Invitation to Chile - Early November 2018: Smaller Version Arte y Lo Sagrado Santiago / Programs with Devotees

6 years, 6 months ago by in Calendar Development

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

I’m very happy to communicate with you again regarding calendar development.

We are discussing here the program "Arte y Lo Sagrado" Santiago First Version. Once, you told me, in connection with the Congress of Education, that it doesn't matter if there is no too much advance[ment], but to say that, would be a kind of advance also. I suppose that is because we acknowledge it.

Anyway, the first step to close things is to ensure your great presence with us, after Peru. It means the first weeks of November. 

So, The purpose of this letter is inviting you here, is to participate in this program: Arte y Lo Sagrado. 6-8 November. The next program is not completely confirmed but is our dream. But we know that is not possible because of the time and because the first and second days the MCs are famous here and “expensive” ones. But we have a connection with everyone. So let us try.

HpS - AGTSP paoho.    At the ealiest we can catch a flight on 27th October from Lima to Santiago. Then we have to be back in Lima to catch a flight to Houston by the 21 November at 1.30AM.   Are these dates O.K.?     If we come a little later and leave a little earlier is there any specific problem?    Please confirm the visit with the Temple!!  Thank you.   The rest let us develop in consultation. Bit by bit.  



November 6th First Day: Theory

MC MC and interviewer at the end: Christian Warken

  • Why human look for the sacred -  An Psychoanalysis perspective. Beverly Zabriskie. (or the president of the Jungian Society in Chile)
  • Vaisnava Vedanta Explication about the Human Nature – Hanumatpresaka Swami (The title is a subtle reference to the book: “14 Theories of the Human Nature” from Oxford University Press, in which one David Haberman have participated like co-author:. Very interesting. He contributed the Hinduism part)
  • Aesthetics and its origins – Claudia Lira

November 7th Second Day: Praxis

MC and interviewer at the end: Cristian Contreras (aka Dr. File)

  • Arte Precolombino – Ramón Mujica
  • Poesía Sagrada – Raúl Zurita. We already spoke a little bit to him about this program and he wants to help and he will be here in Chile at that time.
  • Bhagavatam Purana and  Music (Radhika Ramana originally, considering the second part of his 2013 book like editor along with Krishna Ksetra Maharaja, called The Bhagavata Purana Sacred Text and Living Tradition. But Abhirama already told us about his agenda troubles, so you will even better speaker about the Bhagavata Purana and his connection with the music, drama, dance or directly and exclusively about song, hari kirtana, like you want).

November 8th Last Day: Living the experience

The idea of this day is to LIVE the sacred art… or the art unto the sacred. So, we are not clear what is the best. But here the proposap.

  • Hare Krishna movie Jhon Grieser. 600 seats. Cine Arte Normandie. 7th Art. Cinema.
  • Maha Mantra Mantra Session with musical instruments and little Classical Music to the God.
  • Classical Music of India; Dance and Concert.


Our guests would be:

Raúl Zurita

Raúl Zurita is one of Latin America’s most celebrated and controversial poets. After Augusto Pinochet’s 1973 military coup, Zurita’s poetry sought to register the atrocities committed against the Chilean people and the corruption of the Spanish language. During the dictatorship that lasted from 1973 to 1990, Zurita published a trilogy of books (Purgatory, Anteparadise, and The New Life), wrote poems in the sky above New York City[i], bulldozed poems in the Chilean desert, and helped to form the art collective “Colectivo de Accion de Arte” that used performance as an act of political resistance.

Of his early poetry, C.D. Wright has written: “Under the eyes of church and dictatorship, he began to write and publish his poetry, juxtaposing secular and sacred, ruled and unruled. With a mysterious admixture of logic and logos, Christian Symbols, brain scans, graphics, and a medical report, Zurita expanded the formal repertoire of his language, of poetic materials, pushing back against the ugly vapidity of rule by force.”

Zurita was awarded the Chilean National Prize for Literature, a scholarship from the Guggenheim Foundation, and he has held poetry readings at numerous American universities including Harvard, Yale, Stanford and Berkeley. His books in English translation include Anteparadise (translated by Jack Schmitt), Purgatory (translated by Anna Deeny), INRI (translated by William Rowe) and Song for His Disappeared Love (translated by Daniel Borzutzky).

Claudia Lira Latuz

La profesora Lira es doctor © en Filosofía, mención en Estética y Teoría del Arte, Universidad de Chile; es Magíster en Teoría e Historia del Arte, Universidad de Chile (2002); Licenciada en Estética PUC (1992) y Profesora de Filosofía, U. Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (1991). También tiene estudios de postgrado en Cultura Andina. CBC, Cusco - Perú (1995-97 y 2001); en Ciencias de la Religión. UHC (1993-94) así como en Neurociencia y Meditación (2013-2015).

Final Words:

The teacher Claudia Lire went to China to make one of her latest research: The role of the aesthetic experience of nature in artistic creation in Chinese landscape painting and poetry. (Santander China Grant 2015). On the other hand, Cecilia Montero just releases her book “De la Ciencia a la Conciencia” with a strong support from the mass media here in Chile.

However, we didn’t know how to insert these topics in the structure presented above; theory, praxis and living the experience. So, maybe you could suggest something.

We are planning to invest even more efforts in marketing, and we realize that if the people should register themselves, prior to go to the event, and send reminders the day before, ensuring that the people really feel engage and works.

So, we think that we can this year we can try another time: 5 pm. So, would be like a seminar. In this case, they should ask permission to the bosses to attend, unless the main topics is related to their work directly. So, in this case, attend “Arte y Lo Sagrado” will be something obligatory.

Regarding the program itself, we propose shorter presentations, but with a interviewer at the end, who could make some good questions. I have seen that this scheme work very well in lighter programs. Meanwhile, Arte y lo Sagrado will be tougher, powerful content, but this is just a proposal.

Thank you so much for giving us your valuable time.


Hare Krsna gurudev.


Jagad Guru Das

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6 years, 6 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development


Preguntaré a los Templos si tienen Upadesamritas. Estaré unos dias sin internet. Nos vamos seis dias con Avesa Rupa y Adiras a Asturias (Norte de España).

En cuanto lo sepa se lo comunico.


Jayanta das

HpS - Thank you.  AgtSP!!


6 years, 6 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna:

Bueno, confirmamos itinerario para hacer los carteles.

---Sale el dia 29/08 y llega el dia 30/08 a las 6:30 am (NVM)

---Dia 31/08 sale para BCN (Seminario Upadesamrita) (31,01, 02)

---Dia 03/09 despues de la clase de la mañana sale para NVM (Janmastami) (03,04,05,06)

---Dia 07/09 Programa Sat Sanga en casa de Jayanta. El programa es por la tarde a las 19horas. En septiembre casi todos estan trabajando. Podemos venir por la mañana de NVM y comer aq`ui en casa. Hay espacio para descansar. Tambien estaran en casa Avesa Rupa y Adi ras, pero hay espacio suficiente para estar todos tranquilos. En el Templo de Madrid estarán con los preparativos Ratha Yatra.

---Dia 08/09 Ratha Yatra Madrid (09, Fiesta Dominical, 10 y 11) Seminario Upadesamrita

12/09 vuelta a USA.

Cuando confirme comenzamos con los carteles.

El texto podría quedar así. Pienso que en el español de España suena algo mejor:


¡Ven y pasa tres minutos con un genio! (Rupa Goswami)

Rupa Goswami y sus seguidores dominaron el mundo de la metafísica india del siglo XV. Abandonó su cargo de Primer Ministro del opulento Reino de Bengala para convertirse en un santo mendicante inmerso en las melosidades internas del amor por Dios.

Él resumió toda su sabiduría en el “Upadesamrita”. ¡Te invitamos a bañarte en las refrescantes aguas de sus enseñanzas!

Presentado por Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami, embajador de Rupa Goswami en occidente.

Espero su amén o comentarios.


Jayanta das

HpS - ASA -  Bastante bueno.

1. Otra vez, tiene Upadesamrta disponible en cuantidad en todo sitios?  Si no, tenemos permiso imprimir unos para la predica de Hanuman Das.

2. Tambien, si hay oportunidad conversar con poetas, artistas, academicos, locos (super-sanos) en sus casas durante esta visita muy bien.  Arte y lo Sagrado. ( "NIOS Image")

3. Tenemos pelicula del Rathayatra 1977 con Jayananda, todo qu podemo mostrar en su casa vienes etc.

4. Muy bien!!!       Sankirtan eterno!!


6 years, 6 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Hare Krisna Gurudev: Pamho

Me pregunta Cristina de Barcelona que lo del seminario que horario y fecha tendría,etc

Haribol Jayanta! No sé qué discípulos tiene en Barcelona. Pero lo podemos organizar nosotros sin problema. Hay un devoto que siempre hace los carteles para los cursos del templo.

Me puedes dar la información de en qué formato quiere hacerlo? Quiero decir horario y otros detalles...

Cristina es la hermana de Yadunandana Swami y se encarga de hacer la publicidad en el Templo de Barcelona. Pregunta por el horario y los dias del seminario.

Espero su respuesta


Jayanta da

HpS - Hare Krsna.   Puede ser Viernes y Sabado por la tarde en hora que es bueno para ellos. Entonces puede incluyir la hora de festival de domingo tambien. Puede decir:

Rupa Goswami y sus seguidores dominaron el mundo de la metafísica india del siglo XV. Fue primer ministro del reino bengalí fabulosamente opulento, pero dejó todo para convertirse en un santo inmerso en las melosidades internas del amor de Dios.
Él resumió toda su sabiduría en el Upadesamrta. Ven y pasa tres minutos con un genio.

Hay buen pinturas de Rupa Goswami en el internet. Necesita NOI para vender!   Si no hay, puede imprimir, tenmos permiso de Hanuman Das, BBT.

Mas!!!   Puede hacer la misma en Madrid, no???    Exito!!   El nuevo ISKCON espana.


URGENT: Cultivation of the Human Spirit

6 years, 6 months ago by Sugopi Radha dd in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Maharaja, can you please give me a description of the talk "Cultivation of the Human Spirit" for advertisement. Thank you so much.

Your servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi Dasi


HpS - AGTSP!     paoho...     Thank you.  We will be in Boise in 34 days, 1 hour. If you do to our archives and look down to "lob" you will find a poster and a "symposium production" file. Tell us if those are sufficient.

I think they will be a good start but maybe you will want more material. This can be the first time for the Symposium. Then we we can do it again in 2019. You can say it is being co-sponsored by NIOS We can print one of the pictures as a blow up. I think Ananta rupa Das has come of those already. It is an unlimited preaching tool!




Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami !!


First of all, allow me to apologize for this long absence in sending reports to the Blog. I speak with you every week, but, I know that your communication and organization system of your Sankirtana revolves on the basis of the Blog, therefore, I sincerely ask you to excuse me for this long delay, I will try to be regular by sending reports every two weeks.


HpS - ASA -- Yes!   Thank you so so very much. I guess the main point is that we, Hanumatpresaka Swami, only have a small part in the organization these programs in the Anjana Suta Academy. We apologize that we have not been able to communicate that enough.

Especially in "Art and the Sacred", it very much depends on working with NIOS, as a branch of ASA. Unless we get regular coordination of the work through this Blog we will get into very big problems. Now with just three months until this program things are becoming crucial.  This work is so important for all of ISKCON. This program is one of the premier programs in all of ISKCON.


In relation to the advancement of ART AND THE SACRED, this is the program that we are advancing:



October 24, 25 and 26. Mario Vargas Llosa Auditorium, of the National Library of Peru.





ASA - When does the hall open?

6: 00-6: 10 Musical Number / Welcome Words

6: 10-6: 20 Message from the President of NIOS (recorded video).

ASA - I will warn him to organize. Maybe he can even come?

6: 20-6: 30 Words from the Ambassador of India

ASA - Confirmed?  Who is he?


Art as a way to transmit sacred knowledge.

1st Table [Panel Presention] and 2nd Table

Finish with dance/music??





Eternity, knowledge and blessedness [bliss].


1st Table and 2nd Table






Knowing the transcendent and enjoying the transcendence


FINAL REFLECTIONS (five exhibitors)


Next week we have a meeting with Ramón Mujica to refine the names of the Symposium days (welcome suggestions). And then with Miguel Polo to see the progress of SOLARIS No. 3, Krishna through, we hope to have the magazine ready in mid-September.


The brochure of THE ART AND THE SACRED have already been received by Beverley in Bogotá-Colombia, there they will distribute them in the VIII Latin American Congress of Jungian Psychology.


For the artistic presentations we have a good reception with the embassies of India, Japan (Flute and Harp) and China (Erhu, the Chinese violin), also our Sufi friend can present a dance of 10 minutes.


That is all for now. Hare Krishna respected Gurudeva, his insignificant servant, Abhiram Thakur das.

HpS - Yes, just 13-weeks to develop all of this. Even less since a lot of the work should be done in Solaris.
We sould suggest that we focus on Solaris to organize the participation, who will join us, and what will be the content of the Symposium.

We want to reach new people and get them involved with our programs, our ideas, our books, our community, our discussion. We want to involve the ISKCON National Council.

We want to develop more relations with old friends.


You list the event as just these three days in the evenings. Won't there also be other pre-events and even events during the day?

Who has confirmed attendance? How will we host them?

Is your budget suficient?

Please send copies of the contract with the National Museum to the Blog. It is essential. We really HAVE to have these in your next report if we want NIOS to participate. They are a slow bunch in many ways.

We would suggest we start and finish each evening with a musical/dance item and then divide the rest of the evening into two parts as you have done, but we would suggest starting with a longer presentation, say 40-minutes with one presenter and then 20-minutes for questions and answers with the audience and the other participants. Of course, we want to have audio record of everything so we can make movies, articles for Solaris.

In the second half we have would suggest three panelists of twenty minutes each and then twenty minutes of questions and comments by other panelists and the audience.

Themes can answer Hector's three questions:

1. Describe the community with which you identify yourself.

2. Describe what is sacred in that community and

3. Describe how Art allows members of the community to realize the Sacred.

To this we could add the topics:

4. Describe how Art in your life and community, or in the life of some one else, for example, Stanislavskii,  has or is being used to realize the Sacred and to communicate the Sacred to others.

5. Can the world be happy, free from wars and violence, without profound realization of the Sacred through Art?

Esteemed Blog members. Please join in this project. Help the Thakura and his marvelous associates: Nitya-kishori, Luis Tunino et al.

Organize this Symposium in other places, Arrequipa, Chile.

We will arrive Lima about the 24th September. We would love to join other events for this topic in Lima and I think we would also go out to La Paz and Arrequipa. We are discussing this with Mathuresha Das.

What do the members of the National Council etc. think.

24th October we would go to Santiago and come back about one month later. Stay in Lima maybe only one or two nights.

Thank you again. Thank you for the pictures. Hope your family, body and business are go very well.



9no. Informe de EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

¡Todas las glorias a Hanumatpresaka Swami!

En primer lugar, permítame disculparme por esta larga ausencia en el envío de informes al blog. Hablo con usted todas las semanas, pero, sé que su sistema de comunicación y organización de su Sankirtana giran en base al blog, por eso, sinceramente le pido me excuse por esta larga demora, tratare de ser regular haciendo envíos cada dos semanas.


En relación al avance de EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO este es el programa que estamos avanzado:


24, 25 y 26 de octubre

Auditorio Mario Vargas Llosa, de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú.




6:00-6:10 Número Musical / Palabras de bienvenida

6:10-6:20 Mensaje del Presidente de NIOS (video grabado)

6:20-6:30 Palabras del Embajador de la India


El arte como camino para trasmitir conocimientos sagrados.

1era Mesa y 2da Mesa




Eternidad, conocimiento y bienaventuranza.

1era Mesa y 2da Mesa





Conociendo lo trascendente y disfrutando la trascendencia

REFLEXIONES FINALES (cinco expositores)


La próxima semana tenemos una reunión con Ramón Mujica para afinar los nombres de los días del Simposio (bienvenidas las sugerencias). Y luego con Miguel Polo para ver el avance de SOLARIS No 3, Krishna mediante, esperamos tenerla lista la revista a mediados de setiembre.

Las separatas de EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO ya las recibió Beverley en Bogotá- Colombia, ahí las van a distribuir en el VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Psicología Junguiana.


Para las presentaciones artísticas contamos con una buena acogida con las embajadas de India, Japón (Flauta y Arpa) y China (Erhu, el violín chino), también nuestro amigo sufí puede presentar un baile de 10 minutos.

Hare Krishna respetado Guru Maharaja, su insignificante sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.