suggestions!