India Calendar Date 77% Fixed

7 years, 5 months ago by hps in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Dec 31 - Arrive Delhi 11.35 PM

Jan 1st to Tirupatti - Vaisnava Christian Dialog
5th to Chennai - SB Symposium
9th to Calcutta

Above fixed

18th to 25th, Manipur etc.
25th to Feb 1st, Delhi Vraja
Feb 1st to 8th Navi Mumbai, Pune etc
8th to 10th Calcutta
10th to 14th - Mayapura Guru, Sannyasi, GBC Sanga etc.

14th Kolkatta to Houston.

Please circulate this and start to fill in the details or suggest changes.

urgente Tulancingo

7 years, 6 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja:
Por favor acepte nuestras reverencias!
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!
Con mucha admiración siempre  leemos Sus reportes de prédica y salud. Muchas gracias por el gran ejemplo que nos da. Oramos a Sri Nrsimhadeva por Usted y para que siempre nos mantenga bajo Su refugio.

Gurumaharaja, hace unas semanas tuvimos reunión de hermanos espirituales.
El punto importante es presentarle a Usted la siguiente propuesta para Su próxima visita del 24 al 30 Diciembre.

-Distrito Federal
Sábado 24 al martes 27

Miércoles 28
Maha Harinama y distribución de libros.
Breve clase de BG.
Obra de teatro
Jueves 29
11:00 am Celebración de Vyasa-Puja
5::00pm Retorno al DF.

Hemos preguntado y los devotos de allá están muy felices con la idea. Lalita Gopi, Karuna Sakti y Asta Sakhi viajarán a Tulancingo el sábado 29 de Octubre para hablar formalmente con las autoridades, si Usted está de acuerdo .

Ayer hable con Prabhu Dharmaraja y él aceptó nuestra propuesta.

Gurumaharaja, le parece bien la propuesta?

Los devotos de Tulancingo son muy buenos anfitriones, en varias oportunidades están solicitando que Usted los visite pues tienen intereses de desarrollar el área de educación para niños y para su visita quieren inaugurar un nuevo centro de prédica más grande y apropiado para el desarrollo espiritual donde se promueva el arte y la educación.

Nosotros deseamos sinceramente  honrar su Vyasa-Puja, por favor necesitamos Sus instrucciones para que cause satisfacción, carecemos de inteligencia pero podemos esforzarnos, oramos para ser  bendecidos para escuchar las instrucciones con los oídos bien abiertos, tal como fue favorecido Manu por Kandarpa Muni.

Al igual que algunos hermanos espirituales, en algún momento hemos pensado, por qué debo pedir instrucciones públicamente en el blog o en presencia de otros?  En la clase de hoy, encontramos esta cita de Srila Prabhupada, Usted puede iluminarnos por favor.

La realidad es que un maestro espiritual genuino conoce la naturaleza de cada hombre en particular, y los deberes conscientes de Kṛṣṇa que puede ejecutar, y le instruye de acuerdo con ello. Le instruye por vía auditiva, no en privado, sino en público: ......

Perdone por favor nuestras ofensas.

Su eterna sirviente
Asta Sakhi dd.

Prabhu Vrajavasi de Celaya-Guanajuato  (Discípulo de Srila Prabhupada)
Dejó el cuerpo la semana pasada. No se si ud lo recuerda, estuvimos en su casa hace unos años atrás. 

HPS - We would like to help Tulan but too much travel for our body. Better stay in D.F.

Yes, we heard he left his body. Many people here mention it.

Some days we do Seminar on Sankirtan, book distribution?

American dream URGENT

7 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



I hope this meets U well

On July 2016 I applied for an american visa on october 17th I had my interview and today I received my visa !!!!!!

I bought a ticket to Houston.. I will be there from dic 4th to dic 14th.. So I will have your association!!!! Jaya.. I am also excited to meet Radha Nila Madhava in person. And my Godbrothers there.

I have a problem I am a little embarrased .. I was asking for help to Govinda pramonandini for accomodations.. but she does not asure me for proper accomodations.. Do U know who may help me???? Guest house is $50per day $700 just in accomodations is too much. Sorry GM for being so insolent in asking U for some help.

Also I would like to talk to u in Houston about the future of my professional life... I have some important questions that I will like to discuss in person.

We are ok actually PRETTY GOOD. Last year was very very hard for me but little by little by radha's mercy and yours I am 95%recover

Thank U all so much

See u soon

Your useless servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA -- Very interesting. AGTSP.  I guess we will be there during the 50th Anniversary and Gita jayanti.  Yes, calendar says 8-12th Dec there for us. Of course, Govinda p. Dasi is principal person to help. Jiva Goswami Das lives some distance from Temple and has his wife and daughter to accomodate.

Hari-lila Das lives about 20-minutes from Temple and we can't check with him because he is in India until the 7th.

In any case you should get in touch with Caitanya-caritamrta Das and his esteemed wife Subhra Devi Dasi. He is our disciple for long time, contractor, working with Temple projects. She is Principal for the Goswami Academy, Disciple of H. H. Bh. Caru Swami and very excellent, professionally certified and lots of word in public schools as a Teacher and then school Principal. She is very cheerful and intelligent person and because of you PhD in education, everything you should be in touch with her.

Maybe got visa but no place to stay!    Yet, good chance to show interest.
I will send a copy of this letter to them with copy to you.

...   Sent ... 

Super-girl goes to Houston! (For Krsna).

DC calander - sunday talk

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Pamho. AgtSP.

 So the temple president of DC has a few points that are outlined for Sunday talks. She likes to gear the speakers toward more unfamiliar audiences (we have a pretty big yoga community here). I was going to email this to you because she and VrajVihari would like to be cc’d on it. But I explained and gave her a brief synopsis of Psyhology and the Sacred and she was thrilled to hear it.

The talk is limited to 30 min with an additional 15-20 min Q&A period.

She did say that the Saturday prior will be open if you would like to host a workshop or lecture of any sort? Please let me know if this is something you’d like to consider.

HpS - You me and NGD just talked about this. "From Cradle to Cambridge - Education in ISKCON. Hanumatpresaka Swami has a long history of working int the area education in ISKCON which include deep involvement with H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami and the Bhaktivedanta Institute, Ranga-niketana - Manipuri Troupe. He is on the Executive Committe of the ISKCON Ministry of Education, and with his own ISKCON institution, NIOS, he has just participated in a profound, intercontinental symposium on Psychology and the Sacred with the National Library of Peru.

He will also report on Sunday school commercialy successful ISKCON Pre and Primary Schools etc. Come for general overview and opportunity to get involved in very practical programs.

Currently we have UMD lined up for 11/11. I’m not familiar with the school but they have a strong bhakti club and I’ll reach out to profs who may try to stage something bigger.

HpS - Let him see our clip of  "Psychology and the Sacred 2016", then we can talk with him personally and design a custom program.

Awaiting to get contact of hindu chaplain from Georgetown. He himself has a doctorate in theology so may be a good source of reaching out to dept.

HpS - Again, follow up NGD suggestion of contacting his friend, Dr. Shaligram Shukla in Sanskrit.

Will keep you updated!

*just to clarify—when I send a group text, you can see them right? Cause subala prabhu hasn’t responded either.*

HpS - When you send a group Text we only see your name and when we respond it only shows you as a recipient.  Hmmm.    Robots for Rama.
Thank you so much for your effort.

Kartik nearing

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

 Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to you!

I pray that your health gets better. Your last DTC made me sad but puts into perspective the vehicle that this body is. 

I did get the email about themes and content. Ananda Vrindavan mataji said she’d schedule you for the Sunday talk at Potomac, so I guess Vraj Vihari prabhu would best answer in regards to the themes.

Chandana and I are working to put an event at Virginia commonwealth university. we sent you an email to your nios account regarding that. 

In other news, I also asked Manoram Krishna das to perform the diksha yagya and he said yes and also told me of what I should bring and do to prepare. I was wondering if there is anything you expect that I should do in preparation as well? Please let me know and I will do my best to make it happen!

HpS - Nothing special.

I am still pondering what I should do for my kartik vrat. What would you recommend?

HpS - Damodara asta. Reading Vrndavana Dhama Mahimarta by Kusa Krata Das.

I'm jumping with excitement until your arrival. Thank you for your sincerity and mercy Maharaj. 

Your blundering servant ,


*the picture attached was Chant 4Change last week, an inter-faith festival where hundreds of people danced and sang the Hare Krishna mantra. It was a cool event. It rained all day, and when Radhanath Swami came up, the rain stopped and the sky had pink hues. 

HpS - Jaya!      There is another letter and we have talked a lot since this one. We will go to the other one.